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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package ext4

import (


type planner struct {
    inodeBlocks                              []node
    minFreeInodes, minInodes, minInodesPer64 int64
    minFreeSpace                             int64
    filledDataBlocks                         int64
    minSize                                  int64

func calculateMinimumSize(ctx context.Context, minDataBlocks, minInodes, minInodesPer64 int64) (int64, error) {

    var err error
    var journalBlocks, contentBlocks, groups, groupsPerFlex int64
    var maxOverflowBlocks, inodesPerGroup, groupDescriptors int64
    var blocksPerInodeTable, blocksPerBGDT int64
    var overheadBlocksPerFlex, groupZeroOverhead int64
    var blocksPerFlex, maxContentInFlexZero, maxContentInFlexNonZero int64
    var flexNeededToContainContent int64
    var totalBlocks, totalGroups int64

    minDataBlocks++ // one extra block for the resize inode
    journalBlocks = MinJournalBlocks
    contentBlocks = minDataBlocks + journalBlocks
    groups = divide(contentBlocks, BlocksPerGroup)
    groupsPerFlex = 1

    for {

        if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
            return 0, err

        inodesPerGroup = divide(minInodes, groups)

        // each block group is 128 MiB, so we double the per64 value if it's set
        if inodesPerGroup < minInodesPer64*2 {
            inodesPerGroup = minInodesPer64 * 2

        inodesPerGroup = align(inodesPerGroup, InodesPerBlock)

        if inodesPerGroup > BlockSize*8 {

        blocksPerInodeTable = divide(inodesPerGroup, InodesPerBlock)

        groupDescriptors = groups
        groupDescriptors *= 1024 // NOTE: default behaviour is to allow the file-system to grow up to 1024 times larger.
        groupDescriptors = align(groupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock)
        if groupDescriptors > MaxGroupDescriptors {
            groupDescriptors = MaxGroupDescriptors

        blocksPerBGDT = divide(groupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock)

        overheadBlocksPerFlex = (2 + blocksPerInodeTable) * groupsPerFlex
        groupZeroOverhead = overheadBlocksPerFlex + blocksPerBGDT + 1
        if groupZeroOverhead > BlocksPerGroup {
            return 0, errors.New("an unusual situation was encountered while calculating the minimum size of an ext4 file-system: you could try reducing the number of inodes or increasing the size of the image, or submit a bug report so we can improve this logic")

        contentBlocks = minDataBlocks + journalBlocks
        blocksPerFlex = groupsPerFlex * BlocksPerGroup
        maxContentInFlexZero = blocksPerFlex - groupZeroOverhead
        maxContentInFlexNonZero = blocksPerFlex - overheadBlocksPerFlex

        flexNeededToContainContent = 1
        if contentBlocks > maxContentInFlexZero {
            flexNeededToContainContent = 1 + divide(contentBlocks-maxContentInFlexZero, maxContentInFlexNonZero)

            // NOTE: An extent tree can fit fully within an inode if it has four or fewer extents. Since
            //        we are writing data in a way that is only fragmented by flex metadata, a file can only
            //         be fragmented across more than four extents if it is consuming ALL of the content space
            //        across three flex groups (with some spillover into the preceding and following flex).
            //         This means the number of deep extent trees needed cannot exceed (N-2)/3:
            //        N being the total number of flexes, the -2 being the first and last flex, and the 3 being
            //         three fully consumed flexes.
            //        We do not factor in the possibility of extent trees adding more than one block to the
            //         file-system (each) because such files would need to be enormous (at least 42.5 GiB, and
            //         probably much larger depending on the size of a flex group and the amount of space taken
            //        up by inode tables). Supporting such large files is a problem for another time.
            totalGroups = divide(totalBlocks, BlocksPerGroup)
            maxOverflowBlocks = (totalGroups - 2) / 3 // NOTE: we learned that extents have a max size of 128 MiB... booo!
            contentBlocks += maxOverflowBlocks
            flexNeededToContainContent = 1 + divide(contentBlocks-maxContentInFlexZero, maxContentInFlexNonZero)

        totalBlocks = groupZeroOverhead + overheadBlocksPerFlex*(flexNeededToContainContent-1) + contentBlocks
        if totalBlocks <= (groups-1)*BlocksPerGroup {
            totalBlocks = (groups-1)*BlocksPerGroup + 1

        totalGroups = divide(totalBlocks, BlocksPerGroup)
        if totalGroups > groups {
            groups = totalGroups

        if groups > 1 && groupsPerFlex == 1 {
            groupsPerFlex = 2

        if groups%(groupsPerFlex*2) == 0 && (overheadBlocksPerFlex*2+blocksPerBGDT+1) < BlocksPerGroup {
            groupsPerFlex *= 2

        if journalBlocks < MaxJournalBlocks && journalBlocks < totalBlocks/10 && journalBlocks < maxContentInFlexZero {
            journalBlocks = totalBlocks / 10
            if journalBlocks > MaxJournalBlocks {
                journalBlocks = MaxJournalBlocks
            if journalBlocks > maxContentInFlexZero {
                journalBlocks = maxContentInFlexZero

        return totalBlocks * BlockSize, nil



func (p *planner) commit(ctx context.Context, tree vio.FileTree) error {

    filledDataBlocks, nodeBlocks, err := scanInodes(ctx, tree)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    p.filledDataBlocks = filledDataBlocks
    p.inodeBlocks = nodeBlocks

    minInodes := int64(len(nodeBlocks)) - 1
    minInodes += p.minFreeInodes
    if minInodes < p.minInodes {
        minInodes = p.minInodes

    minDataBlocks := filledDataBlocks
    minDataBlocks += divide(p.minFreeSpace, BlockSize)

    p.minSize, err = calculateMinimumSize(ctx, minDataBlocks, minInodes, p.minInodesPer64)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func scanInodes(ctx context.Context, tree vio.FileTree) (int64, []node, error) {

    var err error
    var ino, minInodes, filledDataBlocks, delta int64
    ino = 9
    minInodes = 9 + int64(tree.NodeCount())
    inodeBlocks := make([]node, minInodes+1) // +1 because inodes start counting at 1 rather than 0

    err = tree.WalkNode(func(path string, n *vio.TreeNode) error {

        if err = ctx.Err(); err != nil {
            return err


        if n.File.IsSymlink() {
            delta = calculateSymlinkBlocks(n.File)
        } else if n.File.IsDir() {
            delta = calculateDirectoryBlocks(n)
        } else {
            delta = calculateRegularFileBlocks(n.File)

        inodeBlocks[ino].start = filledDataBlocks
        inodeBlocks[ino].node = n
        inodeBlocks[ino].content = uint32(delta)
        inodeBlocks[ino].fs = uint32(delta)
        n.NodeSequenceNumber = ino
        filledDataBlocks += delta

        return nil

    if err != nil {
        return 0, nil, err

    // shift the root directory to inode 2
    inodeBlocks[RootDirInode] = inodeBlocks[10]
    inodeBlocks[10] = node{}
    inodeBlocks[RootDirInode].node.NodeSequenceNumber = RootDirInode

    return filledDataBlocks, inodeBlocks, nil


func (c *Compiler) setPrecompileConstants(size, minDataBlocks, minInodes, minInodesPer64 int64) error {

    c.size = size
    blocks := c.size / BlockSize
    groups := divide(blocks, BlocksPerGroup)

    if minInodes < 10 {
        minInodes = 10

    groupDescriptors := groups
    groupDescriptors *= 1024 // NOTE: default behaviour is to allow the file-system to grow up to 1024 times larger.
    groupDescriptors = align(groupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock)
    if groupDescriptors > MaxGroupDescriptors {
        groupDescriptors = MaxGroupDescriptors

    groupsPerFlex := int64(1)
    if groups > 1 {
        groupsPerFlex = 2
    for i := int64(2); i <= groups; i = i * 2 {
        if groups%i != 0 {
        groupsPerFlex = i
    flexes := divide(groups, groupsPerFlex)

    inodesPerGroup := divide(minInodes, groups)
    if inodesPerGroup < minInodesPer64*2 {
        inodesPerGroup = minInodesPer64 * 2
    if inodesPerGroup > BlockSize*8 {
        return fmt.Errorf("file-system needs to be much larger to allow space for so many inodes")
    inodesPerGroup = align(inodesPerGroup, InodesPerBlock)

    superOverheadBlocks := 1 + divide(groupDescriptors, DescriptorsPerBlock)
    flexOverheadBlocks := (2 + divide(inodesPerGroup, InodesPerBlock)) * groupsPerFlex
    if superOverheadBlocks+flexOverheadBlocks > BlocksPerGroup {
        return errors.New("an unusual situation was encountered while calculating the layout of an ext4 file-system: you could try reducing the number of inodes or increasing the size of the image, or submit a bug report so we can improve this logic")

    flexZeroContent := groupsPerFlex * BlocksPerGroup
    if blocks < flexZeroContent {
        flexZeroContent = blocks
    flexZeroContent -= superOverheadBlocks
    flexZeroContent -= flexOverheadBlocks

    totalContent := flexZeroContent
    if flexes > 1 {
        totalContent += blocks - groupsPerFlex*BlocksPerGroup
        totalContent -= (flexes - 1) * flexOverheadBlocks

    err := c.initResizeNode()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = c.initJournalNode(blocks, flexZeroContent, totalContent-minDataBlocks)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    c.inodeBlocks[RootDirInode].node.Parent = c.inodeBlocks[RootDirInode].node

    c.super.init(blocks, inodesPerGroup, &c.inodeBlocks)


    return nil
