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import { Page, expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import { createNamespace, deleteNamespace } from "../../utils/namespace";

import { consumeEvent as consumeEventWorkflow } from "~/pages/namespace/Explorer/Tree/components/modals/CreateNew/Workflow/templates";
import { createFile } from "e2e/utils/files";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

let namespace = "";
let workflow = "";

const getCommonPageElements = (page: Page) => {
  const editor = page.getByTestId("workflow-editor");
  const diagram = page.getByTestId("workflow-diagram");
  const codeBtn = page.getByTestId("editor-layout-btn-code");
  const diagramBtn = page.getByTestId("editor-layout-btn-diagram");
  const splitVertBtn = page.getByTestId("editor-layout-btn-splitVertically");
  const splitHorBtn = page.getByTestId("editor-layout-btn-splitHorizontally");

  return {

test.beforeEach(async () => {
  namespace = await createNamespace();
  workflow = `${faker.system.commonFileName("yaml")}`;
  await createFile({
    name: workflow,
    type: "workflow",
    yaml: consumeEventWorkflow.data,

test.afterEach(async () => {
  await deleteNamespace(namespace);
  namespace = "";

test("it is possible to switch between Code View, Diagram View, Split Vertically and Split Horizontally", async ({
}) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);

  const { editor, diagram, codeBtn, diagramBtn, splitVertBtn, splitHorBtn } =
    await getCommonPageElements(page);

  // code is the default view
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).not.toBeVisible();

  // diagram view
  await diagramBtn.click();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).not.toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).toBeVisible();

  // split vertically
  await splitVertBtn.click();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).toBeVisible();

  // split horizontally
  await splitHorBtn.click();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).toBeVisible();

  // back to default
  await codeBtn.click();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).not.toBeVisible();

test("it will change the direction of the diagram, when the layout is set to Split Vertically", async ({
}) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  const startNode = page.getByTestId("rf__node-startNode");
  const endNode = page.getByTestId("rf__node-endNode");

  const { splitVertBtn, splitHorBtn } = await getCommonPageElements(page);

  // use split horizontally layout
  await splitHorBtn.click();

  await expect(startNode).toBeVisible();
  await expect(endNode).toBeVisible();

  const { x: startNodeXHor, y: startNodeYHor } =
    (await startNode.boundingBox()) || {};
  const { x: endNodeXHor, y: endNodeYHor } =
    (await endNode.boundingBox()) || {};

  if (!startNodeXHor || !startNodeYHor || !endNodeXHor || !endNodeYHor) {
    throw new Error("one of the nodes is not visible");

    "start- and end node are on the same vertical line"

    "the end node is on the right of the start node"

  await splitVertBtn.click();
  const { x: startNodeXVert, y: startNodeYVert } =
    (await startNode.boundingBox()) || {};
  const { x: endNodeXVert, y: endNodeYVert } =
    (await endNode.boundingBox()) || {};

  if (!startNodeXHor || !startNodeYVert || !endNodeXVert || !endNodeYVert) {
    throw new Error("one of the nodes is not visible");

    "start- and end node are on the same horizontal line"

    "the end node is on the right of the start node"

test("it will persist the preferred layout selection in local storage", async ({
}) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);
  const { editor, diagram, codeBtn, diagramBtn, splitVertBtn, splitHorBtn } =
    await getCommonPageElements(page);

  // code is the default view
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).not.toBeVisible();

  // diagram view
  await diagramBtn.click();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).not.toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).toBeVisible();

  // still diagram layout after reload
  await page.reload();
  expect(await codeBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await diagramBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("true");
  expect(await splitVertBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  expect(await splitHorBtn.getAttribute("aria-pressed")).toBe("false");
  await expect(editor).not.toBeVisible();
  await expect(diagram).toBeVisible();

test("it will update the diagram when the workflow is saved", async ({
}) => {
   * networkidle is required to avoid flaky tests. The monaco
   * editor needs to be full loaded before we interact with it.
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`, {
    waitUntil: "networkidle",
  const { editor, diagram, splitVertBtn } = await getCommonPageElements(page);

  await splitVertBtn.click();

  await expect(
      "A simple 'consumeEvent' state that listens for the greetingcloudevent generated from the template 'generate-event'."
    "the description of the workflow is visible in the code editor"

  await expect(
    "the first state 'id' is shown in the diagram"
  await expect(
    "the second state 'greet' is shown in the diagram"

  const commentOutNextLine = async () => {
    await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown");
    await page.keyboard.press("ArrowLeft");
    await page.keyboard.press("#");

  // comment out all states expect the first one to force the diagram to update
  await page.getByTestId("workflow-editor").click();
  // cursor is at the end of line 8, use right arrow to go to the first column of line 8
  await page.keyboard.press("ArrowRight"); // line 11, column 1 after this command runs
  if (browserName === "webkit") {
    await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); // webkit is one line off
  await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); // line 12, column 1 after this command runs
  await page.keyboard.press("ArrowDown"); // line 13, column 1 after this command runs
  await page.keyboard.press("#"); // adding # at the beginning of line "transition: greet" now
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();
  await commentOutNextLine();

  // save changes
  await page.getByTestId("workflow-editor-btn-save").click();

  await expect(
    "the first state 'id' is still shown in the diagram"
  await expect(
    "the second state 'greet' was commented out and the diagram updated to not show it anymore"

test("it is possible to switch from Code View to Diagram View without loosing the recent changes", async ({
}) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/edit/${workflow}`);

  const { codeBtn, diagramBtn } = await getCommonPageElements(page);

  const firstLine = page.getByText("direktiv_api: workflow/v1");
  await firstLine.click();

  const workflowChanges = "some changes to the workflows code";
  await page.type("textarea", workflowChanges);
  const recentlyChanges = page.getByText(workflowChanges);
  await expect(
    "after the user typed new workflow code, it will be visible in the editor"

  await diagramBtn.click();
  await expect(
    "when the user switches to the Diagram View, the most recent code changes are not visible anymore"
  await codeBtn.click();
  await expect(
    "after the user switched back to the Editor View, the most recent chages are still in the Editor"