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namespace MediaWiki\Deferred\LinksUpdate;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTargetLookup;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageIdentity;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageReference;
use MediaWiki\Parser\ParserOutput;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory;

 * The base class for classes which update a single link table.
 * A LinksTable object is a container for new and existing link sets outbound
 * from a single page, and an abstraction of the associated DB schema. The
 * object stores state related to an update of the outbound links of a page.
 * Explanation of link ID concept
 * ------------------------------
 * Link IDs identify a link in the new or old state, or in the change arrays.
 * They are opaque to the base class and are type-hinted here as mixed.
 * Conventionally, the link ID is string|string[] and contains the link target
 * fields.
 * The link ID should contain enough information so that the base class can
 * tell whether an existing link is in the new set, or vice versa, for the
 * purposes of incremental updates. If a change to a field would cause a DB
 * update, the field should be in the link ID.
 * For example, a change to cl_timestamp does not trigger an update, so
 * cl_timestamp is not in the link ID.
 * @stable to extend
 * @since 1.38
abstract class LinksTable {
    /** Link type: Inserted (added) links */
    public const INSERTED = 1;

    /** Link type: Deleted (removed) links */
    public const DELETED = 2;

    /** Link type: Changed (inserted or removed) links */
    public const CHANGED = 3;

    /** Link type: existing/old links */
    public const OLD = 4;

    /** Link type: new links (from the ParserOutput) */
    public const NEW = 5;

     * Rows to delete. An array of associative arrays, each associative array
     * being the conditions for a delete query. Common conditions should be
     * leftmost in the associative array so that they can be factored out.
     * @var array
    protected $rowsToDelete = [];

     * Rows to insert. An array of associative arrays, each associative array
     * mapping field names to values.
     * @var array
    protected $rowsToInsert = [];

    /** @var array Link IDs for inserted links */
    protected $insertedLinks = [];

    /** @var array Link IDs for deleted links */
    protected $deletedLinks = [];

    /** @var LBFactory */
    private $lbFactory;

    /** @var LinkTargetLookup */
    protected $linkTargetLookup;

    /** @var IDatabase */
    private $db;

    /** @var PageIdentity */
    private $sourcePage;

    /** @var PageReference|null */
    private $movedPage;

    /** @var int */
    private $batchSize;

    /** @var mixed */
    private $ticket;

    /** @var RevisionRecord */
    private $revision;

    /** @var bool */
    protected $strictTestMode;

     * This is called by the factory to inject dependencies for the base class.
     * This is used instead of the constructor so that changes can be made to
     * the injected parameters without breaking the subclass constructors.
     * @param LBFactory $lbFactory
     * @param LinkTargetLookup $linkTargetLookup
     * @param PageIdentity $sourcePage
     * @param int $batchSize
    final public function injectBaseDependencies(
        LBFactory $lbFactory,
        LinkTargetLookup $linkTargetLookup,
        PageIdentity $sourcePage,
    ) {
        $this->lbFactory = $lbFactory;
        $this->db = $this->lbFactory->getPrimaryDatabase();
        $this->sourcePage = $sourcePage;
        $this->batchSize = $batchSize;
        $this->linkTargetLookup = $linkTargetLookup;

     * Set the empty transaction ticket
     * @param mixed $ticket
    public function setTransactionTicket( $ticket ) {
        $this->ticket = $ticket;

     * Set the revision associated with the edit.
     * @param RevisionRecord $revision
    public function setRevision( RevisionRecord $revision ) {
        $this->revision = $revision;

     * Notify the object that the operation is a page move, and set the
     * original title.
     * @param PageReference $movedPage
    public function setMoveDetails( PageReference $movedPage ) {
        $this->movedPage = $movedPage;

     * Subclasses should implement this to extract the data they need from the
     * ParserOutput.
     * To support a future refactor of LinksDeletionUpdate, if this method is
     * not called, the subclass should assume that the new state is empty.
     * @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
    abstract public function setParserOutput( ParserOutput $parserOutput );

     * Get the table name.
     * @return string
    abstract protected function getTableName();

     * Get the name of the field which links to page_id.
     * @return string
    abstract protected function getFromField();

     * Get the fields to be used in fetchExistingRows(). Note that
     * fetchExistingRows() is just a helper for subclasses. The value returned
     * here is effectively private to the subclass.
     * @return array
    abstract protected function getExistingFields();

     * Get an array (or iterator) of link IDs for the new state.
     * See the LinksTable doc comment for an explanation of link IDs.
     * @return iterable<mixed>
    abstract protected function getNewLinkIDs();

     * Get an array (or iterator) of link IDs for the existing state. The
     * subclass should load the data from the database. There is
     * fetchExistingRows() to make this easier but the subclass is responsible
     * for caching.
     * See the LinksTable doc comment for an explanation of link IDs.
     * @return iterable<mixed>
    abstract protected function getExistingLinkIDs();

     * Determine whether a link (from the new set) is in the existing set.
     * @param mixed $linkId
     * @return bool
    abstract protected function isExisting( $linkId );

     * Determine whether a link (from the existing set) is in the new set.
     * @param mixed $linkId
     * @return bool
    abstract protected function isInNewSet( $linkId );

     * Insert a link identified by ID. The subclass is expected to queue the
     * insertion by calling insertRow().
     * @param mixed $linkId
    abstract protected function insertLink( $linkId );

     * Delete a link identified by ID. The subclass is expected to queue the
     * deletion by calling deleteRow().
     * @param mixed $linkId
    abstract protected function deleteLink( $linkId );

     * Subclasses can override this to return true in order to force
     * reinsertion of all the links due to some property of the link
     * changing for reasons not represented by the link ID.
     * @return bool
    protected function needForcedLinkRefresh() {
        return false;

     * @stable to override
     * @return IDatabase
    protected function getDB(): IDatabase {
        return $this->db;

     * @return LBFactory
    protected function getLBFactory(): LBFactory {
        return $this->lbFactory;

     * Get the page_id of the source page
     * @return int
    protected function getSourcePageId(): int {
        return $this->sourcePage->getId();

     * Get the source page, i.e. the page which is being updated and is the
     * source of links.
     * @return PageIdentity
    protected function getSourcePage(): PageIdentity {
        return $this->sourcePage;

     * Determine whether the page was moved
     * @return bool
    protected function isMove() {
        return $this->movedPage !== null;

     * Determine whether the page was moved to a different namespace.
     * @return bool
    protected function isCrossNamespaceMove() {
        return $this->movedPage !== null
            && $this->sourcePage->getNamespace() !== $this->movedPage->getNamespace();

     * Assuming the page was moved, get the original page title before the move.
     * This will throw an exception if the page wasn't moved.
     * @return PageReference
    protected function getMovedPage(): PageReference {
        return $this->movedPage;

     * Get the maximum number of rows to update in a batch.
     * @return int
    protected function getBatchSize(): int {
        return $this->batchSize;

     * Get the empty transaction ticket, or null if there is none.
     * @return mixed
    protected function getTransactionTicket() {
        return $this->ticket;

     * Get the RevisionRecord of the new revision, if the LinksUpdate caller
     * injected one.
     * @return RevisionRecord|null
    protected function getRevision(): ?RevisionRecord {
        return $this->revision;

     * Get field=>value associative array for the from field(s)
     * @stable to override
     * @return array
    protected function getFromConds() {
        return [ $this->getFromField() => $this->getSourcePageId() ];

     * Do a select query to fetch the existing rows. This is a helper for
     * subclasses.
     * @return IResultWrapper
    protected function fetchExistingRows(): IResultWrapper {
        return $this->getDB()->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->select( $this->getExistingFields() )
            ->from( $this->getTableName() )
            ->where( $this->getFromConds() )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )

     * Execute an edit/delete update
    final public function update() {
        $force = $this->needForcedLinkRefresh();
        foreach ( $this->getNewLinkIDs() as $link ) {
            if ( $force || !$this->isExisting( $link ) ) {
                $this->insertLink( $link );
                $this->insertedLinks[] = $link;

        foreach ( $this->getExistingLinkIDs() as $link ) {
            if ( $force || !$this->isInNewSet( $link ) ) {
                $this->deleteLink( $link );
                $this->deletedLinks[] = $link;

     * Queue a row for insertion. Subclasses are expected to call this from
     * insertLink(). The "from" field should not be included in the row.
     * @param array $row Associative array mapping fields to values.
    protected function insertRow( $row ) {
        $row += $this->getFromConds();
        $this->rowsToInsert[] = $row;

     * Queue a deletion operation. Subclasses are expected to call this from
     * deleteLink(). The "from" field does not need to be included in the
     * conditions.
     * Most often, the conditions match a single row, but this is not required.
     * @param array $conds Associative array mapping fields to values,
     *   specifying the conditions for a delete query.
    protected function deleteRow( $conds ) {
        // Put the "from" field leftmost, so it can be factored out
        $conds = $this->getFromConds() + $conds;
        $this->rowsToDelete[] = $conds;

     * Subclasses can override this to do any necessary setup before the lock
     * is acquired.
     * @stable to override
    public function beforeLock() {

     * Subclasses can override this to do any necessary setup before individual
     * write operations begin.
     * @stable to override
    protected function startUpdate() {

     * Subclasses can override this to do any updates associated with their
     * link data, for example dispatching HTML update jobs.
     * @stable to override
    protected function finishUpdate() {

     * Do the common DB operations
    protected function doWrites() {
        $db = $this->getDB();
        $table = $this->getTableName();
        $domainId = $db->getDomainID();
        $batchSize = $this->getBatchSize();
        $ticket = $this->getTransactionTicket();

        $deleteBatches = array_chunk( $this->rowsToDelete, $batchSize );
        foreach ( $deleteBatches as $chunk ) {
                ->deleteFrom( $table )
                ->where( $db->factorConds( $chunk ) )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
            if ( count( $deleteBatches ) > 1 ) {
                $this->lbFactory->commitAndWaitForReplication( __METHOD__, $ticket );

        $insertBatches = array_chunk( $this->rowsToInsert, $batchSize );
        foreach ( $insertBatches as $insertBatch ) {
                ->options( $this->getInsertOptions() )
                ->insertInto( $table )
                ->rows( $insertBatch )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
            if ( count( $insertBatches ) > 1 ) {
                $this->lbFactory->commitAndWaitForReplication( __METHOD__, $ticket );

     * Omit conflict resolution options from the insert query so that testing
     * can confirm that the incremental update logic was correct.
     * @param bool $mode
    public function setStrictTestMode( $mode = true ) {
        $this->strictTestMode = $mode;

     * Get the options for the insert queries
     * @return array
    protected function getInsertOptions() {
        if ( $this->strictTestMode ) {
            return [];
        } else {
            return [ 'IGNORE' ];

     * Get an array or iterator of link IDs of a given type. Some subclasses
     * use this to provide typed data to callers. This is not public because
     * link IDs are a private concept.
     * @param int $setType One of the class constants: self::INSERTED, self::DELETED,
     *   self::CHANGED, self::OLD or self::NEW.
     * @return iterable<mixed>
    protected function getLinkIDs( $setType ) {
        switch ( $setType ) {
            case self::INSERTED:
                return $this->insertedLinks;

            case self::DELETED:
                return $this->deletedLinks;

            case self::CHANGED:
                return array_merge( $this->insertedLinks, $this->deletedLinks );

            case self::OLD:
                return $this->getExistingLinkIDs();

            case self::NEW:
                return $this->getNewLinkIDs();

                throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": Unknown link type" );

     * Normalization stage of the links table (see T222224)
     * @return int
    protected function linksTargetNormalizationStage(): int {
        return SCHEMA_COMPAT_OLD;