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1 day
Test Coverage
import { createNamespace, deleteNamespace } from "../../utils/namespace";
import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";

import { createWorkflow } from "../../utils/workflow";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

let namespace = "";
let workflow = "";
const defaultDescription = "A simple 'no-op' state that returns 'Hello world!'";

test.beforeEach(async () => {
  namespace = await createNamespace();
  workflow = await createWorkflow(
    faker.internet.domainWord() + ".yaml"

test.afterEach(async () => {
  await deleteNamespace(namespace);
  namespace = "";

test("it is possible to navigate to the code editor ", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto("/");
  await expect(
    "it renders the breadcrumb for a namespace"
  // at this point, any namespace may be loaded.
  // let's navigate to the test's namespace via breadcrumbs.
  await page.getByTestId("dropdown-trg-namespace").click();

  await page
    .getByRole("option", {
      name: namespace,

  await expect(page, "the namespace is reflected in the url").toHaveURL(

  await expect(
    "the namespace is reflected in the breadcrumbs"

  await page.getByTestId(`explorer-item-link-${workflow}`).click();

  await expect(
    "screen should have code editor tab"

  await expect(page, "the workflow is reflected in the url").toHaveURL(

test("it is possible to save the workflow", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);

  const editorElement = page.getByText(defaultDescription);
  await editorElement.click();

  const testText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", testText);

  // now click on Save
  const saveButton = page.getByTestId("workflow-editor-btn-save");
  await saveButton.click();

  // Commented out since this is not a critical step, but maybe we can enable
  // it again at some point after learning more about the following problem:
  // These steps fail locally, but work with a remote API. They works locally
  // with throttling enabled in devtools. This implies the request is completed
  // so fast there is not enough time to detect the inactive button.
  // await expect(
  //   saveButton,
  //   "save button should be disabled during the api call"
  // ).toBeDisabled();
  // await expect(
  //   saveButton,
  //   "save button should be enabled after the api call"
  // ).toBeEnabled();

  // after saving is completed screen should have those new changed text before/after the page reload
  await expect(
    "after saving, screen should have the updated text"
  await page.reload({ waitUntil: "networkidle" });
  await expect(
    "after reloading, screen should have the updated text"

  // check the text at the bottom left
  await expect(
    "text should be Updated a few seconds ago"
  ).toHaveText("Updated a few seconds ago");

test("it renders response errors when saving an invalid workflow", async ({
}) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);

  const editor = page.locator(".lines-content");

  await editor.click();
  await editor.type("notvalidyaml");

  await expect(
    page.getByText("unsaved changes"),
    "it renders a hint that there are unsaved changes"

  await page.getByTestId("workflow-editor-btn-save").click();

  await expect(
    page.getByText("There is an issue"),
    "after saving, it renders an error hint in the editor"
  await expect(
    page.getByText("updated file data has invalid yaml string"),
    "it renders an error popup with the error message"

  await expect(
    page.getByText("unsaved changes"),
    "it still renders a hint that there are unsaved changes"

test("it is possible to navigate to another route from the editor", async ({
}) => {
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    dialogTriggered = true;
    return dialog.dismiss();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription);

  await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Settings" }).click();
  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(false);

  await expect(page, "it navigates to the new route").toHaveURL(

test("it prevents navigation to another route with unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  const expectedMsg =
    "You have unsaved changes that will be lost when leaving this route. Are you sure you want to leave?";
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.message()).toBe(expectedMsg);
    dialogTriggered = true;
    return dialog.dismiss();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Settings" }).click();
  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);

  await expect(
    "after dismissing the dialog, it stays on the same route"

  await expect(
    "the edited text is still in the editor"

test("with confirmation, it navigates to another route despite unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  const expectedMsg =
    "You have unsaved changes that will be lost when leaving this route. Are you sure you want to leave?";
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.message()).toBe(expectedMsg);
    dialogTriggered = true;
    return dialog.accept();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  await page.getByRole("link", { name: "Settings" }).click();
  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);

  await expect(
    "after confirming the dialog, it navigates to the new route"

test("it prevents navigation to another namespace with unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  const secondNamespace = await createNamespace();

  const expectedMsg =
    "You have unsaved changes that will be lost when leaving this route. Are you sure you want to leave?";
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.message()).toBe(expectedMsg);
    dialogTriggered = true;
    return dialog.dismiss();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  await page.getByTestId("dropdown-trg-namespace").click();
  await page.getByText(secondNamespace).click();

  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);

  await expect(
    "after dismissing the dialog, it stays on the same route"

  await expect(
    "the edited text is still in the editor"

  await deleteNamespace(secondNamespace);

test("with confirmation, it navigates to another namespace despite unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  const secondNamespace = await createNamespace();

  const expectedMsg =
    "You have unsaved changes that will be lost when leaving this route. Are you sure you want to leave?";
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.message()).toBe(expectedMsg);
    dialogTriggered = true;
    return dialog.accept();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  await page.getByTestId("dropdown-trg-namespace").click();
  await page.getByText(secondNamespace).click();

  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);

  await expect(page, "it navigates to the new namespace").toHaveURL(

  await expect(
    "it renders the breadcrumb for the new namespace"

  await deleteNamespace(secondNamespace);

test("it is possible to leave the app from the editor", async ({ page }) => {
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.type()).toBe("beforeunload");
    dialogTriggered = true;
    await dialog.dismiss();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription);

  await page.goto("/api/v2/status");

  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(false);

  await expect(page, "it navigates to the new document").toHaveURL(

test("it prevents navigation away from the app with unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.type()).toBe("beforeunload");
    dialogTriggered = true;
    await dialog.dismiss();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  try {
    await page.goto("/api/v2/status").catch();
  } catch (error) {

  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);

  await expect(
    "after dismissing the dialog, it stays on the same route"

  await expect(
    "the edited text is still in the editor"

test("with confirmation, it allows navigation away from the app with unsaved changes", async ({
}) => {
  let dialogTriggered = false;

  page.on("dialog", async (dialog) => {
    await expect(dialog.type()).toBe("beforeunload");
    dialogTriggered = true;
    await dialog.accept();

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  await page.getByText(defaultDescription).click();

  const dirtyText = faker.random.alphaNumeric(9);
  await page.type("textarea", dirtyText);

  await page.goto("/api/v2/status");

  await expect(dialogTriggered).toBe(true);
  await expect(page, "it has navigated to the new page").toHaveURL(