

3 hrs
Test Coverage
package restic

import (


    resticCli ""

const (
    backupDirEnvKey             = "BACKUP_DIR"
    restoreDirEnvKey            = "RESTORE_DIR"
    caCertFileEnvKey            = "CA_CERT_FILE"
    clientCertFileEnvKey        = "CLIENT_CERT_FILE"
    clientKeyFileEnvKey         = "CLIENT_KEY_FILE"
    restoreCaCertFileEnvKey     = "RESTORE_CA_CERT_FILE"
    restoreClientCertFileEnvKey = "RESTORE_CLIENT_CERT_FILE"
    restoreClientKeyFileEnvKey  = "RESTORE_CLIENT_KEY_FILE"

    restoreTypeArg              = "restoreType"
    restoreS3EndpointArg        = "restoreS3Endpoint"
    restoreS3AccessKeyIDArg     = "restoreS3AccessKey"
    restoreS3SecretAccessKeyArg = "restoreS3SecretKey"

var (
    // Command is the definition of the command line interface of the restic module.
    Command = &cli.Command{
        Name:        "restic",
        Description: "Start k8up in restic mode",
        Action:      resticMain,
        Flags: []cli.Flag{
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.DoCheck, Name: "check", Usage: "Set, if the container should do a check"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.DoPrune, Name: "prune", Usage: "Set, if the container should do a prune"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.DoRestore, Name: "restore", Usage: "Set, if the container should attempt a restore"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.DoArchive, Name: "archive", Usage: "Set, if the container should do an archive"},

            &cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "tag", Usage: "List of tags to consider for given operation"},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.BackupCommandAnnotation, Name: "backupCommandAnnotation", EnvVars: []string{"BACKUPCOMMAND_ANNOTATION"}, Usage: "Defines the command to invoke when doing a backup via STDOUT."},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.BackupFileExtensionAnnotation, Name: "fileExtensionAnnotation", EnvVars: []string{"FILEEXTENSION_ANNOTATION"}, Usage: "Defines the file extension to use for STDOUT backups."},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.BackupContainerAnnotation, Name: "backucontainerannotation", EnvVars: []string{"BACKUP_CONTAINERANNOTATION"}, Value: "", Usage: "set the annotation name that specify the backup container inside the Pod"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.SkipPreBackup, Name: "skipPreBackup", EnvVars: []string{"SKIP_PREBACKUP"}, Usage: "If the job should skip the backup command and only backup volumes."},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PromURL, Name: "promURL", EnvVars: []string{"PROM_URL"}, Usage: "Sets the URL of a prometheus push gateway to report metrics."},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.WebhookURL, Name: "webhookURL", Aliases: []string{"statsURL"}, EnvVars: []string{"STATS_URL"}, Usage: "Sets the URL of a server which will retrieve a webhook after the action completes."},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.Hostname, Name: "hostname", EnvVars: []string{"HOSTNAME"}, Usage: "Sets the hostname to use in reports.", Hidden: true, Required: true},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.KubeConfig, Name: "kubeconfig", EnvVars: []string{"KUBECONFIG"}, Usage: "Overwrite the default kubernetes config to use.", Hidden: true, Value: clientcmd.RecommendedHomeFile},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.BackupDir, Name: "backupDir", EnvVars: []string{backupDirEnvKey}, Value: "/data", Usage: "Set from which directory the backup should be performed."},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreDir, Name: "restoreDir", EnvVars: []string{restoreDirEnvKey}, Value: "/data", Usage: "Set to which directory the restore should be performed."},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreFilter, Name: "restoreFilter", Usage: "Simple filter to define what should get restored. For example the PVC name"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreSnap, Name: "restoreSnap", Usage: "Snapshot ID, if empty takes the latest snapshot"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreType, Name: restoreTypeArg, Usage: "Type of this restore, 'folder' or 's3'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreS3AccessKey, Name: restoreS3AccessKeyIDArg, EnvVars: []string{"RESTORE_ACCESSKEYID"}, Usage: "S3 access key used to connect to the S3 endpoint when restoring"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreS3SecretKey, Name: restoreS3SecretAccessKeyArg, EnvVars: []string{"RESTORE_SECRETACCESSKEY"}, Usage: "S3 secret key used to connect to the S3 endpoint when restoring"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreS3Endpoint, Name: restoreS3EndpointArg, EnvVars: []string{"RESTORE_S3ENDPOINT"}, Usage: "S3 endpoint to connect to when restoring, e.g. 'https://minio.svc:9000/backup"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreCACert, Name: "restoreCaCert", EnvVars: []string{restoreCaCertFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The certificate authority file path using for restore"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreClientCert, Name: "restoreClientCert", EnvVars: []string{restoreClientCertFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The client certificate file path using for restore"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreClientKey, Name: "restoreClientKey", EnvVars: []string{restoreClientKeyFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The client private key file path using for restore"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.VerifyRestore, Name: "verifyRestore", Usage: "If the restore should get verified, only for PVCs restore"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.RestoreTrimPath, Name: "trimRestorePath", EnvVars: []string{"TRIM_RESTOREPATH"}, Value: true, DefaultText: "enabled", Usage: "If set, strips the value of --restoreDir from the lefts side of the remote restore path value"},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.ResticBin, Name: "resticBin", EnvVars: []string{"RESTIC_BINARY"}, Usage: "The path to the restic binary.", Value: "/usr/local/bin/restic"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.ResticRepository, Name: "resticRepository", EnvVars: []string{"RESTIC_REPOSITORY"}, Usage: "The restic repository to perform the action with", Required: true},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.ResticOptions, Name: "resticOptions", EnvVars: []string{"RESTIC_OPTIONS"}, Usage: "Additional options to pass to restic in the format 'key=value,key2=value2'"},

            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepLast, Name: "keepLatest", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_LAST", "KEEP_LATEST"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep at the latest snapshot"},
            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepHourly, Name: "keepHourly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_HOURLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep hourly snapshots"},
            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepDaily, Name: "keepDaily", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_DAILY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep daily snapshots"},
            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWeekly, Name: "keepWeekly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WEEKLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep weekly snapshots"},
            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepMonthly, Name: "keepMonthly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_MONTHLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep monthly snapshots"},
            &cli.IntFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepYearly, Name: "keepYearly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_YEARLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep yearly snapshots"},
            &cli.BoolFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepTags, Name: "keepTags", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_TAG", "KEEP_TAGS"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep tagged snapshots"},

            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithinHourly, Name: "keepWithinHourly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN_HOURLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep hourly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithinDaily, Name: "keepWithinDaily", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN_DAILY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep daily snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithinWeekly, Name: "keepWithinWeekly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN_WEEKLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep weekly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithinMonthly, Name: "keepWithinMonthly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN_MONTHLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep monthly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithinYearly, Name: "keepWithinYearly", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN_YEARLY"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep yearly snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},
            &cli.StringFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.PruneKeepWithin, Name: "keepWithin", EnvVars: []string{"KEEP_WITHIN"}, Usage: "While pruning, keep tagged snapshots within the given duration, e.g. '2y5m7d3h'"},

            &cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "targetPods", EnvVars: []string{"TARGET_PODS"}, Usage: "Filter list of pods by TARGET_PODS names"},
            &cli.DurationFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.SleepDuration, Name: "sleepDuration", EnvVars: []string{"SLEEP_DURATION"}, Usage: "Sleep for specified amount until init starts"},

            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.VarDir, Name: "varDir", Value: "/k8up", Usage: "The var directory is stored k8up metadata files and temporary files"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.CACert, Name: "caCert", EnvVars: []string{caCertFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The certificate authority file path"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.ClientCert, Name: "clientCert", EnvVars: []string{clientCertFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The client certificate file path"},
            &cli.PathFlag{Destination: &cfg.Config.ClientKey, Name: "clientKey", EnvVars: []string{clientKeyFileEnvKey}, Usage: "The client private key file path"},

func resticMain(c *cli.Context) error {
    resticLog := cmd.AppLogger(c).WithName("restic")

    cfg.Config.Tags = c.StringSlice("tag")
    cfg.Config.TargetPods = c.StringSlice("targetPods")

    err := cfg.Config.Validate()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(c.Context)
    cancelOnTermination(cancel, resticLog)

    statHandler := stats.NewHandler(cfg.Config.PromURL, cfg.Config.Hostname, cfg.Config.WebhookURL, resticLog)

    resticCLI := resticCli.New(ctx, resticLog.WithName("restic"), statHandler)

    return run(c.Context, resticCLI, resticLog)

func run(ctx context.Context, resticCLI *resticCli.Restic, mainLogger logr.Logger) error {
    if err := resticInitialization(resticCLI, mainLogger); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := waitForEndOfConcurrentOperations(resticCLI); err != nil {
        return err

    if cfg.Config.DoPrune || cfg.Config.DoCheck || cfg.Config.DoRestore || cfg.Config.DoArchive {
        return doNonBackupTasks(resticCLI)

    return doBackup(ctx, resticCLI, mainLogger)

func resticInitialization(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic, mainLogger logr.Logger) error {
    if cfg.Config.SleepDuration > 0 {
        mainLogger.Info("sleeping until init", "duration", cfg.Config.SleepDuration)
    if err := resticCLI.Init(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialise the restic repository: %w", err)

    if err := resticCLI.Unlock(false); err != nil {
        mainLogger.Error(err, "failed to remove stale locks from the repository, continuing anyway")

    // This builds up the cache without any other side effect. So it won't block
    // during any stdin backups or such.
    if err := resticCLI.Snapshots(nil); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to list snapshots: %w", err)
    return nil

func waitForEndOfConcurrentOperations(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if cfg.Config.DoPrune || cfg.Config.DoCheck {
        if err := resticCLI.Wait(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to list repository locks: %w", err)
    return nil

func doNonBackupTasks(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if err := doPrune(resticCLI); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := doCheck(resticCLI); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := doRestore(resticCLI); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := doArchive(resticCLI); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func doPrune(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if cfg.Config.DoPrune {
        if err := resticCLI.Prune(cfg.Config.Tags); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("prune job failed: %w", err)
    return nil

func doCheck(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if cfg.Config.DoCheck {
        if err := resticCLI.Check(); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("check job failed: %w", err)
    return nil

func doRestore(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if !cfg.Config.DoRestore {
        return nil

    restoreOptions := resticCli.RestoreOptions{
        RestoreType:   resticCli.RestoreType(cfg.Config.RestoreType),
        RestoreDir:    cfg.Config.RestoreDir,
        RestoreFilter: cfg.Config.RestoreFilter,
        Verify:        cfg.Config.VerifyRestore,
        S3Destination: resticCli.S3Bucket{
            Endpoint:  cfg.Config.RestoreS3Endpoint,
            AccessKey: cfg.Config.RestoreS3AccessKey,
            SecretKey: cfg.Config.RestoreS3SecretKey,
            Cert:      fillRestoreS3Cert(),

    if err := resticCLI.Restore(cfg.Config.RestoreSnap, restoreOptions, cfg.Config.Tags); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("restore job failed: %w", err)

    return nil

func doArchive(resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    if !cfg.Config.DoArchive {
        return nil

    restoreOptions := resticCli.RestoreOptions{
        RestoreType:   resticCli.RestoreType(cfg.Config.RestoreType),
        RestoreDir:    cfg.Config.RestoreDir,
        RestoreFilter: cfg.Config.RestoreFilter,
        Verify:        cfg.Config.VerifyRestore,
        S3Destination: resticCli.S3Bucket{
            Endpoint:  cfg.Config.RestoreS3Endpoint,
            AccessKey: cfg.Config.RestoreS3AccessKey,
            SecretKey: cfg.Config.RestoreS3SecretKey,
            Cert:      fillRestoreS3Cert(),

    if err := resticCLI.Archive(restoreOptions, cfg.Config.Tags); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("archive job failed: %w", err)

    return nil

func doBackup(ctx context.Context, resticCLI *resticCli.Restic, mainLogger logr.Logger) error {
    err := backupAnnotatedPods(ctx, resticCLI, mainLogger)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("backup of annotated pods failed: %w", err)
    mainLogger.Info("backups of annotated jobs have finished successfully")

    err = resticCLI.Backup(cfg.Config.BackupDir, cfg.Config.Tags)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("backup job failed in dir '%s': %w", cfg.Config.BackupDir, err)
    return nil

func backupAnnotatedPods(ctx context.Context, resticCLI *resticCli.Restic, mainLogger logr.Logger) error {
    _, serviceErr := os.Stat("/var/run/secrets/")
    _, kubeconfigErr := os.Stat(cfg.Config.KubeConfig)

    if serviceErr != nil && kubeconfigErr != nil {
        mainLogger.Info("No kubernetes credentials configured: Can't check for annotated Pods.", "KUBECONFIG", cfg.Config.KubeConfig)
        return nil

    k8cli, err := kubernetes.NewTypedClient()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Could not create kubernetes client: %w", err)
    podLister := kubernetes.NewPodLister(ctx, k8cli, cfg.Config.BackupCommandAnnotation, cfg.Config.BackupFileExtensionAnnotation, cfg.Config.BackupContainerAnnotation, cfg.Config.Hostname, cfg.Config.TargetPods, cfg.Config.SkipPreBackup, mainLogger)
    podList, err := podLister.ListPods()
    if err != nil {
        mainLogger.Error(err, "could not list pods", "namespace", cfg.Config.Hostname)
        return fmt.Errorf("could not list pods: %w", err)

    for _, pod := range podList {
        if err := backupAnnotatedPod(pod, mainLogger, cfg.Config.Hostname, resticCLI); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func backupAnnotatedPod(pod kubernetes.BackupPod, mainLogger logr.Logger, hostname string, resticCLI *resticCli.Restic) error {
    data, err := kubernetes.PodExec(pod, mainLogger)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error occurred during data stream from k8s: %w", err)
    filename := fmt.Sprintf("/%s-%s", hostname, pod.ContainerName)
    err = resticCLI.StdinBackup(data, filename, pod.FileExtension, cfg.Config.Tags)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("backup commands failed: %w", err)
    return nil

func cancelOnTermination(cancel context.CancelFunc, mainLogger logr.Logger) {
    mainLogger.Info("setting up a signal handler")
    s := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(s, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {
        mainLogger.Info("received signal", "signal", <-s)

func fillRestoreS3Cert() (cert resticCli.S3Cert) {
    if cfg.Config.RestoreCACert != "" {
        cert.CACert = cfg.Config.RestoreCACert
    if cfg.Config.RestoreClientCert != "" && cfg.Config.RestoreClientKey != "" {
        cert.ClientCert = cfg.Config.RestoreClientCert
        cert.ClientKey = cfg.Config.RestoreClientKey

    return cert