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Test Coverage
Condition values of type `boolean` and `number` will now be converted to strings. Both variants are accepted by IAM. Though, both, the IAM dcumentation and the IAM console, prefer strings. For consistency, Floyd will now also start to use strings.


:warning: **Removed resource types:**

- ec2:spot-instance-request

**New services:**

- location

**New actions:**

- ec2:CreateNetworkInsightsPath
- ec2:DeleteNetworkInsightsAnalysis
- ec2:DeleteNetworkInsightsPath
- ec2:DeleteQueuedReservedInstances
- ec2:DeleteTransitGatewayConnect
- ec2:DeleteTransitGatewayConnectPeer
- ec2:DescribeIpv6Pools
- ec2:GetAssociatedIpv6PoolCidrs
- ec2:GetGroupsForCapacityReservation
- ec2:ModifyAvailabilityZoneGroup
- ec2:ModifyVpnConnectionOptions
- ec2:RejectTransitGatewayMulticastDomainAssociations
- ec2:StartNetworkInsightsAnalysis

**New resource types:**

- cloudformation:stackset-target
- cloudformation:type
- ec2:elastic-ip
- ec2:export-image-task
- ec2:host-reservation
- ec2:import-image-task
- ec2:import-snapshot-task
- ec2:ipv4pool-ec2
- ec2:ipv6pool-ec2
- ec2:network-insights-analysis
- ec2:network-insights-path
- ec2:spot-fleet-request
- ec2:spot-instances-request
- ec2:transit-gateway-connect-peer

**New condition keys:**

- ec2:VolumeThroughput