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Test Coverage
package ext4

import (


const (
    DirentHashVersion = 0x2

// FTYPE constants are used in directory entries to identify file types without requiring inode lookups.
const (
    FTypeRegularFile = 0x1 // FTYPE_REGULAR_FILE
    FTypeDir         = 0x2 // FTYPE_DIR
    FTypeSymlink     = 0x7 // FTYPE_SYMLINK

func sliceStringForHashing(s string) (string, *[4]uint32) {

    var pad, val uint32
    var in *[4]uint32
    in = &[4]uint32{}

    l := len(s)

    pad = uint32(l) | (uint32(l) << 8)
    pad |= pad << 16
    val = pad

    l = 16
    if len(s) < l {
        l = len(s)

    var i, c int
    for i = 0; i < l; i++ {
        val = uint32(s[i]) + (val << 8)
        if (i % 4) == 3 {
            in[c] = val
            val = pad

    if c < 4 {
        in[c] = val

    for c < 4 {
        in[c] = pad

    return s[l:], in


func teaTransform(buf, p *[4]uint32) {

    var sum, b0, b1, a, b, c, d uint32
    b0 = buf[0]
    b1 = buf[1]
    a = p[0]
    b = p[1]
    c = p[2]
    d = p[3]

    for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
        sum += 0x9E3779B9
        b0 += ((b1 << 4) + a) ^ (b1 + sum) ^ ((b1 >> 5) + b)
        b1 += ((b0 << 4) + c) ^ (b0 + sum) ^ ((b0 >> 5) + d)

    buf[0] += b0
    buf[1] += b1


func teaHash(s string) uint32 {

    var buf [4]uint32
    var p *[4]uint32

    // This is the starting state of the hashing buffer. Don't ask why, that's just the way it is.
    buf[0] = 0x67452301
    buf[1] = 0xefcdab89
    buf[2] = 0x98badcfe
    buf[3] = 0x10325476

    for len(s) > 0 {
        s, p = sliceStringForHashing(s)
        teaTransform(&buf, p)

    hash := buf[0]
    hash = hash &^ 0x1

    // cap hash to a maximum value
    cap := uint32(0xFFFFFFFC)
    if hash > cap {
        hash = cap

    return hash


func dentryHash(s string) uint32 {
    return teaHash(s)

func dentryMinLength(s string) int64 {
    l := 8 + align(int64(len(s)+1), 4)
    return l

type dentry struct {
    Inode    uint32
    RecLen   uint16
    NameLen  uint8
    FileType uint8
    // name string
    // padding

func writeDentry(w io.Writer, name string, dentry *dentry) error {

    err := binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, dentry)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = io.Copy(w, strings.NewReader(name))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    l := int64(dentry.RecLen) - 8
    l -= int64(len(name))
    _, err = io.CopyN(w, vio.Zeroes, l)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func calculateLinearDirectorySize(n *vio.TreeNode) int64 {

    var length, leftover int64
    length = 24 // '.' + '..' entries
    leftover = BlockSize - length

    for i, child := range n.Children {

        l := dentryMinLength(child.File.Name())

        if leftover >= l && (leftover-l == 0 || leftover-l > 8) {
            length += l
            leftover -= l
        } else {
            length += leftover
            length += l
            leftover = BlockSize - l

        if leftover < 8 || i == len(n.Children)-1 {
            length += leftover
            leftover = BlockSize


    length = align(length, BlockSize)
    return length


type dirTuple struct {
    name  string
    inode uint32
    ftype uint8

func addLinearDirectoryBlock(w io.Writer, tuples []*dirTuple) error {

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    length := int64(0)
    leftover := int64(BlockSize)
    exceedsBlock := false

    for i, child := range tuples {

        if exceedsBlock {
            panic("addLinearDirectoryBlock tried to write more than a block worth")

        l := dentryMinLength(child.name)

        length += l
        leftover -= l

        if leftover < 8 || i == len(tuples)-1 {
            l += leftover
            length += leftover
            leftover = int64(BlockSize)
            exceedsBlock = true

        err := writeDentry(buf, child.name, &dentry{
            Inode:    child.inode,
            RecLen:   uint16(l),
            NameLen:  uint8(len(child.name)),
            FileType: child.ftype,
        if err != nil {
            return err



    _, err := io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func generateLinearDirectoryData(n *node) []byte {

    var tuples []*dirTuple
    tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: ".", inode: uint32(n.node.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: FTypeDir})
    tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: "..", inode: uint32(n.node.Parent.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: FTypeDir})

    for _, child := range n.node.Children {
        var ftype uint8
        if child.File.IsDir() {
            ftype = FTypeDir
        } else if child.File.IsSymlink() {
            ftype = FTypeSymlink
        } else {
            ftype = FTypeRegularFile
        tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{name: path.Base(child.File.Name()), inode: uint32(child.NodeSequenceNumber), ftype: ftype})

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

    begin := 0
    size := int64(0)
    for i, tuple := range tuples {
        l := dentryMinLength(tuple.name)
        size += l
        if size > BlockSize {
            err := addLinearDirectoryBlock(buf, tuples[begin:i])
            if err != nil {
            begin = i
            size = l

    err := addLinearDirectoryBlock(buf, tuples[begin:])
    if err != nil {

    return buf.Bytes()


type hashDirEntryMetadata struct {
    hash   uint32
    length uint32
    node   *vio.TreeNode

type hashDirEntriesMetdata []hashDirEntryMetadata

func (x hashDirEntriesMetdata) Len() int {
    return len(x)

func (x hashDirEntriesMetdata) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return x[i].hash < x[j].hash

func (x hashDirEntriesMetdata) Swap(i, j int) {
    tmp := x[i]
    x[i] = x[j]
    x[j] = tmp

func calculateHashDirectorySize(n *vio.TreeNode) int64 {

    entries := make(hashDirEntriesMetdata, len(n.Children))

    for i, child := range n.Children {
        entries[i].length = uint32(dentryMinLength(child.File.Name()))
        entries[i].hash = dentryHash(child.File.Name())


    var blocks []hashDirEntriesMetdata

    first := 0
    l := uint32(0)

    for i := range entries {

        if l+entries[i].length > BlockSize {
            blocks = append(blocks, entries[first:i])
            first = i
            l = entries[i].length

        l += entries[i].length


    blocks = append(blocks, entries[first:])

    numDataBlocks := int64(len(blocks))
    numInnerBlocks := int64(1)

    // NOTE: directories would need to be huge for the number of inner blocks to be greater than 1, so we aren't handling that yet

    return BlockSize * (numDataBlocks + numInnerBlocks)


func calculateDirectoryBlocks(n *vio.TreeNode) int64 {

    size := calculateLinearDirectorySize(n)
    blocks := divide(size, BlockSize)
    if blocks >= 2 {
        size = calculateHashDirectorySize(n)

    return calculateBlocksFromSize(size)


// HashDirectoryEntry is one entry in a hash table within an indexed directory.
type HashDirectoryEntry struct {
    Hash  uint32
    Block uint32

// HashDirectoryRoot is the struct containing the full layout of the zeroth block for any indexed directory.
type HashDirectoryRoot struct {
    DotInode       uint32                  // 0x0
    DotRecLen      uint16                  // 0x4
    DotNameLen     uint8                   // 0x6
    DotFType       uint8                   // 0x7
    DotName        [4]byte                 // 0x8
    DotDotInode    uint32                  // 0xC
    DotDotRecLen   uint16                  // 0x10
    DotDotNameLen  uint8                   // 0x12
    DotDotFType    uint8                   // 0x13
    DotDotName     [4]byte                 // 0x14
    _              uint32                  // 0x18
    HashVersion    uint8                   // 0x1C
    InfoLength     uint8                   // 0x1D
    IndirectLevels uint8                   // 0x1E
    _              uint8                   // 0x1F
    Limit          uint16                  // 0x20
    Count          uint16                  // 0x22
    Block          uint32                  // 0x24
    Entries        [507]HashDirectoryEntry // 0x28

func addBlockToBuffer(w io.Writer, block hashDirEntriesMetdata) error {

    var tuples []*dirTuple

    for _, child := range block {

        var ftype uint8
        if child.node.File.IsDir() {
            ftype = FTypeDir
        } else if child.node.File.IsSymlink() {
            ftype = FTypeSymlink
        } else {
            ftype = FTypeRegularFile

        tuples = append(tuples, &dirTuple{
            name:  child.node.File.Name(),
            inode: uint32(child.node.NodeSequenceNumber),
            ftype: ftype,


    err := addLinearDirectoryBlock(w, tuples)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func generateHashDirectoryData(node *node) []byte {
    n := node.node
    entries := make(hashDirEntriesMetdata, len(n.Children))

    for i, child := range n.Children {
        entries[i].length = uint32(dentryMinLength(child.File.Name()))
        entries[i].hash = dentryHash(child.File.Name())
        entries[i].node = child


    var blocks []hashDirEntriesMetdata

    first := 0
    l := uint32(0)

    for i := range entries {

        if l+entries[i].length > BlockSize {
            blocks = append(blocks, entries[first:i])
            first = i
            l = entries[i].length

        l += entries[i].length


    blocks = append(blocks, entries[first:])

    // TODO: make this capable of accepting large amounts of inner blocks

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

    root := &HashDirectoryRoot{
        DotInode:       uint32(n.NodeSequenceNumber),
        DotRecLen:      12,
        DotNameLen:     1,
        DotFType:       FTypeDir,
        DotName:        [4]byte{'.', 0, 0, 0},
        DotDotInode:    uint32(n.Parent.NodeSequenceNumber),
        DotDotRecLen:   BlockSize - 12,
        DotDotNameLen:  2,
        DotDotFType:    FTypeDir,
        DotDotName:     [4]byte{'.', '.', 0, 0},
        HashVersion:    DirentHashVersion,
        InfoLength:     8,
        IndirectLevels: 0, // TODO: support deeper trees
        Limit:          507 + 1,
        Count:          uint16(len(blocks)), // + 1,
        Block:          1,

    // for i, block := range blocks {
    for i := 1; i < len(blocks); i++ {
        block := blocks[i]
        root.Entries[i-1].Block = uint32(i + 1)
        root.Entries[i-1].Hash = block[0].hash

    err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, root)
    if err != nil {

    for _, block := range blocks {
        err = addBlockToBuffer(buf, block)
        if err != nil {

    return buf.Bytes()


func generateDirectoryData(node *node) (io.Reader, error) {

    if node.fs == 0 {
        return bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), nil

    if node.fs == 1 {
        return bytes.NewReader(generateLinearDirectoryData(node)), nil

    return bytes.NewReader(generateHashDirectoryData(node)), nil
