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Test Coverage
 * Modules

// links
"links_us" = "https://weareopensource.me/us/";
"links_support" = "https://developer.apple.com/support/";
"links_terms" = "terms";
"links_privacy" = "https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/";
"links_legal" = "legal";

// popup
"popup_signfail" = "Wrong Password or Email.";
"popup_logout" = "You have been logged out !";

// modals
"modal_confirmation_message" = "are you sure ?";
"modal_confirmation_ok" = "Ok";
"modal_confirmation_remove" = "Remove";
"modal_confirmation_cancel" = "Cancel";
"modal_requirement_title" = "Validation required";
"modal_requirement_accept" = "Accept";

// onBoarding
"onBoarding_title"= "Welcome !";
"onBoarding_introduction"= "this is the first page of the application, it will only be affixed once after installation. We call it onBoarding. We will not be able to recover them.";
"onBoarding_validation"= "I'm in !";

// auth
"authSignIn_title"= "Sign In";
"authSignUp_title"= "Sign Up";
"auth_mail"= "Email";
"auth_password"= "Password";
"auth_firstname"= "Firstname";
"auth_lastname"= "Lastname";
"auth_forgot"= "Forgot password?";
"auth_reset"= "Reset password";

// task
"tasks_title"= "Tasks";

// example
"second_title"= "Example";

// user
"user_title"= "Profile";

"user_edit"= "Edit";
"user_edit_section_account"= "Account";
"user_edit_mail"= "Email";
"user_edit_firstname"= "Firstname";
"user_edit_lastname"= "Lastname";
"user_edit_section_profile"= "Profile";
"user_edit_bio"= "Biography";
"user_edit_section_image"= "Profile picture";
"user_edit_image"= "iPhone Gallery";
"user_edit_image_gravatar"= "Gravatar";
"user_edit_section_socialnetworks"= "Social networks";
"user_edit_socialnetworks_instagram"= "Instagram account name";
"user_edit_socialnetworks_twitter"= "Twitter account name";
"user_edit_socialnetworks_facebook"= "Facebook account name";

"user_preferences"= "Preferences";
"user_preferences_section"= "Style";
"user_preferences_background"= "Dynamique wallpaper";

"user_section_app"= "Waos";
"user_blog"= "Blog";
"user_site"= "Website";
"user_us"= "Us ?";
"user_more"= "More informations";

"user_section_socialnetworks"= "Follow us !";

"user_section_about"= "About";
"user_support"= "Support";
"user_terms_of_use"= "Terms of use";
"user_privacy_policy"= "Privacy policy";
"user_legal_notice"= "Waos legal";

"user_section_contact"= "Contact";
"user_report"= "Report a bug";
"user_contact"= "Contact us";
"user_data"= "Request my data";

"user_section_actions"= "Other";
"user_logout"= "Logout";
"user_delete"= "Delete account and data";

"user_error_mail"= "You must configure mail on your phone for this.";

"user_modal_confirmation_delete_message" = "Are you sure? your account and all your data will be deleted.";
"user_modal_confirmation_data_message" = "We will send you all of your data by email. Do not hesitate to write to us if necessary.";