
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "pages": {
    "error": {
      "status": "Oops!",
      "message": "Something went wrong here....",
      "goBack": "Go back",
      "reload": "Reload",
      "goHome": "Go to homepage",
      "notFound": "The resource you are trying to access does not exist. This might be due to a typo in the URL or the resource might have been deleted or renamed."
    "onboarding": {
      "welcomeTo": "Welcome to",
      "noNamespace": "Create a namespace to get started.",
      "createNamespaceBtn": "Create namespace",
      "error": "There was an error fetching the namespaces",
      "logout": "Logout",
      "links": {
        "docs": {
          "title": "Getting started",
          "description": "Read our docs"
        "slack": {
          "title": "Slack",
          "description": "Join our Open Source Support channel on Slack"
        "github": {
          "title": "Github",
          "description": "Check out our Github repository"
    "authenticate": {
      "title": "Authenticate",
      "description": "An authentication token is required to connect to the API.",
      "apiKey": "API key",
      "apiKeyPlaceholder": "Enter your API key",
      "wrongKey": "The API key is incorrect",
      "wrongOldKey": "The previously used API key is incorrect, it may have changed after your last use",
      "loginBtn": "Login"
    "explorer": {
      "tree": {
        "list": {
          "filter": "Filter files...",
          "oneLevelUp": "..",
          "contextMenu": {
            "title": "Edit",
            "delete": "Delete",
            "rename": "Rename"
          "empty": {
            "title": "This directory is empty",
            "createWorkflow": "Create Workflow",
            "createService": "Create Service",
            "createEndpoint": "Create Endpoint",
            "createDirectory": "Create Directory"
          "noSearchResults": {
            "title": "No file matches your search"
        "rename": {
          "title": "Rename",
          "renameBtn": "Rename",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists"
        "newDirectory": {
          "title": "Create a new directory",
          "nameLabel": "Name",
          "folderPlaceholder": "folder-name",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
          "createBtn": "Create",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel"
        "fileViewer": {
          "title": "Preview",
          "notSupported": "Preview for this mime type is not currently supported.",
          "closeBtn": "Close"
        "delete": {
          "title": "Delete",
          "fileMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>? This cannot be undone.",
          "directoryMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>? All content of this directory will be deleted as well.",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "deleteBtn": "Delete"
        "newFileButton": {
          "buttonText": "New",
          "label": "Create",
          "items": {
            "directory": "New Directory",
            "workflow": "New Workflow",
            "service": "New Service",
            "gateway": {
              "label": "Gateway",
              "route": "New Route",
              "consumer": "New Consumer"
        "newWorkflow": {
          "title": "Create a new workflow",
          "nameLabel": "Name",
          "namePlaceholder": "workflow-name.yaml",
          "templateLabel": "Template",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create"
        "newService": {
          "title": "Create a new service",
          "nameLabel": "Name",
          "namePlaceholder": "service-name.yaml",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create"
        "newRoute": {
          "title": "Create a new route",
          "nameLabel": "Name",
          "namePlaceholder": "route-name.yaml",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create"
        "newConsumer": {
          "title": "Create a new consumer",
          "nameLabel": "Name",
          "namePlaceholder": "consumer-name.yaml",
          "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create"
        "workflow": {
          "runWorkflow": {
            "title": "Run Workflow",
            "jsonInput": "JSON Input",
            "formInput": "Form Input",
            "formInputHint": "The first state of this Workflow must be of type 'validate' to generate a form.",
            "learnMoreBtn": "Learn more",
            "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
            "runBtn": "Run",
            "genericRunError": "Something went wrong running this workflow."
          "settings": {
            "variables": {
              "list": {
                "title": "Workflow variables",
                "createBtn": "Add variable",
                "emptySearch": "No variable matches your search",
                "empty": "No variable found"
          "overview": {
            "instances": {
              "header": "Workflow instances",
              "noResult": "No instances of this workflow have been executed recently."
            "metrics": {
              "header": "Success / failure rate",
              "noResult": "no data available",
              "loading": "loading...",
              "legend": "{{successRate}}% successful"
            "services": {
              "header": "Workflow services"
      "workflow": {
        "menu": {
          "fileContent": "File Content",
          "overview": "Overview",
          "settings": "Settings",
          "services": "Services"
        "updated": "Updated {{relativeTime}} ago",
        "runBtn": "Run",
        "apiCommands": {
          "tooltip": "Open API commands",
          "title": "Workflow API interactions",
          "namespace": "Namespace",
          "namespacePlaceholder": "your-namespace",
          "workflow": "Workflow",
          "workflowPlaceholder": "path-to-workflow",
          "interaction": "Interaction",
          "interactionPlaceholder": "select an interaction",
          "openDocsBtn": "Open API docs",
          "copyBtn": "Copy as cURL command",
          "copyBtnCopied": "Copied",
          "labels": {
            "execute": "Execute workflow",
            "awaitExecute": "Execute workflow and wait",
            "update": "Update a workflow"
        "editor": {
          "unsavedNote": "unsaved changes",
          "theresOneIssue": "There is an issue",
          "runBtn": "Run",
          "saveBtn": "Save",
          "layout": {
            "code": "Code View",
            "diagram": "Diagram View",
            "splitVertically": "Split Vertically",
            "splitHorizontally": "Split Horizontally"
      "service": {
        "goToService": "Go to service",
        "goToServices": "Go to services",
        "editor": {
          "saveBtn": "Save",
          "unsavedNote": "unsaved changes",
          "form": {
            "serialisationError": "There was an error serializing the form data",
            "image": "Image",
            "scale": {
              "label": "Scale",
              "placeholder": "Select a scale",
              "tooltip": "\"Scale\" configures the desired instances of this resource in Kubernetes."
            "size": {
              "label": "Size",
              "placeholder": "Select a size"
            "cmd": "Cmd",
            "patches": {
              "label": "{{count}} Patches",
              "label_one": "{{count}} Patch",
              "addButton": "add patch",
              "modal": {
                "title": {
                  "edit": "Edit patch",
                  "create": "Create patch"
                "op": {
                  "label": "Operation",
                  "placeholder": "Select an operation"
                "path": "Path",
                "value": "Value"
            "envs": {
              "label": "Environment variables",
              "namePlaceholder": "NAME",
              "valuePlaceholder": "VALUE"
      "endpoint": {
        "openRouteLogs": "Open Logs",
        "editor": {
          "form": {
            "serialisationError": "There was an error serializing the form data",
            "path": "path",
            "timeout": "timeout (optional)",
            "methods": "methods",
            "allowAnonymous": "allow anonymous",
            "plugins": {
              "target": {
                "table": {
                  "headline": "Target plugin",
                  "addButton": "set target plugin"
                "modal": {
                  "headline": "Configure target plugin",
                  "label": "Target plugin",
                  "placeholder": "Please select a target plugin"
                "types": {
                  "instant-response": "Instant Response",
                  "target-flow": "Workflow",
                  "target-flow-var": "Workflow Variable",
                  "target-namespace-file": "Namespace File",
                  "target-namespace-var": "Namespace Variable",
                  "target-event": "Event"
                "instantResponse": {
                  "statusCode": "Status Code",
                  "statusCodePlaceholder": "200",
                  "contentType": "Content Type (optional)",
                  "contentTypePlaceholder": "application/json",
                  "statusMessage": "Status Message (optional)"
                "targetFlow": {
                  "namespace": "Namespace (optional)",
                  "workflow": "Workflow",
                  "asynchronous": "Asynchronous",
                  "contentType": "Content Type (optional)",
                  "contentTypePlaceholder": "application/json"
                "targetFlowVar": {
                  "namespace": "Namespace (optional)",
                  "workflow": "Workflow",
                  "variable": "Variable",
                  "contentType": "Content Type (optional)",
                  "contentTypePlaceholder": "application/json"
                "targetNamespaceFile": {
                  "namespace": "Namespace (optional)",
                  "file": "File",
                  "contentType": "Content Type (optional)",
                  "contentTypePlaceholder": "application/json"
                "targetNamespaceVariable": {
                  "namespace": "Namespace (optional)",
                  "variable": "Variable",
                  "contentType": "Content Type (optional)",
                  "contentTypePlaceholder": "application/json"
                "targetEvent": {
                  "namespace": "Namespace (optional)"
                "disableNamespaceSelectNote": "You can only access other namespaces when you are in the system namespace."
              "inbound": {
                "modal": {
                  "headlineAdd": "Add inbound plugin",
                  "headlineEdit": "Edit inbound plugin",
                  "label": "Inbound plugin",
                  "placeholder": "Please select an inbound plugin"
                "table": {
                  "headline": "{{count}} inbound plugins",
                  "headline_one": "{{count}} inbound plugin",
                  "addButton": "add inbound plugin"
                "types": {
                  "acl": "Access control list (acl)",
                  "js-inbound": "JavaScript",
                  "header-manipulation": "Header manipulation",
                  "request-convert": "Request convert",
                  "event-filter": "Event filter"
                "jsInbound": {
                  "script": "JavaScript"
                "requestConvert": {
                  "omitHeaders": "Omit Headers",
                  "omitQueries": "Omit Queries",
                  "omitBody": "Omit Body",
                  "omitConsumer": "Omit Consumer"
                "acl": {
                  "allow_groups": "Allow Groups (optional)",
                  "deny_groups": "Deny Groups (optional)",
                  "allow_tags": "Allow tags (optional)",
                  "deny_tags": "Deny tags (optional)",
                  "groupPlaceholder": "Enter a group",
                  "tagPlaceholder": "Enter a tag"
                "headerManipulation": {
                  "headers_to_add": "Headers to add (optional)",
                  "headers_to_modify": "Headers to modify (optional)",
                  "headers_to_remove": "Headers to remove (optional)",
                  "namePlaceholder": "Enter a header name",
                  "valuePlaceholder": "Enter a header value"
                "eventFilter": {
                  "script": "JavaScript",
                  "allow_non_events": "Allow non events (optional)"
              "outbound": {
                "modal": {
                  "headlineAdd": "Add outbound plugin",
                  "headlineEdit": "Edit outbound plugin",
                  "label": "Outbound plugin",
                  "placeholder": "Please select an outbound plugin"
                "table": {
                  "headline": "{{count}} outbound plugins",
                  "headline_one": "{{count}} outbound plugin",
                  "addButton": "add outbound plugin"
                "types": {
                  "js-outbound": "JavaScript"
                "jsOutbound": {
                  "script": "JavaScript"
              "auth": {
                "modal": {
                  "headlineAdd": "Add auth plugin",
                  "headlineEdit": "Edit auth plugin",
                  "label": "Auth plugin",
                  "placeholder": "Please select an auth plugin"
                "table": {
                  "headline": "{{count}} auth plugins",
                  "headline_one": "{{count}} auth plugin",
                  "addButton": "add auth plugin"
                "types": {
                  "basic-auth": "Basic Auth",
                  "github-webhook-auth": "Github Webhook",
                  "gitlab-webhook-auth": "Gitlab Webhook",
                  "slack-webhook-auth": "Slack Webhook",
                  "key-auth": "Key Auth"
                "basciAuth": {
                  "addUsernameHeader": "Add username header",
                  "addTagsHeader": "Add tags header",
                  "addGroupsHeader": "Add groups header"
                "githubWebhookAuth": {
                  "secret": "secret"
                "keyAuth": {
                  "addUsernameHeader": "Add username header",
                  "addTagsHeader": "Add tags header",
                  "addGroupsHeader": "Add groups header",
                  "keyName": "Key name (optional)",
                  "keyNamePlaceholder": "name of the key"
          "saveBtn": "Save",
          "unsavedNote": "unsaved changes"
      "consumer": {
        "goToConsumer": "Go to consumers",
        "editor": {
          "form": {
            "serialisationError": "There was an error serializing the form data",
            "username": "Username",
            "password": "Password",
            "apiKey": "Api key",
            "tags": "Tags (optional)",
            "groups": "Groups (optional)",
            "tagsPlaceholder": "Enter a tag",
            "groupsPlaceholder": "Enter a group"
          "saveBtn": "Save",
          "unsavedNote": "unsaved changes"
    "events": {
      "tabs": {
        "history": "Event history",
        "listeners": "Event listeners"
      "history": {
        "title": "Cloud events history",
        "send": {
          "dialogTrigger": "Send new event",
          "dialogHeader": "Create new event",
          "submit": "Send"
        "view": {
          "info": "This information is read-only, 'retrigger' will replay a stored copy of the event.",
          "dialogHeader": "View event",
          "submit": "Retrigger"
        "tableHeader": {
          "id": "id",
          "type": "type",
          "source": "source",
          "receivedAt": "received"
        "tableRow": {
          "realtiveTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago"
        "empty": {
          "noFilterResults": "No events found with these filter criteria",
          "noResults": "No events found"
        "filter": {
          "filterButton": "Filter",
          "placeholder": {
            "mainMenu": "Type or select a field...",
            "typeContains": "cloud.event.type",
            "eventContains": "search cloudevent content"
          "field": {
            "typeContains": "type contains",
            "eventContains": "content contains",
            "receivedAfter": "received after",
            "receivedBefore": "received before"
          "menuHeading": {
            "main": "Select filter",
            "typeContains": "type contains",
            "eventContains": "content contains"
        "selectPageSize": {
          "selectItem": "Show {{count}} rows"
      "listeners": {
        "title": "Event listeners",
        "tableHeader": {
          "target": "target",
          "type": "type",
          "mode": "mode",
          "createdAt": "updated",
          "eventTypes": "cloud event type",
          "contextFilters": "context filters"
        "empty": {
          "noResults": "No event listeners found"
        "tableRow": {
          "realtiveTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago",
          "type": {
            "workflow": "start workflow",
            "instance": "resume instance"
          "contextFilters": "{{count}} filters",
          "contextFilters_zero": "-"
    "monitoring": {
      "title": "Monitoring",
      "instances": {
        "successfulExecutions": {
          "title": "Successful Executions",
          "empty": "There are no recent successful executions."
        "failedExecutions": {
          "title": "Failed Executions",
          "empty": "There are no recent failed executions."
    "instances": {
      "list": {
        "title": "Recently executed instances",
        "refetchLabel": "Refetch instances",
        "empty": {
          "noInstances": "There are no recently executed instances",
          "noFilterResults": "No recently executed instances found with these filter criteria"
        "tableHeader": {
          "name": "name",
          "id": "id",
          "invoker": "trigger",
          "state": "state",
          "startedAt": "started at",
          "finishedAt": "finished at",
          "childInstances": {
            "label": "spawned",
            "instanceCount": "{{count}} instances",
            "instanceCountMax": "+ {{count}} instances",
            "searchPlaceholder": "Search child instances...",
            "searchPlaceholderMax": "Search the latest {{count}} child instances...",
            "notFound": "No child instances found."
        "tableRow": {
          "realtiveTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago",
          "stillRunning": "still running"
        "filter": {
          "filterButton": "Filter",
          "menuHeading": {
            "main": "Select filter",
            "AS": "filter by name",
            "STATUS": "filter by status",
            "TRIGGER": "filter by trigger",
            "AFTER": "filter created after",
            "BEFORE": "filter created before"
          "field": {
            "AS": "name",
            "STATUS": "status",
            "TRIGGER": "trigger",
            "AFTER": "created after",
            "BEFORE": "created before"
          "placeholder": {
            "mainMenu": "Type or select a field...",
            "AS": "filename.yaml",
            "STATUS": "Type or select status...",
            "TRIGGER": "Type or select trigger type..."
      "detail": {
        "header": {
          "openWorkflow": "Open workflow",
          "cancelWorkflow": "Cancel workflow",
          "invoker": "trigger",
          "state": "state",
          "startedAt": "started at",
          "finishedAt": "finished at",
          "realtiveTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago"
        "logs": {
          "title": "Logs for {{path}}",
          "tooltips": {
            "verbose": "Verbose logs",
            "minimize": "Minimize logs",
            "maximize": "Maximize logs"
          "filter": {
            "filterButton": "Filter",
            "menuHeading": {
              "main": "Select filter",
              "workflowName": "workflow name",
              "stateName": "state name"
            "field": {
              "workflowName": "workflow name",
              "stateName": "state name"
            "placeholder": {
              "mainMenu": "Type or select a field...",
              "workflowName": "/path/filename.yaml",
              "stateName": "someStateName"
        "diagram": {
          "minimizeInput": "Minimize diagram",
          "maximizeInput": "Maximize diagram"
        "inputOutput": {
          "copyInput": "Copy input",
          "minimizeInput": "Minimize input",
          "maximizeInput": "Maximize input",
          "copyOutput": "Copy output",
          "minimizeOutput": "Minimize output",
          "maximizeOutput": "Maximize output",
          "tabs": {
            "input": "Input",
            "output": "Output"
          "output": {
            "stillRunningMsg": "The workflow is still running",
            "noOutputMsg": "no output data was resolved"
    "mirror": {
      "header": {
        "ref": "ref",
        "url": "url",
        "editMirror": "Edit mirror",
        "sync": "Sync"
      "syncDialog": {
        "title": "Sync {{namespace}}",
        "description": "Fetch and sync mirror with latest content from remote repository?",
        "warning": "Warning: This will overwrite all files in this namespace",
        "confirm": "Sync"
      "syncs": {
        "list": {
          "title": "Syncs",
          "noResults": "No syncs found"
        "detail": {
          "header": {
            "createdAt": "started",
            "relativeTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago",
            "type": "type",
            "status": "status"
          "logs": {
            "title": "Activity log"
        "tableHeader": {
          "createdAt": "Started",
          "id": "ID",
          "status": "Status",
          "type": "Type"
        "tableRow": {
          "realtiveTime": "{{relativeTime}} ago"
      "noMirror": {
        "title": "This namespace is not a mirror",
        "description1": "This page is only available for Git mirrors.",
        "description2": "When you create a new namespace, you can set it up as a Git mirror. This means the contents of a Git repository will be imported, and changes to your files will be synched between namespace and repository.",
        "docs": {
          "title": "Git mirrors",
          "description": "Read more about Git synching in our docs."
        "example": {
          "title": "Try it out!",
          "description": "Create a mirror using our examples repository."
    "services": {
      "list": {
        "title": "Services",
        "refetchLabel": "Refetch services",
        "tableHeader": {
          "name": "name",
          "image": "image",
          "scale": "scale",
          "size": "size",
          "cmd": "cmd",
          "tooltip": "Desired instances / currently running instances in Kubernetes"
        "tableRow": {
          "errorLabel": "Error",
          "envsLabel": "{{count}} environment variables",
          "envsLabel_one": "{{count}} environment variable"
        "contextMenu": {
          "rebuild": "Rebuild"
        "empty": {
          "title": "No services exist yet"
        "rebuild": {
          "title": "Rebuild service",
          "msg": "Are you sure you want to rebuild <b>{{name}}</b>? This will kill the running service, repull the image and start the service again.",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "deleteBtn": "Rebuild"
      "detail": {
        "logs": {
          "noPods": "No running pods",
          "title": "Logs for {{name}}",
          "tab": "Pod {{number}} of {{total}}"
    "permissions": {
      "tabs": {
        "policy": "Policy",
        "tokens": "Tokens",
        "groups": "Groups"
      "policy": {
        "unsavedNote": "unsaved changes",
        "theresOneIssue": "There is an issue",
        "saveBtn": "Save",
        "permissionsHintTitle": "Available permissions"
      "permissionsInfo": {
        "all": "all permissions",
        "partial": "{{count}} permisions",
        "partial_one": "{{count}} permision",
        "partial_zero": "no permissions"
      "durationHint": {
        "title": "Token lifetime",
        "description": "The token lifetime must be a valid ISO 8601 duration string.",
        "examples": "Examples:",
        "P1Y": "1 year",
        "PT48H": "48 hours",
        "P1Y2M15D": "1 year, 2 months, and 15 days"
      "permissionsSelector": {
        "permissions": "Permissions",
        "selectAll": "Select all",
        "deselectAll": "Deselect all"
      "groups": {
        "tableHeader": {
          "name": "name",
          "description": "description",
          "permissions": "permissions"
        "createBtn": "Create a new group",
        "noGroups": "There are no groups yet.",
        "contextMenu": {
          "edit": "Edit",
          "delete": "Delete"
        "create": {
          "title": "Create a group",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create",
          "group": {
            "label": "Name",
            "placeholder": "groupname",
            "alreadyExist": "The name already exists"
          "description": {
            "label": "Description",
            "placeholder": "Enter a description for the group"
        "edit": {
          "title": "Update group",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "editBtn": "Save",
          "group": {
            "label": "Name",
            "placeholder": "groupname",
            "alreadyExist": "The name already exists"
          "description": {
            "label": "Description",
            "placeholder": "Enter a description for the group"
        "delete": {
          "title": "Delete group",
          "msg": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>? This cannot be undone.",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "deleteBtn": "Delete"
      "tokens": {
        "tableHeader": {
          "description": "description",
          "permissions": "permissions",
          "created": "created",
          "expires": "expires"
        "createBtn": "Create a new token",
        "created": "{{relativeTime}} ago",
        "expiresIn": "in {{relativeTime}}",
        "expiredAgo": "{{relativeTime}} ago",
        "noTokens": "There are no tokens yet.",
        "contextMenu": {
          "delete": "Delete"
        "create": {
          "title": "Create a token",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "createBtn": "Create",
          "description": {
            "label": "Description",
            "placeholder": "Enter a description for the group"
          "duration": {
            "label": "Duration",
            "placeholder": "Lifetime of the token in ISO 8601 like e.g P1Y (1 year) or PT12H (12 hours)"
          "success": {
            "title": "Token was Created",
            "description": "Your token was created successfully. Please copy it and store it in a safe place as it will not be shown again.",
            "copy": "Copy token",
            "copied": "Copied!",
            "close": "Close"
        "delete": {
          "title": "Delete token",
          "msg": "Are you sure you want to delete this token? This cannot be undone.",
          "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
          "deleteBtn": "Delete"
    "settings": {
      "generic": {
        "contextMenu": {
          "title": "Actions",
          "delete": "Delete",
          "edit": "Edit",
          "download": "Download"
      "secrets": {
        "list": {
          "title": "Secrets",
          "empty": "No secrets exist yet",
          "createBtn": "Create secret",
          "searchPlaceholder": "Filter secrets...",
          "emptySearch": "No secret matches your search",
          "initializeBtn": "Initialize secret",
          "notInitializedTooltip": "We created a placeholder for this secret because we detected a reference to it in one of your workflows. Please initialize the secret by uploading a file or entering a value."
        "delete": {
          "description": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>?<br/> This cannot be undone."
        "form": {
          "unsupported": "Unsupported MimeType: Only text-based files can be used for secrets",
          "name": {
            "label": "Name",
            "placeholder": "secret-name",
            "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists"
        "create": {
          "title": "Add a secret"
        "edit": {
          "title": "Edit {{name}}",
          "editNote": "Existing secrets cannot be retrieved after creating. But you can overwrite the existing value with a new one"
      "registries": {
        "list": {
          "title": "Container Registries",
          "empty": "No registries exist yet",
          "createBtn": "Create registry",
          "searchPlaceholder": "Filter registries...",
          "emptySearch": "No registry matches your search"
        "delete": {
          "description": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>?<br/> This cannot be undone."
        "create": {
          "description": "Add a container registry",
          "url": "URL",
          "user": "User",
          "password": "Password"
      "variables": {
        "list": {
          "title": "Variables",
          "empty": "No variables exist yet",
          "createBtn": "Create variable",
          "searchPlaceholder": "Filter variables...",
          "emptySearch": "No variable matches your search"
        "delete": {
          "description": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{name}}</b>?<br/> This cannot be undone."
      "deleteNamespace": {
        "title": "Delete namespace",
        "description": "This will permanently delete the current active namespace and all resources associated with it.",
        "deleteBtn": "Delete namespace",
        "modal": {
          "description": "Are you sure you want to delete <b>{{namespace}}</b>?<br/> This cannot be undone.",
          "confirm": "Please type <b>{{namespace}}</b> to confirm."
      "theme": {
        "title": "Theme"
      "namespace": {
        "title": "Namespace"
      "apiKey": {
        "title": "API Key"
      "version": {
        "title": "Version"
      "namespacesList": {
        "title": "Namespaces"
    "gateway": {
      "tabs": {
        "routes": "Routes",
        "consumers": "Consumers"
      "routes": {
        "columns": {
          "filePath": "file path",
          "methods": "methods",
          "path": "path",
          "plugins": "plugins",
          "anonymous": "allow anonymous"
        "row": {
          "methods": {
            "none": "no methods set",
            "tooltipLabel": "+{{count}}"
          "allowAnonymous": {
            "yes": "yes",
            "no": "no"
          "error": {
            "count": "{{count}} errors",
            "count_one": "{{count}} error"
          "warnings": {
            "count": "{{count}} warnings",
            "count_one": "{{count}} warning"
          "plugin": {
            "countAll": "{{count}} plugins",
            "countAll_one": "{{count}} plugin",
            "countType": "{{count}} {{type}} plugins",
            "countType_one": "{{count}} {{type}} plugin"
        "empty": "No routes exist yet",
        "searchPlaceholder": "Filter routes...",
        "emptySearch": "No route matches your search",
        "detail": {
          "editRoute": "Edit Route"
      "consumer": {
        "refetchLabel": "Refetch consumers",
        "columns": {
          "username": "username",
          "password": "password",
          "apikey": "apikey",
          "tags": "tags",
          "groups": "groups"
        "empty": "No consumers exist yet"
    "jqPlayground": {
      "title": "jq Playground",
      "description": "jq Playground is an environment where you can quickly test your jq commands against JSON input.",
      "openManualBtn": "Open jq manual",
      "queryPlaceholder": "Enter your jq query here...",
      "input": "Input",
      "output": "Output",
      "logs": "Logs",
      "submitBtn": "Run query",
      "examples": {
        "title": "Examples",
        "buttonLabel": "Run",
        "snippets": {
          "unchangedInput": "unchanged input",
          "valueAtKey": "value at key",
          "arrayOperation": "array operation",
          "arrayObjectConstruction": "array/object construction",
          "lengthOfValue": "length of a value",
          "keysInArray": "keys in an array",
          "feedInput": "feed input into multiple filters",
          "pipeOutput": "pipe output of one filter to the next filter",
          "inputUnchanged": "input unchanged if foo returns true",
          "invokeFilter": "invoke filter foo for each input",
          "conditionals": "conditionals",
          "stringInterpolation": "string interpolation"
  "components": {
    "mainMenu": {
      "explorer": "Explorer",
      "monitoring": "Monitoring",
      "instances": "Instances",
      "events": "Events",
      "gateway": "Gateway",
      "permissions": "Permissions",
      "services": "Services",
      "settings": "Settings",
      "jqPlayground": "jq Playground",
      "mirror": "Mirror"
    "breadcrumb": {
      "searchPlaceholder": "Search namespace...",
      "notFound": "No namespace found.",
      "createBtn": "Create new namespace",
      "loading": "loading...",
      "instances": "Instances",
      "eventHistory": "Event History",
      "services": "Services",
      "eventListeners": "Event Listeners",
      "monitoring": "Monitoring",
      "mirror": "Mirror",
      "permissions": "Permissions",
      "permissionsPolicy": "Policy",
      "permissionsTokens": "Tokens",
      "permissionsGroups": "Groups",
      "settings": "Settings",
      "gateway": "Gateway",
      "gatewayRoutes": "Routes",
      "gatewayConsumers": "Consumers",
      "jqPlayground": "jq Playground"
    "contextMenu": {
      "deleteBtn": "Delete",
      "moveUpBtn": "Move up",
      "moveDownBtn": "Move down"
    "namespaceEdit": {
      "title": {
        "new": "Create a new namespace",
        "edit": "Update mirror for {{namespace}}"
      "submitBtn": {
        "create": "Create",
        "save": "Save"
      "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists",
      "cancelBtn": "Cancel",
      "tab": {
        "namespace": "Namespace",
        "mirror": "Mirror"
      "formTypeSelect": {
        "keep-token": "Keep existing token (http)",
        "keep-ssh": "Keep existing keys (ssh)",
        "public": "Public",
        "token": "Token (http)",
        "ssh": "Key pair (ssh)"
      "formTypeMessage": {
        "keep": "Your authentication data will be kept unless you chose a different option.",
        "replace": "The new authentication settings will overwrite any stored credentials. Select the 'keep' option above to prevent this."
      "placeholder": {
        "name": "new-namespace-name",
        "ref": "branch or commit hash",
        "httpUrl": "https://example.com/direktiv/repo.git",
        "gitUrl": "git@example.com/direktiv/repo.git",
        "passphrase": "Passphrase (optional)",
        "publicKey": "Public Key (required)",
        "privateKey": "Private Key (required)",
        "token": "token",
        "formType": "Select authentication method"
      "label": {
        "name": "Name",
        "ref": "Ref",
        "url": "Url",
        "passphrase": "Passphrase",
        "publicKey": "Public key",
        "privateKey": "Private key",
        "token": "Token",
        "formType": "Auth type",
        "insecure": "Skip certificate validation"
      "tooltip": {
        "url": "URL to repository. If auth method is SSH, a git url must be used, e.g. 'git@github.com:direktiv/apps-svc.git'. All other auth methods must use HTTP/S urls.",
        "ref": "Repository reference to sync from. For example this could be a commit hash ('b139f0e') or branch ('main').",
        "token": "Personal access token (for authentication with a HTTP/S url).",
        "passphrase": "Passphrase to decrypt keys (optional).",
        "privateKey": "Private SSH key used for authentication via git@ url.",
        "publicKey": "Public SSH key used for authenticating via git@ url.",
        "insecure": "This will skip all checks for TLS certificate validity (only relevant for https and ssh, has no effect on http)"
    "button": {
      "label": {
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "create": "Create",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "save": "Save"
    "dialog": {
      "header": {
        "confirm": "Confirmation required"
    "apiError": {
      "onlyLabel": "The API returned an unexpected error",
      "withMessage": "The API returned an unexpected error: {{message}}"
    "formErrors": {
      "fieldInvalid": "this field is invalid"
    "notificationMenu": {
      "title": "Notifications",
      "isLoading": {
        "description": "Loading..."
      "noIssues": {
        "description": "You do not have any notifications."
      "hasIssues": {
        "secrets": {
          "description": "You have {{count}} uninitialized secrets.",
          "description_one": "You have {{count}} uninitialized secret."
    "namespaceSelector": {
      "placeholder": "Select Namespace",
      "loading": "loading...",
      "optionDoesNotExist": "{{namespace}} (does not exist)"
    "variableForm": {
      "title": {
        "create": "Create a variable",
        "edit": "Edit {{name}}"
      "name": {
        "label": "Name",
        "placeholder": "variable-name",
        "nameAlreadyExists": "The name already exists"
      "mimeType": {
        "label": "Mimetype",
        "unspecified": "Mimetype is unspecified",
        "placeholder": "Select a mimetype"
      "noPreview": "Only text based mime types are supported for preview and editing"
    "namespaceVariablepicker": {
      "title": "Variables in \"{{path}}\"",
      "buttonText": "Browse Variables",
      "placeholder": "No Variable selected",
      "error": {
        "pathNotFound": "The directory \"{{path}}\" was not found.",
        "noVarsInNamespace": "No Variables found"
    "workflowVariablepicker": {
      "title": "Variables in \"{{path}}\"",
      "buttonText": "Browse Variables",
      "placeholder": "No Variable selected",
      "error": {
        "pathNotFound": "The workflow \"{{path}}\" was not found.",
        "noVarsInWorkflow": "No Variables found in \"{{path}}\"",
        "unselected": "Please select a workflow first."
    "filepicker": {
      "buttonText": "Browse Files",
      "placeholder": "No File selected",
      "emptyDirectory": {
        "title": "The directory \"{{path}}\" is empty."
      "error": {
        "title": "The path \"{{path}}\" was not found.",
        "linkText": "Go back to root directory"
    "fileUpload": {
      "label": "Upload a file"
    "userMenu": {
      "loggedIn": "You are logged in",
      "loggedInAs": "You are logged in as {{username}}",
      "logout": "Logout",
      "appearance": "Appearance",
      "switchToLight": "Switch to light mode",
      "switchToDark": "Switch to dark mode",
      "help": "Help",
      "docs": "Open the docs",
      "supportChannelOnSlack": "Support Channel on Slack"
    "modalWrapper": {
      "saveBtn": "Save",
      "cancelBtn": "Cancel"
    "logs": {
      "title": "Logs",
      "followLogs": "Follow logs",
      "logsCount": "received {{count}} log entries",
      "logsCount_one": "received {{count}} log entry",
      "copy": "Copy logs",
      "logEntry": {
        "pathLabel": "path:",
        "messageLabel": "msg:",
        "stateLabel": "state:",
        "instanceLabel": "instance:",
        "errorLabel": "error:"
    "blocker": {
      "unsavedChangesWarning": "You have unsaved changes that will be lost when leaving this route. Are you sure you want to leave?"
    "filters": {
      "menuHeading": {
        "receivedAfter": "filter by received after",
        "receivedBefore": "filter by received before"
    "timepicker": {
      "menuHeading": "refine time",
      "menuLabels": {
        "hours": "Hours",
        "minutes": "Minutes",
        "seconds": "Seconds"
  "api": {
    "generic": {
      "error": "An error occurred",
      "noPermissionTitle": "No permission",
      "noPermissionMutationDescription": "You do not have permission to perform this action",
      "noPermissionQueryDescription": "You do not have permission to view this data"
    "authentication": {
      "mutate": {
        "authenticate": {
          "error": {
            "description": "The auth endpoint did not answer as expected 😢"
    "tree": {
      "mutate": {
        "directory": {
          "create": {
            "success": {
              "title": "Directory created"
            "delete": {
              "title": "Directory deleted"
            "rename": {
              "title": "Directory renamed"
        "file": {
          "create": {
            "success": {
              "title": "File created",
              "description": "{{name}} was created in {{path}}"
            "error": {
              "description": "could not create {{name}} 😢"
          "delete": {
            "success": {
              "title": "File deleted",
              "description": "{{name}} was deleted"
            "error": {
              "description": "could not delete {{name}} 😢"
          "rename": {
            "success": {
              "title": "File renamed",
              "description": "{{name}} was renamed"
            "error": {
              "description": "could not rename {{name}} 😢"
        "setVariable": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Worfklow variable saved",
            "description": "Saved variable {{variable}} for workflow {{workflow}}"
          "error": {
            "description": "could not save workflow variable 😢"
        "downloadVariable": {
          "error": {
            "description": "could not download variable 😢"
    "namespaces": {
      "mutate": {
        "create": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Create a new namespace",
            "description": "Namespace {{name}} was created successfully."
          "error": {
            "description": "could not create namespace 😢"
        "update": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Edit namespace",
            "description": "Namespace {{name}} was updated successfully."
          "error": {
            "description": "could not update namespace 😢"
        "delete": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Delete namespace",
            "description": "Namespace {{name}} was deleted successfully."
          "error": {
            "description": "could not delete namespace 😢"
        "syncMirror": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Sync namespace",
            "description": "Triggered sync for namespace {{namespace}}"
          "error": {
            "description": "could not sync namespace 😢"
        "updateMirror": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Update mirror",
            "description": "Settings for mirror {{namespace}} were updated"
          "error": {
            "description": "could not update mirror settings 😢"
    "registries": {
      "mutate": {
        "createRegistry": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Registry created",
            "description": "Registry {{name}} was created."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not create registry 😢"
        "deleteRegistry": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Registry deleted",
            "description": "Registry {{name}} was deleted."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not delete registry 😢"
    "services": {
      "mutate": {
        "rebuildService": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Service rebuild",
            "description": "Service was rebuilt."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not rebuild service 😢"
    "variables": {
      "mutate": {
        "updateVariable": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Variable saved",
            "description": "Variable {{name}} was saved."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not save variable 😢"
        "deleteVariable": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Variable deleted",
            "description": "Variable {{name}} was deleted."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not delete variable 😢"
        "downloadVariable": {
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not download variable 😢"
    "secrets": {
      "mutate": {
        "updateSecret": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Secret saved",
            "description": "Secret {{name}} was saved."
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not save secret 😢"
        "deleteSecret": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Secret deleted",
            "description": "Secret {{name}} was deleted"
          "error": {
            "description": "Could not delete secret 😢"
    "events": {
      "mutate": {
        "sendEvent": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Event sent",
            "description": "The event was sent"
          "error": {
            "description": "The event could not be sent 😢"
        "replayEvent": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Event retriggered",
            "description": "The event was retriggered"
          "error": {
            "description": "The event could not be retriggered 😢"
    "tokens": {
      "mutate": {
        "createToken": {
          "error": {
            "description": "The token could not be created 😢"
        "deleteToken": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Token deleted",
            "description": "The token was deleted"
          "error": {
            "description": "The token could not be deleted 😢"
    "groups": {
      "mutate": {
        "createGroup": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Group created",
            "description": "The group {{name}} was created"
          "error": {
            "description": "The group could not be created 😢"
        "editGroup": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Group updated",
            "description": "The group {{name}} was updated"
          "error": {
            "description": "The group could not be updated 😢"
        "deleteGroup": {
          "success": {
            "title": "Group deleted",
            "description": "The group {{name}} was deleted"
          "error": {
            "description": "The group could not be deleted 😢"