# frozen_string_literal: true
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 UncleSp1d3r
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# == Schema Information
# Table name: hashcat_benchmarks
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# benchmark_date(The date and time the benchmark was performed.) :datetime not null, indexed => [agent_id, hash_type]
# device(The device used for the benchmark.) :integer not null
# hash_speed(The speed of the benchmark. In hashes per second.) :float not null
# hash_type(The hashcat hash type.) :integer not null, indexed => [agent_id, benchmark_date]
# runtime(The time taken to complete the benchmark. In milliseconds.) :bigint not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# agent_id :bigint not null, indexed => [benchmark_date, hash_type]
# Indexes
# idx_on_agent_id_benchmark_date_hash_type_a667ecb9be (agent_id,benchmark_date,hash_type) UNIQUE
# Foreign Keys
# fk_rails_... (agent_id =>
include ActiveSupport::NumberHelper
# The HashcatBenchmark model represents a benchmark result for a specific agent, device, and hash type.
# It includes validations, scopes, and methods to retrieve and manipulate benchmark data.
# This derives from the hashcat benchmark output and is used to track the performance of each agent.
# Associations:
# - belongs_to :agent, touch: true
# Validations:
# - benchmark_date: presence
# - device: presence, numericality (only_integer, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0)
# - hash_speed: presence, numericality (greater_than: 0)
# - hash_type: presence, numericality (only_integer, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0)
# - runtime: presence, numericality (only_integer, greater_than: 0)
# - agent: uniqueness (scope: %i[benchmark_date hash_type])
# Scopes:
# - by_hash_type(hash_type)
# - by_device(device)
# - by_agent(agent)
# - by_agent_and_date(agent, date)
# - by_agent_hash_type_and_date(agent, hash_type, date)
# - by_agent_device_and_date(agent, device, date)
# - by_agent_hash_type_device_and_date(agent, hash_type, device, date)
# - by_agent_and_hash_type(agent, hash_type)
# - by_agent_and_device(agent, device)
# Class Methods:
# - fastest_agent_for_hash_type(hash_type): Finds the agent with the highest total hash speed for a given hash type.
# - fastest_by_agent: Returns the fastest benchmark for each agent.
# - fastest_by_hash_type: Returns the fastest benchmark for each hash type.
# - fastest_device_for_hash_type(hash_type): Returns the fastest device for a given hash type.
# - sum_hash_speed_for_agent(agent, hash_type): Sums the hash speed for a given agent and hash type.
# Instance Methods:
# - to_s: Returns a string representation of the benchmark.
class HashcatBenchmark < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :agent, touch: true
# Validations
validates :benchmark_date, presence: true
validates :device, presence: true
validates :hash_speed, presence: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :hash_type, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :runtime, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
validates :agent, uniqueness: { scope: %i[benchmark_date hash_type] }
validates :hash_speed, numericality: { greater_than: 0 }
validates :runtime, numericality: { greater_than: 0 }
validates :device, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :hash_type, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
broadcasts_refreshes unless Rails.env.test?
# Scopes
scope :by_hash_type, ->(hash_type) { where(hash_type: hash_type) }
scope :by_device, ->(device) { where(device: device) }
scope :by_agent, ->(agent) { where(agent: agent) }
scope :by_agent_and_date, ->(agent, date) { where(agent: agent, benchmark_date: date) }
scope :by_agent_hash_type_and_date, ->(agent, hash_type, date) { where(agent: agent, hash_type: hash_type, benchmark_date: date) }
scope :by_agent_device_and_date, ->(agent, device, date) { where(agent: agent, device: device, benchmark_date: date) }
scope :by_agent_hash_type_device_and_date, ->(agent, hash_type, device, date) { where(agent: agent, hash_type: hash_type, device: device, benchmark_date: date) }
scope :by_agent_and_hash_type, ->(agent, hash_type) { where(agent: agent, hash_type: hash_type) }
scope :by_agent_and_device, ->(agent, device) { where(agent: agent, device: device) }
# Finds the agent with the highest total hash speed for a given hash type.
# @param [Integer] hash_type The hashcat hash type.
# @return [Integer, nil] The ID of the agent with the highest total hash speed, or nil if no benchmarks are found.
def self.fastest_agent_for_hash_type(hash_type)
# Using the sum of hash speeds for all devices in an agent, find the agent with the highest total hash_speed for a hash_type
by_hash_type(hash_type).group(:agent_id).sum(:hash_speed).max_by { |_k, v| v }&.first
# Returns the fastest benchmark for each agent.
# @return [Hash{Agent => HashcatBenchmark}] a hash mapping agents to their fastest benchmarks
def self.fastest_by_agent do |agent|
benchmark = by_agent(agent).order(hash_speed: :desc).first
[agent, benchmark]
# Returns the fastest benchmark for each hash type.
# @return [Hash{HashType => HashcatBenchmark}] a hash mapping hash types to their fastest benchmarks
def self.fastest_by_hash_type do |hash_type|
benchmark = by_hash_type(hash_type.hashcat_mode).order(hash_speed: :desc).first
[hash_type, benchmark]
# Returns the device with the fastest hash speed for a given hash type.
# @param hash_type [String] the type of hash to filter devices by.
# @return [HashcatBenchmark, nil] the device with the highest hash speed for the specified hash type, or nil if no devices are found.
def self.fastest_device_for_hash_type(hash_type)
by_hash_type(hash_type).order(hash_speed: :desc).first
# Sums the hash speeds for a given agent and hash type.
# @param agent [Agent] the agent for which to sum the hash speeds
# @param hash_type [String] the type of hash for which to sum the speeds
# @return [Numeric] the total hash speed for the specified agent and hash type
def self.sum_hash_speed_for_agent(agent, hash_type)
by_agent_and_hash_type(agent, hash_type).sum(:hash_speed)
# Returns a string representation of the hashcat benchmark.
# If the hash type record is found, it includes the hash type name and the human-readable hash speed.
# Otherwise, it includes the hash type and the raw hash speed.
# @return [String] the string representation of the hashcat benchmark
def to_s
# The hash type record is found by the hashcat mode number
# These record virtually never change, so we can cache them very safely
hash_type_record = Rails.cache.fetch("hash_type/#{hash_type}", expires: do
HashType.find_by(hashcat_mode: hash_type)&.name
if hash_type_record.nil?
"#{hash_type} #{hash_speed} h/s"
"#{hash_type} (#{hash_type_record}) - #{number_to_human(hash_speed, prefix: :si)} hashes/sec"