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package vdisk

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (


// Format is a string representing a supported disk image format.
type Format string

// Supported disk image formats.
const (
    // RAWFormat is a disk type that returns "raw"
    RAWFormat Format = "raw"
    // VMDKFormat is a disk type that returns "vmdk"
    VMDKFormat Format = "vmdk"
    // VMDKSparseFormat is a disk type that returns "vmdk-sparse"
    VMDKSparseFormat Format = "vmdk-sparse"
    // VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat is a disk type that returns "vmdk-stream-optimized"
    VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat Format = "vmdk-stream-optimized"
    // GCPFArchiveFormat is a disk type that returns "gcp"
    GCPFArchiveFormat Format = "gcp"
    // XVAFormat is a disk type that returns "xva"
    XVAFormat Format = "xva"
    // VHDFormat is a disk type that returns "vhd"
    VHDFormat Format = "vhd"
    // VHDFixedFormat is a disk type that returns "vhd-fixed"
    VHDFixedFormat Format = "vhd-fixed"
    // VHDDynamicFormat is a disk type that returns "vhd-dynamic"
    VHDDynamicFormat Format = "vhd-dynamic"
    // QCOW2Format is a disk type that returns "qcow2"
    QCOW2Format Format = "qcow2"

// AllFormatStrings returns a list of all supported disk image formats.
func AllFormatStrings() []string {
    strs := make([]string, len(formats))
    i := 0
    for k := range formats {
        strs[i] = k.String()
    return strs

var (
    formats = map[Format]string{
        RAWFormat:                 ".raw",
        VMDKFormat:                ".vmdk",
        VMDKSparseFormat:          ".vmdk",
        VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat: ".vmdk",
        GCPFArchiveFormat:         ".tar.gz",
        XVAFormat:                 ".xva",
        VHDFormat:                 ".vhd",
        VHDFixedFormat:            ".vhd",
        VHDDynamicFormat:          ".vhd",
        QCOW2Format:               ".qcow2",

    alignments = map[Format]int64{
        RAWFormat:                 0x200000,
        VMDKFormat:                0x200000,
        VMDKSparseFormat:          0x200000,
        VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat: 0x200000,
        GCPFArchiveFormat:         0x40000000,
        XVAFormat:                 0x200000,
        VHDFormat:                 0x200000,
        VHDFixedFormat:            0x200000,
        VHDDynamicFormat:          0x200000,
        QCOW2Format:               0x200000,

    defaultMTUs = map[Format]uint{
        RAWFormat:                 1500,
        VMDKFormat:                1500,
        VMDKSparseFormat:          1500,
        VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat: 1500,
        GCPFArchiveFormat:         1460,
        XVAFormat:                 1500,
        VHDFormat:                 1500,
        VHDFixedFormat:            1500,
        VHDDynamicFormat:          1500,
        QCOW2Format:               1500,

    buildFuncs = map[Format]BuildWriterInstantiator{
        RAWFormat:                 buildRAW,
        VMDKFormat:                buildSparseVMDK,
        VMDKSparseFormat:          buildSparseVMDK,
        VMDKStreamOptimizedFormat: buildStreamOptimizedVMDK,
        GCPFArchiveFormat:         buildGCPArchive,
        XVAFormat:                 buildXVA,
        VHDFormat:                 buildFixedVHD,
        VHDFixedFormat:            buildFixedVHD,
        VHDDynamicFormat:          buildDynamicVHD,
        QCOW2Format:               buildQCOW2,

// BuildWriterInstantiator is a function that returns a new io.WriteSeeker that
// can be used to handle the writing of a raw image.
type BuildWriterInstantiator func(io.WriteSeeker, *vimg.Builder, *vcfg.VCFG) (io.WriteSeeker, error)

// RegisterNewDiskFormat registers a new disk format that can be used with the vdisk package.
// Example: RegisterNewDiskFormat(Format("vmdk-custom"), ".vmdk", 0x200000, 1500, customVMDKBuilder)
func RegisterNewDiskFormat(format Format, extention string, alignment int64, mtu uint, builderFunc BuildWriterInstantiator) error {
    if _, exists := formats[format]; exists {
        return fmt.Errorf("refusing to register disk format '%s': already registered", format)

    formats[format] = extention
    alignments[format] = alignment
    defaultMTUs[format] = mtu
    buildFuncs[format] = builderFunc
    return nil

// String returns a string representation of the Format.
func (x Format) String() string {
    return string(x)

// MarshalText implements encoding.TextMarshaler.
func (x Format) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
    return []byte(x.String()), nil

// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
func (x *Format) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    var err error
    *x, err = ParseFormat(string(text))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (x Format) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(x.String())

// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler.
func (x *Format) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    s := string(data)
    s = strings.Trim(s, "\"")
    var err error
    *x, err = ParseFormat(s)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// ParseFormat resolves a string into a Format.
func ParseFormat(s string) (Format, error) {

    if s == "" {
        return RAWFormat, nil

    original := s

    s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
    s = strings.ToLower(s)

    f := Format(s)
    if _, ok := formats[f]; !ok {
        return RAWFormat, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized virtual disk format '%s'", original)

    return f, nil

// Suffix returns an appropriate file extension for files containing the format.
func (x *Format) Suffix() string {
    return formats[*x]

// Alignment returns a size in bytes that a RAW image must be aligned to (an
// integer multiple of) to be compatible with the virtual disk image format.
func (x *Format) Alignment() int64 {
    return alignments[*x]

// DefaultMTU returns the default MTU setting for the image format.
func (x *Format) DefaultMTU() uint {
    return defaultMTUs[*x]

// Build creates the disk for the correct format ...
func (x *Format) Build(ctx context.Context, log elog.View, w io.WriteSeeker, b *vimg.Builder, cfg *vcfg.VCFG) error {

    p := log.NewProgress(fmt.Sprintf("Initializing %s image file", x), "", 0)
    defer p.Finish(false)

    w, err := buildFuncs[*x](w, b, cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    closer, ok := w.(io.Closer)
    if ok {
        defer closer.Close()


    err = b.Build(ctx, w)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil
