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# == Manages an volume on directory service
# You can create and destroy volumes on local and external storages
# === Parameters:
# [*volume*]
#     (namevar) A name of volume, can be any valid alphanumeric string. Must be
#     unique in directory service
# [*ensure*]
#     Standard ensure property. Can be: +present+ or +absent+
# [*dir_host*]
#     Provide an host to where metadata and storage nodes will be connecting,
#     defaults: <tt>$::fqdn</tt>
# [*dir_port*]
#     (Optional) A port for directory service connection
# [*dir_protocol*]
#     (Optional) A protocol for directory service connection
# [*options*]
#     An extra options that will be passed to +mkfs.xtreemfs+ command. Use
#     +mkfs.xtreemfs --help+ to see all possible options.
define xtreemfs::volume (
  $volume      = $name,
  $ensure      = 'present',
  $dir_host     = undef,
  $dir_port     = undef,
  $dir_protocol = undef,
  $options     = {},
) {
  include xtreemfs::internal::packages::client
  include xtreemfs::internal::workflow
  include xtreemfs::settings


  $dir_service = $xtreemfs::settings::dir_service
  $host = directory_address($dir_host, $dir_port, $dir_protocol, $dir_service)

  xtreemfs_volume { $volume:
    ensure  => $ensure,
    host    => $host,
    options => $options,
    require => Anchor[$xtreemfs::internal::workflow::service],