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2 hrs
Test Coverage
package ext

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (


// Various ext2 build constants.
const (
    Signature                = 0xEF53
    SectorSize               = 512
    BlockSize                = 0x1000
    SuperblockOffset         = 1024
    InodeSize                = 128
    InodesPerBlock           = BlockSize / InodeSize
    BlockGroupDescriptorSize = 32
    blocksPerSuperblock      = 1
    blocksPerBlockBitmap     = 1
    blocksPerInodeBitmap     = 1

    pointerSize       = 4
    maxDirectPointers = 12
    pointersPerBlock  = BlockSize / pointerSize

    dentryNameAlignment = 4

    RootDirInode = 2

    InodeTypeDirectory          = 0x4000
    InodeTypeRegularFile        = 0x8000
    InodeTypeSymlink            = 0xA000
    InodeTypeMask               = 0xF000
    InodePermissionsMask        = 0777
    DefaultInodePermissions     = 0700
    SuperUID                    = 1000
    SuperGID                    = 1000
    inodeDirectoryPermissions   = InodeTypeDirectory | DefaultInodePermissions
    inodeRegularFilePermissions = InodeTypeRegularFile | DefaultInodePermissions
    inodeSymlinkPermissions     = InodeTypeSymlink | DefaultInodePermissions

    IncompatFiletype = 0x2

// Superblock is the structure of a superblock as written to the disk.
type Superblock struct {
    TotalInodes         uint32
    TotalBlocks         uint32
    ReservedBlocks      uint32
    UnallocatedBlocks   uint32
    UnallocatedInodes   uint32
    SuperblockNumber    uint32
    BlockSize           uint32
    FragmentSize        uint32
    BlocksPerGroup      uint32
    FragmentsPerGroup   uint32
    InodesPerGroup      uint32
    LastMountTime       uint32
    LastWrittenTime     uint32
    MountsSinceCheck    uint16
    MountsCheckInterval uint16
    Signature           uint16
    State               uint16
    ErrorProtocol       uint16
    VersionMinor        uint16
    TimeLastCheck       uint32
    TimeCheckInterval   uint32
    OS                  uint32
    VersionMajor        uint32
    SuperUser           uint16
    SuperGroup          uint16
    _                   uint32
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint16
    _                   uint32
    RequiredFeatures    uint32

// BlockGroupDescriptorTableEntry is the structure of an ext block group
// descriptor table entry.
type BlockGroupDescriptorTableEntry struct {
    BlockBitmapBlockAddr uint32
    InodeBitmapBlockAddr uint32
    InodeTableBlockAddr  uint32
    UnallocatedBlocks    uint16
    UnallocatedInodes    uint16
    Directories          uint16
    _                    [14]byte

// Inode is the structure of an inode as written to the disk.
type Inode struct {
    Permissions      uint16
    UID              uint16
    SizeLower        uint32
    LastAccessTime   uint32
    CreationTime     uint32
    ModificationTime uint32
    DeletionTime     uint32
    GID              uint16
    Links            uint16
    Sectors          uint32
    Flags            uint32
    OSV              uint32
    DirectPointer    [12]uint32
    SinglyIndirect   uint32
    DoublyIndirect   uint32
    TriplyIndirect   uint32
    GenNo            uint32
    FileACL          uint32
    SizeUpper        uint32
    FragAddr         uint32
    OSStuff          [12]byte

func divide(a, b int64) int64 {
    return (a + b - 1) / b

func align(a, b int64) int64 {
    return divide(a, b) * b

func calculateNumberOfIndirectBlocks(b int64) int64 {

    var single, double, triple, p int64
    p = BlockSize / pointerSize
    single = maxDirectPointers
    double = single + p
    triple = double + p*p
    bounds := triple + p*p*p

    switch {
    case b <= single:
        return 0
    case b <= double:
        return 1
    case b <= triple:
        return 1 + 1 + divide(b-double, p)
    case b <= bounds:
        return 1 + 1 + p + 1 + divide(divide(b-triple, p), p) + divide(b-triple, p)
        panic(errors.New("file too large for ext2"))


func blockType(i int64) int {

    var p, a, b int64
    p = BlockSize / pointerSize

    // check if the block is in the direct pointers region
    i -= maxDirectPointers
    if i < 0 {
        return 0

    // check if the block is the first indirect block
    if i == 0 {
        return 1

    // check if the block is a data block from the first indirect
    i -= (p + 1)
    if i < 0 {
        return 0

    // check if the block is the second indirect block
    if i == 0 {
        return 2

    // check if the block is a first-level indirect from the second indirect
    a = i / (p + 1)
    b = i % (p + 1)
    if a < p && b == 0 {
        return 1

    // check if the block is a data block from the second indirect
    i -= (p + 1) * p
    if i < 0 {
        return 0

    // check if the block is the third indirect block
    if i == 0 {
        return 3

    // check if the block is a second-level indirect from the third indirect
    a = i / ((p+1)*p + 1)
    b = i % ((p+1)*p + 1)
    if b == 0 {
        return 2

    // check if the block is a first-level indirect from the third indirect
    a = b / (p + 1)
    b = b % (p + 1)
    if a < p && b == 0 {
        return 1

    // it must be a data block from the third indirect
    return 0


func calculateBlocksFromSize(size int64) (content int64, fs int64) {
    content = divide(size, BlockSize)
    fs = calculateNumberOfIndirectBlocks(content)
    fs += content
    return content, fs

func calculateSymlinkBlocks(f vio.File) (content int64, fs int64) {
    return calculateBlocksFromSize(int64(f.Size()))

func calculateRegularFileBlocks(f vio.File) (int64, int64) {
    return calculateBlocksFromSize(int64(f.Size()))

func calculateDirectoryBlocks(n *vio.TreeNode) (int64, int64) {

    var length, leftover int64
    length = 24 // '.' entry + ".." entry
    leftover = BlockSize - length

    for i, child := range n.Children {

        name := path.Base(child.File.Name())
        l := 8 + align(int64(len(name)+1), dentryNameAlignment)

        if leftover >= l {
            length += l
            leftover -= l
        } else {
            length += leftover
            length += l
            leftover = BlockSize - l

        if leftover < 8 || i == len(n.Children)-1 {
            length += leftover
            leftover = BlockSize


    return calculateBlocksFromSize(length)


const (
    ftypeRegularFile = 0x1
    ftypeDir         = 0x2
    ftypeSymlink     = 0x7

type dirTuple struct {
    name  string
    inode uint32
    ftype uint8

func generateDirectoryData(node *nodeBlocks) (io.Reader, error) {

    var tuples []*dirTuple
    tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: ".", inode: uint32(node.node.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: ftypeDir})
    tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: "..", inode: uint32(node.node.Parent.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: ftypeDir})

    for _, child := range node.node.Children {
        var ftype uint8
        if child.File.IsDir() {
            ftype = ftypeDir
        } else if child.File.IsSymlink() {
            ftype = ftypeSymlink
        } else {
            ftype = ftypeRegularFile
        tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: path.Base(child.File.Name()), inode: uint32(child.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: ftype})

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    length := int64(0)
    leftover := int64(BlockSize)

    for i, child := range tuples {
        l := 8 + align(int64(len(child.name)+1), dentryNameAlignment)

        if leftover >= l && (leftover-l == 0 || leftover-l > 8) {
            length += l
            leftover -= l
        } else {
            // add a null entry into the leftover space
            _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint32(0))        // inode
            _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(leftover)) // entry size
            _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(0))         // name length
            _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(0))         // file type
            _, _ = buf.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, int(leftover-8)))   // padding

            length += leftover
            length += l
            leftover = int64(BlockSize) - l

        if leftover < 8 || i == len(tuples)-1 {
            l += leftover
            length += leftover
            leftover = int64(BlockSize)

        _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, child.inode)                      // inode
        _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(l))                        // entry size
        _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(len(child.name)))           // name length
        _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(child.ftype))               // file type
        _ = binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, append([]byte(child.name), 0))    // name
        _, _ = buf.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{0}, int(l-8-int64(len(child.name))-1))) // padding


    _, err := io.CopyN(buf, vio.Zeroes, align(int64(buf.Len()), BlockSize)-int64(buf.Len()))
    if err != nil {

    return bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), nil
