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Test Coverage
 * Dependencies

import UIKit
import ReactorKit

 * Reactor

final class HomeTermsReactor: Reactor {

    // MARK: Constants

    // user actions
    enum Action {
        // default
        case done

    // state changes
    enum Mutation {
        // inputs
        case dismiss
        case success(String)
        case error(CustomError)

    // the current view state
    struct State {
        // terms
        var pages: [Pages]
        // settings
        var displayLinks: Bool
        var style: markDownStyles
        // work
        var isDismissed: Bool
        var errors: [DisplayError]
        var error: DisplayError?

        init(terms: Pages, style: markDownStyles, displayLinks: Bool) {
            // pages
            self.pages = [terms]
            // settings
            self.style = style
            self.displayLinks = displayLinks
            // work
            self.isDismissed = false
            self.errors = []

    // MARK: Properties

    let provider: AppServicesProviderType
    let initialState: State

    // MARK: Initialization

    init(provider: AppServicesProviderType, terms: Pages, style: markDownStyles = .air, displayLinks: Bool = true) {
        self.provider = provider
        self.initialState = State(terms: terms, style: style, displayLinks: displayLinks)

    // MARK: Action -> Mutation (mutate() receives an Action and generates an Observable<Mutation>)

    func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable<Mutation> {
        switch action {
        // done
        case .done:
            return self.provider.userService
                .map { result in
                    switch result {
                    case let .success(response):
                        UserDefaults.standard.set(response.data.terms ?? nil, forKey: "Terms")
                        return .dismiss
                    case let .error(err): return .error(err)

    // MARK: Mutation -> State (reduce() generates a new State from a previous State and a Mutation)

    func reduce(state: State, mutation: Mutation) -> State {
        var state = state
        switch mutation {
        // dissmiss
        case .dismiss:
            log.verbose("♻️ Mutation -> State : dismiss")
            state.isDismissed = true
            state.errors = []
        // success
        case let .success(success):
            log.verbose("♻️ Mutation -> State : succes \(success)")
            state.error = nil
            state.errors = purgeErrors(errors: state.errors, specificTitles: [success])
        // error
        case let .error(error):
            log.verbose("♻️ Mutation -> State : error \(error)")
            let _error: DisplayError = getDisplayError(error, self.provider.preferencesService.isLogged)
            self.provider.preferencesService.isLogged = _error.code == 401 ? false : true
            state.error = _error
        return state
