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Test Coverage
import { LogEntry, Logs } from "./index";
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react";
import Button from "../Button";
import { Card } from "../Card";
import Editor from "../Editor";
import { YamlSample } from "../Editor/languageSamples";
import { useState } from "react";

const meta = {
  title: "Components/Logs",
  component: Logs,
} satisfies Meta<typeof Logs>;

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;

export const Default: Story = {
  render: ({ ...args }) => (
    <Logs {...args}>
      <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="error">
        Hey this is the log

      <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="error">
        Hey this is the log

export const LogVariants = () => (
    <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="error">
      Hey this is the error log

    <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="success">
      Hey this is the success log

    <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="warning">
      Hey this is the warning log
    <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="info">
      Hey this is the info log
    <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12">Hey this is the info log</LogEntry>

export const WrapLog = () => (
    <Logs wordWrap>
      <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="success">
        This is going to be a very long line This is going to be a very long
        line This is going to be a very long line This is going to be a very
        long line This is going to be a very long line Next line Third line

export const NoWrapLog = () => (
      <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="success">
        This is going to be a very long line This is going to be a very long
        line This is going to be a very long line This is going to be a very
        long line This is going to be a very long line Next line Third line
      <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="error">
        New Entry

export const EditorVSLogsFontCompare = () => {
  const [wordWrap, setWordWrap] = useState(true);
  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-5">
      <Button className="self-start" onClick={() => setWordWrap((old) => !old)}>
        {!wordWrap && "don't"} wrap long lines
      <div className="flex flex-row gap-5">
        <Card className="flex h-[500px] flex-1 overflow-x-auto">
          <Logs wordWrap={wordWrap} className="grow">
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12">
              Preparing workflow triggered by api.
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12">Starting workflow demo.yml.</LogEntry>
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12">
              Running state logic (step:1) -- helloworld
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12">Transforming state data.</LogEntry>
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="warning">
              Warning: this is a very long line with a warning. this is a very
              long line with a warning. this is a very long line with a warning.
              this is a very long line with a warning. this is a very long line
              with a warning. this is a very long line with a warning. this is a
              very long line with a warning. this is a very long line with a
              warning. this is a very long line with a warning. this is a very
              long line with a warning. this is a very long line with a warning.
              this is a very long line with a warning.
            <LogEntry time="12:34:23.12" variant="success">
              Workflow demo.yml completed.
        <Card className="h-[500px] flex-1 p-4">
          <Editor className="grow" value={YamlSample} />