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Test Coverage
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\ResourceLoader;

use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use Wikimedia\WrappedString;
use Wikimedia\WrappedStringList;

 * Load and configure a ResourceLoader client on an HTML page.
 * @ingroup ResourceLoader
 * @since 1.28
class ClientHtml {
    /** @var Context */
    private $context;

    /** @var ResourceLoader */
    private $resourceLoader;

    /** @var array<string,string|null|false> */
    private $options;

    /** @var array<string,mixed> */
    private $config = [];

    /** @var string[] */
    private $modules = [];

    /** @var string[] */
    private $moduleStyles = [];

    /** @var array<string,string> */
    private $exemptStates = [];

    /** @var array */
    private $data;

     * @param Context $context
     * @param array $options [optional] Array of options
     *  - 'target': Parameter for modules=startup request, see StartUpModule.
     *  - 'safemode': Parameter for modules=startup request, see StartUpModule.
     *  - 'clientPrefEnabled': See Skin options.
     *  - 'clientPrefCookiePrefix': See $wgCookiePrefix.
    public function __construct( Context $context, array $options = [] ) {
        $this->context = $context;
        $this->resourceLoader = $context->getResourceLoader();
        $this->options = $options + [
            'target' => null,
            'safemode' => null,
            'clientPrefEnabled' => false,
            'clientPrefCookiePrefix' => '',

     * Set mw.config variables.
     * @param array $vars Array of key/value pairs
    public function setConfig( array $vars ): void {
        foreach ( $vars as $key => $value ) {
            $this->config[$key] = $value;

     * Ensure one or more modules are loaded.
     * @param string[] $modules Array of module names
    public function setModules( array $modules ): void {
        $this->modules = $modules;

     * Ensure the styles of one or more modules are loaded.
     * @param string[] $modules Array of module names
    public function setModuleStyles( array $modules ): void {
        $this->moduleStyles = $modules;

     * Set state of special modules that are handled by the caller manually.
     * See OutputPage::buildExemptModules() for use cases.
     * @param array<string,string> $states Module state keyed by module name
    public function setExemptStates( array $states ): void {
        $this->exemptStates = $states;

    private function getData(): array {
        if ( $this->data ) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            return $this->data;
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        $rl = $this->resourceLoader;
        $data = [
            'states' => [
                // moduleName => state
            'general' => [],
            'styles' => [],
            // Embedding for private modules
            'embed' => [
                'styles' => [],
                'general' => [],
            // Deprecation warnings for style-only modules
            'styleDeprecations' => [],

        foreach ( $this->modules as $name ) {
            $module = $rl->getModule( $name );
            if ( !$module ) {

            $group = $module->getGroup();
            $context = $this->getContext( $group, Module::TYPE_COMBINED );
            $shouldEmbed = $module->shouldEmbedModule( $this->context );

            if ( ( $group === Module::GROUP_USER || $shouldEmbed ) &&
                $module->isKnownEmpty( $context ) ) {
                // This is a user-specific or embedded module, which means its output
                // can be specific to the current page or user. As such, we can optimise
                // the way we load it based on the current version of the module.
                // Avoid needless embed for empty module, preset ready state.
                $data['states'][$name] = 'ready';
            } elseif ( $group === Module::GROUP_USER || $shouldEmbed ) {
                // - For group=user: We need to provide a pre-generated load.php
                //   url to the client that has the 'user' and 'version' parameters
                //   filled in. Without this, the client would wrongly use the static
                //   version hash, per T64602.
                // - For shouldEmbed=true:  Embed via mw.loader.impl, per T36907.
                $data['embed']['general'][] = $name;
                // Avoid duplicate request from mw.loader
                $data['states'][$name] = 'loading';
            } else {
                // Load via mw.loader.load()
                $data['general'][] = $name;

        foreach ( $this->moduleStyles as $name ) {
            $module = $rl->getModule( $name );
            if ( !$module ) {

            if ( $module->getType() !== Module::LOAD_STYLES ) {
                $logger = $rl->getLogger();
                $logger->error( 'Unexpected general module "{module}" in styles queue.', [
                    'module' => $name,
                ] );

            // Stylesheet doesn't trigger mw.loader callback.
            // Set "ready" state to allow script modules to depend on this module  (T87871).
            // And to avoid duplicate requests at run-time from mw.loader.
            // Optimization: Exclude state for "noscript" modules. Since these are also excluded
            // from the startup registry, no need to send their states (T291735).
            $group = $module->getGroup();
            if ( $group !== Module::GROUP_NOSCRIPT ) {
                $data['states'][$name] = 'ready';

            $context = $this->getContext( $group, Module::TYPE_STYLES );
            if ( $module->shouldEmbedModule( $this->context ) ) {
                // Avoid needless embed for private embeds we know are empty.
                // (Set "ready" state directly instead, which we do a few lines above.)
                if ( !$module->isKnownEmpty( $context ) ) {
                    // Embed via <style> element
                    $data['embed']['styles'][] = $name;
            // For other style modules, always request them, regardless of whether they are
            // currently known to be empty. Because:
            // 1. Those modules are requested in batch, so there is no extra request overhead
            //    or extra HTML element to be avoided.
            // 2. Checking isKnownEmpty for those can be expensive and slow down page view
            //    generation (T230260).
            // 3. We don't want cached HTML to vary on the current state of a module.
            //    If the module becomes non-empty a few minutes later, it should start working
            //    on cached HTML without requiring a purge.
            // But, user-specific modules:
            // * ... are used on page views not publicly cached.
            // * ... are in their own group and thus a require a request we can avoid
            // * ... have known-empty status preloaded by ResourceLoader.
            } elseif ( $group !== Module::GROUP_USER || !$module->isKnownEmpty( $context ) ) {
                // Load from load.php?only=styles via <link rel=stylesheet>
                $data['styles'][] = $name;
            $deprecation = $module->getDeprecationWarning();
            if ( $deprecation ) {
                $data['styleDeprecations'][] = $deprecation;

        return $data;

     * @return array<string,string> Attributes pairs for the HTML document element
    public function getDocumentAttributes() {
        return [ 'class' => 'client-nojs' ];

     * Set relevant classes on document.documentElement
     * @param string|null $nojsClass Class name that Skin will set on HTML document
     * @return string
    private function getDocumentClassNameScript( $nojsClass ) {
        // Change "client-nojs" to "client-js".
        // This enables server rendering of UI components, even for those that should be hidden
        // in Grade C where JavaScript is unsupported, whilst avoiding a flash of wrong content.
        // See also Skin:getHtmlElementAttributes() and startup/startup.js.
        // Optimisation: Produce shorter and faster JS by only writing to DOM.
        // This is possible because Skin informs RL about the final value of <html class>, and
        // because RL already controls the first element in HTML <head> for performance reasons.
        // - Avoid reading HTMLElement.className
        // - Avoid executing JS regexes in the common case, by doing the string replace in PHP.
        $nojsClass ??= $this->getDocumentAttributes()['class'];
        $jsClass = preg_replace( '/(^|\s)client-nojs(\s|$)/', '$1client-js$2', $nojsClass );
        $jsClassJson = $this->context->encodeJson( $jsClass );

        // Apply client preferences stored by mw.user.clientPrefs as "class1,class2", where each
        // item is an <html> class following the pattern "<key>-clientpref-<value>" (T339268)
        if ( $this->options['clientPrefEnabled'] ) {
            $cookiePrefix = $this->options['clientPrefCookiePrefix'];
            $script = strtr(
                file_get_contents( MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/resources/src/startup/clientprefs.js' ),
                    '$VARS.jsClass' => $jsClassJson,
                    '__COOKIE_PREFIX__' => $cookiePrefix,
        } else {
            $script = "document.documentElement.className = {$jsClassJson};";

        return $script;

     * The order of elements in the head is as follows:
     * - Inline scripts.
     * - Stylesheets.
     * - Async external script-src.
     * Reasons:
     * - Script execution may be blocked on preceding stylesheets.
     * - Async scripts are not blocked on stylesheets.
     * - Inline scripts can't be asynchronous.
     * - For styles, earlier is better.
     * @param string|null $nojsClass Class name that caller uses on HTML document element
     * @return string|WrappedStringList HTML
    public function getHeadHtml( $nojsClass = null ) {
        $script = $this->getDocumentClassNameScript( $nojsClass );

        // Inline script: Declare mw.config variables for this page.
        if ( $this->config ) {
            $confJson = $this->context->encodeJson( $this->config );
            $script .= "
RLCONF = {$confJson};

        $data = $this->getData();

        // Inline script: Declare initial module states for this page.
        $states = array_merge( $this->exemptStates, $data['states'] );
        if ( $states ) {
            $stateJson = $this->context->encodeJson( $states );
            $script .= "
RLSTATE = {$stateJson};

        // Inline script: Declare general modules to load on this page.
        if ( $data['general'] ) {
            $pageModulesJson = $this->context->encodeJson( $data['general'] );
            $script .= "
RLPAGEMODULES = {$pageModulesJson};

        if ( !$this->context->getDebug() ) {
            $script = ResourceLoader::filter( 'minify-js', $script, [ 'cache' => false ] );

        $chunks = [];
        $chunks[] = Html::inlineScript( $script );

        // Inline RLQ: Embedded modules
        if ( $data['embed']['general'] ) {
            $chunks[] = $this->getLoad(

        // External stylesheets (only=styles)
        if ( $data['styles'] ) {
            $chunks[] = $this->getLoad(

        // Inline stylesheets (embedded only=styles)
        if ( $data['embed']['styles'] ) {
            $chunks[] = $this->getLoad(

        // Async scripts. Once the startup is loaded, inline RLQ scripts will run.
        // Pass-through a custom 'target' from OutputPage (T143066).
        $startupQuery = [ 'raw' => '1' ];
        foreach ( [ 'target', 'safemode' ] as $param ) {
            if ( $this->options[$param] !== null ) {
                $startupQuery[$param] = (string)$this->options[$param];
        $chunks[] = $this->getLoad(

        return WrappedString::join( "\n", $chunks );

     * @return string|WrappedStringList HTML
    public function getBodyHtml() {
        $data = $this->getData();
        $chunks = [];

        // Deprecations for only=styles modules
        if ( $data['styleDeprecations'] ) {
            $calls = '';
            foreach ( $data['styleDeprecations'] as $warning ) {
                $calls .= Html::encodeJsCall( 'mw.log.warn', [ $warning ] );
            $chunks[] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript( $calls );

        return WrappedString::join( "\n", $chunks );

    private function getContext( $group, $type ): Context {
        return self::makeContext( $this->context, $group, $type );

    private function getLoad( $modules, $only, array $extraQuery = [] ) {
        return self::makeLoad( $this->context, (array)$modules, $only, $extraQuery );

    private static function makeContext( Context $mainContext, $group, $type,
        array $extraQuery = []
    ): DerivativeContext {
        // Allow caller to setVersion() and setModules()
        $ret = new DerivativeContext( $mainContext );
        // Set 'only' if not combined
        $ret->setOnly( $type === Module::TYPE_COMBINED ? null : $type );
        // Remove user parameter in most cases
        if ( $group !== Module::GROUP_USER && $group !== Module::GROUP_PRIVATE ) {
            $ret->setUser( null );
        if ( isset( $extraQuery['raw'] ) ) {
            $ret->setRaw( true );
        return $ret;

     * Explicitly load or embed modules on a page.
     * @param Context $mainContext
     * @param string[] $modules One or more module names
     * @param string $only Module TYPE_ class constant
     * @param array $extraQuery [optional] Array with extra query parameters for the request
     * @return string|WrappedStringList HTML
    public static function makeLoad( Context $mainContext, array $modules, $only,
        array $extraQuery = []
    ) {
        $rl = $mainContext->getResourceLoader();
        $chunks = [];

        // Sort module names so requests are more uniform
        sort( $modules );

        if ( $mainContext->getDebug() && count( $modules ) > 1 ) {
            // Recursively call us for every item
            foreach ( $modules as $name ) {
                $chunks[] = self::makeLoad( $mainContext, [ $name ], $only, $extraQuery );
            return new WrappedStringList( "\n", $chunks );

        // Create keyed-by-source and then keyed-by-group list of module objects from modules list
        $sortedModules = [];
        foreach ( $modules as $name ) {
            $module = $rl->getModule( $name );
            if ( !$module ) {
                $rl->getLogger()->warning( 'Unknown module "{module}"', [ 'module' => $name ] );
            $sortedModules[$module->getSource()][$module->getGroup()][$name] = $module;

        foreach ( $sortedModules as $source => $groups ) {
            foreach ( $groups as $group => $grpModules ) {
                $context = self::makeContext( $mainContext, $group, $only, $extraQuery );

                // Separate sets of linked and embedded modules while preserving order
                $moduleSets = [];
                $idx = -1;
                foreach ( $grpModules as $name => $module ) {
                    $shouldEmbed = $module->shouldEmbedModule( $context );
                    if ( !$moduleSets || $moduleSets[$idx][0] !== $shouldEmbed ) {
                        $moduleSets[++$idx] = [ $shouldEmbed, [] ];
                    $moduleSets[$idx][1][$name] = $module;

                // Link/embed each set
                foreach ( $moduleSets as [ $embed, $moduleSet ] ) {
                    $moduleSetNames = array_keys( $moduleSet );
                    $context->setModules( $moduleSetNames );
                    if ( $embed ) {
                        $response = $rl->makeModuleResponse( $context, $moduleSet );
                        // Decide whether to use style or script element
                        if ( $only == Module::TYPE_STYLES ) {
                            $chunks[] = Html::inlineStyle( $response );
                        } else {
                            $chunks[] = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript( $response );
                    } else {
                        // Not embedded

                        // Special handling for the user group; because users might change their stuff
                        // on-wiki like user pages, or user preferences; we need to find the highest
                        // timestamp of these user-changeable modules so we can ensure cache misses on change
                        // This should NOT be done for the site group (T29564) because anons get that too
                        // and we shouldn't be putting timestamps in CDN-cached HTML
                        if ( $group === Module::GROUP_USER ) {
                            $context->setVersion( $rl->makeVersionQuery( $context, $moduleSetNames ) );

                        // Must setModules() before createLoaderURL()
                        $url = $rl->createLoaderURL( $source, $context, $extraQuery );

                        // Decide whether to use 'style' or 'script' element
                        if ( $only === Module::TYPE_STYLES ) {
                            $chunk = Html::linkedStyle( $url );
                        } elseif ( $context->getRaw() ) {
                            // This request is asking for the module to be delivered standalone,
                            // (aka "raw") without communicating to any mw.loader client.
                            // For:
                            // - startup (naturally because this is what will define mw.loader)
                            $chunk = Html::element( 'script', [
                                'async' => true,
                                'src' => $url,
                            ] );
                        } else {
                            $chunk = ResourceLoader::makeInlineScript(
                                'mw.loader.load(' . $mainContext->encodeJson( $url ) . ');'

                        if ( $group == Module::GROUP_NOSCRIPT ) {
                            $chunks[] = Html::rawElement( 'noscript', [], $chunk );
                        } else {
                            $chunks[] = $chunk;

        return new WrappedStringList( "\n", $chunks );