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package vimg

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (


// FSCompiler is an interface that must be satisfied for a file-system compipler
// to be usable in this logic.
type FSCompiler interface {
    Mkdir(path string) error
    AddFile(path string, r io.ReadCloser, size int64, force bool) error
    IncreaseMinimumFreeSpace(space int64)
    SetMinimumInodes(inodes int64)
    SetMinimumInodesPer64MiB(inodes int64)
    IncreaseMinimumInodes(inodes int64)
    Commit(ctx context.Context) error
    MinimumSize() int64
    Precompile(ctx context.Context, size int64) error
    Compile(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker) error
    RegionIsHole(begin, size int64) bool

// KernelOptions for settings that change kernel behaviour.
type KernelOptions struct {
    Record bool
    Shell  bool

// BuilderArgs collects all of the arguments needed to call NewBuilder into one place.
type BuilderArgs struct {
    Seed       int64
    Kernel     KernelOptions
    FSCompiler FSCompiler
    VCFG       *vcfg.VCFG
    Logger     elog.View

// Builder is used for building a raw Vorteil image. Building happens in several
// stages to make the logic play nicely with potential external logic that needs
// some back-and-forth control over the build process.
type Builder struct {

    // The following variables need to be calculated in the NewBuilder step.
    log           elog.View
    rng           io.Reader
    minSize       int64
    fs            FSCompiler
    kernelOptions KernelOptions
    vcfg          *vcfg.VCFG
    kernel        vkern.CalVer
    kernelTags    []string
    linuxArgs     string
    defaultMTU    uint

    // The following variables need to be calculated in the prebuild step.
    size                      int64
    secondaryGPTHeaderLBA     int64
    secondaryGPTHeaderOffset  int64
    secondaryGPTEntriesLBA    int64
    secondaryGPTEntriesOffset int64
    configFirstLBA            int64
    osFirstLBA                int64
    osLastLBA                 int64
    rootFirstLBA              int64
    rootLastLBA               int64
    lastUsableLBA             int64
    gptEntries                []byte
    gptEntriesCRC             uint32
    diskUID                   []byte

    kernelBundle *vkern.ManagedBundle
    configData   []byte

// NewBuilder returns a new Builder object configured according to the provided
// args. In this state it can calculate the minimum possible image size and
// accept some minor further configuration. Once this configuration is complete
// you should call Prebuild on it to proceed.
func NewBuilder(ctx context.Context, args *BuilderArgs) (*Builder, error) {

    err := ctx.Err()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    b := new(Builder)
    b.rng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(args.Seed))
    b.fs = args.FSCompiler
    b.vcfg = args.VCFG
    b.kernelOptions = args.Kernel
    b.defaultMTU = 1500
    b.log = args.Logger

    err = b.validateArgs(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    err = b.calculateMinimumSize(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return b, nil

// SetDefaultMTU can be called before calling Prebuild in order to change the
// default MTU that will be applied to each NIC configuration (if not
// explicitly set in the VCFG).
func (b *Builder) SetDefaultMTU(mtu uint) {
    b.defaultMTU = mtu

func (b *Builder) validateArgs(ctx context.Context) error {

    err := b.validateOSArgs(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.validateRootArgs()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (b *Builder) calculateMinimumSize(ctx context.Context) error {

    b.minSize = (3 + 2*GPTEntriesSectors) * SectorSize

    err := b.calculateMinimumOSPartitionSize(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.calculateMinimumRootSize(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Close frees up any resources kept open by the Builder.
func (b *Builder) Close() error {

    if b.kernelBundle != nil {
        err := b.kernelBundle.Close()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil


// KernelUsed returns the calver the disk was built with
func (b *Builder) KernelUsed() vkern.CalVer {
    return b.kernel

// MinimumSize returns the minimum number of bytes that are needed to build the
// image.
func (b *Builder) MinimumSize() int64 {
    return b.minSize

// Prebuild locks in a final raw image size (in bytes) and performs some
// preflight calculations to determine the final disk layout and to make the
// RegionIsHole function usable by external logic that wants to wrap the image
// in some sort of sparse virtual disk image format. Prebuild must be called
// before calling Build.
func (b *Builder) Prebuild(ctx context.Context, size int64) error {

    b.size = size

    if size%SectorSize != 0 {
        panic(errors.New("image size must be a multiple of the sector size"))

    sectors := size / SectorSize
    b.secondaryGPTHeaderLBA = sectors - 1
    b.secondaryGPTHeaderOffset = b.secondaryGPTHeaderLBA * SectorSize
    b.secondaryGPTEntriesLBA = b.secondaryGPTHeaderLBA - GPTEntriesSectors
    b.secondaryGPTEntriesOffset = b.secondaryGPTEntriesLBA * SectorSize
    b.lastUsableLBA = b.secondaryGPTEntriesLBA - 1

    err := b.prebuildOS(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = b.prebuildRoot(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Generate the GPT entries here because it shows up twice and we need to
    // checksum it before we can write the first GPT header to avoid
    // backtracking when writing.
    err = b.generateGPTEntries()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

// Build is the final operation performed by the Builder, and should only be
// called after a successful call to the Prebuild function. It writes the
// file-system to the provided io.WriteSeeker, w. Despite using io.Seeker
// functionality to improve performance, the Builder has been written in a way
// such that it never needs to seek "backwards", which means you can wrap any
// io.Writer with a vio.WriteSeeker and it will work.
func (b *Builder) Build(ctx context.Context, w io.WriteSeeker) error {

    progress := b.log.NewProgress("Writing image", "KiB", b.size)
    defer progress.Finish(false)

    err := b.writePartitions(ctx, elog.MultiWriteSeeker(w, progress))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


// Size returns the full final size of the raw disk image.
func (b *Builder) Size() int64 {
    return b.size

func (b *Builder) isGPTHole(first, last int64) bool {

    if last < P0FirstLBA && first >= PrimaryGPTEntriesLBA+1 {
        return true // in the empty space of the primary GPT entries

    if first >= b.secondaryGPTEntriesLBA+1 && last < b.secondaryGPTHeaderLBA {
        return true // in the empty space of the secondary GPT entries

    return false


// RegionIsHole can be called after a successful Prebuild. Its purpose is to
// provide advance notice to sparse disk image formatting logic on regions
// within the image that will be completely empty. The two args are measured in
// bytes, and the function returns true if every byte starting at begin and
// continuing for the full size is zeroed.
func (b *Builder) RegionIsHole(begin, size int64) bool {

    first := begin / SectorSize
    last := (begin + size - 1) / SectorSize

    if first >= b.rootFirstLBA && last <= b.rootLastLBA {
        // file-system holes
        pBegin := (first - b.rootFirstLBA) * SectorSize
        pSize := (last - first + 1) * SectorSize
        return b.rootRegionIsHole(pBegin, pSize)

    if first >= b.osFirstLBA && last <= b.osLastLBA {
        // OS partition holes
        pBegin := (first - b.osLastLBA) * SectorSize
        pSize := (last - first + 1) * SectorSize
        return b.osRegionIsHole(pBegin, pSize)

    if b.isGPTHole(first, last) {
        return true

    return false
