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'use strict';

* @author: Popov Gennadiy <me@westtrade.t>
* @Date:   2016-12-15T17:23:48+03:00
* @Email:  me@westtrade.tk
* @Last modified by:   dio
* @Last modified time: 2017-03-30T13:36:37+03:00

const http = require('http');
const https = require('https');
const zlib = require('zlib');

const pkg = require('../package.json');

const assert = require('assert');
const url = require('url');
const querystring = require('querystring');

const CleantalkResponse = require('./CleantalkResponse');
const CleantalkError = require('./CleantalkError');
const CleantalkRequest = require('./CleantalkRequest');

const iconv = require('iconv-lite');
const {flatten} = require('./util');

const ALLOWED_METHOD_NAMES = ['check_message', 'check_newuser', 'check', 'send_feedback', 'backlinks_check'];
// const ALLOWED_LANGS = ['en', 'ru'];

const MODERATOR_API_URL = 'https://moderate.cleantalk.org/api2.0';
const SERVICE_API_URL = 'https://api.cleantalk.org/';

const privateProperties = Symbol('Private properties');
const requestMethod = Symbol('Request method');

 * Cleantalk - remote API wrapper class
 * @version 1.0.1
 * @author Popov Gennadiy (me@westtrade.tk)
 * @copyright (C) 2016 Popov Gennadiy (me@westtrade.tk)
 * @license MIT: {@link https://mit-license.org/}
 * @see {@link https://github.com/westtrade/cleantalk}
class Cleantalk {

     * auth_key - Getter for service authorization key property
     * @return {String}
    get auth_key() {
        return this[privateProperties].auth_key;

     * language - Getter for language property
     * @return {String}
    get language() {
        return this[privateProperties].language || 'en';

     * language - Setter for language property
     * @param  {String} language Language of suggestion returned in response
    set language(language) {
        language = language || 'en';
        // assert(ALLOWED_LANGS.includes(language), `Language must be included in allowed languages: ${ALLOWED_LANGS.join(', ')}.`);
        this[privateProperties].language = language;

     * server_url - Getter for server api url property
     * @return {String}
    get server_url() {
        return this[privateProperties].server_url || MODERATOR_API_URL;

     * agent - Getter for server client agent property
     * @return {String}
    get agent() {
        return this[privateProperties].agent;

     * constructor - Constructor method for Cleantalk API class
     * @param {object} Options            Service required initial options
     * @param {String} Options.auth_key   Service authorization key, you will
     * find it in you control panel
     * (Access key){@link https://cleantalk.org/register?platform=api;}
     * @param {String} Options.server_url Link to API endpoint, default is
     * https://moderate.cleantalk.org/api2.0
     * @param {String} Options.language   Language may be 'ru' or 'en'
    constructor({auth_key, server_url, language} = {}) {

        assert(auth_key, 'Authentication key ($auth_key) must be defined.');
        assert.equal(typeof auth_key, 'string', 'Auth key must be a string.');

        language = language || 'en';
        // assert(ALLOWED_LANGS.includes(language), `Language must be included in allowed languages: ${ALLOWED_LANGS.join(', ')}.`);

        server_url = server_url || MODERATOR_API_URL;

        const agent = `nodejs-api-${pkg.version}`;

        this[privateProperties] = {

     * isAllowMessage - High level function - check whether it is possible to post new message
     * @param {CleantalkRequest} request Description
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {CleantalkResponse} Description
    isAllowMessage(request) {
        assert(request instanceof CleantalkRequest, 'Argument request must be instance of CleantalkRequest');
        return request.ready.then(data => this.checkMessage(data));

     * isAllowUser - High level function - check whether it is possible to register new user
     * @param {CleantalkRequest} request Description
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {CleantalkResponse} Description
    isAllowUser(request) {
        assert(request instanceof CleantalkRequest, 'Argument request must be instance of CleantalkRequest');
        return request.ready.then(data => this.checkMessage(data));

     * checkNewUser - Low level function - checks whether it is possible to register new user
     * @see {@link https://cleantalk.org/help/api-check-newuser}
     * @param {object}         Options                 Method options
     * @param {String}       Options.sender_email    Email for spam checking, Required.
     * @param {String}       Options.sender_ip       IP for spam checking. Required.
     * @param {Boolean}      Options.js_on           Is JavaScript enabled in
     * user's browser. Default null. Js_on can be calculated by evaluating some
     * JavaScript code in browser and comparing with reference value
     * on server side. Very important parameter.
     * valid are 0|1|2
     * Status:
     *  null - JS html code not inserted into phpBB templates
     *  0 - JS disabled at the client browser
     *  1 - JS enabled at the client broswer
     * @param {Integer}        Options.submit_time     Form submitting time in seconds. Required.
     *  Submit_time is the difference between submitting form time and
     *  page accessing time. Very important parameter.
     * @param {Object}       Options.all_headers     HTTP-request headers
     * @param {String}         Options.sender_nickname Sender nickname for spam checking. Optional
     * @param {Object}         Options.sender_info     Any additional information about sender
     * @param {type}           Options.tz              Sender's timezone
     * @param {String}         Options.phone           Sender's phone nubmer
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {CleantalkResponse} Promised object with result of request
    checkNewUser({sender_email, sender_ip, js_on, submit_time, all_headers, sender_nickname, sender_info, tz, phone} = {}) {

        assert(sender_email, 'Sender email argument (sender_email) is required.');
        assert.equal(typeof sender_email, 'string', 'Sender email argument must be a string.');

        assert(sender_ip, 'Sender IP argument (sender_ip) is required.');
        assert.equal(typeof sender_ip, 'string', 'Sender IP argument must be a string.');

        assert(submit_time, 'Submit time argument (submit_time) is required.');
        submit_time = parseInt(submit_time);
        assert.equal(isNaN(submit_time), false, 'Submit type (submit_time) argument must be a integer.');

        const data = {sender_email, sender_ip, submit_time};

        if (js_on) {
            js_on = +!!js_on;
            data.js_on = js_on;

        if (all_headers) {
            data.all_headers = JSON.stringify(all_headers);

        if (sender_nickname) {
            assert.equal(typeof sender_nickname, 'string', 'Sender nickname argument must be a string.');
            data.sender_nickname = sender_nickname;

        if (sender_info) {
            assert.equal(typeof sender_info, 'object', 'Sender info (sender_info) argument must be an object.');
            data.sender_info = sender_info;

        if (tz) {
            assert.equal(typeof tz, 'string', 'TZ argument must be a string.');
            data.tz = tz;

        if (phone) {
            assert.equal(typeof phone, 'string', 'Phone argument must be a string.');
            data.phone = phone;

        return this.sendRequest('check_newuser', data);

     * checkMessage - Function checks whether it is possible to publish the message
     * @see {@link https://cleantalk.org/help/api-check-message}
     * @param {object}         Options                 Method options
     * @param {String}       Options.sender_email    Email for spam checking, Required.
     * @param {String}       Options.sender_ip       IP for spam checking. Required.
     * @param {Boolean}      Options.js_on           Is JavaScript enabled in
     * user's browser. Default null. Js_on can be calculated by evaluating some
     * JavaScript code in browser and comparing with reference value
     * on server side. Very important parameter.
     * valid are 0|1|2
     * Status:
     *  null - JS html code not inserted into phpBB templates
     *  0 - JS disabled at the client browser
     *  1 - JS enabled at the client broswer
     * @param {Integer}        Options.submit_time     Form submitting time in seconds. Required.
     *  Submit_time is the difference between submitting form time and
     *  page accessing time. Very important parameter.
     * @param {Object}       Options.all_headers     HTTP-request headers
     * @param {String}         Options.sender_nickname Sender nickname for spam checking. Optional
     * @param {String}       Options.message         Text message for checking, can contain HTML-tags
     * @param {Object}       Options.sender_info     Any additional information about sender
     * @param {Object}         Options.post_info       Additional information about message
     * @param {Boolean}       Options.stoplist_check  logical flag to check
     * message via stop-words list (1 or 0) (should be enabled in account);
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {CleantalkResponse} Promised object with result of request
    checkMessage({sender_email, sender_ip, js_on, submit_time, all_headers, sender_nickname, message, sender_info, post_info, stoplist_check} = {}) {

        assert(sender_email, 'Sender email argument (sender_email) is required.');
        assert.equal(typeof sender_email, 'string', 'Sender email argument must be a string.');

        assert(sender_ip, 'Sender IP argument (sender_ip) is required.');
        assert.equal(typeof sender_ip, 'string', 'Sender IP argument must be a string.');

        assert(submit_time, 'Submit time argument (submit_time) is required.');
        submit_time = parseInt(submit_time);
        assert.equal(isNaN(submit_time), false, 'Submit type (submit_time) argument must be a integer.');

        const data = {sender_email, sender_ip, submit_time};

        if (js_on) {
            js_on = +!!js_on;
            data.js_on = js_on;

        if (all_headers) {
            data.all_headers = JSON.stringify(all_headers);

        if (sender_nickname) {
            assert.equal(typeof sender_nickname, 'string', 'Sender nickname argument must be a string.');
            data.sender_nickname = sender_nickname;

        if (message) {
            assert.equal(typeof message, 'string', 'Message argument must be a string.');
            data.message = message;

        if (sender_info) {
            data.sender_info = JSON.stringify(sender_info);

        if (post_info) {
            assert.equal(typeof post_info, 'object', 'Post info (post_info) argument must be an object.');
            assert(!('comment_type' in post_info), 'Post info (post_info) argument need to contain `comment_type` key.');
            data.post_info = JSON.stringify(post_info);

        if (typeof stoplist_check !== 'undefined') {
            stoplist_check = +!!stoplist_check;
            data.stoplist_check = stoplist_check;

        return this.sendRequest('check_message', data);

     * ipInfo - The API method ip_info() returns a 2 letter country code
     * (US, UK, CN and etc) for an IP address. You can specify a list
     * for IP address to find countries for each IP address by one API call.
     * @param {array} ipList  list of IP addresses
     * @see https://cleantalk.org/help/api-ip-info-country-code'
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {Object} Promised result object, e.g. {"data":{"":{"country_code":"US","country_name":"United States"}}}
    ipInfo(...ipList) {

        ipList = flatten(ipList);

        const method_name = 'ip_info';
        const query = {method_name};

        let data = null;
        if (ipList.length === 1) {
            query.ip = ipList[0];
        } else {
            data = `data=${ipList.join()}`;

        const currentQuery = querystring.stringify(query);
        const requestUrl = `${SERVICE_API_URL}?${currentQuery}`;

        return this[requestMethod](requestUrl, data);

     * sendFeedback - This method should be used only for moderator feedbacks.
     *     It doesn't check spam. It sends back result of manual moderation.
     * @see {@link https://cleantalk.org/help/api-send-feedback}
     * @param {array} requestList List of receipt request ids with status code,
     * e.g. <request_id1>:<0|1>
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {Object} Promisified object e.g. {"received " : 2, "comment" : "OK"},
     * where received - number of received request IDs and comment
     * - server answer, normally 'Ok'
    sendFeedback(...requestList) {
        const feedback = requestList.map(([id, fb]) => `${id.trim()}:${+!!fb}`).join(';');
        const data = {feedback};
        return this.sendRequest('send_feedback', data);

     * spamCheck - This method should be used only for mass check IPs, emails
     * for spam activity
     * @see {@link https://cleantalk.org/help/api-without}
     * @param {array} addressList List of IP or email lists
     * , e.g. (stop_email@example.com,
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {Object} Promised response data
     * , e.g. {"data":{"":{"appears":0},"stop_email@example.com":
     * {"appears":1,"frequency":"999","updated":"2019-04-24 23:33:00"}}}
     * explanation
     * data - array with checked records,
     * record - array with details per record,
     * appears - marker witch define record status in the blacklists 0|1.
     * spam_rate - a rating of spam activity from 0 to 100%. 100 means certain spam.
     * frequency - is a number of web-sites that reported about spam activity
     * of the record. It can be from 0 up to 9999.
    spamCheck(...addressList) {

        addressList = flatten(addressList);

        const method_name = 'spam_check';
        const query = {method_name, auth_key: this.auth_key};

        const currentQuery = querystring.stringify(query);
        const data = `data=${addressList.join()}`;
        const requestUrl = `${SERVICE_API_URL}?${currentQuery}`;
        return this[requestMethod](requestUrl, data);

     * backlinksCheck - This method should be used only for mass backlinks
     * check for a domain list
     * @param {array} domains List of domains for checking
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {type} Promised response data, e.g.
     * {"data":{"example.com":{"appears":1,"frequency":"164",
     * "updated":"2016-08-05 07:15:51"}}}
     * explanation
     * data - array with results
     * appears - marker which defines record existence in the database 0|1.
     * frequency - counts websites with backlinks in the record.
     * updated - last time a backlink was found.
    backlinksCheck(...domains) {

        domains = flatten(domains);

        const method_name = 'backlinks_check';
        const query = {method_name, auth_key: this.auth_key};
        const currentQuery = querystring.stringify(query);
        const data = `data=${domains.join()}`;
        const requestUrl = `${SERVICE_API_URL}?${currentQuery}`;

        return this[requestMethod](requestUrl, data);

     * sendRequest - Publi method for promisified request to moderator Cleantalk API
     * @param {String} method         Name of remote method
     * @param {Object} data          Request post data
     * @throws {CleantalkError}
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {CleantalkResponse} Promised result of request
    sendRequest(method, params = {}) {

        assert(ALLOWED_METHOD_NAMES.includes(method), `Method name ($method) must be included in the list of allowed names: ${ALLOWED_METHOD_NAMES.join(', ')}.`);

        const localParams = Object.assign({}, params);
        localParams.method_name = method;

        localParams.response_lang = this.language;
        localParams.auth_key = this.auth_key;
        localParams.agent = this.agent;

        const data = JSON.stringify(localParams);
        return this[requestMethod](this.server_url, data)
            .then(resultData => new CleantalkResponse(resultData));

     * requestMethod - Private method for creating promisified requests to API server
     * @param {String} requestUrl URL endpoint
     * @param {Object} data       Request post data
     * @throws {SyntaxError}
     * @return {Promise} Promised result of request
    [requestMethod] (requestUrl, data) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

            const info = url.parse(requestUrl);

            let {protocol, hostname, port, path} = info;
            port = port || (protocol === 'https:' ? 443 : 80);

            const method = data ? 'POST' : 'GET';
            const requestLib = protocol === 'https:' ? https : http;

            const requestData = {protocol, hostname, port, method, path};

            requestData.headers = {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data || ''),
                'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',

            const request = requestLib.request(requestData, (res) => {

                let responseData = '';
                res.on('data', chunk => {
                    responseData += chunk.toString('UTF-8').trim();

                res.on('end', () => {

                    // const converter = new Iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');

                    try {

                        const data = JSON.parse(responseData);
                        const result = Object.keys(data)
                            .reduce((result, currentKey) => {
                                result[currentKey] = typeof data[currentKey] === 'string'
                                    ? iconv.encode(data[currentKey], 'ISO-8859-1').toString('UTF-8')
                                    : data[currentKey];
                                return result;
                            }, {});

                        const {error_message, error_no} = result;
                        if (error_message) {
                            const error = new CleantalkError(error_message, error_no);
                        } else {

                    } catch (error) {

            request.write(data || '');

module.exports = Cleantalk;