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Test Coverage
package model

import (


// SystemFunctionDefinition defines a system service in the workflow.
type SystemFunctionDefinition struct {
    Type FunctionType `json:"type"    yaml:"type"`
    ID   string       `json:"id"      yaml:"id"`
    Path string       `json:"service" yaml:"service"` // NOTE: 'service' instead of 'path' for minor compatibility reasons. Change this later, perhaps.

// GetID returns the id of a namespace function.
func (o *SystemFunctionDefinition) GetID() string {
    return o.ID

// GetType returns the type of the function.
func (o *SystemFunctionDefinition) GetType() FunctionType {
    return SystemKnativeFunctionType

// Validate validates the namespace function definition's arguments.
func (o *SystemFunctionDefinition) Validate() error {
    if o == nil {
        return nil

    if o.ID == "" {
        return errors.New("id required")

    if ok := utils.MatchesRegex(o.ID); !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("function id must match regex: %s", utils.RegexPattern)

    filePathPattern := `^/([^/]+/?)+[^/]*$`
    regex := regexp.MustCompile(filePathPattern)
    if !regex.MatchString(o.Path) {
        return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is a valid service file path", o.Path)

    return nil