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package vio

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (
    unixpath "path"

// ErrNodeNotFound is returned when attempting to look up a
// node within a FileTree that does not exist.
var ErrNodeNotFound = errors.New("node not found")

// ArchiveFunc is the type of function called for each file
// or directory immediately before it is streamed into an
// archive with the FileTree.Archive function.
type ArchiveFunc func(path string, f File) error

// WalkFunc is the type of function called for each file or
// directory visited by FileTree.Walk. The root node will
// have path ".", and all other nodes will be built from
// that (e.g. "./a").
type WalkFunc func(path string, f File) error

// WalkNodeFunc is the type of function called for each node
// visited by FileTree.WalkNode.
type WalkNodeFunc func(path string, n *TreeNode) error

// ErrSkip can be passed as the result from a WalkFunc to
// tell FileTree.Walk to skip the remainder of the directory.
var ErrSkip = errors.New("skip")

// FileTree represents a tree of files and directories it is
// used to organize, modify, and transfer the data that will
// become the filesystem for an application.
type FileTree interface {
    Close() error

    // Archive encodes the data within the FileTree into
    // a stream that it writes to w. This stream can be
    // decoded by calling LoadArchive.
    // The fn argument is optional, and can be used to
    // track progress or perform logging during the
    // archiving process.
    Archive(w io.Writer, fn ArchiveFunc) error

    // Map adds f to the FileTree at path. It automatically
    // creates parent directories (recursively) if necessary,
    // and it automatically replaces any existing nodes
    // within the tree if there are collisions, calling
    // the Close method recursively on all replaced
    // nodes.
    // Mapping a directory over an existing directory
    // node does not delete all existing nodes under the
    // directory, but instead merges over the top of
    // them, only replacing nodes with the same name.
    Map(path string, f File) error

    // MapSubTree adds t to the FileTree as a sub-tree
    // at path. It automatically creates parent directories
    // (recursively) if necessary, and it automatically
    // replaces any existing nodes within the tree if
    // there are collisions, calling the Close
    // method recursively on all replaced nodes.
    MapSubTree(path string, t FileTree) error

    // SubTree returns a new FileTree object where the
    // root node is the directory node at path.
    SubTree(path string) (FileTree, error)

    // Unmap removes a node from the FileTree, calling
    // the Close method recursively on all removed
    // nodes.
    Unmap(path string) error

    // Walk traverses the FileTree recursively in a
    // pre-order tree traversal.
    Walk(fn WalkFunc) error

    // WalkNode traverses the FileTree recursively and
    // passes in a complete tree node so we can learn
    // more about it's place in the tree.
    WalkNode(fn WalkNodeFunc) error

    NodeCount() int

type tree struct {
    root       *TreeNode
    lock       sync.Mutex
    closed     bool
    closeFunc  func() error
    walked     bool
    walkedLock sync.Mutex
    nodeCount  int

// TreeNode is the structure that all nodes in a FileTree are built on.
type TreeNode struct {
    File               File
    Parent             *TreeNode
    Children           []*TreeNode
    NodeSequenceNumber int64
    Links              int

func (n *TreeNode) Path() string {

    if n.Parent == nil || n.Parent == n {
        return "/"

    s := n.Parent.Path()
    return unixpath.Join(s, n.File.Name())


type fi struct {
    Name      string
    Size      int
    IsDir     bool
    IsSymlink bool
    Symlink   string
    ModTime   time.Time

// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler.
func (n *TreeNode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {

    if n.File.Size() < 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal JSON due to broken tree node: '%s' has size '%d'", n.path(), n.File.Size())

    size := n.File.Size()
    if n.File.IsDir() {
        size = 0

    m := make(map[string]interface{})
    info := &fi{
        Name:      n.File.Name(),
        Size:      size,
        IsDir:     n.File.IsDir(),
        IsSymlink: n.File.IsSymlink(),
        ModTime:   time.Time{},

    if n.File.IsSymlink() && n.File.SymlinkIsCached() {
        info.Symlink = n.File.Symlink()

    m["fi"] = info

    m["children"] = n.Children
    return json.Marshal(m)

func (n *TreeNode) path() string {

    if n.Path() == "/" {
        return "."

    return "." + n.Path()


func splitPath(path string) (next, rest string) {

    strs := strings.SplitN(path, "/", 2)
    next = strs[0]
    if len(strs) == 2 {
        rest = strs[1]

    return next, rest


func (n *TreeNode) mapIn(path string, f File) error {

    var err error
    next, rest := splitPath(path)

    newNode := &TreeNode{
        Parent:   n,
        Children: []*TreeNode{},

    if rest == "" {
        newNode.File = f
    } else {
        newNode.File = CustomFile(CustomFileArgs{
            Name:    next,
            IsDir:   true,
            ModTime: f.ModTime(),
        err = newNode.mapIn(rest, f)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    before, selected, after := n.sliceChildren(next)

    if selected != nil {
        if selected.File.IsDir() && newNode.File.IsDir() {
            // merge
            if rest != "" {
                err = selected.mapIn(rest, f)
            return err

        // replace
        err := selected.close()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // insert
    n.Children = append(before, append([]*TreeNode{newNode}, after...)...)
    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) mergeTree(children []*TreeNode) error {

    for _, child := range children {

        err := n.mapInSubTree(child.File.Name(), &tree{
            root: child,
        if err != nil {
            return err


    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) mapInSubTree(path string, sub FileTree) error {

    var err error
    next, rest := splitPath(path)

    var newNode *TreeNode

    if rest == "" {
        newNode = sub.(*tree).root
    } else {
        newNode = &TreeNode{
            Parent:   n,
            Children: []*TreeNode{},
            File: CustomFile(CustomFileArgs{
                Name:    next,
                IsDir:   true,
                ModTime: sub.(*tree).root.File.ModTime(),
        err = newNode.mapInSubTree(rest, sub)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    before, selected, after := n.sliceChildren(next)

    if selected != nil {
        // merge
        if selected.File.IsDir() && newNode.File.IsDir() {
            return n.mergeTree(newNode.Children)

        // replace
        err := selected.close()
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // insert
    n.Children = append(before, append([]*TreeNode{newNode}, after...)...)
    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) close() error {

    err := n.walk(func(path string, f File) error {
        return f.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) sliceChildren(next string) (before []*TreeNode, selected *TreeNode, after []*TreeNode) {

    l := len(n.Children)
    k := sort.Search(l, func(i int) bool {
        return next <= n.Children[i].File.Name()

    if k == l || next != n.Children[k].File.Name() {
        return n.Children[:k], nil, n.Children[k:]

    return n.Children[:k], n.Children[k], n.Children[k+1:]


func (n *TreeNode) unmap(path string) error {

    var err error

    next, rest := splitPath(path)
    before, selected, after := n.sliceChildren(next)
    if selected == nil {
        return ErrNodeNotFound

    if rest != "" {
        return selected.unmap(rest)

    err = selected.close()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    n.Children = append(before, after...)
    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) walk(fn WalkFunc) error {

    var err error
    var isDir = n.File.IsDir()

    err = fn(n.path(), n.File)
    if err == nil && isDir {
        for _, child := range n.Children {
            err = child.walk(fn)
            if err != nil {

    if err == ErrSkip && isDir {
        return nil

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


func (n *TreeNode) walkNode(fn WalkNodeFunc) error {

    var err error
    var isDir = n.File.IsDir()

    err = fn(n.path(), n)
    if err == nil && isDir {
        for _, child := range n.Children {
            err = child.walkNode(fn)
            if err != nil {

    if err == ErrSkip && isDir {
        return nil

    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


// NewFileTree returns a new filetree with an empty root directory.
func NewFileTree() FileTree {
    data := ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(""))

    mt, err := time.ParseInLocation(time.RFC3339, "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", time.UTC)
    if err != nil {

    return &tree{
        root: &TreeNode{
            File: CustomFile(CustomFileArgs{
                Name:  ".",
                Size:  0,
                IsDir: true,
                // ModTime:    time.Unix(0, 0),
                ModTime:    mt,
                ReadCloser: data,
            Parent:   nil,
            Children: []*TreeNode{},

type loadFromDirectory struct {
    dir  string
    tree FileTree

func (v *loadFromDirectory) walker(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {

    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
    abs := path
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, v.dir)
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
    if path == "" {
        return nil

    f, err := LazyOpen(abs)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = v.tree.Map(path, f)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil


// FileTreeFromDirectory creates a new FileTree based on a directory. The
// files in the tree will be loaded in lazily, so the function should be safe
// for use on very large directory trees.
func FileTreeFromDirectory(dir string) (FileTree, error) {

    v := &loadFromDirectory{
        tree: NewFileTree(),
        dir:  dir,

    err := filepath.Walk(dir, v.walker)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return v.tree, nil


func (t *tree) Close() error {

    defer t.lock.Unlock()
    if t.closed {
        return errors.New("already closed")
    t.closed = true
    if t.closeFunc != nil {
        defer t.closeFunc()
    err := t.Walk(func(path string, f File) error {
        return f.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if t.closeFunc != nil {
        return t.closeFunc()

    return nil

func (t *tree) computeMetadata() {
    if !t.walked {
        idx := int64(0)
        err := t.root.walkNode(func(path string, n *TreeNode) error {
            n.NodeSequenceNumber = idx
            n.Links++ // assume one parent
            if n.File.IsDir() {
                n.Links++ // link to self
                for _, child := range n.Children {
                    if child.File.IsDir() {
                        n.Links++ // child link back
            return nil
        if err != nil {
        t.walked = true

func (t *tree) NodeCount() int {
    return t.nodeCount

func (t *tree) Map(path string, f File) error {

    if f.Size() < 0 {
        return errors.New("cannot map object with negative size")

    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
    path = unixpath.Clean(path)
    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
    path = unixpath.Join("/", path)
    path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
    if path == "" {
        return errors.New("cannot map over the root node")

    f = CustomFile(CustomFileArgs{
        Name:               unixpath.Base(path),
        Size:               f.Size(),
        IsDir:              f.IsDir(),
        IsSymlink:          f.IsSymlink(),
        IsSymlinkNotCached: !f.SymlinkIsCached(),
        Symlink:            f.Symlink(),
        ModTime:            f.ModTime(),
        ReadCloser:         f,

    return t.root.mapIn(path, f)


func (t *tree) MapSubTree(path string, sub FileTree) error {

    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
    path = unixpath.Clean(path)
    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)

    st := sub.(*tree)
    f := st.root.File
    st.root.File = CustomFile(CustomFileArgs{
        Name:               unixpath.Base(path),
        Size:               f.Size(),
        IsDir:              f.IsDir(),
        IsSymlink:          f.IsSymlink(),
        IsSymlinkNotCached: !f.SymlinkIsCached(),
        Symlink:            f.Symlink(),
        ModTime:            f.ModTime(),
        ReadCloser:         f,

    err := t.root.mapInSubTree(path, sub)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    tmp := t.closeFunc
    t.closeFunc = func() error {
        if tmp != nil {
            e := tmp()
            if e != nil {
                return e

        return sub.Close()

    return nil


func (t *tree) WalkNode(fn WalkNodeFunc) error {
    return t.root.walkNode(fn)

func (t *tree) Walk(fn WalkFunc) error {
    return t.root.walk(fn)

func (t *tree) SubTree(path string) (FileTree, error) {

    path = unixpath.Clean(path)
    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)

    node := t.root
    for {
        next, rest := splitPath(path)
        _, selected, _ := node.sliceChildren(next)

        if selected == nil {
            return nil, ErrNodeNotFound

        if rest == "" {
            selected.Parent = nil
            subtree := &tree{
                root: selected,
            return subtree, nil

        path = rest
        node = selected



func (t *tree) Unmap(path string) error {

    path = unixpath.Clean(path)
    path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
    return t.root.unmap(path)
