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Test Coverage
import { createNamespace, deleteNamespace } from "../../utils/namespace";
import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import { waitForSuccessToast, workflowThatCreatesVariable } from "./utils";

import { noop as basicWorkflow } from "~/pages/namespace/Explorer/Tree/components/modals/CreateNew/Workflow/templates";
import { createFile } from "e2e/utils/files";
import { createInstance } from "~/api/instances/mutate/create";
import { createVar } from "~/api/variables/mutate/create";
import { createWorkflowVariables } from "e2e/utils/variables";
import { encode } from "js-base64";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";
import { forceLeadingSlash } from "~/api/files/utils";
import { headers } from "e2e/utils/testutils";

let namespace = "";
let workflow = "";

test.beforeEach(async () => {
  namespace = await createNamespace();
  workflow = faker.system.commonFileName("yaml");

  await createFile({
    name: workflow,
    type: "workflow",
    yaml: basicWorkflow.data,

test.afterEach(async () => {
  await deleteNamespace(namespace);
  namespace = "";

test("it is possible to navigate to the workflow settings page and use pagination", async ({
}) => {
  await createWorkflowVariables(namespace, workflow, 15);

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);
  await expect(
    "there should be 10 variables on the first page"

  await expect(page.getByTestId("pagination-wrapper")).toBeVisible();
  await expect(
    page.getByTestId("pagination-wrapper").getByRole("button", { name: "1" })
  await expect(
    page.getByTestId("pagination-wrapper").getByRole("button", { name: "2" })

  await page.getByTestId("pagination-btn-right").click();
  await expect(
    "there should be 5 variables on the second page"

  await page.getByTestId("pagination-btn-left").click();
  await expect(
    "it is possible to go back to page 1"

test("it is possible to create a variable", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);

  const subject = {
    name: "workflow-variable",
    value: "this variable will be created via the form",
    mimeType: "plaintext",

  await page.getByTestId("variable-create").click();

  await expect(
    page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Create a variable" }),
    "create variable form should be visible"

  await page.getByLabel("Name").fill(subject.name);

  await page.locator(".view-lines").click();
  await page.locator(".view-lines").type(subject.value);

  await page.getByLabel("Mimetype").click();
  await page.getByLabel(subject.mimeType).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Create" }).click();

  const successToast = page.getByTestId("toast-success");
  await expect(successToast, "a success toast appears").toBeVisible();
  await expect(
    "there should be 1 variable in the list"

  await expect(
    "there should be 1 variable in the list"

test("it is possible to update variables", async ({ page }) => {
  /* set up test data */
  const subject = await createVar({
    payload: {
      name: "editable-var",
      mimeType: "text/plain",
      data: encode("edit me"),
      workflowPath: forceLeadingSlash(workflow),
    urlParams: {
      baseUrl: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_UI_BASE_URL,

  if (!subject) {
    throw new Error("error setting up test data");

  /* visit page and edit variable */
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);

  await page.getByTestId(`dropdown-trg-item-${subject.data.name}`).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "edit" }).click();

  await expect(
    page.getByRole("heading", { name: `Edit ${subject.data.name}` }),
    "it opens the edit form"

  await expect(page.getByLabel("Mimetype")).toContainText(
  await page.getByLabel("Mimetype").click();
  await page.getByLabel("JSON").click();

  await expect(
    "the variable's content is rendered in the editor"
  ).toContainText("edit me");

  await page.locator(".view-lines").click();
  for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    await page.locator(".view-lines").press("Backspace");
  await page.locator(".view-lines").type('{"foo": "bar"}');

  /* save changes and assert they have been persisted */
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" }).click();

  await waitForSuccessToast(page);
  await page.reload();

  await expect(
    "there should be 1 variable in the list"

  await page.getByTestId(`dropdown-trg-item-${subject.data.name}`).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "edit" }).click();

  await expect(page.getByLabel("Mimetype")).toContainText("application/json");
  await expect(
    "editor should have the updated value"
  ).toContainText('{"foo": "bar"}');

test("it is possible to delete variables", async ({ page }) => {
  /* set up test data */
  const variables = await createWorkflowVariables(namespace, workflow, 4);
  const subject = variables[2];

  if (!subject) {
    throw new Error("error setting up test data");

  /* visit page and delete variable */
  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);

  await page.getByTestId(`dropdown-trg-item-${subject.data.name}`).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "delete" }).click();

  await expect(
    page.getByLabel("Confirmation required").getByText(subject.data.name),
    "it renders the confirmation dialog"
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Delete" }).click();
  await waitForSuccessToast(page);

  await expect(
    "the variable is no longer rendered in the list"
  ).toHaveCount(variables.length - 1);

test("it is not possible to create a variable with a name that already exists", async ({
}) => {
  /* set up test data */
  const variables = await createWorkflowVariables(namespace, workflow, 4);
  const reservedName = variables[0]?.data.name ?? "";

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);

  await page.getByTestId("variable-create").click();


  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Create" }).click();

  await expect(
    page.getByText("The name already exists"),
    "it renders an error message"

test("it is not possible to set a variables name to a name that already exists", async ({
}) => {
  /* set up test data */
  const variables = await createWorkflowVariables(namespace, workflow, 4);
  const subject = variables[2];

  if (!subject) {
    throw new Error("error setting up test data");

  const reservedName = variables[0]?.data.name ?? "";

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflow}`);

  await page.getByTestId(`dropdown-trg-item-${subject.data.name}`).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "edit" }).click();


  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" }).click();

  await expect(
    page.getByText("The name already exists"),
    "it renders an error message"

test("it is possible to rename a variable that doesn't have a mimeType", async ({
}) => {
  const workflowName = faker.system.commonFileName("yaml");

  await createFile({
    name: workflowName,
    type: "workflow",
    yaml: workflowThatCreatesVariable,

  await createInstance({
    urlParams: {
      baseUrl: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_UI_BASE_URL,
      path: workflowName,

  await page.goto(`/n/${namespace}/explorer/workflow/settings/${workflowName}`);
  await page.getByTestId(`dropdown-trg-item-workflow`).click();
  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "edit" }).click();

  await page.getByLabel("Name").fill("new-name");

  await expect(
    page.getByText("Mimetype is unspecified", { exact: true }),
    "it renders the mime type as unspecified"

  await expect(
      "Only text based mime types are supported for preview and editing"
    "it renders the message that indicated that only text based mime types are supported for preview and editing"

  await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" }).click();

  await expect(
    "It renders the new variable name"