

1 day
Test Coverage
package cli

import (

    v1 ""
    corev1 ""
    metav1 ""

var (
    Command = &cli.Command{
        Name:        "cli",
        Description: "CLI commands that can be executed everywhere, currently just restore is supported",
        Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
                Name:   "restore",
                Action: RunRestore,
                Flags: []cli.Flag{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.Snapshot,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "snapshot",
                        Value:       "latest",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; ID of the snapshot `kubectl get snapshots`, if left empty 'latest' will be used, set it via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.SecretRef,
                        Required:    true,
                        Name:        "secretRef",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set secret name from which You want to take S3 credentials, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.S3Endpoint,
                        Required:    true,
                        Name:        "s3endpoint",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set s3endpoint from which backup will be taken, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.S3Bucket,
                        Required:    true,
                        Name:        "s3bucket",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set s3bucket from which backup will be taken, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.S3SecretRef,
                        Required:    true,
                        Name:        "s3secretRef",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set secret name, where S3 username & password are stored from which backup will be taken, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreMethod,
                        Required:    true,
                        Name:        "restoreMethod",
                        Value:       "pvc",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set restore method [ pvc|s3 ], via cli or via env: ",
                        Action: func(ctx *cli.Context, s string) error {
                            if s != "pvc" && s != "s3" {
                                return fmt.Errorf("--restoreMethod must be set to either 'pvc' or 's3'")
                            return nil
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.SecretRefKey,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "secretRefKey",
                        Value:       "password",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set key name, where restic password is stored, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.ClaimName,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "claimName",
                        Usage:       "Required ; Set claimName field, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.S3SecretRefUsernameKey,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "username",
                        Name:        "S3SecretRefUsernameKey",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set S3SecretRefUsernameKey, key inside secret, under which S3 username is stored, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.S3SecretRefPasswordKey,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "password",
                        Name:        "S3SecretRefPasswordKey",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set S3SecretRefPasswordKey, key inside secret, under which Restic repo password is stored, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreName,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "restoreName",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set restoreName - metadata.Name field, if empty, k8up will generate name, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RunAsUser,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "runAsUser",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set user UID, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Endpoint,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "restoreToS3Endpoint",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set restore endpoint, only when using s3 restore method, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Bucket,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "restoreToS3Bucket",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set restore bucket, only when using s3 restore method, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Secret,
                        Required:    false,
                        Name:        "restoreToS3Secret",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set restore Secret, only when using s3 restore method, expecting secret name containing key value pair with 'username' and 'password' keys, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3SecretUsernameKey,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "username",
                        Name:        "RestoreToS3SecretUsernameKey",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set RestoreToS3SecretUsernameKey, key inside secret, under which S3 username is stored, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3SecretPasswordKey,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "password",
                        Name:        "RestoreToS3SecretPasswordKey",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set RestoreToS3SecretPasswordKey, key inside secret, under which Restic repo password is stored, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.Namespace,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "default",
                        Aliases:     []string{"n"},
                        Name:        "namespace",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set namespace in which You want to execute restore, via cli or via env: ",
                        EnvVars: []string{
                        Destination: &restore.Cfg.Kubeconfig,
                        Required:    false,
                        Value:       "~/.kube/config",
                        Name:        "kubeconfig",
                        Usage:       "Optional ; Set kubeconfig to connect to cluster, via cli or via env:",
                        EnvVars: []string{

func RunRestore(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    var restoreName, snapshot string
    var s3, pvc v1.RestoreMethod
    logger := cmd.AppLogger(ctx).WithName("cli-restore")

    // avoid name crashes + generate name if naming is not important for user
    if restore.Cfg.RestoreName == "" {
        restoreName = "cli-restore-" + restore.RandomStringGenerator(5)
        log.Println("Creating restore with name: ", restoreName, " in napespace: ", restore.Cfg.Namespace)
    } else {
        restoreName = restore.Cfg.RestoreName

    kconfig, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", restore.Cfg.Kubeconfig)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Failed to create KubeConfig")
        return err
    logger.Info("Found Kubeconfig", "KUBECONFIG", restore.Cfg.Kubeconfig)

    client, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(kconfig)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Failed to create Kubernetes Client")
        return err

    crd, err := client.RESTClient().Get().Namespace("default").AbsPath("/apis/").Resource("snapshots").DoRaw(context.TODO())
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Failed to query Kubernetes api for snapshots, is it correct cluster and namespace? Is k8up installed correctly?")
        return err
    if restore.Cfg.Snapshot != "latest" {

        snpList := &v1.SnapshotList{}

        err = json.Unmarshal(crd, &snpList)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error(err, "Failed to unmarshal Snapshots")
            return err
        // kubectl get snapshots returns 8 character values, while snapshots itself are much longer
        // so it's simple enough to check prefix
        for _, snap := range snpList.Items {
            if strings.HasPrefix((*snap.Spec.ID), restore.Cfg.Snapshot) {
                snapshot = (*snap.Spec.ID)
        // nothing to do if there are no snapshots
        if len(snapshot) == 0 {
            logger.Error(err, "Snapshot ID wasn't found")
            return err
        logger.V(1).Info("Found correct snapshot", "SNAPSHOT", snapshot)

    s3 = v1.RestoreMethod{
        S3: &v1.S3Spec{
            Endpoint: restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Endpoint,
            Bucket:   restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Bucket,
            AccessKeyIDSecretRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
                Key: restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3SecretUsernameKey,
                LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
                    Name: restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Secret,
            SecretAccessKeySecretRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
                Key: restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3SecretPasswordKey,
                LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
                    Name: restore.Cfg.RestoreToS3Secret,

    pvc = v1.RestoreMethod{
        Folder: &v1.FolderRestore{
            PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource: &corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{
                ClaimName: restore.Cfg.ClaimName,

    restoreObject := v1.Restore{
        ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
            Name:      restoreName,
            Namespace: restore.Cfg.Namespace,
        TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
            Kind:       "Restore",
            APIVersion: "",
        Spec: v1.RestoreSpec{
            //Snapshot: snapshot,
            RunnableSpec: v1.RunnableSpec{
                Backend: &v1.Backend{
                    RepoPasswordSecretRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
                        Key: restore.Cfg.SecretRefKey,
                        LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
                            Name: restore.Cfg.SecretRef,
                    S3: &v1.S3Spec{
                        Endpoint: restore.Cfg.S3Endpoint,
                        Bucket:   restore.Cfg.S3Bucket,
                        AccessKeyIDSecretRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
                            Key: restore.Cfg.S3SecretRefUsernameKey,
                            LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
                                Name: restore.Cfg.S3SecretRef,
                        SecretAccessKeySecretRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
                            Key: restore.Cfg.S3SecretRefPasswordKey,
                            LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
                                Name: restore.Cfg.S3SecretRef,
    if ctx.IsSet("runAsUser") {
        restoreObject.Spec.PodSecurityContext = &corev1.PodSecurityContext{
            RunAsUser: &restore.Cfg.RunAsUser,

    if restore.Cfg.RestoreMethod == "s3" {
        restoreObject.Spec.RestoreMethod = &s3
    } else {
        restoreObject.Spec.RestoreMethod = &pvc

    yamled, err := json.Marshal(restoreObject)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Failed to marshal restoreObject")
        return err
    post := client.RESTClient().Post().Namespace("default").AbsPath("/apis/").Resource("restores").Body(yamled).Do(context.TODO())

    status, err := post.Raw()
    if err != nil {
        // lines below looks very weird, but it's necessary, as actual reason why request failed is hidden in status.Message variable
        var out1 metav1.Status
        err := json.Unmarshal(status, &out1)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Error(err, "Failed to unmarshal Status object")
        logger.Error(err, out1.Message)
        return err
    logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Backup created successfully, You can find it running:\tkubectl -n %s get %s", restore.Cfg.Namespace, restoreName))
    logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("To access logs please run:\tkubectl -n %s logs jobs/restore-%s", restore.Cfg.Namespace, restoreName))
    return nil