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 * Convenience class for weighted consistent hash rings.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

 * Convenience class for weighted consistent hash rings
 * This deterministically maps "keys" to a set of "locations" while avoiding clumping
 * Each location is represented by a number of nodes on a ring proportionate to the ratio
 * of its weight compared to the total location weight. Note positions are deterministically
 * derived from the hash of the location name. Nodes are responsible for the portion of the
 * ring, counter-clockwise, up until the next node. Locations are responsible for all portions
 * of the ring that the location's nodes are responsible for.
 * A location that is temporarily "ejected" is said to be absent from the "live" ring.
 * If no location ejections are active, then the base ring and live ring are identical.
 * This class is designed in a way that using the "md5" algorithm will make it compatible
 * with libketama, e.g. OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE from the PECL memcached extension or "ketama"
 * from twemproxy. This can simplify the process of switching client libraries. However, note
 * that different clients might use incompatible 32-bit memcached value flag conventions.
 * @since 1.22
class HashRing {
    /** @var string Hashing algorithm for hash() */
    protected $algo;
    /** @var int[] Non-empty (location => integer weight) */
    protected $weightByLocation;
    /** @var int[] Map of (location => UNIX timestamp) */
    protected $ejectExpiryByLocation;

    /** @var array[] Non-empty position-ordered list of (position, location name) */
    protected $baseRing;
    /** @var array[]|null Non-empty position-ordered list of (position, location name) */
    protected $liveRing;

    /** @var integer Overall number of node groups per server */
    private const HASHES_PER_LOCATION = 40;
    /** @var integer Number of nodes in a node group */
    private const SECTORS_PER_HASH = 4;

    public const KEY_POS = 0;
    public const KEY_LOCATION = 1;

    /** @var int Consider all locations */
    public const RING_ALL = 0;
    /** @var int Only consider "live" locations */
    public const RING_LIVE = 1;

     * Make a consistent hash ring given a set of locations and their weight values
     * @param int[] $map Map of (location => weight)
     * @param string $algo Hashing algorithm listed in hash_algos() [optional]
     * @param int[] $ejections Map of (location => UNIX timestamp) for ejection expiries
     * @since 1.31
    public function __construct( array $map, $algo = 'sha1', array $ejections = [] ) {
        $this->init( $map, $algo, $ejections );

     * @param int[] $map Map of (location => integer)
     * @param string $algo Hashing algorithm
     * @param int[] $ejections Map of (location => UNIX timestamp) for ejection expires
    protected function init( array $map, $algo, array $ejections ) {
        if ( !in_array( $algo, hash_algos(), true ) ) {
            throw new RuntimeException( __METHOD__ . ": unsupported '$algo' hash algorithm." );

        $weightByLocation = array_filter( $map );
        if ( $weightByLocation === [] ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No locations with non-zero weight." );
        } elseif ( min( $map ) < 0 ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Location weight cannot be negative." );

        $this->algo = $algo;
        $this->weightByLocation = $weightByLocation;
        $this->ejectExpiryByLocation = $ejections;
        $this->baseRing = $this->buildLocationRing( $this->weightByLocation );

     * Get the location of an item on the ring
     * @param string $item
     * @return string Location
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    final public function getLocation( $item ) {
        return $this->getLocations( $item, 1 )[0];

     * Get the location of an item on the ring followed by the next ring locations
     * @param string $item
     * @param int $limit Maximum number of locations to return
     * @param int $from One of the RING_* class constants
     * @return string[] List of locations
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function getLocations( $item, $limit, $from = self::RING_ALL ) {
        if ( $from === self::RING_ALL ) {
            $ring = $this->baseRing;
        } elseif ( $from === self::RING_LIVE ) {
            $ring = $this->getLiveRing();
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid ring source specified." );

        // Short-circuit for the common single-location case. Note that if there was only one
        // location and it was ejected from the live ring, getLiveRing() would have error out.
        if ( count( $this->weightByLocation ) == 1 ) {
            return ( $limit > 0 ) ? [ $ring[0][self::KEY_LOCATION] ] : [];

        // Locate the node index for this item's position on the hash ring
        $itemIndex = $this->findNodeIndexForPosition( $this->getItemPosition( $item ), $ring );

        $locations = [];
        $currentIndex = null;
        while ( count( $locations ) < $limit ) {
            if ( $currentIndex === null ) {
                $currentIndex = $itemIndex;
            } else {
                $currentIndex = $this->getNextClockwiseNodeIndex( $currentIndex, $ring );
                if ( $currentIndex === $itemIndex ) {
                    break; // all nodes visited
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchDimFetchNullable False positive
            $nodeLocation = $ring[$currentIndex][self::KEY_LOCATION];
            if ( !in_array( $nodeLocation, $locations, true ) ) {
                // Ignore other nodes for the same locations already added
                $locations[] = $nodeLocation;

        return $locations;

     * @param float $position
     * @param array[] $ring Either the base or live ring
     * @return int|null
    private function findNodeIndexForPosition( $position, $ring ) {
        $count = count( $ring );
        if ( $count === 0 ) {
            return null;

        $index = null;
        $lowPos = 0;
        $highPos = $count;
        while ( true ) {
            $midPos = (int)( ( $lowPos + $highPos ) / 2 );
            if ( $midPos === $count ) {
                $index = 0;

            $midVal = $ring[$midPos][self::KEY_POS];
            $midMinusOneVal = ( $midPos === 0 ) ? 0 : $ring[$midPos - 1][self::KEY_POS];
            if ( $position <= $midVal && $position > $midMinusOneVal ) {
                $index = $midPos;

            if ( $midVal < $position ) {
                $lowPos = $midPos + 1;
            } else {
                $highPos = $midPos - 1;

            if ( $lowPos > $highPos ) {
                $index = 0;

        return $index;

     * Get the map of locations to weight (does not include zero weight items)
     * @return int[]
    public function getLocationWeights() {
        return $this->weightByLocation;

     * Remove a location from the "live" hash ring
     * @param string $location
     * @param int $ttl Seconds
     * @return bool Whether some non-ejected locations are left
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function ejectFromLiveRing( $location, $ttl ) {
        if ( !isset( $this->weightByLocation[$location] ) ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( "No location '$location' in the ring." );

        $expiry = $this->getCurrentTime() + $ttl;
        $this->ejectExpiryByLocation[$location] = $expiry;

        $this->liveRing = null; // invalidate ring cache

        return ( count( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) < count( $this->weightByLocation ) );

     * Get the location of an item on the "live" ring
     * @param string $item
     * @return string Location
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    final public function getLiveLocation( $item ) {
        return $this->getLocations( $item, 1, self::RING_LIVE )[0];

     * Get the location of an item on the "live" ring, as well as the next locations
     * @param string $item
     * @param int $limit Maximum number of locations to return
     * @return string[] List of locations
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    final public function getLiveLocations( $item, $limit ) {
        return $this->getLocations( $item, $limit, self::RING_LIVE );

     * Get the map of "live" locations to weight (does not include zero weight items)
     * @return int[]
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function getLiveLocationWeights() {
        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();

        return array_diff_key(
                static function ( $expiry ) use ( $now ) {
                    return ( $expiry > $now );

     * @param int[] $weightByLocation
     * @return array[]
    private function buildLocationRing( array $weightByLocation ) {
        $locationCount = count( $weightByLocation );
        $totalWeight = array_sum( $weightByLocation );

        $ring = [];
        // Assign nodes to all locations based on location weight
        $claimed = []; // (position as string => (node, index))
        foreach ( $weightByLocation as $location => $weight ) {
            $ratio = $weight / $totalWeight;
            // There $locationCount * (HASHES_PER_LOCATION * 4) nodes available;
            // assign a few groups of nodes to this location based on its weight.
            $nodesQuartets = intval( $ratio * self::HASHES_PER_LOCATION * $locationCount );
            for ( $qi = 0; $qi < $nodesQuartets; ++$qi ) {
                // For efficiency, get 4 points per hash call and 4X node count.
                // If $algo is MD5, then this matches that of with libketama.
                // See
                $positions = $this->getNodePositionQuartet( "{$location}-{$qi}" );
                foreach ( $positions as $gi => $position ) {
                    $node = ( $qi * self::SECTORS_PER_HASH + $gi ) . "@$location";
                    $posKey = (string)$position; // large integer
                    if ( isset( $claimed[$posKey] ) ) {
                        // Disallow duplicates  (name decides precedence)
                        if ( $claimed[$posKey]['node'] > $node ) {
                        } else {
                            unset( $ring[$claimed[$posKey]['index']] );
                    $ring[] = [
                        self::KEY_POS => $position,
                        self::KEY_LOCATION => $location
                    $claimed[$posKey] = [ 'node' => $node, 'index' => count( $ring ) - 1 ];
        // Sort the locations into clockwise order based on the hash ring position
        usort( $ring, static function ( $a, $b ) {
            if ( $a[self::KEY_POS] === $b[self::KEY_POS] ) {
                throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Duplicate node positions.' );

            return ( $a[self::KEY_POS] < $b[self::KEY_POS] ? -1 : 1 );
        } );

        return $ring;

     * @param string $item Key
     * @return float Ring position; integral number in [0, 4294967296] (2^32)
    private function getItemPosition( $item ) {
        // If $algo is MD5, then this matches that of with libketama.
        // See
        $octets = substr( hash( $this->algo, (string)$item, true ), 0, 4 );
        if ( strlen( $octets ) != 4 ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": {$this->algo} is < 32 bits." );

        $pos = unpack( 'V', $octets )[1];
        if ( $pos < 0 ) {
            // Most-significant-bit is set, causing unpack() to return a negative integer due
            // to the fact that it returns a signed int. Cast it to an unsigned integer string.
            $pos = sprintf( '%u', $pos );

        return (float)$pos;

     * @param string $nodeGroupName
     * @return float[] Four ring positions on [0, 4294967296] (2^32)
    private function getNodePositionQuartet( $nodeGroupName ) {
        $octets = substr( hash( $this->algo, (string)$nodeGroupName, true ), 0, 16 );
        if ( strlen( $octets ) != 16 ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": {$this->algo} is < 128 bits." );

        $positions = [];
        foreach ( unpack( 'V4', $octets ) as $signed ) {
            $positions[] = (float)sprintf( '%u', $signed );

        return $positions;

     * @param int $i Valid index for a node in the ring
     * @param array[] $ring Either the base or live ring
     * @return int Valid index for a node in the ring
    private function getNextClockwiseNodeIndex( $i, $ring ) {
        if ( !isset( $ring[$i] ) ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": reference index is invalid." );

        $next = $i + 1;

        return ( $next < count( $ring ) ) ? $next : 0;

     * Get the "live" hash ring (which does not include ejected locations)
     * @return array[]
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    protected function getLiveRing() {
        if ( !$this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) {
            return $this->baseRing; // nothing ejected

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();

        if ( $this->liveRing === null || min( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) <= $now ) {
            // Live ring needs to be regenerated...
            $this->ejectExpiryByLocation = array_filter(
                static function ( $expiry ) use ( $now ) {
                    return ( $expiry > $now );

            if ( count( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation ) ) {
                // Some locations are still ejected from the ring
                $liveRing = [];
                foreach ( $this->baseRing as $nodeInfo ) {
                    $location = $nodeInfo[self::KEY_LOCATION];
                    if ( !isset( $this->ejectExpiryByLocation[$location] ) ) {
                        $liveRing[] = $nodeInfo;
            } else {
                $liveRing = $this->baseRing;

            $this->liveRing = $liveRing;

        if ( !$this->liveRing ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( "The live ring is currently empty." );

        return $this->liveRing;

     * @return int UNIX timestamp
    protected function getCurrentTime() {
        return time();

    public function __serialize() {
        return [
            'algorithm' => $this->algo,
            'locations' => $this->weightByLocation,
            'ejections' => $this->ejectExpiryByLocation

    public function __unserialize( $data ) {
        if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
            $this->init( $data['locations'] ?? [], $data['algorithm'] ?? 'sha1', $data['ejections'] ?? [] );
        } else {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ": unable to decode JSON." );