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package mirror

import (

    gitssh "github.com/go-git/go-git/v5/plumbing/transport/ssh"

type Source interface {
    FS() fs.FS
    Free() error
    Notes() map[string]string

type DirectorySource struct {
    fs fs.FS

var _ Source = &DirectorySource{}

func NewDirectorySource(dir string) *DirectorySource {
    return &DirectorySource{
        fs: os.DirFS(dir),

func (src *DirectorySource) FS() fs.FS {
    return src.fs

func (src *DirectorySource) Free() error {
    return nil

func (src *DirectorySource) Notes() map[string]string {
    return make(map[string]string)

type GitSourceConfig struct {
    URL             string
    GitRef          string
    InsecureSkipTLS bool
    TempDir         string

type gitSource struct {
    path  string
    conf  GitSourceConfig
    notes map[string]string

var _ Source = &gitSource{}

func basicCloneOpts(conf GitSourceConfig) *git.CloneOptions {
    return &git.CloneOptions{
        InsecureSkipTLS: conf.InsecureSkipTLS,
        URL:             conf.URL,
        Progress:        nil,
        ReferenceName:   plumbing.NewBranchReferenceName(conf.GitRef),

func clone(conf GitSourceConfig, cloneOpts *git.CloneOptions) (Source, error) {
    path, err := os.MkdirTemp(conf.TempDir, "direktiv_clone_*")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    _, err = git.PlainClone(path, false, cloneOpts)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &gitSource{
        conf:            conf,
        path:            path,
        DirectorySource: NewDirectorySource(path),
        notes: map[string]string{
            "ref": conf.GitRef,
            "url": conf.URL,
    }, nil

func (src *gitSource) FS() fs.FS {
    return src.fs

func (src *gitSource) Free() error {
    err := os.RemoveAll(src.path)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (src *gitSource) Notes() map[string]string {
    return src.notes

func NewGitSourceNoAuth(conf GitSourceConfig) (Source, error) {
    return clone(conf, basicCloneOpts(conf))

type GitSourceTokenAuthConf struct {
    Token string

func newGitSourceToken(conf GitSourceConfig, auth GitSourceTokenAuthConf) (Source, error) {
    cloneOpts := basicCloneOpts(conf)

    prefix := "https://"
    cloneOpts.URL = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s@", prefix, auth.Token) + strings.TrimPrefix(conf.URL, prefix)

    return clone(conf, cloneOpts)

type GitSourceSSHAuthConf struct {
    PublicKey            string
    PrivateKey           string
    PrivateKeyPassphrase string

func NewGitSourceSSH(conf GitSourceConfig, auth GitSourceSSHAuthConf) (Source, error) {
    cloneOpts := basicCloneOpts(conf)

    publicKeys, err := gitssh.NewPublicKeys("git", []byte(auth.PrivateKey), auth.PrivateKeyPassphrase)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    publicKeys.HostKeyCallbackHelper = gitssh.HostKeyCallbackHelper{
        HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
    cloneOpts.Auth = publicKeys

    return clone(conf, cloneOpts)

func GetSource(_ context.Context, cfg *datastore.MirrorConfig) (Source, error) {
    insecureSkipTLS := cfg.Insecure
    tempDir := ""

    if cfg.AuthToken == "" {
        cfg.AuthToken = cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase
    if cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase == "" {
        cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase = cfg.AuthToken

    if cfg.URL == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("URL is missing in the configuration")
    if cfg.GitRef == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("GitRef is missing in the configuration")

    if cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase == "" && cfg.PublicKey == "" && cfg.PrivateKey == "" {
        return NewGitSourceNoAuth(GitSourceConfig{
            URL:             cfg.URL,
            GitRef:          cfg.GitRef,
            InsecureSkipTLS: insecureSkipTLS,
            TempDir:         tempDir,

    if strings.HasPrefix(cfg.URL, "http") {
        if cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase == "" {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("PrivateKeyPassphrase field has to be filled with the auth-token. This is required for token-based source")

        return newGitSourceToken(GitSourceConfig{
            URL:             cfg.URL,
            GitRef:          cfg.GitRef,
            InsecureSkipTLS: cfg.Insecure,
            TempDir:         tempDir,
        }, GitSourceTokenAuthConf{
            Token: cfg.AuthToken,
    if cfg.PrivateKey != "" || cfg.PublicKey != "" {
        return NewGitSourceSSH(GitSourceConfig{
            URL:             cfg.URL,
            GitRef:          cfg.GitRef,
            InsecureSkipTLS: insecureSkipTLS,
            TempDir:         tempDir,
        }, GitSourceSSHAuthConf{
            PrivateKey:           cfg.PrivateKey,
            PublicKey:            cfg.PublicKey,
            PrivateKeyPassphrase: cfg.PrivateKeyPassphrase,

    return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not detect the git auth mode to use")