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package instancestore

import (
    sqldriver "database/sql/driver"


// Exported errors.
var (
    ErrNotFound     = errors.New("not found")
    ErrParallelCron = errors.New("a parallel cron already exists")
    ErrBadListOpts  = errors.New("unsupported list option")
    ErrNoMessages   = errors.New("no messages")

// InstanceStatus enum allows us to perform arithmetic comparisons on the database.
type InstanceStatus int

const (
    InstanceStatusPending InstanceStatus = iota + 1

    instanceStatusPendingStr   = "pending"
    instanceStatusFailedStr    = "failed"
    instanceStatusCrashedStr   = "crashed"
    instanceStatusCompleteStr  = "complete"
    instanceStatusCancelledStr = "cancelled"

var instanceStatusStrings = []string{

func (status InstanceStatus) String() string {
    return instanceStatusStrings[status-1]

func (status *InstanceStatus) Scan(src any) error {
    k, ok := src.(int64)
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("unknown instance status type")

    *status = InstanceStatus(k)

    return nil

func (status InstanceStatus) Valuer() (sqldriver.Value, error) {
    return int64(status), nil

func InstanceStatusFromString(s string) (InstanceStatus, error) {
    for idx, x := range instanceStatusStrings {
        if s == x {
            return InstanceStatus(idx + 1), nil

    return InstanceStatus(0), fmt.Errorf("invalid instance status '%s' (expect one of %v)", s, instanceStatusStrings)

// Fields defined here so drivers can handle generic order/filter arguments.
const (
    FieldCreatedAt    = "created_at"
    FieldWorkflowPath = "workflow_path"
    FieldInvoker      = "invoker"
    FieldStatus       = "status" // The driver is responsible for converting string to enum, not the caller.

// Types of filters defined here. Not all types of filters are supported for all fields.
const (
    FilterKindPrefix   = "prefix"
    FilterKindContains = "contains"
    FilterKindMatch    = "match"
    FilterKindAfter    = "after"
    FilterKindBefore   = "before"

// Order defines a generic way to apply optional ordering to a list query.
type Order struct {
    Field      string
    Descending bool

// Filter defines a generic way to apply optional filtering to a list query.
type Filter struct {
    Field string
    Kind  string
    Value interface{}

// ListOpts defines a generic way to apply common optional modifiers to list requests.
type ListOpts struct {
    Limit   int
    Offset  int
    Orders  []Order
    Filters []Filter

// InstanceData is the struct that matches the instance data table.
type InstanceData struct {
    ID             uuid.UUID
    NamespaceID    uuid.UUID
    Namespace      string
    RootInstanceID uuid.UUID
    Server         uuid.UUID
    CreatedAt      time.Time
    UpdatedAt      time.Time
    EndedAt        *time.Time
    Deadline       *time.Time
    Status         InstanceStatus
    WorkflowPath   string
    ErrorCode      string
    Invoker        string
    Definition     []byte
    DescentInfo    []byte
    TelemetryInfo  []byte
    RuntimeInfo    []byte
    ChildrenInfo   []byte
    Input          []byte
    LiveData       []byte
    StateMemory    []byte
    Output         []byte
    ErrorMessage   []byte
    Metadata       []byte
    InputLength    int
    OutputLength   int
    MetadataLength int

// GetNamespaceInstancesResults returns the results as well as the total number that would be returned if LIMIT & OFFSET were both zero.
type GetNamespaceInstancesResults struct {
    Total   int
    Results []InstanceData

// CreateInstanceDataArgs defines the required arguments for creating a new instance data record.
type CreateInstanceDataArgs struct {
    ID             uuid.UUID
    NamespaceID    uuid.UUID
    Namespace      string
    RootInstanceID uuid.UUID
    Server         uuid.UUID
    Invoker        string
    WorkflowPath   string
    Definition     []byte
    Input          []byte
    LiveData       []byte
    TelemetryInfo  []byte
    DescentInfo    []byte
    RuntimeInfo    []byte
    ChildrenInfo   []byte
    SyncHash       *string

// UpdateInstanceDataArgs defines the possible arguments for updating an existing instance data record.
type UpdateInstanceDataArgs struct {
    BypassOwnershipCheck bool            `json:"bypass_ownership_check"`
    Server               uuid.UUID       `json:"server"`
    EndedAt              *time.Time      `json:"ended_at,omitempty"`
    Deadline             *time.Time      `json:"deadline,omitempty"`
    Status               *InstanceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
    ErrorCode            *string         `json:"error_code,omitempty"`
    TelemetryInfo        *[]byte         `json:"telemetry_info,omitempty"`
    RuntimeInfo          *[]byte         `json:"runtime_info,omitempty"`
    ChildrenInfo         *[]byte         `json:"children_info,omitempty"`
    LiveData             *[]byte         `json:"live_data,omitempty"`
    StateMemory          *[]byte         `json:"state_memory,omitempty"`
    Output               *[]byte         `json:"output,omitempty"`
    ErrorMessage         *[]byte         `json:"error_message,omitempty"`
    Metadata             *[]byte         `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

// InstanceMessageData is the struct that matches the instance messages table.
type InstanceMessageData struct {
    ID         uuid.UUID
    InstanceID uuid.UUID
    CreatedAt  time.Time
    Payload    []byte

// EnqueueInstanceMessageArgs defines the required arguments for enqueueing an instance message.
type EnqueueInstanceMessageArgs struct {
    InstanceID uuid.UUID
    Payload    []byte

// InstanceCounts defined the return object for the metrics function.
type InstanceCounts struct {
    Complete  int
    Failed    int
    Crashed   int
    Cancelled int
    Pending   int
    Total     int

type InstanceDataQuery interface {
    // UpdateInstanceData updates the instance record. It only applies non-nil arguments. It returns the updated record.
    UpdateInstanceData(ctx context.Context, args *UpdateInstanceDataArgs) error

    // GetMost returns almost all fields, excluding only one or two fields that the engine is unlikely to need (input, output & metadata)
    GetMost(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceData, error)

    // GetSummary returns all fields that should be reasonably small, to avoid potentially loading megabytes of data unnecessarily.
    GetSummary(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceData, error)

    // GetSummaryWithInput returns everything GetSummary does, as well as the input field.
    GetSummaryWithInput(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceData, error)

    // GetSummaryWithOutput returns everything GetSummary does, as well as the output field.
    GetSummaryWithOutput(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceData, error)

    // GetSummaryWithMetadata returns everything GetSummary does, as well as the metadata field.
    GetSummaryWithMetadata(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceData, error)

    // EnqueueMessage adds a message to the instance's message queue.
    EnqueueMessage(ctx context.Context, args *EnqueueInstanceMessageArgs) error

    // PopMessage returns the most recent message out of the queue.
    PopMessage(ctx context.Context) (*InstanceMessageData, error)

type Store interface {
    // ForInstanceID creates an InstanceDataQuery object, from which queries related to a specific instance can be created.
    ForInstanceID(id uuid.UUID) InstanceDataQuery

    // CreateInstanceData creates a new row in the database.
    // NOTE: the created_at and updated_at fields returned are incorrect. Correcting them would require an additional
    //         SQL query, and the performance tradeoff is not worth it.
    CreateInstanceData(ctx context.Context, args *CreateInstanceDataArgs) (*InstanceData, error)

    // GetNamespaceInstances returns a list of instances associated with the given namespace ID.
    // Unless overwritten with list options, the default ordering should be by created_at desc with no filters, no limit and no offset.
    GetNamespaceInstances(ctx context.Context, nsID uuid.UUID, opts *ListOpts) (*GetNamespaceInstancesResults, error)

    // GetHangingInstances returns a list of all instances where deadline has been exceeded and status is unfinished
    GetHangingInstances(ctx context.Context) ([]InstanceData, error)

    // GetHomelessInstances returns a list of all unfinished instances where updated_at hasn't been touched in a while, so that the engine can attempt to auto-resume work on them
    GetHomelessInstances(ctx context.Context, t time.Time) ([]InstanceData, error)

    // DeleteOldInstances deletes all instances that have terminated and end_at a long time ago
    DeleteOldInstances(ctx context.Context, before time.Time) error

    // GetNamespaceInstanceCounts returns some instance metrics.
    GetNamespaceInstanceCounts(ctx context.Context, nsID uuid.UUID, wfPath string) (*InstanceCounts, error)

type (
    InstanceCanceller func(ctx context.Context, namespace, instanceID string) error
    InstanceStarter   func(ctx context.Context, namespace, path string, input []byte) (*InstanceData, error)

type InstanceManager struct {
    Cancel InstanceCanceller
    Start  InstanceStarter