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import { z } from "zod";

 * /api/v2/namespaces/:namespace/files/:path
 * lists the files and directories found under the given path. 
 * "file" lists the item at the current path (this could be a directory).
 * If the returned item is a directory, "paths" will list the items
 * contained in it.
 * Example response for directory:
    "data": {
      "path": "/",
      "type": "directory",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-12T10:32:58.986418Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-12T10:32:58.986418Z",
      "children": [
          "path": "/aaa",
          "type": "directory",
          "createdAt": "2024-02-13T15:24:05.856667Z",
          "updatedAt": "2024-02-15T16:33:13.79461Z"
          "path": "/aaaa.yaml",
          "type": "service",
          "size": 212,
          "mimeType": "application/direktiv",
          "createdAt": "2024-02-13T10:39:57.730916Z",
          "updatedAt": "2024-02-15T16:33:13.79461Z"
 * Example response for file:
    "data": {
      "path": "/aaaa.yaml",
      "type": "service",
      "data": "base64-encoded-string",
      "size": 212,
      "mimeType": "application/direktiv",
      "createdAt": "2024-02-13T10:39:57.730916Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-15T16:33:13.79461Z",
      "children": null

export const fileTypes = [
] as const;

const FileTypeSchema = z.enum(fileTypes);

/* All filesystem records (including "directories") have these properties. */
const BaseFileSchema = z.object({
  type: FileTypeSchema,
  path: z.string().nonempty(),
  createdAt: z.string(),
  updatedAt: z.string(),

/* When a specific single file is returned, it also has these properties */
const FileSchema = BaseFileSchema.extend({
  type: FileTypeSchema.exclude(["directory"]),
  size: z.number(),
  mimeType: z.string(),
  data: z.string(),

/* Additional properties exist on files in "children", but aren't currently used. */
export const DirectorySchema = BaseFileSchema.extend({
  type: z.literal("directory"),
  children: z.array(BaseFileSchema).optional(),

const CreateDirectorySchema = z.object({
  type: z.literal("directory"),
  name: z.string().nonempty(),

const CreateYamlFileSchema = z.object({
  type: z.enum(["consumer", "endpoint", "service", "workflow"]),
  name: z.string().nonempty(),
  mimeType: z.literal("application/yaml"),
  data: z.string(), // base64 encoded file body

const CreateConsumerSchema = CreateYamlFileSchema.extend({
  type: z.literal("consumer"),

const CreateEndpointSchema = CreateYamlFileSchema.extend({
  type: z.literal("endpoint"),

const CreateServiceSchema = CreateYamlFileSchema.extend({
  type: z.literal("service"),

const CreateWorkflowSchema = CreateYamlFileSchema.extend({
  type: z.literal("workflow"),

const CreateFileSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [

const RenameFileSchema = z.object({
  path: z.string(),

const UpdateFileSchema = z.object({
  data: z.string(), // base64 encoded file body

export const FileListSchema = z.object({
  data: DirectorySchema.or(FileSchema),

export const FileDeletedSchema = z.null();

 * expected response for
 * POST /api/v2/namespaces/:namespace/files/
 * The actual response contains more data, but since we do not use
 * it, we do not bother defining it here.
export const FileCreatedSchema = z.object({
  data: BaseFileSchema,

/* data is only present in the response when it has changed. */
export const FilePatchedSchema = z.object({
  data: BaseFileSchema.extend({ data: z.string().optional() }),

export const FileNameSchema = z
  .regex(/^(([a-z][a-z0-9_\-.]*[a-z0-9])|([a-z]))$/, {
      "Please use a name that only contains lowercase letters, use - or _ instead of whitespaces.",

export type BaseFileSchemaType = z.infer<typeof BaseFileSchema>;
export type DirectorySchemaType = z.infer<typeof DirectorySchema>;
export type FileSchemaType = z.infer<typeof FileSchema>;
export type FileTypeType = z.infer<typeof FileTypeSchema>;

export type UpdateFileSchemaType = z.infer<typeof UpdateFileSchema>;
export type RenameFileSchemaType = z.infer<typeof RenameFileSchema>;
export type CreateFileSchemaType = z.infer<typeof CreateFileSchema>;
export type FileListSchemaType = z.infer<typeof FileListSchema>;