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3 days
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

package com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.protocol.module;

import android.graphics.Color;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import com.taobao.weex.devtools.common.Accumulator;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.common.ArrayListAccumulator;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.common.LogUtil;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.common.UncheckedCallable;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.common.Util;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.Document;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.DocumentView;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.ElementInfo;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.NodeDescriptor;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.NodeType;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.elements.StyleAccumulator;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.helper.ChromePeerManager;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.helper.PeersRegisteredListener;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.jsonrpc.JsonRpcException;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.jsonrpc.JsonRpcPeer;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.jsonrpc.JsonRpcResult;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.jsonrpc.protocol.JsonRpcError;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.protocol.ChromeDevtoolsDomain;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.protocol.ChromeDevtoolsMethod;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.inspector.screencast.ScreencastDispatcher;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.json.ObjectMapper;
import com.taobao.weex.devtools.json.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.taobao.weex.ui.component.WXComponent;
import com.taobao.weex.utils.WXViewUtils;

import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class DOM implements ChromeDevtoolsDomain {
  private static boolean sNativeMode = true;
  private final ObjectMapper mObjectMapper;
  private final Document mDocument;
  private final Map<String, List<Integer>> mSearchResults;
  private final AtomicInteger mResultCounter;
  private final ChromePeerManager mPeerManager;
  private final DocumentUpdateListener mListener;

  private ChildNodeRemovedEvent mCachedChildNodeRemovedEvent;
  private ChildNodeInsertedEvent mCachedChildNodeInsertedEvent;

  public DOM(Document document) {
    mObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    mDocument = Util.throwIfNull(document);
    mSearchResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(
        new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>());
    mResultCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    mPeerManager = new ChromePeerManager();
    mPeerManager.setListener(new PeerManagerListener());
    mListener = new DocumentUpdateListener();

  public static void setNativeMode(boolean isNativeMode) {
    sNativeMode = isNativeMode;

  public static boolean isNativeMode() {
    return sNativeMode;

  public void enable(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {

  public void disable(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {

  public JsonRpcResult getDocument(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final GetDocumentResponse result = new GetDocumentResponse();

    result.root = mDocument.postAndWait(new UncheckedCallable<Node>() {
      public Node call() {
        Object element = mDocument.getRootElement();
        return createNodeForElement(element, mDocument.getDocumentView(), null);

    return result;

  public void highlightNode(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final HighlightNodeRequest request =
        mObjectMapper.convertValue(params, HighlightNodeRequest.class);
    if (request.nodeId == null) {
      LogUtil.w("DOM.highlightNode was not given a nodeId; JS objectId is not supported");

    final RGBAColor contentColor = request.highlightConfig.contentColor;
    if (contentColor == null) {
      LogUtil.w("DOM.highlightNode was not given a color to highlight with");

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        Object element = mDocument.getElementForNodeId(request.nodeId);
        if (element != null) {
          mDocument.highlightElement(element, contentColor.getColor());

  public void hideHighlight(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {

  public ResolveNodeResponse resolveNode(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params)
      throws JsonRpcException {
    final ResolveNodeRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(params, ResolveNodeRequest.class);

    final Object element = mDocument.postAndWait(new UncheckedCallable<Object>() {
      public Object call() {
        return mDocument.getElementForNodeId(request.nodeId);

    if (element == null) {
      throw new JsonRpcException(
          new JsonRpcError(
              "No known nodeId=" + request.nodeId,
              null /* data */));

    int mappedObjectId = Runtime.mapObject(peer, element);

    Runtime.RemoteObject remoteObject = new Runtime.RemoteObject();
    remoteObject.type = Runtime.ObjectType.OBJECT;
    remoteObject.subtype = Runtime.ObjectSubType.NODE;
    remoteObject.className = element.getClass().getName();
    remoteObject.value = null; // not a primitive
    remoteObject.description = null; // not sure what this does...
    remoteObject.objectId = String.valueOf(mappedObjectId);
    ResolveNodeResponse response = new ResolveNodeResponse();
    response.object = remoteObject;

    return response;

  public void setAttributesAsText(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final SetAttributesAsTextRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        Object element = mDocument.getElementForNodeId(request.nodeId);
        if (element != null) {
          mDocument.setAttributesAsText(element, request.text);

  public void setInspectModeEnabled(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final SetInspectModeEnabledRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {

  public PerformSearchResponse performSearch(JsonRpcPeer peer, final JSONObject params) {
    final PerformSearchRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    final ArrayListAccumulator<Integer> resultNodeIds = new ArrayListAccumulator<>();

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        mDocument.findMatchingElements(request.query, resultNodeIds);

    // Each search action has a unique ID so that
    // it can be queried later.
    final String searchId = String.valueOf(mResultCounter.getAndIncrement());

    mSearchResults.put(searchId, resultNodeIds);

    final PerformSearchResponse response = new PerformSearchResponse();
    response.searchId = searchId;
    response.resultCount = resultNodeIds.size();

    return response;

  public GetSearchResultsResponse getSearchResults(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final GetSearchResultsRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    if (request.searchId == null) {
      LogUtil.w("searchId may not be null");
      return null;

    final List<Integer> results = mSearchResults.get(request.searchId);

    if (results == null) {
      LogUtil.w("\"" + request.searchId + "\" is not a valid reference to a search result");
      return null;

    final List<Integer> resultsRange = results.subList(request.fromIndex, request.toIndex);

    final GetSearchResultsResponse response = new GetSearchResultsResponse();
    response.nodeIds = resultsRange;

    return response;

  public void discardSearchResults(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    final DiscardSearchResultsRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    if (request.searchId != null) {

  public GetNodeForLocationResponse getNodeForLocation(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    GetNodeForLocationResponse result = new GetNodeForLocationResponse();
    final GetNodeForLocationRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(
    if (request.x > 0 && request.y > 0) {
      result.nodeId = findViewByLocation(request.x, request.y);

    return result;

  public int findViewByLocation(final int x, final int y) {
    final ArrayListAccumulator<Integer> resultNodeIds = new ArrayListAccumulator<>();

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        mDocument.findMatchingElements(x, y, resultNodeIds);
    if (resultNodeIds.size() > 0) {
      return resultNodeIds.get(resultNodeIds.size() - 1);
    return 0;

  public GetBoxModelResponse getBoxModel(JsonRpcPeer peer, JSONObject params) {
    GetBoxModelResponse response = new GetBoxModelResponse();
    final BoxModel model = new BoxModel();
    final GetBoxModelRequest request = mObjectMapper.convertValue(

    if (request.nodeId == null) {
      return null;

    response.model = model;

    mDocument.postAndWait(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        final Object elementForNodeId = mDocument.getElementForNodeId(request.nodeId);

        if (elementForNodeId == null) {
          LogUtil.w("Failed to get style of an element that does not exist, nodeid=" +

            new StyleAccumulator() {
              public void store(String name, String value, boolean isDefault) {
                double left = 0;
                double right = 0;
                double top = 0;
                double bottom = 0;

                double paddingLeft = 0;
                double paddingRight = 0;
                double paddingTop = 0;
                double paddingBottom = 0;

                double marginLeft = 0;
                double marginRight = 0;
                double marginTop = 0;
                double marginBottom = 0;

                double borderLeftWidth = 0;
                double borderRightWidth = 0;
                double borderTopWidth = 0;
                double borderBottomWidth = 0;

                View view = null;
                if (isNativeMode()) {
                  if (elementForNodeId instanceof View) {
                    view = (View)elementForNodeId;
                } else {
                  if (elementForNodeId instanceof WXComponent) {
                    view = ((WXComponent) elementForNodeId).getHostView();

                  if (view != null && view.isShown()) {
                    float scale = ScreencastDispatcher.getsBitmapScale();
                    model.width = view.getWidth();
                    model.height = view.getHeight();
                    if (!DOM.isNativeMode()) {
                      model.width = (int)(model.width * 750 / WXViewUtils.getScreenWidth() + 0.5);
                      model.height = (int)(model.height * 750 / WXViewUtils.getScreenWidth() + 0.5);

                    int[] location = new int[2];

                    left = location[0] * scale;
                    top = location[1] * scale;
                    right = left + view.getWidth() * scale;
                    bottom = top + view.getHeight() * scale;

                    paddingLeft = view.getPaddingLeft() * scale;
                    paddingTop = view.getPaddingTop() * scale;
                    paddingRight = view.getPaddingRight() * scale;
                    paddingBottom = view.getPaddingBottom() * scale;

                    if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
                      ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams();
                      if (layoutParams != null) {
                        if (layoutParams instanceof ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) {
                          ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams margins = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) layoutParams;
                          marginLeft = margins.leftMargin * scale;
                          marginTop = margins.topMargin * scale;
                          marginRight = margins.rightMargin * scale;
                          marginBottom = margins.bottomMargin * scale;
                  ArrayList<Double> padding = new ArrayList<>(8);
                  padding.add(left + borderLeftWidth);
                  padding.add(top + borderTopWidth);
                  padding.add(right - borderRightWidth);
                  padding.add(top + borderTopWidth);
                  padding.add(right - borderRightWidth);
                  padding.add(bottom - borderBottomWidth);
                  padding.add(left + borderLeftWidth);
                  padding.add(bottom - borderBottomWidth);
                  model.padding = padding;

                  ArrayList<Double> content = new ArrayList<>(8);
                  content.add(left + borderLeftWidth + paddingLeft);
                  content.add(top + borderTopWidth + paddingTop);
                  content.add(right - borderRightWidth - paddingRight);
                  content.add(top + borderTopWidth + paddingTop);
                  content.add(right - borderRightWidth - paddingRight);
                  content.add(bottom - borderBottomWidth - paddingBottom);
                  content.add(left + borderLeftWidth + paddingLeft);
                  content.add(bottom - borderBottomWidth - paddingBottom);
                  model.content = content;

                  ArrayList<Double> border = new ArrayList<>(8);
                  model.border = border;

                  ArrayList<Double> margin = new ArrayList<>(8);
                  margin.add(left - marginLeft);
                  margin.add(top - marginTop);
                  margin.add(right + marginRight);
                  margin.add(top - marginTop);
                  margin.add(right + marginRight);
                  margin.add(bottom + marginBottom);
                  margin.add(left - marginLeft);
                  margin.add(bottom + marginBottom);
                  model.margin = margin;

    return response;

  public static final class GetBoxModelResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public BoxModel model;

  private static class GetBoxModelRequest {
    public Integer nodeId;

  private static class BoxModel {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public List<Double> content;
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public List<Double> padding;
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public List<Double> border;
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public List<Double> margin;
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Integer width;
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Integer height;

  private Node createNodeForElement(
      Object element,
      DocumentView view,
      @Nullable Accumulator<Object> processedElements) {
    if (processedElements != null) {

    NodeDescriptor descriptor = mDocument.getNodeDescriptor(element);

    Node node = new DOM.Node();
    node.nodeId = mDocument.getNodeIdForElement(element);
    node.nodeType = descriptor.getNodeType(element);
    node.nodeName = descriptor.getNodeName(element);
    node.localName = descriptor.getLocalName(element);
    node.nodeValue = descriptor.getNodeValue(element);

    Document.AttributeListAccumulator accumulator = new Document.AttributeListAccumulator();
    descriptor.getAttributes(element, accumulator);

    // Attributes
    node.attributes = accumulator;

    // Children
    ElementInfo elementInfo = view.getElementInfo(element);
    List<Node> childrenNodes = (elementInfo.children.size() == 0)
        ? Collections.<Node>emptyList()
        : new ArrayList<Node>(elementInfo.children.size());

    for (int i = 0, N = elementInfo.children.size(); i < N; ++i) {
      final Object childElement = elementInfo.children.get(i);
      Node childNode = createNodeForElement(childElement, view, processedElements);

    node.children = childrenNodes;
    node.childNodeCount = childrenNodes.size();

    return node;

  private ChildNodeInsertedEvent acquireChildNodeInsertedEvent() {
    ChildNodeInsertedEvent childNodeInsertedEvent = mCachedChildNodeInsertedEvent;
    if (childNodeInsertedEvent == null) {
      childNodeInsertedEvent = new ChildNodeInsertedEvent();
    mCachedChildNodeInsertedEvent = null;
    return childNodeInsertedEvent;

  private void releaseChildNodeInsertedEvent(ChildNodeInsertedEvent childNodeInsertedEvent) {
    childNodeInsertedEvent.parentNodeId = -1;
    childNodeInsertedEvent.previousNodeId = -1;
    childNodeInsertedEvent.node = null;
    if (mCachedChildNodeInsertedEvent == null) {
      mCachedChildNodeInsertedEvent = childNodeInsertedEvent;

  private ChildNodeRemovedEvent acquireChildNodeRemovedEvent() {
    ChildNodeRemovedEvent childNodeRemovedEvent = mCachedChildNodeRemovedEvent;
    if (childNodeRemovedEvent == null) {
      childNodeRemovedEvent = new ChildNodeRemovedEvent();
    mCachedChildNodeRemovedEvent = null;
    return childNodeRemovedEvent;

  private void releaseChildNodeRemovedEvent(ChildNodeRemovedEvent childNodeRemovedEvent) {
    childNodeRemovedEvent.parentNodeId = -1;
    childNodeRemovedEvent.nodeId = -1;
    if (mCachedChildNodeRemovedEvent == null) {
      mCachedChildNodeRemovedEvent = childNodeRemovedEvent;

  private final class DocumentUpdateListener implements Document.UpdateListener {
    public void onAttributeModified(Object element, String name, String value) {
      AttributeModifiedEvent message = new AttributeModifiedEvent();
      message.nodeId = mDocument.getNodeIdForElement(element);
      message.name = name;
      message.value = value;
      mPeerManager.sendNotificationToPeers("DOM.onAttributeModified", message);

    public void onAttributeRemoved(Object element, String name) {
      AttributeRemovedEvent message = new AttributeRemovedEvent();
      message.nodeId = mDocument.getNodeIdForElement(element);
      message.name = name;
      mPeerManager.sendNotificationToPeers("DOM.attributeRemoved", message);

    public void onInspectRequested(Object element) {
      Integer nodeId = mDocument.getNodeIdForElement(element);
      if (nodeId == null) {
            "DocumentProvider.Listener.onInspectRequested() " +
                "called for a non-mapped node: element=%s",
      } else {
        InspectNodeRequestedEvent message = new InspectNodeRequestedEvent();
        message.nodeId = nodeId;
        mPeerManager.sendNotificationToPeers("DOM.inspectNodeRequested", message);

    public void onChildNodeRemoved(
        int parentNodeId,
        int nodeId) {
      ChildNodeRemovedEvent removedEvent = acquireChildNodeRemovedEvent();

      removedEvent.parentNodeId = parentNodeId;
      removedEvent.nodeId = nodeId;
      mPeerManager.sendNotificationToPeers("DOM.childNodeRemoved", removedEvent);


    public void onChildNodeInserted(
        DocumentView view,
        Object element,
        int parentNodeId,
        int previousNodeId,
        Accumulator<Object> insertedElements) {
      ChildNodeInsertedEvent insertedEvent = acquireChildNodeInsertedEvent();

      insertedEvent.parentNodeId = parentNodeId;
      insertedEvent.previousNodeId = previousNodeId;
      insertedEvent.node = createNodeForElement(element, view, insertedElements);

      mPeerManager.sendNotificationToPeers("DOM.childNodeInserted", insertedEvent);


  private final class PeerManagerListener extends PeersRegisteredListener {
    protected synchronized void onFirstPeerRegistered() {

    protected synchronized void onLastPeerUnregistered() {

  private static class GetDocumentResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Node root;

  private static class Node implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public NodeType nodeType;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String nodeName;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String localName;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String nodeValue;

    public Integer childNodeCount;

    public List<Node> children;

    public List<String> attributes;

  private static class AttributeModifiedEvent {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String name;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String value;

  private static class AttributeRemovedEvent {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String name;

  private static class ChildNodeInsertedEvent {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int parentNodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int previousNodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Node node;

  private static class ChildNodeRemovedEvent {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int parentNodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

  private static class HighlightNodeRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public HighlightConfig highlightConfig;

    public Integer nodeId;

    public String objectId;

  private static class HighlightConfig {
    public RGBAColor contentColor;

  private static class InspectNodeRequestedEvent {
    public int nodeId;

  private static class SetInspectModeEnabledRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public boolean enabled;

    public Boolean inspectShadowDOM;

    public HighlightConfig highlightConfig;

  private static class RGBAColor {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int r;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int g;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int b;

    public Double a;

    public int getColor() {
      byte alpha;
      if (this.a == null) {
        alpha = (byte) 255;
      } else {
        long aLong = Math.round(this.a * 255.0);
        alpha = (aLong < 0) ? (byte) 0 : (aLong >= 255) ? (byte) 255 : (byte) aLong;

      return Color.argb(alpha, this.r, this.g, this.b);

  private static class ResolveNodeRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

    public String objectGroup;

  private static class SetAttributesAsTextRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int nodeId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String text;

  private static class ResolveNodeResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Runtime.RemoteObject object;

  private static class PerformSearchRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String query;

    public Boolean includeUserAgentShadowDOM;

  private static class PerformSearchResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String searchId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int resultCount;

  private static class GetSearchResultsRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String searchId;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int fromIndex;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int toIndex;

  private static class GetSearchResultsResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public List<Integer> nodeIds;

  private static class DiscardSearchResultsRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public String searchId;

  private static class GetNodeForLocationRequest {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int x;

    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public int y;

  private static class GetNodeForLocationResponse implements JsonRpcResult {
    @JsonProperty(required = true)
    public Integer nodeId;