# frozen_string_literal: true
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 UncleSp1d3r
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# The Attack class represents an attack in the system.
# It maintains the relationships to other models and handles the state and behavior of an attack.
# == Schema Information
# Table name: attacks
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# attack_mode(Hashcat attack mode) :integer default("dictionary"), not null, indexed
# classic_markov(Is classic Markov chain enabled?) :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# complexity_value(Complexity value of the attack) :decimal(, ) default(0.0), not null, indexed
# custom_charset_1(Custom charset 1) :string default("")
# custom_charset_2(Custom charset 2) :string default("")
# custom_charset_3(Custom charset 3) :string default("")
# custom_charset_4(Custom charset 4) :string default("")
# deleted_at :datetime indexed
# description(Attack description) :text default("")
# disable_markov(Is Markov chain disabled?) :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# end_time(The time the attack ended.) :datetime
# increment_maximum(Hashcat increment maximum) :integer default(0)
# increment_minimum(Hashcat increment minimum) :integer default(0)
# increment_mode(Is the attack using increment mode?) :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# left_rule(Left rule) :string default("")
# markov_threshold(Hashcat Markov threshold (e.g. 1000)) :integer default(0)
# mask(Hashcat mask (e.g. ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a)) :string default("")
# name(Attack name) :string default(""), not null
# optimized(Is the attack optimized?) :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# priority(The priority of the attack, higher numbers are higher priority.) :integer default(0), not null
# right_rule(Right rule) :string default("")
# slow_candidate_generators(Are slow candidate generators enabled?) :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# start_time(The time the attack started.) :datetime
# state :string indexed
# type :string
# workload_profile(Hashcat workload profile (e.g. 1 for low, 2 for medium, 3 for high, 4 for insane)) :integer default(3), not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# campaign_id :bigint not null, indexed
# mask_list_id(The mask list used for the attack.) :bigint indexed
# rule_list_id(The rule list used for the attack.) :bigint indexed
# word_list_id(The word list used for the attack.) :bigint indexed
# Indexes
# index_attacks_campaign_id (campaign_id)
# index_attacks_on_attack_mode (attack_mode)
# index_attacks_on_complexity_value (complexity_value)
# index_attacks_on_deleted_at (deleted_at)
# index_attacks_on_mask_list_id (mask_list_id)
# index_attacks_on_rule_list_id (rule_list_id)
# index_attacks_on_state (state)
# index_attacks_on_word_list_id (word_list_id)
# Foreign Keys
# fk_rails_... (campaign_id => ON DELETE => cascade
# fk_rails_... (mask_list_id => ON DELETE => cascade
# fk_rails_... (rule_list_id => ON DELETE => cascade
# fk_rails_... (word_list_id => ON DELETE => cascade
class Attack < ApplicationRecord
acts_as_paranoid # Soft deletes the attack
# Associations
belongs_to :campaign, counter_cache: true
has_many :tasks, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true
has_many :hash_items, dependent: :nullify
has_one :hash_list, through: :campaign
belongs_to :rule_list, optional: true
belongs_to :mask_list, optional: true
belongs_to :word_list, optional: true
# Validations
validates :attack_mode, presence: true,
inclusion: { in: %w[dictionary mask hybrid_dictionary hybrid_mask] }
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 }
validates :description, length: { maximum: 65_535 }
validates :increment_mode, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
validates :increment_minimum, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :increment_maximum, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :markov_threshold, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :slow_candidate_generators, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
validates :optimized, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
validates :disable_markov, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
validates :classic_markov, inclusion: { in: [true, false] }
validates :workload_profile, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 1, less_than_or_equal_to: 4 }
validates :mask, length: { maximum: 512 }, allow_nil: true
# Conditional Associations
with_options if: -> { dictionary? } do
validates :word_list, presence: true
validates_associated :word_list
validates :mask, absence: true
validates :mask_list, absence: true, allow_blank: true
validates :increment_mode, comparison: { equal_to: false }, allow_blank: true
with_options if: -> { mask? } do
validate :validate_mask_or_mask_list
validates :word_list, absence: true
validates :increment_minimum, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }, allow_blank: true, if: -> { increment_mode? }
validates :increment_minimum, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }, allow_blank: true, if: -> { increment_mode? }
validates :rule_list, absence: true, allow_blank: true
validates :markov_threshold, comparison: { equal_to: 0 }, allow_blank: true
with_options if: -> { hybrid_dictionary? } do
validates :word_list, presence: true
validates_associated :word_list
validates :mask, presence: true
validates :mask_list, absence: true, allow_blank: true
validates :increment_mode, comparison: { equal_to: false }, allow_blank: true
validates :rule_list, absence: true, allow_blank: true
validates :markov_threshold, comparison: { equal_to: 0 }, allow_blank: true
with_options if: -> { hybrid_mask? } do
validates :word_list, presence: true
validates_associated :word_list
validates :mask, presence: true
validates :mask_list, absence: true
validates :increment_mode, comparison: { equal_to: false }, allow_blank: true
validates :markov_threshold, comparison: { equal_to: 0 }, allow_blank: true
# Enumerations
enum :attack_mode, { dictionary: 0, mask: 3, hybrid_dictionary: 6, hybrid_mask: 7 }
# Scopes
default_scope { order(:complexity_value, :created_at) } # We want the highest priority attack first
scope :pending, -> { with_state(:pending) }
scope :incomplete, -> { without_states(:completed, :exhausted, :running, :paused) }
scope :active, -> { with_states(:running, :pending) }
# Broadcasts a refresh to the client when the attack is updated unless running in test environment
broadcasts_refreshes unless Rails.env.test?
# Delegations
delegate :uncracked_count, to: :campaign, allow_nil: true # Delegates the uncracked_count method to the campaign
delegate :hash_mode, to: :hash_list # Delegates the hash_mode method to the hash list
alias_method :hash_type, :hash_mode # Alias for hash_mode
# Callbacks
after_create_commit :update_stored_complexity # Updates the stored complexity value after the attack is created
# State Machine
state_machine :state, initial: :pending do
# Trigger that an agent has accepted the attack. This can only be triggered when the attack is in the pending state.
event :accept do
transition all - %i[completed exhausted] => :running
# Trigger that the attack has been started. This can only be triggered when the attack is in the pending state.
event :run do
transition pending: :running
# Trigger that the attack has been completed. If the attack is in the running state, it will transition to the completed state
# if all tasks are completed or the hash list is fully cracked. If the attack is in the pending state, it will transition to the
# completed state if the hash list is fully cracked.
event :complete do
transition running: :completed if ->(attack) { attack.tasks.all?(&:completed?) || attack.campaign.completed? }
transition pending: :completed if ->(attack) { }
transition all - [:running] => same
# Trigger that the attack has been paused. If the attack is in the running or pending state, it will transition to the paused state.
event :pause do
transition %i[running pending] => :paused
transition any => same
# Trigger that the attack has encountered an error. If the attack is in the running state, it will transition to the failed state.
event :error do
transition running: :failed
transition any => same
# Trigger that the attack has been exhausted. If the attack is in the running state, it will transition to the completed state
# if all tasks are exhausted. If the attack is in the running state, it will transition to the completed state if the hash list
# is fully cracked.
event :exhaust do
transition running: :completed if ->(attack) { attack.tasks.all?(&:exhausted?) }
transition running: :completed if ->(attack) { }
transition any => same
# Trigger that the attack has been canceled. If the attack is in the pending or running state, it will transition to the failed state.
event :cancel do
transition %i[pending running] => :failed
# Trigger that the attack has been reset. If the attack is in the failed, completed, or exhausted state, it will transition to the pending state.
# This is only used when the attack needs to be re-run, such as when it has been modified, the hash list has changed, etc.
event :reset do
transition %i[failed completed exhausted] => :pending
# Trigger that the attack is being resumed. If the attack is in the paused state, it will transition to the pending state.
event :resume do
transition paused: :pending
transition any => same
# Trigger that the agent has abandoned the attack. If the attack is in the running state, it will transition to the pending state.
# This is to free the attack up for another agent to pick up.
event :abandon do
transition running: :pending
transition any => same
## Transitions
# Executed after an attack has entered the running state. This sets the start_time attribute to the current time.
after_transition on: :run do |attack|
attack.touch(:start_time) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
attack.campaign.touch # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
# Executed after an attack has entered the completed state. This sets the end_time attribute to the current time.
after_transition on: :complete do |attack|
attack.touch(:end_time) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
# Executed after an attack has been abandoned. This removes all tasks associated with the attack.
after_transition on: :abandon do |attack|
# If the attack is abandoned, we should remove the tasks to free up for another agent and touch the campaign to update the updated_at timestamp
attack.campaign.touch # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
# Executed after an attack is being paused. This pauses all tasks associated with the attack.
after_transition any => :paused, :do => :pause_tasks
# Executed after an attack is being resumed. This resumes all tasks associated with the attack.
after_transition paused: any, do: :resume_tasks
# Executed after an attack has been completed. This completes the hash list for the campaign and updates the campaign's updated_at timestamp.
after_transition any => :completed, :do => :complete_hash_list
after_transition any => :completed, :do => :touch_campaign
# Executed before an attack is marked completed. This completes all remaining tasks associated with the attack if the hash list is fully cracked.
before_transition on: :complete do |attack|
attack.tasks.each(&:complete!) if
state :paused
state :failed
state :exhausted
state :pending
# Checks if the attack is completed.
# @return [Boolean] true if the attack is completed, otherwise false.
def completed?
self.state == "completed"
# Calculates the estimated complexity of an attack based on the attack mode.
# @return [BigDecimal] the estimated complexity value.
def estimated_complexity
case attack_mode
when "dictionary"
when "mask"
# Estimates the finish time of the attack.
# This method retrieves the first running task associated with the attack
# and returns its estimated finish time.
# @return [Time, nil] The estimated finish time of the attack, or nil if no running task is found.
def estimated_finish_time
# Returns the name of the agent associated with the most recently updated running task.
# The method looks for tasks that are in the 'running' state, orders them by the 'updated_at' timestamp in descending order,
# and retrieves the agent's name from the first task in the list.
# @return [String, nil] the name of the agent or nil if no such task or agent exists.
def executing_agent
# Forces an update to the complexity calculation of the attack and saves the changes.
# This method calls the `update_stored_complexity` method and saves the record.
# Useful when there are changes in related entities that may affect the attack's complexity.
def force_complexity_update
# Generates a string of parameters to be used with Hashcat based on the attributes of the Attack model.
# The parameters include:
# - Attack mode (-a)
# - Markov threshold (--markov-threshold) if classic markov is enabled
# - Optimized mode (-O) if enabled
# - Increment mode (--increment) if enabled
# - Increment minimum (--increment-min) if increment mode is enabled
# - Increment maximum (--increment-max) if increment mode is enabled
# - Markov disable (--markov-disable) if markov is disabled
# - Markov classic (--markov-classic) if classic markov is enabled
# - Markov threshold (-t) if present
# - Slow candidate generators (-S) if enabled
# - Custom charset 1 (-1) if present
# - Custom charset 2 (-2) if present
# - Custom charset 3 (-3) if present
# - Custom charset 4 (-4) if present
# - Workload profile (-w)
# - Word list file if present
# - Mask list file if present
# - Rule list file (-r) if present
# @return [String] A string of parameters to be used with Hashcat.
def hashcat_parameters
parameters = []
parameters << attack_mode_param
parameters << markov_threshold_param if classic_markov
parameters << "-O" if optimized
parameters << increment_mode_param if increment_mode
parameters << "--markov-disable" if disable_markov
parameters << "--markov-classic" if classic_markov
parameters << "-t #{markov_threshold}" if markov_threshold.present?
parameters << "-S" if slow_candidate_generators
parameters << custom_charset_params
parameters << "-w #{workload_profile}"
parameters << file_params
parameters.compact.join(" ")
# Calculates the percentage of completion for the running task.
# @return [Float] the progress percentage of the running task, or 0.00 if no task is running.
def percentage_complete
current_task&.progress_percentage || 0.00
# Generates a human-readable text for progress.
# @return [String, nil] the progress text.
def progress_text
# Calculates the duration between the start and end times.
# @return [Float, nil] the difference between end_time and start_time in seconds,
# or nil if either start_time or end_time is not set.
def run_time
start_time.nil? || end_time.nil? || start_time > end_time ? nil : end_time - start_time
def to_full_label
"#{} - #{to_label}"
# Returns a string representation of the attack instance, combining the name and attack mode.
# @return [String] a formatted string in the form of "name (attack_mode)"
def to_label
"#{name} (#{attack_mode})"
# Returns a string representation of the attack instance, combining the name, attack mode, and complexity.
# @return [String] a formatted string in the form of "name (attack_mode) - complexity"
def to_label_with_complexity
"#{to_label} #{complexity_as_words}"
# Generates the attack mode parameter for Hashcat.
# @return [String] the attack mode parameter.
def attack_mode_param
"-a #{Attack.attack_modes[attack_mode]}"
# Calculates the complexity for dictionary attack mode.
# This method calculates the complexity based on the number of lines in the word list
# and the rule list. If the rule list is empty, the complexity is equal to the number
# of lines in the word list. If the rule list is not empty, the complexity is the product
# of the number of lines in the word list and the number of lines in the rule list.
# If increment mode is enabled, the complexity is multiplied by the size of the increment range.
# @return [BigDecimal] the calculated complexity value.
def calculate_dictionary_complexity
word_list_lines = word_list&.line_count || 0
rule_list_lines = rule_list&.line_count || 0
complexity = ? word_list_lines : word_list_lines * rule_list_lines
complexity *= increment_range_size if increment_mode
# Calculates the complexity for mask attack mode.
def calculate_mask_complexity
return mask_list.complexity_value if mask_list.present?
return BigDecimal("0.0") if mask.blank?
# Generates the custom charset parameter for Hashcat.
# @param index [Integer] the index of the custom charset (1 to 4).
# @return [String, nil] the custom charset parameter if present, otherwise nil.
def charset_param(index)
value = send("custom_charset_#{index}")
"-#{index} #{value}" if value.present?
# Completes the hash list for the campaign if there are no uncracked hashes left.
# This method checks if the campaign has zero uncracked hashes. If true, it iterates
# through all incomplete attacks associated with the campaign and marks them as complete.
# @return [void]
def complete_hash_list
return unless
# Converts the estimated complexity into a human-readable string representation.
# @return [String] A string representing the complexity in words or symbols.
def complexity_as_words
case complexity_value
when 0
when 1..1_000
when 1_001..1_000_000
when 1_000_001..1_000_000_000
when 1_000_000_001..1_000_000_000_000
# Returns the complexity value for a given element.
# @param element [String] the element for which to calculate the complexity value.
# @return [Integer] the complexity value for the given element.
def complexity_value_for_element(element)
COMPLEXITY_VALUES[element] || custom_charset_length(element) || 1
# Returns the current running task for the attack.
# This method retrieves the task associated with the attack that is in the 'running' state,
# orders them by the 'updated_at' timestamp in descending order, and returns the first task in the list.
# @return [Task, nil] the current running task or nil if no such task exists.
def current_task
tasks.with_state(:running).order(updated_at: :desc).first
# Returns the length of the custom charset for the given element.
# @param element [String] the element for which to retrieve the custom charset length.
# @return [Integer] the length of the custom charset.
def custom_charset_length(element)
case element
when "?1" then custom_charset_1.length
when "?2" then custom_charset_2.length
when "?3" then custom_charset_3.length
when "?4" then custom_charset_4.length
# Generates the custom charset parameters for Hashcat.
# This method iterates through the custom charsets (1 to 4) and generates
# the corresponding parameters for each charset that is present.
# @return [String] A string of custom charset parameters.
def custom_charset_params
(1..4).map { |i| charset_param(i) }.compact.join(" ")
# Generates the file parameters for Hashcat.
# This method retrieves the filenames of the word list and mask list,
# and includes the rule list file if present.
# @return [String] A string of file parameters.
def file_params
[word_list, mask_list] { |list| list.file.filename }.join(" ") +
(rule_list.present? ? " -r #{rule_list.file.filename}" : "")
# Generates the increment mode parameters for Hashcat.
# This method constructs the parameters for enabling increment mode in Hashcat,
# including the minimum and maximum increment values.
# @return [String] A string of increment mode parameters.
def increment_mode_param
["--increment", "--increment-min #{increment_minimum}", "--increment-max #{increment_maximum}"].join(" ")
# Calculates the size of the increment range.
# @return [Integer] the size of the increment range.
def increment_range_size
# Generates the Markov threshold parameter for Hashcat.
# @return [String] the Markov threshold parameter.
def markov_threshold_param
# Pauses all tasks associated with the current object.
# Iterates through each task and calls the `pause` method on it.
def pause_tasks
# Resumes all tasks associated with the current object.
# Iterates through each task and calls the `resume` method on it.
def resume_tasks
# Updates the `updated_at` timestamp of the associated campaign.
# This method calls the `touch` method on the campaign, which updates
# the `updated_at` timestamp to the current time.
# @return [void]
def touch_campaign
campaign.touch # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
# Updates the stored complexity value of the attack.
# This method calculates the estimated complexity of the attack
# and updates the `complexity_value` attribute with the calculated value.
# @return [Boolean] true if the record was successfully updated, false otherwise.
def update_stored_complexity
update(complexity_value: estimated_complexity)
# Validates the presence of either `mask` or `mask_list`.
# If both `mask` and `mask_list` are blank, adds errors to both attributes.
# @return [void]
def validate_mask_or_mask_list
return unless mask.blank? && mask_list.blank?
errors.add(:mask, "must be present if mask lists are not present")
errors.add(:mask_list, "must be present if mask is not present")