# run Keycloak radius inside Docker
## Install Docker
First, [install and run Docker]( on your Linux server.
## Download
Get the trusted build from the [Docker Hub registry](
docker pull vassio/keycloak-radius-plugin
## Download multiarch(amd64, arm64, arm/v7)
Get the trusted build from the [Docker Hub registry](
docker pull vassio/keycloak-radius-plugin:latest-multiarch
## How to use this image
### Environment variables
This Docker image uses the following variables, that can be declared in an env file ([example](./.example.radius.env):
- **RADIUS_SHARED_SECRET** - Radius shared secret
- **RADIUS_UDP** - use Radius auth and Account
- **RADIUS_UDP_AUTH_PORT** - Auth port(if RADIUS_UDP = true)
- **RADIUS_UDP_ACCOUNT_PORT** - Accounting port(if RADIUS_UDP = true)
- **RADIUS_RADSEC** - use RadSec protocol
- **RADIUS_RADSEC_PRIVATEKEY** - rsa private key for Rad Sec
- **RADIUS_RADSEC_CERTIFICATE** - certificate for RadSec
- **RADIUS_COA** -send disconnect message if the keycloak session has expired
- **RADIUS_COA_PORT** - CoA port (Mikrotik:3799, Cisco:1700)
- **RADIUS_DICTIONARY** - path to the dictionary file in freeradius format
### [Keycloak Configuration](
### Start the Keycloak Radius Server (dev mode)
Create a new Docker container from this image (replace `./radius.env` with your own `env` file):
docker run -d --name keycloak-radius-plugin --env-file .example.radius.env --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -p1812:1812/udp -p1813:1813/udp vassio/keycloak-radius-plugin start-dev
- arm64, arm/v7 version
docker run -d --name keycloak-radius-plugin --env-file .example.radius.env --restart=always -p 8080:8080 -p1812:1812/udp -p1813:1813/udp vassio/keycloak-radius-plugin:latest-multiarch start-dev
### Start the Keycloak Radius Server (production mode)
Create a new Docker container from this image (replace `./radius.env` with your own `env` file):
[maltegrosse comment](
## RUN Instance
### docker compose
docker network create docker_default
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-keycloak.yaml create
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose-keycloak.yaml start
## RadSec configuration
1. [generate private and Public Key](../keycloak-plugins/rad-sec-plugin/
2. [docker-compose-keycloak.yaml](docker-compose-keycloak.yaml):
RADIUS_RADSEC_PRIVATEKEY = /config/private.key
RADIUS_RADSEC_CERTIFICATE = /config/public.crt
## Example Radius Realm
| | |
| Realm | Radius-Realm-example |
| Radius Client Name | Radius |
| User | testUser |
| Password | testUser |
1. login with testUser/testUser to [http://localhost:8090/auth/realms/Radius-Realm-example/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=account&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8090%2Fauth&state=0&response_type=code&scope=openid
2. reset Radius Password
## Logging
docker logs keycloak-radius-plugin -f
## Bash shell inside container
To start a Bash session in the running container:
docker exec -it keycloak-radius-plugin bash
## Bash shell inside container
To start a Bash session in the running container:
docker exec -it keycloak-radius-plugin bash
## [build and Run locally](
docker stop keycloak-radius-plugin
docker rm keycloak-radius-plugin
set -e
docker build -t keycloak-radius-plugin .
docker run --env-file ./example.radius.env -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin" -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN="admin" --name=keycloak-radius-plugin keycloak-radius-plugin start-dev
## Deploy new release to dockerhub