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<a name="v0.6.4"></a>

## [v0.6.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.6.3...v0.6.4)

> 2024-09-25

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* restructure and optimize task management

  Extract methods for checking agent status, removing task statuses, and abandoning tasks into private methods. Ensure database connections are properly cleared after execution.

* streamline attack stepper rendering

  Replace inline attack rendering with collection rendering in the campaign show view. Adjust attack stepper partial to integrate with the new stepper methodology, improving code readability and maintainability.

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* update CHANGELOG for v0.6.4 release

  Include documentation for new features, refactoring efforts, and improved documentation for models. Notable changes include HTTP caching, the addition of an after_transition hook, and restructuring of task and attack management code.

* simplify and restructure Attack model documentation

  Refactored the documentation for the Attack model by removing unnecessary details and organizing it for better readability. Improved the structure by grouping related sections and adding concise explanations to methods and state transitions.

* add detailed documentation for Campaign model

  Added comprehensive class-level and method documentation for the Campaign model. This includes explanations of priorities, state transitions, associations, and method functionalities to enhance code readability and maintainability.

### Features πŸš€

* add caching with fresh_when to controllers

  This commit adds fresh_when to hash_lists and campaigns controllers. This enables HTTP caching, improving performance and reducing redundant data delivery to clients.

* add after_transition hook for resume event

  This commit adds an after_transition hook to the Task model for the resume event. When a task transitions to the resume state, it now updates the task to set the stale attribute to true. This ensures tasks marked as resumed are properly flagged as stale.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* pause lower priority campaigns during status update

  Add functionality to pause lower-priority campaigns within the `UpdateStatusJob` job. This ensures that resources are allocated more efficiently and higher priority tasks receive the necessary attention.

* update dependency versions in lock files

<a name="v0.6.3"></a>

## [v0.6.3](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.6.2...v0.6.3)

> 2024-09-23

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* remove deprecated browser version check

  Removed the `allow_browser` method, which checked for modern browser versions. This simplifies the application controller and ensures compatibility with the latest browser capability checks.

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* streamline hash list rendering in views

  Simplify rendering of hash lists by using a partial in the index view. Consolidate the logic of individual hash list items and use Turbo Streams for dynamic content updates.

* simplify layout and make navbar persistent

  Replaced individual Turbo tags with a combined method for clarity. Ensured the navbar retains its state with `data-turbo-permanent` attribute.

* extract user and project rows into partials

  Refactored admin index view to use partials for user and project rows. This change improves code readability and reusability. Added caching for partials to enhance performance.

* optimize agent views and improve authorization

  Refactored agent views to use partial rendering and caching for efficiency. Updated the authorization logic to include Task management permissions. This improves both code maintainability and performance.

### Features πŸš€

* move toggle visibility feature to campaigns controller

  Replaced the toggle hide completed activities functionality from the home controller to the campaigns controller. Updated routes and views accordingly to reflect this change, improving feature organization and routing logic consistency.

* add delete button with confirmation to item list

  Introduce a delete option for items in the list with a confirmation prompt to ensure the user intends to delete the item. This adds an additional layer of security to prevent accidental deletions.

* add toggle for hiding completed activities

  Implemented a toggle button for users to hide or show completed activities in campaigns and attacks. Updated the user model and routes to support this feature and enhanced the UI with the necessary components.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated CHANGELOG.md

* update CHANGELOG for v0.6.3 release

  Include features like delete button for items, toggle for hiding completed activities, and refactorings for views and layout. Also note style changes and bug fixes for deprecated browser checks.

* upgrade package versions in yarn.lock and Gemfile.lock

  Upgraded several dependencies in both yarn.lock and Gemfile.lock files. Updated caniuse-lite, active_storage_validations, and multiple AWS SDK components to their latest versions to ensure compatibility and security.

* update database environment variable in CI config

  Replace DB_HOST with DATABASE_URL for CircleCI test environment. This change ensures the correct database connection string is used during CI builds.

* add wget package to Docker setup

  Updated the Dockerfile and dockerfile.yml configuration to include the wget package. This addition ensures wget is available in the Docker environment for network operations.

* add SQL dialect config and update CI workflow

  Added .idea/sqldialects.xml to specify PostgreSQL dialect for the project. Updated CI.yml to use DATABASE_URL environment variable for the test database configuration.

* remove unused resource limits and replicas in docker

  This commit removes the resource limits and replicas definitions from docker-compose.yml, as they were not being used effectively. The removal simplifies the configuration and reduces potential confusion related to resource management in the Docker setup.

### Style Changes 🎨

* Standardize Dockerfile stage names to uppercase aliases

  Ensure consistent capitalization for Dockerfile AS stage names for clarity and readability. This change does not affect functionality but helps maintain a uniform style across the Dockerfile.

<a name="v0.6.2"></a>

## [v0.6.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2)

> 2024-09-22

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* ensure campaign timestamp updates on hash cracking

  Add touch method to campaign when a hash is cracked to update the campaign's timestamp. This change avoids potential issues with outdated campaign state information.

* correct complexity_value comparison

  Changed the comparison method for complexity_value to ensure it accurately checks for zero values as a float instead of an integer. This should prevent potential issues related to type mismatches during the comparison.

* remove touch option and modify callbacks and methods

  The `touch` option was removed from the `belongs_to :campaign` association. The `after_create` callback was updated to `after_create_commit`. The `update_stored_complexity` method now updates the record directly, and the `force_complexity_update` method no longer calls `save`.

* reduce retry attempts and log line count

  Reduced retry attempts for ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError to minimize job delays. Added logging of line count to help monitor job execution and file processing.

* use after_commit instead of after_save for update_line_count

  Changed the callback from after_save to after_commit to ensure update_line_count is called only after the transaction is committed. This prevents potential issues with partially completed transactions affecting the line count update.

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* optimize database migrations for hash_items and agents

  Apply bulk changes in database migrations for hash_items and agents tables. This improvement uses the change_table method, streamlining the removal and addition of columns.

* update campaign table for improved responsiveness

  Changed the table class to 'table-sm' for better mobile view compatibility. Realigned the indentation for better code readability. This improves the presentation and maintainability of the campaigns list.

* extract attack stepper line into partial

  Moved attack stepper line rendering logic to a partial. This change improves readability and makes the code easier to maintain by encapsulating repeated components.

### Features πŸš€

* add PWA support and update browser handling

  Introduce PWA support with new service worker and manifest files. Update routes and asset files to accommodate PWA requirements. Modify CSS and add browser version handling in application controller.

* add progress tracking and enhance status display

  Introduce methods to track current iteration, device speed, and progress percentages in the Attack and HashcatStatus models. Updated the Task, Campaign, and view files to utilize these new methods, providing more detailed and organized information about attack progress and status.

* display current running attack on agent show page

  Add logic to display a link to the current running attack on the agent's show page. This includes a new method in the Agent model to retrieve the current running attack, if any.

* update status pill indicator for running status

  Replace status icon with a spinner for "running" status. This change enhances visual feedback by showing an animated indicator instead of a static icon when the status is "running".

* implement caching to improve performance

  Added Rails caching to multiple methods and queries to reduce database load and improve application performance. Introduced Redis as the cache store in the production environment for enhanced caching support.

* enhance docker-compose for production deployments

  Updated healthchecks for services to use HTTP checks and added resource constraints and deployment configuration for better resource management and reliability. Introduced `sidekiq_alive` gem for improved Sidekiq monitoring and updated various dependencies to their latest versions.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* update CHANGELOG for v0.6.2 release

* Remove changelog file

  Deleted changelog.yml to simplify repository structure. This file was moved to alternative documentation methods.

* Update dependencies and clean up Gemfile and .gitignore

  Updated various dependencies in yarn.lock and Gemfile.lock, including chokidar, electron-to-chromium, nodemon, sass, and turbo-rails. Removed spring and rack-mini-profiler from the Gemfile. Also cleaned up .gitignore and adjusted the require statement for the debug gem.

* enhance docker setup and optimize build process

  Simplified .dockerignore patterns and centralized docker-compose resources and environment variables. Modularized Dockerfile build stages for better caching and added parallel setup option in config/dockerfile.yml.

* delete .idea/sqldialects.xml

  Remove obsolete IDE configuration file. This cleanup helps in maintaining a cleaner repository by eliminating unnecessary project-specific settings.

<a name="v0.6.1"></a>

## [v0.6.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1)

> 2024-09-19

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Fixed deployment issues discovered in 0.6.0 ([#186](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/186))

  * chore: Update dependencies and fix typo in schema comment

Upgraded `puma`, `caniuse-lite`, `nodemon`, and `sass` to their latest versions as specified. Corrected a typo in the `priority` comment of the `campaigns` table in the database schema.

* feat: add job and methods for calculating mask complexity

Introduce MaskCalculationMethods module and CalculateMaskComplexityJob to compute mask complexities. Updated models and specs to support the new complexity calculation logic, ensuring accurate and efficient complexity value updates for mask lists.

* fix: correct spelling of "Deferred" in campaign comments

Corrected the spelling of "Defered" to "Deferred" in comments within factories, models, and specs for campaigns. This change does not impact functionality but improves code clarity and correctness.

* refactor: change job queue from high to ingest

Updated the queue name for CountFileLinesJob from "high" to "ingest". This change ensures the job is processed in the correct queue aligned with our job prioritization strategy.

* feat: add resource limits and healthchecks to services

Set CPU and memory limits for various services to improve resource allocation. Added healthcheck configurations for resilience. Also corrected the MINIO_ENDPOINT environment variable for better reliability.

* chore: update CHANGELOG with new version details

<a name="v0.6.0"></a>

## [v0.6.0](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.4...v0.6.0)

> 2024-09-18

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* update schema and add task completion checks

  Renamed agent's 'active' field to 'enabled' and updated related comments in the schema. Added `mark_attacks_complete` callback in Campaign model to manage the task completion process dynamically. Refined task assignment logic in the Agent model to enhance performance and reliability.

* correct typos and streamline HTML elements

  Corrected a spelling error in the campaign model's comments and streamlined the table row ID and iteration syntax in the campaign and attack partials for better readability and consistency.

* ensure proper error handling and task updates

  Corrected error handling in task acceptance and alignment issues. Enhanced task update logic to prevent stale state overlap by excluding affected task IDs.

* display status for unprocessed line counts

  Previously, line counts were always shown even if they were not processed. Now, the view renders "pending" for items that haven't been processed, improving clarity for users.

* add set_projects before_action for new/edit/create/update

  Add a before_action to set accessible projects in both WordLists and RuleLists controllers. This ensures that project data is available for these actions, improving code consistency and maintainability.

* Fixed a 500 error on the activities page when there are no tasks for an attack

* Simplified the permissions structure and added extensive tests

  We were initially planning on having numerous roles per project, with different user levels having different capabilities, but that proved more complicated than it was worth. We removed all that, so any project member can manage anything within the project, but only a site admin can manage shared items. We then wrote extensive RSpec tests to validate this.

* Updated the count file lines job to simplify it.

* Added tests and improvements to Project and Agent access control

  We are implementing more granular control over abilities within the system, based not just on whether the user is an admin but also on their permissions on the projects associated with the resources. This cleanup effort involves writing controller tests to verify that permissions are working and fixing any situations where the tests fail. We started with the resources that aren’t children of projects.

* Resolved a minor issue with shared masks not showing up in the attack editor

* Resolved a weird bug breaking the docker builds

* Resolved a weird bug breaking the docker builds

* SubmitAgentError no longer generates a cascading error if task isn’t found

* Fixed an issue with the activity feed erroring when a mask list was running

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* correct typo in priority enum comment

  Fixed a typo in the campaign priority enum comment within the migration. Changed 'Defered' to 'Deferred' to ensure accurate documentation.

* rename agent field `active` to `enabled`

  Renamed the `active` field to `enabled` in the `Agent` model for better clarity. Updated associated views, tests, and database schema migration accordingly.

* Merged updates from issue 47

### Features πŸš€

* add priority to campaigns

  Introduced a priority enum to the Campaign model, with updated DB schema and associated logic. Enhanced CampaignsController to handle the new priority attribute and extended the Campaign model with new methods and callbacks for priority management.

* Attacks are now sorted by their complexity

  We did significant refactoring across the entire application, including adding comments to nearly every class to make it easier to understand and enhance IDE’s understanding of the objects. We also calculated how complex an attack and the various attack resources might be so that we could automatically sort attacks with the easiest ones first. I’m sure I missed something in the calculation, but it’s a start.

* Upgraded to Rails 7.2

* Added a blank slate component

  I added a blank slate component to all the index pages to show when there is nothing and instruct the user to add an item. I also cleaned up the loading of associated resources in the view files by moving them into the controller and making them more reliable.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated CHANGELOG.md

* disable RbsMissingTypeSignature inspection tool

  The RbsMissingTypeSignature inspection tool has been disabled in the project settings. This change sets the tool's warning level to WEAK WARNING and ensures it is not enabled by default.

* update docker-compose and remove sidekiq-worker

  Remove sidekiq-worker service from both docker-compose and production configurations, and add Redis volume configuration and health check. Adjust replication and restart policy settings for increased reliability and streamlined service management.

* update dependencies in Gemfile.lock and yarn.lock

* Updated version of Ruby to 3.3.5

* Minor formatting changes

* Updated changelog




<a name="v0.5.4"></a>

## [v0.5.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.3-001...v0.5.4)

> 2024-09-02

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Added rexml dependency

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated changelog

<a name="v0.5.3-001"></a>

## [v0.5.3-001](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.3...v0.5.3-001)

> 2024-09-02

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Updated changelog format to include comments

  We use an automatic changelog generator (git-chglog) and often include comment bodies to explain a change in our commits further. This update to the configuration will now include those explanations.

### Features πŸš€

* Upgraded ruby and rails versions ([#181](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/181))

  * feat: Upgraded ruby and rails versions

* ci: Updated CircleCI config for new ruby

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Update .gitattributes ([#180](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/180))

  Changed gitattributes to always use crlf, since we use dev containers on windows, so it should always be consistent with Unix formats.

### Test Changes πŸ§ͺ

* Added basic controller tests and cleaned up identified issues

  I created bare stubs that test each controller action that is accessible via HTTP GET. This revealed a few routes that were either wholly unneeded or severely broken. I will continue adding more tests to flesh out the permissions model as I lock down some of the features to different roles.

<a name="v0.5.3"></a>

## [v0.5.3](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.2...v0.5.3)

> 2024-08-28

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Resolved issue preventing the pause button from functioning

### Features πŸš€

* Updating an attack now resets it and makes it available

### Maintenance Changes 🧹


<a name="v0.5.2"></a>

## [v0.5.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.1-001...v0.5.2)

> 2024-08-27

<a name="v0.5.1-001"></a>

## [v0.5.1-001](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5.1...v0.5.1-001)

> 2024-08-26

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Added cascade on foreign keys to remove children of hash lists if hash lists are deleted

* Fixed major bug preventing creation of new campaigns

<a name="v0.5.1"></a>

## [v0.5.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.5...v0.5.1)

> 2024-08-26

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Resolved a weird bug breaking the docker builds

* SubmitAgentError no longer generates a cascading error if task isn’t found

* Fixed an issue with the activity feed erroring when a mask list was running

### Maintenance Changes 🧹



<a name="v0.5"></a>

## [v0.5](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.4.2...v0.5)

> 2024-08-25

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Removed constraint on duplicate hashes

  There was a weird bug where the hash item would get created as a duplicate but could never be updated or cracked because it didn’t meet validation. While fixing this, I realized that we might actually want duplicate hashes because there may be multiple users with the same password in a dump, and the metadata would differentiate them.

* Agents only re-benchmark if they have no benchmarks

* Fix blank users being created

* Invalid benchmarks no longer block updates

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Minor cleanup of erb files

* DRY’d up the attack resources and fixed the attack validations

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Grammer-checked the primary project documents

### Features πŸš€

* Major improvements in visual consistency and UI

* Simplified attacks to only allow one each of resource files

  The attack logic was becoming incredibly unwieldy because we were supporting combinator attacks. Every other attack type allows a single word list, rule list, or mask list. Support for combinators broke the UI and made the data structures more complex. We removed combinators and recommend just precalculating the combinator attacks as word lists.

* Added soft deletion to attacks and campaigns

### Maintenance Changes 🧹


* Bumped yarn packages

<a name="v0.4.2"></a>

## [v0.4.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2)

> 2024-08-06

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fixed issue with benchmarks not being submitted correctly

  For some reason, it only seemed to show up once we moved to benchmarking everything. Now, it is more resilient to write errors.

* Refactor of API to 1.4 to make it more standardized. ([#168](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/168))

* Significantly improved standardization of the API

  I made quite a few refactors to the agent API, but it is a significant breaking change.


* Tasks are no longer stale when the zaps are downloaded

### Features πŸš€

* Agents are now notified if there’s new cracks or the task is paused


### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* delete backup files created in last merge

* Updated changelog

<a name="v0.4.1"></a>

## [v0.4.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.4.0-20240729...v0.4.1)

> 2024-07-31

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Changed the agent benchmarks to aggregate benchmarks

  For systems with multiple GPUs, the benchmark listing showed the speed of each GPU for the various hashes. While this might be useful for some, it was confusing and messy for most. It now adds the speeds of all GPUs for each hash, which more accurately reflects how Hashcat would use them.

* Removed unused agent properties

  We added several properties to smooth the transition from Hashtopolis, but they didn’t make sense for CipherSwarm’s use case. We have removed them to clean up the functionality.

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Removed FOSSA scan that never really worked

### Features πŸš€

* Agents are now notified if there’s new cracks or the task is paused


### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated changelog

* Updated changelog

### Test Changes πŸ§ͺ

* Restored test for ordered methods

  We used to test whether methods were in alphabetical order, but the Rubocop plugin that did that broke. Now that it’s working again, we are testing it again.

<a name="v0.4.0-20240729"></a>

## [v0.4.0-20240729](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.4...v0.4.0-20240729)

> 2024-07-29

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Tasks are no longer stale when the zaps are downloaded

### Features πŸš€

* Agents are now notified if there’s new cracks or the task is paused


### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated changelog

<a name="v0.4"></a>

## [v0.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.4...v0.4)

> 2024-07-29

### Features πŸš€

* Agents are now notified if there’s new cracks or the task is paused


### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated changelog

<a name="v0.3.4"></a>

## [v0.3.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.3-20240622...v0.3.4)

> 2024-07-23

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Completing the hash list now completes the campaign

* Hash list ingest now handles duplicate values correctly

* Allow longer hash values

* Made line_count larger on Rule and Word Lists

* Added text to confirm tasks are deleted with attacks

### Features πŸš€

* Added ability to pause campaigns

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated change log

* Bumped dependencies

<a name="v0.3.3-20240622"></a>

## [v0.3.3-20240622](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.3-20240622)

> 2024-06-22

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Improved job queues fo high volume system

### Maintenance Changes 🧹


<a name="v0.3.3"></a>

## [v0.3.3](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3)

> 2024-06-21

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Removed duplicate notifications on index pages

* Word and Rule Lists now require a project if marked sensitive

* Jobs now retry 3 times when a record is not found

  This fixes an issue with a hash, word, or rules list being deleted before it was fully ingested and the processing job just continually trying forever.

* Clean up excessive hashcat statuses

### Features πŸš€

* Benchmark speed is now show in SI units

* Improved Large File Upload

  The upload forms now use direct upload using Javascript to significantly improve performance and handle extremely large files.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated ChangeLog

<a name="v0.3.2"></a>

## [v0.3.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2)

> 2024-06-17

### Features πŸš€

* Added support for sending OpenCL device limits

<a name="v0.3.1"></a>

## [v0.3.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.0-20240618...v0.3.1)

> 2024-06-17

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fixed issue with view hash list permission

* Standardized the titles of pages

* Fix issue with font broken on isolated network

  The theme we were using was trying to reach out to google fonts API and was causing the turbo refreshes to hang. Just switched back to the default bootstrap theme until we move to flowbite.

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Updated changelog

<a name="v0.3.0-20240618"></a>

## [v0.3.0-20240618](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.0-20240617...v0.3.0-20240618)

> 2024-06-16

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fixed minor bugs preventing deployment in docker

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* updated changelog

<a name="v0.3.0-20240617"></a>

## [v0.3.0-20240617](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.0-20240616...v0.3.0-20240617)

> 2024-06-16

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* included master.key in docker container

<a name="v0.3.0-20240616"></a>

## [v0.3.0-20240616](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.0-20240616)

> 2024-06-15

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Included master.key to fix deployment

  We don't use any encrypted credentials, so there's no reason not to just include it. IF you publish your cipherswarm server publicly, you should change the master.key and the contents of the of the credentials

<a name="v0.3.0"></a>

## [v0.3.0](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.6...v0.3.0)

> 2024-06-14

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fix benchmark false positive

* Agents shutting down now abandon their tasks

* Fixed rule list link

* Minor form cleanup on hash lists and rules

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Changed unprocessable_entity to unprocessable_content

### Features πŸš€

* Add bidirectional status on heartbeat


* Update Agent to show errors and benchmarks

  Also added support for enabling additional benchmark types, which will allow the agent to be used for those hash types

* Exposed agent advanced configuration

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Update docker deploy action


<a name="v0.2.6"></a>

## [v0.2.6](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.5...v0.2.6)

> 2024-06-11

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fixed rule list link

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Changed unprocessable_entity to unprocessable_content

### Features πŸš€

* Add bidirectional status on heartbeat


* Update Agent to show errors and benchmarks

  Also added support for enabling additional benchmark types, which will allow the agent to be used for those hash types

* Exposed agent advanced configuration

### Maintenance Changes 🧹


* Update docker deploy action


<a name="v0.2.5"></a>

## [v0.2.5](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5)

> 2024-06-11

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Minor form cleanup on hash lists and rules

<a name="v0.2.4"></a>

## [v0.2.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4)

> 2024-06-06

### Features πŸš€

* Add bidirectional status on heartbeat


* Update Agent to show errors and benchmarks

  Also added support for enabling additional benchmark types, which will allow the agent to be used for those hash types

* Exposed agent advanced configuration

### Maintenance Changes 🧹


<a name="v0.2.3"></a>

## [v0.2.3](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3)

> 2024-06-01

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Add better logic for empty metadata in errors

<a name="v0.2.2"></a>

## [v0.2.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2)

> 2024-06-01

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Fix incorrect AgentError severity enum

  The enum had an extra comma at the end of each word that shouldn’t have been there.

<a name="v0.2.1"></a>

## [v0.2.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1)

> 2024-06-01

### Bug Fixes πŸ›

* Remove broken viewcomponent generator

* Fix progress bar calculating

  The tasks were showing the wrong progress due to a math issue.

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Add additional database rules

* Add ViewComponentContrib

* Standardize API names ([#103](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/103))

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Updated annotations

* Update README and Changelog

  * Updated the readme to mention the missing changes in the log.
* Updated the changelog git-chglog config to reflect the current conventional commits approach.

* Add contribution documents

  Added contributing instructions explaining the use of our coding standards. Also added a Code of Conduct.

### Features πŸš€

* Add API for collecting agent errors

* Add Lazy Preloading throughout the app

* Add minio backend storage

### Style Changes 🎨

* Remove Rails/ReversibleMigration cop

<a name="v0.2.0"></a>

## [v0.2.0](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.7...v0.2.0)

> 2024-05-21

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Rename api operations to be more consistent


Renamed the various api endpoints to be more consistent with verbNoun in camelCase.

<a name="v0.1.7"></a>

## [v0.1.7](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.6...v0.1.7)

> 2024-05-21

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Update changelog with v0.1.6

### Maintenance Changes 🧹

* Reduce frequency of dependabot checks

<a name="v0.1.6"></a>

## [v0.1.6](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.5...v0.1.6)

> 2024-05-20

### Code Refactoring πŸ› 

* Add additional conventions to chglog

### Documentation Changes πŸ“š

* Tried to improve changelog

### Features πŸš€

* Add ability to change password ([#97](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/issues/97))

  Logged in users can now change their password by selecting from the user menu on the right of the menubar

<a name="v0.1.5"></a>

## [v0.1.5](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.4...v0.1.5)

> 2024-05-13

<a name="v0.1.4"></a>

## [v0.1.4](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.3...v0.1.4)

> 2024-05-11

<a name="v0.1.3"></a>

## [v0.1.3](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3)

> 2024-05-06

<a name="v0.1.2"></a>

## [v0.1.2](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2)

> 2024-05-02

<a name="v0.1.1"></a>

## [v0.1.1](https://github.com/unclesp1d3r/CipherSwarm/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1)

> 2024-04-30

<a name="v0.1.0"></a>

## v0.1.0

> 2024-04-30