

3 days
Test Coverage
package file_reader

import (


func (r FileReader) projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(relPath string) string {
    return filepath.Join(r.sharedOptions.ProjectDir(), relPath)

func (r FileReader) absolutePathToProjectDirRelativePath(absPath string) string {
    return util.GetRelativeToBaseFilepath(r.sharedOptions.ProjectDir(), absPath)

// ListFilesWithGlob returns the list of files by the glob, follows symlinks.
// The result paths are relative to the passed directory, the method does reverse resolving for symlinks.
func (r FileReader) ListFilesWithGlob(ctx context.Context, relDir, glob string, skipFileFunc func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error)) (files []string, err error) {
        LogBlock("ListFilesWithGlob %q %q", relDir, glob).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            files, err = r.listFilesWithGlob(ctx, relDir, glob, skipFileFunc)

            if debug() {
                var logFiles string
                if len(files) != 0 {
                    logFiles = fmt.Sprintf("\n - %s", strings.Join(files, "\n - "))
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("files: %v\nerr: %q\n", logFiles, err)


func (r FileReader) listFilesWithGlob(ctx context.Context, relDir, glob string, skipFileFunc func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error)) ([]string, error) {
    var prefixWithoutPatterns string
    prefixWithoutPatterns, glob = util.GlobPrefixWithoutPatterns(glob)
    relDirOrFileWithGlobPart := filepath.Join(relDir, prefixWithoutPatterns)

    pathMatcher := path_matcher.NewPathMatcher(path_matcher.PathMatcherOptions{
        BasePath:     relDirOrFileWithGlobPart,
        IncludeGlobs: []string{glob},
    if debug() {
        logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogLn("pathMatcher:", pathMatcher.String())

    var result []string
    fileFunc := func(notResolvedPath string) error {
        if pathMatcher.IsPathMatched(notResolvedPath) {
            result = append(result, util.GetRelativeToBaseFilepath(relDir, notResolvedPath))

        return nil

    isRegularFile, err := r.isRegularFileExist(ctx, relDirOrFileWithGlobPart)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if isRegularFile {
        skip, err := skipFileFunc(ctx, r, relDirOrFileWithGlobPart)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if skip {
            return nil, nil

        if err := fileFunc(relDirOrFileWithGlobPart); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return result, nil

    err = r.walkFilesWithPathMatcher(ctx, relDirOrFileWithGlobPart, pathMatcher, skipFileFunc, fileFunc)
    return result, err

func (r FileReader) walkFilesWithPathMatcher(ctx context.Context, relDir string, pathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher, skipFileFunc func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error), fileFunc func(notResolvedPath string) error) error {
    if !pathMatcher.IsDirOrSubmodulePathMatched(relDir) {
        return nil

    exist, err := r.IsDirectoryExist(ctx, relDir)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !exist {
        return nil

    skipDir, err := skipFileFunc(ctx, r, relDir)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if skipDir {
        return nil

    resolvedDir, err := r.ResolveFilePath(ctx, relDir)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve file path %q: %w", relDir, err)

    absDirPath := r.projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(resolvedDir)
    return filepath.Walk(absDirPath, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
        if err != nil {
            return err

        resolvedRelPath := r.absolutePathToProjectDirRelativePath(path)
        notResolvedRelPath := strings.Replace(resolvedRelPath, resolvedDir, relDir, 1)
        for _, shouldSkipFileFunc := range []func(context.Context, FileReader, string, string) (bool, error){
            // check requires not resolved parts in path to correctly process symlinks
            func(_ context.Context, _ FileReader, resolvedRelPath, notResolvedRelPath string) (bool, error) {
                return !pathMatcher.IsDirOrSubmodulePathMatched(notResolvedRelPath), nil
            // skip check expects file path
            func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, resolvedRelPath, notResolvedRelPath string) (bool, error) {
                return skipFileFunc(ctx, r, resolvedRelPath)
        } {
            shouldSkip, err := shouldSkipFileFunc(ctx, r, resolvedRelPath, notResolvedRelPath)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            if shouldSkip {
                if f.IsDir() {
                    return filepath.SkipDir
                } else {
                    return nil

        if f.IsDir() {
            return nil

        if f.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
            link, err := os.Readlink(path)
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("unable to read symlink %q: %w", path, err)

            resolvedLink := link
            if !filepath.IsAbs(link) {
                resolvedLink = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), link)

            if !r.isSubpathOfWorkTreeDir(resolvedLink) {
                return r.NewFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(resolvedLink)

            lstat, err := os.Lstat(resolvedLink)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            if lstat.IsDir() {
                if err := r.walkFilesWithPathMatcher(ctx, notResolvedRelPath, pathMatcher, skipFileFunc, fileFunc); err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("symlink %q resolve failed: %w", resolvedRelPath, err)

                return nil

            return fileFunc(notResolvedRelPath)

        return fileFunc(notResolvedRelPath)

func (r FileReader) SkipFileFunc(acceptedFilePathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher) func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error) {
    return func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (skip bool, err error) {
            LogBlock("SkipFile %q", existingRelPath).
            Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
                if !debug() {
            Do(func() {
                skip, err = r.skipFileFunc(acceptedFilePathMatcher)(ctx, r, existingRelPath)

                if debug() {
                    logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("skip: %v\nerr: %q\n", skip, err)


func (r FileReader) skipFileFunc(acceptedFilePathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher) func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error) {
    return func(ctx context.Context, r FileReader, existingRelPath string) (bool, error) {
        if filepath.Base(existingRelPath) == ".git" {
            return true, nil

        if r.sharedOptions.LooseGiterminism() {
            return false, nil

        pathsToCheck := []string{existingRelPath}
        resolvedFilePath, err := r.ResolveFilePath(ctx, existingRelPath)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err

        if existingRelPath != resolvedFilePath {
            pathsToCheck = append(pathsToCheck, resolvedFilePath)

        var modified bool
        for _, relPath := range pathsToCheck {
            /* The accepted file should be read from fs */
            if acceptedFilePathMatcher.IsDirOrSubmodulePathMatched(relPath) {
                return false, nil

            /* The file with changes in worktree/index should not be skipped */
            modified, err = r.IsFileModifiedLocally(ctx, relPath)
            if err != nil {
                return false, err

            if modified {

        if modified {
            return false, nil

        return true, nil

// CheckFileExistenceAndAcceptance returns nil if the resolved file exists and is fully accepted by the giterminism config (each symlink target must be accepted if the file path accepted)
func (r FileReader) CheckFileExistenceAndAcceptance(ctx context.Context, relPath string, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc func(relPath string) bool) (err error) {
        LogBlock("CheckFileExistenceAndAcceptance %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            err = r.checkFileExistenceAndAcceptance(ctx, relPath, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("err: %q\n", err)


func (r FileReader) checkFileExistenceAndAcceptance(ctx context.Context, relPath string, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc func(relPath string) bool) error {
    if r.sharedOptions.LooseGiterminism() {
        exist, err := r.IsRegularFileExist(ctx, relPath)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if !exist {
            return r.NewFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(relPath)

        return nil

    if !isFileAcceptedCheckFunc(relPath) {
        return FileNotAcceptedError{fmt.Errorf("the file %q not accepted by giterminism config", relPath)}

    if err := func() error {
        notAcceptedError := func(resolvedPath string) error {
            return errors.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("the link target %q should be also accepted by giterminism config", resolvedPath))

        resolvedPath, err := r.ResolveAndCheckFilePath(ctx, relPath, func(resolvedRelPath string) error {
            if !isFileAcceptedCheckFunc(resolvedRelPath) {
                return notAcceptedError(resolvedRelPath)

            return nil
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if resolvedPath != relPath {
            if !isFileAcceptedCheckFunc(relPath) {
                return notAcceptedError(resolvedPath)

        return nil
    }(); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("accepted file %q check failed: %w", relPath, err)

    return nil

// ShouldFileBeRead return true if not resolved path accepted by giterminism config.
func (r FileReader) ShouldFileBeRead(ctx context.Context, relPath string, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc func(relPath string) bool) (should bool, err error) {
        LogBlock("ShouldFileBeRead %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            should, err = r.shouldFileBeRead(relPath, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("should: %v\nerr: %q\n", should, err)


func (r FileReader) shouldFileBeRead(relPath string, isFileAcceptedCheckFunc func(relPath string) bool) (bool, error) {
    if r.sharedOptions.LooseGiterminism() {
        return true, nil

    return isFileAcceptedCheckFunc(relPath), nil

// ReadFile returns the project file data.
func (r FileReader) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (data []byte, err error) {
        LogBlock("ReadFile %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            data, err = r.readFile(relPath)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("dataLength: %v\nerr: %q\n", len(data), err)


func (r FileReader) readFile(relPath string) ([]byte, error) {
    absPath := r.projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(relPath)
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(absPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read file %q: %w", absPath, err)

    return data, nil

// IsDirectoryExist resolves symlinks and returns true if the resolved file is a directory.
func (r FileReader) IsDirectoryExist(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (exist bool, err error) {
        LogBlock("IsDirectoryExist %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            exist, err = r.isDirectoryExist(ctx, relPath)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("exist: %v\nerr: %q\n", exist, err)


func (r FileReader) isDirectoryExist(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (bool, error) {
    resolvedPath, err := r.ResolveFilePath(ctx, relPath)
    if err != nil {
        if IsFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(err) {
            return false, nil

        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve file path %q: %w", relPath, err)

    absPath := r.projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(resolvedPath)
    exist, err := util.DirExists(absPath)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to check existence of directory %q: %w", absPath, err)

    return exist, nil

// IsRegularFileExist resolves symlinks and returns true if the resolved file is a regular file.
func (r FileReader) IsRegularFileExist(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (exist bool, err error) {
        LogBlock("IsRegularFileExist %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            exist, err = r.isRegularFileExist(ctx, relPath)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("exist: %v\nerr: %q\n", exist, err)


func (r FileReader) isRegularFileExist(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (bool, error) {
    resolvedPath, err := r.ResolveFilePath(ctx, relPath)
    if err != nil {
        if IsFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(err) {
            return false, nil

        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve file path %q: %w", relPath, err)

    absPath := r.projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(resolvedPath)
    exist, err := util.RegularFileExists(absPath)
    if err != nil {
        return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to check existence of file %q: %w", absPath, err)

    return exist, nil

// ResolveAndCheckFilePath resolves the path and run checkFunc for every file path resolve.
func (r FileReader) ResolveAndCheckFilePath(ctx context.Context, relPath string, checkFunc func(resolvedPath string) error) (resolvedPath string, err error) {
        LogBlock("ResolveAndCheckFilePath %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            checkWithDebugFunc := func(resolvedPath string) error {
                return logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().
                    LogBlock("-- check %q", resolvedPath).
                    Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
                        if !debug() {
                    DoError(func() error {
                        err := checkFunc(resolvedPath)

                        if debug() {
                            logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("err: %q\n", err)

                        return err

            resolvedPath, err = r.resolveAndCheckFilePath(ctx, relPath, checkWithDebugFunc)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("resolvedPath: %q\nerr: %q\n", resolvedPath, err)


func (r FileReader) resolveAndCheckFilePath(ctx context.Context, relPath string, checkSymlinkTargetFunc func(resolvedPath string) error) (resolvedPath string, err error) {
    return r.resolveFilePath(ctx, relPath, 0, checkSymlinkTargetFunc)

func (r FileReader) ResolveFilePath(ctx context.Context, relPath string) (resolvedPath string, err error) {
        LogBlock("ResolveFilePath %q", relPath).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debug() {
        Do(func() {
            resolvedPath, err = r.resolveFilePath(ctx, relPath, 0, nil)

            if debug() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("resolvedPath: %q\nerr: %q\n", resolvedPath, err)


func (r FileReader) resolveFilePath(ctx context.Context, relPath string, depth int, checkSymlinkTargetFunc func(resolvedPath string) error) (string, error) {
    if depth > 1000 {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("too many levels of symbolic links")

    pathParts := util.SplitFilepath(relPath)
    pathPartsLen := len(pathParts)

    var resolvedPath string
    for ind := 0; ind < pathPartsLen; ind++ {
        pathToResolve := filepath.Join(resolvedPath, pathParts[ind])
        absPathToResolve := r.projectRelativePathToAbsolutePath(pathToResolve)

        lstat, err := os.Lstat(absPathToResolve)

        if debug() {
            var logStat string
            if lstat != nil {
                logStat = lstat.Mode().Perm().String()
            logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogF("-- [%d] %q %q %q\n", ind, pathToResolve, logStat, err)

        if err != nil {
            if os.IsNotExist(err) || util.IsNotADirectoryError(err) {
                return "", r.NewFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(pathToResolve)

            return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to access file %q: %w", absPathToResolve, err)

        switch {
        case lstat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink:
            link, err := os.Readlink(absPathToResolve)
            if err != nil {
                return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to read symlink %q: %w", link, err)

            resolvedLink := link
            if !filepath.IsAbs(link) {
                resolvedLink = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(absPathToResolve), link)

            if !r.isSubpathOfWorkTreeDir(resolvedLink) {
                return "", r.NewFileNotFoundInProjectDirectoryError(resolvedLink)

            resolvedRelLink := r.absolutePathToProjectDirRelativePath(resolvedLink)
            if checkSymlinkTargetFunc != nil {
                if err := checkSymlinkTargetFunc(resolvedRelLink); err != nil {
                    return "", err

            resolvedTarget, err := r.resolveFilePath(ctx, resolvedRelLink, depth, checkSymlinkTargetFunc)
            if err != nil {
                return "", err

            resolvedPath = resolvedTarget
            resolvedPath = pathToResolve

    return resolvedPath, nil