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# frozen_string_literal: true

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  2024 UncleSp1d3r
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

# The `Api::V1::BaseController` class is a base controller for API version 1.
# It inherits from `ApplicationController` and provides common functionality
# for API controllers, such as authentication, error handling, and CSRF protection.
# Before actions:
# - `authenticate_agent`: Authenticates the agent using a token.
# After actions:
# - `update_last_seen`: Updates the last seen timestamp and IP address for the agent.
# Rescue from:
# - `NoMethodError`: Renders a JSON response with the error message and status `:unprocessable_content`.
# - `ActionController::ParameterMissing`: Renders a JSON response with the error message and status `:bad_request`.
# - `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound`: Handles the case when a record is not found by rendering a JSON response with a "Record not found" message and status `:not_found`.
# CSRF protection:
# - `protect_from_forgery with: :null_session`: Prevents CSRF attacks by zeroing the session. This is necessary for API requests.
# Private methods:
# - `authenticate_agent`: Authenticates the agent using a token. If authentication fails, it calls `handle_bad_authentication`.
# - `authenticate_agent_with_token`: Authenticates an agent using a token and assigns it to the instance variable `@agent`.
# - `handle_bad_authentication`: Renders a JSON response with the message "Bad credentials" and status `:unauthorized`.
# - `handle_not_found`: Renders a JSON response with a "Record not found" message and status `:not_found`.
# - `update_last_seen`: Updates the `last_seen_at` and `last_ipaddress` attributes of the `@agent` object.
class Api::V1::BaseController < ApplicationController
  before_action :authenticate_agent # Authenticates the agent using a token.
  after_action :update_last_seen # Updates the last seen timestamp and IP address for the agent.

  rescue_from NoMethodError do |e|
    render json: { error: e.message }, status: :unprocessable_content

  rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing do |e|
    render json: { error: e.message }, status: :bad_request

  # Prevents CSRF attacks by zeroing the session. This is necessary for API requests.
  protect_from_forgery with: :null_session

  # Handles the case when a record is not found.
  rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :handle_not_found


  # Authenticates the agent using a token.
  # If the agent is successfully authenticated, the method returns true.
  # If the agent fails to authenticate, the method calls the `handle_bad_authentication` method.
  def authenticate_agent
    authenticate_agent_with_token || handle_bad_authentication

  # Authenticates an agent using a token.
  # This method is used to authenticate an agent by validating the provided token.
  # It retrieves the agent associated with the token and assigns it to the instance variable @agent.
  # Example:
  #   authenticate_agent_with_token
  # Returns:
  #   The agent associated with the token, or nil if no agent is found.
  def authenticate_agent_with_token
    authenticate_with_http_token do |token, _options|
      @agent = Agent.find_by(token: token)

  # Handles bad authentication by rendering a JSON response with an error message.
  # Example:
  #   handle_bad_authentication
  # Returns:
  #   A JSON response with the message "Bad credentials" and a status of :unauthorized.
  def handle_bad_authentication
    render json: { error: "Bad credentials" }, status: :unauthorized

  # Handles the case when a record is not found.
  # This method is responsible for rendering a JSON response with a "Record not found" message
  # and setting the HTTP status code to 404 (Not Found).
  # Example usage:
  #   handle_not_found
  # @return [void]
  def handle_not_found
    render json: { error: "Record not found" }, status: :not_found

  # Updates the last seen timestamp and IP address for the agent.
  # This method is responsible for updating the `last_seen_at` and `last_ipaddress`
  # attributes of the `@agent` object. It sets the `last_seen_at` attribute to the
  # current time and the `last_ipaddress` attribute to the IP address of the request.
  # Example usage:
  #   update_last_seen
  # Note: The `@agent` object must be set before calling this method.
  def update_last_seen
    return unless @agent

    @agent.update(last_seen_at: Time.zone.now, last_ipaddress: request.remote_ip)
    @agent.heartbeat # Marks the agent as active if it was previously offline.