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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2018-2020 Stanislav Valasek <>

package models

import (




    // postgress db driver
    _ ""

// ReportedRecord struct
type ReportedRecord struct {
    ID          uint64     `gorm:"primary_key" json:"id"`
    CreatedAt   time.Time  `json:"-"`
    UpdatedAt   time.Time  `json:"-"`
    DeletedAt   *time.Time `json:"-"`
    Date        time.Time  `gorm:"not null" json:"date"`
    Hours       float64    `gorm:"not null" json:"hours"`
    Project     string     `gorm:"not null" json:"project"`
    Description string     `gorm:"not null" json:"description"`
    Rate        string     `gorm:"not null" json:"rate"`
    Consultant  string     `gorm:"not null" json:"consultant"`

// ReportedRecordsSummary struct
type ReportedRecordsSummary struct {
    Consultant string  `json:"consultant"`
    Year       string  `json:"year"`
    Month      string  `json:"month"`
    Project    string  `json:"project"`
    Rate       string  `json:"rate"`
    Hours      float64 `json:"hours"`

// ReportedRecordCSV csv struct
type ReportedRecordCSV struct {
    CreatedAt   DateTime `csv:"created_at"`
    Consultant  string   `csv:"consultant"`
    Date        Date     `csv:"date"`
    Project     string   `csv:"project"`
    Hours       float64  `csv:"hours"`
    Description string   `csv:"description"`
    Rate        string   `csv:"rate"`

// ReportedRecordManager struct
type ReportedRecordManager struct {
    db *DB

// NewReportedRecordManager - Create a ReportedRecords manager that can be used for retrieving ReportedRecordss
func NewReportedRecordManager(db *DB) (*ReportedRecordManager, error) {


    reportedRecordsMgr := ReportedRecordManager{}

    reportedRecordsMgr.db = db

    return &reportedRecordsMgr, nil

// ReportedRecordsGetAll - return all records of ReportedRecords
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsGetAll() []ReportedRecord {
    reportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
    if err := db.db.Find(&reportedRecords); err != nil {
        return reportedRecords
    logger.Log.Error("unable to retieve all reported records")
    return nil

// ReportedRecordsGetStatistics - returns table statistics
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsGetStatistics() EntityOverview {
    table := "reported_records"
    var total, active int
    if err := db.db.Unscoped().Table(table).Count(&total); err != nil {
        active = db.ReportedRecordCount()
    } else {
        logger.Log.Error("failed to retrieve from DB statistics for table ", table)
    table = strings.Replace(table, "_", " ", -1)
    return EntityOverview{Name: strings.Title(table), Total: total, Active: active, Disabled: 0, Deleted: total - active}

// ReportedRecordsInMonth - return records per month
// adds days from previous and next month having the same week as month
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsInMonth(year, month, consultant string) []ReportedRecord {
    reportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
    if err := db.db.Where("extract(MONTH from date) = ? AND extract(YEAR from date) = ? AND consultant = ?", month, year, consultant).Find(&reportedRecords); err != nil {
        borderWeeksReportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
        days, err := getborderDays(year, month)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed - get reported records for month %s, year %s and consultant %s, error: %s", month, year, consultant, err))
            return nil
        if err := db.db.Where("date(date) in (?) AND consultant = ?", days, consultant).Find(&borderWeeksReportedRecords); err != nil {
            reportedRecords = append(reportedRecords, borderWeeksReportedRecords...)
            return reportedRecords
    logger.Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed - get reported records for month %s, year %s and consultant %s", month, year, consultant))
    return nil

// ReportedRecordsInPeriod returns reported records for all consultants for selected period
// border date is included
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsInPeriod(from, to string) []ReportedRecord {
    reportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
    if err := db.db.Where("date(date) >= ? and date(date) <= ?", from, to).Find(&reportedRecords); err != nil {
        return reportedRecords
    logger.Log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("failed - get reported records in period: %s - %s", from, to))
    return nil

func getborderDays(year, month string) (days []string, err error) {
    layout := "2006-1-02"
    monthStart, err := time.Parse(layout, year+"-"+month+"-01")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    monthN, err := strconv.Atoi(month)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    yearN, err := strconv.Atoi(year)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    prevMonth := fmt.Sprintf("%02d", monthN-1)
    prevYear, nextYear := strconv.Itoa(yearN), strconv.Itoa(yearN)
    if monthN == 1 {
        prevMonth = "12"
        prevYear = strconv.Itoa(yearN - 1)
    nextMonth := fmt.Sprintf("%02d", monthN+1)
    if monthN == 12 {
        nextMonth = "01"
        nextYear = strconv.Itoa(yearN + 1)
    monday := now.New(monthStart).Monday()
    sunday := now.New((now.New(monthStart).EndOfMonth())).Sunday()
    monthPrevious, err := time.Parse(layout, year+"-"+prevMonth+"-01")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for day := monday.Day(); day <= now.New(monthPrevious).EndOfMonth().Day(); day++ {
        days = append(days, prevYear+"-"+prevMonth+"-"+fmt.Sprintf("%02d", day))

    if sunday.Month() == monthStart.Month() {
        // fmt.Println("sunday is also end of the month")
    } else {
        for day := 1; day <= sunday.Day(); day++ {
            days = append(days, nextYear+"-"+nextMonth+"-"+fmt.Sprintf("%02d", day))
    return days, nil

// ReportedRecordsSummary - return summary records per selected year
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsSummary(year string) []ReportedRecordsSummary {
    reportedRecordsSummary := []ReportedRecordsSummary{}
    sql := fmt.Sprintf("select consultant, extract(YEAR from date) as year, extract(MONTH from date) as month, project, rate, sum(hours) as hours from reported_records where extract(YEAR from date) = %s and deleted_at is null group by consultant, extract(YEAR from date), extract(MONTH from date), project, rate", year)
    if err := db.db.Raw(sql).Scan(&reportedRecordsSummary); err != nil {
        // fmt.Println(reportedRecordsSummary)
        return reportedRecordsSummary
    logger.Log.Error("unable to retrieve reported records summary")
    return nil

// ReportedRecordsDelete - return all records of ReportedRecords
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordsDelete(id uint64) []ReportedRecord {
    reportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
    if err := db.db.Where("id = ?", id).Delete(&reportedRecords); err != nil {
        return reportedRecords
    logger.Log.Error("unable to delete reported record for id", id)
    return nil

// ReportedRecordAdd -
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordAdd(newRecord ReportedRecord) ReportedRecord {
    if err := db.db.Create(&newRecord); err != nil {
        return newRecord
    logger.Log.Error("unable to add new reported record", newRecord)
    return ReportedRecord{}

// ReportedRecordUpdate -
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordUpdate(r UpdatedValue) ReportedRecord {
    updateValue := UpdatedValue{
        ID:    r.ID,
        Type:  r.Type,
        Value: r.Value,
    reportedRecord := ReportedRecord{}
    // handle attribute types
    switch r.Type {
    case "hours":
        value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(updateValue.Value, 64)
        if err != nil {
        if err := db.db.First(&reportedRecord, updateValue.ID).Update(updateValue.Type, value); err != nil {
            return reportedRecord
    case "description", "rate", "project":
        if err := db.db.First(&reportedRecord, updateValue.ID).Update(updateValue.Type, updateValue.Value); err != nil {
            return reportedRecord
    case "date":
        value, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", updateValue.Value)
        if err != nil {
        if err := db.db.First(&reportedRecord, updateValue.ID).Update(updateValue.Type, value); err != nil {
            return reportedRecord
        logger.Log.Error("failed - updating reported record, unknown attribute type: ", r.Type, updateValue)
        return ReportedRecord{}
    logger.Log.Error("failed - updating reported record", updateValue)
    return ReportedRecord{}

// ReportedRecordSeed - will load data from data file
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordSeed(file string) int {

    csvfile, err := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Log.Error(err, " Input file: ", file)
    defer csvfile.Close()

    recordsCSV := []*ReportedRecordCSV{}
    if err := gocsv.UnmarshalFile(csvfile, &recordsCSV); err != nil {
    for _, r := range recordsCSV {
        newR := ReportedRecord{CreatedAt: r.CreatedAt.Time, Consultant: r.Consultant, Date: r.Date.Time, Hours: r.Hours, Project: r.Project, Description: r.Description, Rate: r.Rate}

    return len(recordsCSV)

// ReportedRecordCount -
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordCount() int {
    reportedRecords := []ReportedRecord{}
    var count int
    if err := db.db.Find(&reportedRecords).Count(&count); err != nil {
        return count
    logger.Log.Error("unable to retrieve reported records count")
    return 0

// ReportedRecordBackup will backup rates table
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordBackup(filePath string) (int, error) {
    reportedRecordsFile, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    defer reportedRecordsFile.Close()

    reportedRecords := []*ReportedRecord{}
    db.db.Find(&reportedRecords).Where("DeletedAt = ?", nil)
    reportedRecordsCSV := []*ReportedRecordCSV{}
    for _, r := range reportedRecords {
        createdAt := DateTime{r.CreatedAt}
        date := Date{r.Date}
        item := ReportedRecordCSV{CreatedAt: createdAt, Consultant: r.Consultant, Date: date, Project: r.Project, Hours: r.Hours, Description: r.Description, Rate: r.Rate}
        reportedRecordsCSV = append(reportedRecordsCSV, &item)

    err = gocsv.MarshalFile(&reportedRecordsCSV, reportedRecordsFile)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return len(reportedRecords), nil

// ReportedRecordGenerate generates test data
func (db *ReportedRecordManager) ReportedRecordGenerate(filePath string) (int, error) {
    reportedRecordsFile, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    defer reportedRecordsFile.Close()

    var reportedRecordsCSV []ReportedRecordCSV

    type r struct {
        Hours       float64
        Project     string
        Description string
        Rate        string

    rr := []r{
        {Hours: 5, Project: "Vue", Description: "Updates of all Vue.js documentation examples using typescript", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 6, Project: "Quasar", Description: "Performance refactoring and new typescript types", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "Google", Description: "Merge of community packages into Go standard library", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 5, Project: "Ruby on Rails", Description: "Porting RoR into Golang", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 6, Project: "React", Description: "Merge of React codebase into Vue.js", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "Python", Description: "Work on PEP1024 - Mandatory types", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 5, Project: "_Training", Description: "Core concepts", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 6, Project: "_Sales", Description: "Demo materials for Toronto conference", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Travel Time", Description: "Commute to Toronto", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 6, Project: "Spotify", Description: "Identify and document team delivery best practicies", Rate: "Standard"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Sick", Description: "", Rate: "Sick"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Vacation", Description: "", Rate: "Vacation"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Sick Day", Description: "", Rate: "Sick Day"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Personal Day", Description: "", Rate: "Personal Day"},
        {Hours: 4, Project: "_Unpaid Leave", Description: "", Rate: "Unpaid Leave"},

    created := DateTime{time.Now()}
    today := time.Now()
    s1 := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
    r1 := rand.New(s1)
    for _, c := range consultantDemoData {
        for date := today; date.Year() <= today.Year()+1; date = date.AddDate(0, 0, 1) {
            index := r1.Intn(len(rr))
            reportedRecordsCSV = append(reportedRecordsCSV, ReportedRecordCSV{CreatedAt: created, Consultant: c.Name, Date: Date{date}, Project: rr[index].Project, Hours: rr[index].Hours, Description: rr[index].Description, Rate: rr[index].Rate})
            index = r1.Intn(len(rr))
            reportedRecordsCSV = append(reportedRecordsCSV, ReportedRecordCSV{CreatedAt: created, Consultant: c.Name, Date: Date{date}, Project: rr[index].Project, Hours: rr[index].Hours, Description: rr[index].Description, Rate: rr[index].Rate})

    err = gocsv.MarshalFile(&reportedRecordsCSV, reportedRecordsFile)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return len(reportedRecordsCSV), nil