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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file
namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;

use LogicException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\BagOStuff;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\EmptyBagOStuff;

 * Provide a given client with protection against visible database lag.
 * ### In a nut shell
 * This class tries to hide visible effects of database lag. It does this by temporarily remembering
 * the database positions after a client makes a write, and on their next web request we will prefer
 * non-lagged database replicas. When replica connections are established, we wait up to a few seconds
 * for sufficient replication to have occurred, if they were not yet caught up to that same point.
 * This ensures a consistent ordering of events as seen by a client. Kind of like Hawking's
 * [Chronology Protection Agency](
 * ### Purpose
 * For performance and scalability reasons, almost all data is queried from replica databases.
 * Only queries relating to writing data, are sent to a primary database. When rendering a web page
 * with content or activity feeds on it, the very latest information may thus not yet be there.
 * That's okay in general, but if, for example, a client recently changed their preferences or
 * submitted new data, we do our best to make sure their next web response does reflect at least
 * their own recent changes.
 * ### How
 * To explain how it works, we will look at an example lifecycle for a client.
 * A client is browsing the site. Their web requests are generally read-only and display data from
 * database replicas, which may be a few seconds out of date if a client elsewhere in the world
 * recently modified that same data. If the application is run from multiple data centers, then
 * these web requests may be served from the nearest secondary DC.
 * A client performs a POST request, perhaps to publish an edit or change their preferences. This
 * request is routed to the primary DC (this is the responsibility of infrastructure outside
 * the web app). There, the data is saved to the primary database, after which the database
 * host will asynchronously replicate this to its replicas in the same and any other DCs.
 * Toward the end of the response to this POST request, the application takes note of the primary
 * database's current "position", and save this under a "clientId" key in the ChronologyProtector
 * store. The web response will also set two cookies that are similarly short-lived (about ten
 * seconds): `UseDC=master` and `cpPosIndex=<posIndex>@<write time>#<clientId>`.
 * The ten seconds window is meant to account for the time needed for the database writes to have
 * replicated across all active database replicas, including the cross-dc latency for those
 * further away in any secondary DCs. The "clientId" is placed in the cookie to handle the case
 * where the client IP addresses frequently changes between web requests.
 * Future web requests from the client should fall in one of two categories:
 * 1. Within the ten second window. Their UseDC cookie will make them return
 *    to the primary DC where we access the ChronologyProtector store and use
 *    the database "position" to decide which local database replica to use
 *    and on-demand wait a split second for replication to catch up if needed.
 * 2. After the ten second window. They will be routed to the nearest and
 *    possibly different DC. Any local ChronologyProtector store existing there
 *    will not be interacted with. A random database replica may be used as
 *    the client's own writes are expected to have been applied here by now.
 * @anchor ChronologyProtector-storage-requirements
 * ### Storage requirements
 * The store used by ChronologyProtector, as configured via {@link $wgChronologyProtectorStash},
 * should meet the following requirements:
 * - Low latencies. Nearly all web requests that involve a database connection will
 *   unconditionally query this store first. It is expected to respond within the order
 *   of one millisecond.
 * - Best effort persistence, without active eviction pressure. Data stored here cannot be
 *   obtained elsewhere or recomputed. As such, under normal operating conditions, this store
 *   should not be full, and should not evict values before their intended expiry time elapsed.
 * - No replication, local consistency. Each DC may have a fully independent dc-local store
 *   associated with ChronologyProtector (no replication across DCs is needed). Local writes
 *   must be immediately reflected in subsequent local reads. No intra-dc read lag is allowed.
 * - No redundancy, fast failure. Loss of data will likely be noticeable and disruptive to
 *   clients, but the data is not considered essential. Under maintenance or unprecedented load,
 *   it is recommended to lose some data, instead of compromising other requirements such as
 *   latency or availability for new writes. The fallback is that users may be temporary
 *   confused as they observe their own actions as not being immediately reflected.
 *   For example, they might change their skin or language preference but still get a one or two
 *   page views afterward with the old settings. Or they might have published an edit and briefly
 *   not yet see it appear in their contribution history.
 * ### Operational requirements
 * These are the expectations a site administrator must meet for chronology protection:
 * - If the application is run from multiple data centers, then you must designate one of them
 *   as the "primary DC". The primary DC is where the primary database is located, from which
 *   replication propagates to replica databases in that same DC and any other DCs.
 * - Web requests that use the POST verb, or carry a `UseDC=master` cookie, must be routed to
 *   the primary DC only.
 *   An exception is requests carrying the `Promise-Non-Write-API-Action: true` header,
 *   which use the POST verb for large read queries, but don't actually require the primary DC.
 *   If you have legacy extensions deployed that perform queries on the primary database during
 *   GET requests, then you will have to identify a way to route any of its relevant URLs to the
 *   primary DC as well, or to accept that their reads do not enjoy chronology protection, and
 *   that writes may be slower (due to cross-dc latency).
 *   See [T91820]( for %Wikimedia Foundation's routing.
 * @ingroup Database
 * @internal
class ChronologyProtector implements LoggerAwareInterface {
    /** @var array Web request information about the client */
    private $requestInfo;
    /** @var string Secret string for HMAC hashing */
    private string $secret;
    private bool $cliMode;
    /** @var BagOStuff */
    private $store;
    /** @var LoggerInterface */
    protected $logger;

    /** @var string Storage key name */
    protected $key;
    /** @var string Hash of client parameters */
    protected $clientId;
    /** @var string[] Map of client information fields for logging */
    protected $clientLogInfo;
    /** @var int|null Expected minimum index of the last write to the position store */
    protected $waitForPosIndex;

    /** @var bool Whether reading/writing session consistency replication positions is enabled */
    protected $enabled = true;
    /** @var float|null UNIX timestamp when the client data was loaded */
    protected $startupTimestamp;

    /** @var array<string,DBPrimaryPos> Map of (primary server name => position) */
    protected $startupPositionsByPrimary = [];
    /** @var array<string,DBPrimaryPos> Map of (primary server name => position) */
    protected $shutdownPositionsByPrimary = [];
    /** @var array<string,float> Map of (DB cluster name => UNIX timestamp) */
    protected $startupTimestampsByCluster = [];
    /** @var array<string,float> Map of (DB cluster name => UNIX timestamp) */
    protected $shutdownTimestampsByCluster = [];

    /** @var float|null */
    private $wallClockOverride;

     * Whether a clientId is new during this request.
     * If the clientId wasn't passed by the incoming request, lazyStartup()
     * can skip fetching position data, and thus LoadBalancer can skip
     * its IDatabaseForOwner::primaryPosWait() call.
     * See also: <>
     * @var bool
    private $hasNewClientId = false;

    /** Seconds to store position write index cookies (safely less than POSITION_STORE_TTL) */
    public const POSITION_COOKIE_TTL = 10;
    /** Seconds to store replication positions */
    private const POSITION_STORE_TTL = 60;

    /** Lock timeout to use for key updates */
    private const LOCK_TIMEOUT = 3;
    /** Lock expiry to use for key updates */
    private const LOCK_TTL = 6;

    private const FLD_POSITIONS = 'positions';
    private const FLD_TIMESTAMPS = 'timestamps';
    private const FLD_WRITE_INDEX = 'writeIndex';

     * @param BagOStuff|null $cpStash
     * @param string|null $secret Secret string for HMAC hashing [optional]
     * @param bool|null $cliMode Whether the context is CLI or not, setting it to true would disable CP
     * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger
     * @since 1.27
    public function __construct( $cpStash = null, $secret = null, $cliMode = null, $logger = null ) {
        $this->requestInfo = [
            'IPAddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? '',
            'UserAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '',
            // Headers application can inject via LBFactory::setRequestInfo()
            'ChronologyClientId' => null, // prior $cpClientId value from LBFactory::shutdown()
            'ChronologyPositionIndex' => null // prior $cpIndex value from LBFactory::shutdown()
        $this->store = $cpStash ?? new EmptyBagOStuff();
        $this->secret = $secret ?? '';
        $this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger();
        $this->cliMode = $cliMode ?? ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg' );

    private function load() {
        // Not enabled or already loaded, short-circuit.
        if ( !$this->enabled || $this->clientId ) {
        $client = [
            'ip' => $this->requestInfo['IPAddress'],
            'agent' => $this->requestInfo['UserAgent'],
            'clientId' => $this->requestInfo['ChronologyClientId'] ?: null
        if ( $this->cliMode ) {
            $this->setEnabled( false );
        } elseif ( $this->store instanceof EmptyBagOStuff ) {
            // No where to store any DB positions and wait for them to appear
            $this->setEnabled( false );
            $this->logger->debug( 'Cannot use ChronologyProtector with EmptyBagOStuff' );

        if ( isset( $client['clientId'] ) ) {
            $this->clientId = $client['clientId'];
        } else {
            $this->hasNewClientId = true;
            $this->clientId = ( $this->secret != '' )
                ? hash_hmac( 'md5', $client['ip'] . "\n" . $client['agent'], $this->secret )
                : md5( $client['ip'] . "\n" . $client['agent'] );
        $this->key = $this->store->makeGlobalKey( __CLASS__, $this->clientId, 'v4' );
        $this->waitForPosIndex = $this->requestInfo['ChronologyPositionIndex'];

        $this->clientLogInfo = [
            'clientIP' => $client['ip'],
            'clientAgent' => $client['agent'],
            'clientId' => $client['clientId'] ?? null

    public function setRequestInfo( array $info ) {
        if ( $this->clientId ) {
            throw new LogicException( 'ChronologyProtector already initialized' );

        $this->requestInfo = $info + $this->requestInfo;

    public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
        $this->logger = $logger;

     * @return string Client ID hash
     * @since 1.32
    public function getClientId() {
        return $this->clientId;

     * @param bool $enabled Whether reading/writing session replication positions is enabled
     * @since 1.27
    public function setEnabled( $enabled ) {
        $this->enabled = $enabled;

     * Yield client "session consistency" replication position for a new ILoadBalancer
     * If the stash has a previous primary position recorded, this will try to make
     * sure that the next query to a replica server of that primary will see changes up
     * to that position by delaying execution. The delay may timeout and allow stale
     * data if no non-lagged replica servers are available.
     * @internal This method should only be called from LBFactory.
     * @param ILoadBalancer $lb
     * @return DBPrimaryPos|null
    public function getSessionPrimaryPos( ILoadBalancer $lb ) {
        if ( !$this->enabled ) {
            return null;

        $cluster = $lb->getClusterName();
        $primaryName = $lb->getServerName( ServerInfo::WRITER_INDEX );

        $pos = $this->getStartupSessionPositions()[$primaryName] ?? null;
        if ( $pos instanceof DBPrimaryPos ) {
            $this->logger->debug( "ChronologyProtector will wait for '$pos' on $cluster ($primaryName)'" );
        } else {
            $this->logger->debug( "ChronologyProtector skips wait on $cluster ($primaryName)" );

        return $pos;

     * Update client "session consistency" replication position for an end-of-life ILoadBalancer
     * This remarks the replication position of the primary DB if this request made writes to
     * it using the provided ILoadBalancer instance.
     * @internal This method should only be called from LBFactory.
     * @param ILoadBalancer $lb
     * @return void
    public function stageSessionPrimaryPos( ILoadBalancer $lb ) {
        if ( !$this->enabled || !$lb->hasOrMadeRecentPrimaryChanges( INF ) ) {

        $cluster = $lb->getClusterName();
        $masterName = $lb->getServerName( ServerInfo::WRITER_INDEX );

        if ( $lb->hasStreamingReplicaServers() ) {
            $pos = $lb->getPrimaryPos();
            if ( $pos ) {
                $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": $cluster ($masterName) position now '$pos'" );
                $this->shutdownPositionsByPrimary[$masterName] = $pos;
                $this->shutdownTimestampsByCluster[$cluster] = $pos->asOfTime();
            } else {
                $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": $cluster ($masterName) position unknown" );
                $this->shutdownTimestampsByCluster[$cluster] = $this->getCurrentTime();
        } else {
            $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": $cluster ($masterName) has no replication" );
            $this->shutdownTimestampsByCluster[$cluster] = $this->getCurrentTime();

     * Persist any staged client "session consistency" replication positions
     * @internal This method should only be called from LBFactory.
     * @param int|null &$clientPosIndex DB position key write counter; incremented on update
     * @return DBPrimaryPos[] Empty on success; map of (db name => unsaved position) on failure
    public function persistSessionReplicationPositions( &$clientPosIndex = null ) {
        if ( !$this->enabled ) {
            return [];

        if ( !$this->shutdownTimestampsByCluster ) {
            $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": no primary positions data to save" );

            return [];

        $scopeLock = $this->store->getScopedLock( $this->key, self::LOCK_TIMEOUT, self::LOCK_TTL );
        if ( $scopeLock ) {
            $positions = $this->mergePositions(
                $this->unmarshalPositions( $this->store->get( $this->key ) ),

            $ok = $this->store->set(
                $this->marshalPositions( $positions ),
            unset( $scopeLock );
        } else {
            $ok = false;

        $clusterList = implode( ', ', array_keys( $this->shutdownTimestampsByCluster ) );

        if ( $ok ) {
            $this->logger->debug( "ChronologyProtector saved position data for $clusterList" );
            $bouncedPositions = [];
        } else {
            // Maybe position store is down
            $this->logger->warning( "ChronologyProtector failed to save position data for $clusterList" );
            $clientPosIndex = null;
            $bouncedPositions = $this->shutdownPositionsByPrimary;

        return $bouncedPositions;

     * Get the UNIX timestamp when the client last touched the DB, if they did so recently
     * @internal This method should only be called from LBFactory.
     * @param ILoadBalancer $lb
     * @return float|false UNIX timestamp; false if not recent or on record
     * @since 1.35
    public function getTouched( ILoadBalancer $lb ) {
        if ( !$this->enabled ) {
            return false;

        $cluster = $lb->getClusterName();

        $timestampsByCluster = $this->getStartupSessionTimestamps();
        $timestamp = $timestampsByCluster[$cluster] ?? null;
        if ( $timestamp === null ) {
            $recentTouchTimestamp = false;
        } elseif ( ( $this->startupTimestamp - $timestamp ) > self::POSITION_COOKIE_TTL ) {
            // If the position store is not replicated among datacenters and the cookie that
            // sticks the client to the primary datacenter expires, then the touch timestamp
            // will be found for requests in one datacenter but not others. For consistency,
            // return false once the user is no longer routed to the primary datacenter.
            $recentTouchTimestamp = false;
            $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": old timestamp ($timestamp) for $cluster" );
        } else {
            $recentTouchTimestamp = $timestamp;
            $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": recent timestamp ($timestamp) for $cluster" );

        return $recentTouchTimestamp;

     * @return array<string,DBPrimaryPos>
    protected function getStartupSessionPositions() {

        return $this->startupPositionsByPrimary;

     * @return array<string,float>
    protected function getStartupSessionTimestamps() {

        return $this->startupTimestampsByCluster;

     * Load the stored replication positions and touch timestamps for the client
     * @return void
    protected function lazyStartup() {
        if ( $this->startupTimestamp !== null ) {

        $this->startupTimestamp = $this->getCurrentTime();

        // There wasn't a client id in the cookie so we built one
        // There is no point in looking it up.
        if ( $this->hasNewClientId ) {
            $this->startupPositionsByPrimary = [];
            $this->startupTimestampsByCluster = [];

        $this->logger->debug( 'ChronologyProtector using store ' . get_class( $this->store ) );
        $this->logger->debug( "ChronologyProtector fetching positions for {$this->clientId}" );

        $data = $this->unmarshalPositions( $this->store->get( $this->key ) );

        $this->startupPositionsByPrimary = $data ? $data[self::FLD_POSITIONS] : [];
        $this->startupTimestampsByCluster = $data[self::FLD_TIMESTAMPS] ?? [];

        // When a stored array expires and is re-created under the same (deterministic) key,
        // the array value naturally starts again from index zero. As such, it is possible
        // that if certain store writes were lost (e.g. store down), that we unintentionally
        // point to an offset in an older incarnation of the array.
        // We don't try to detect or do something about this because:
        // 1. Waiting for an older offset is harmless and generally no-ops.
        // 2. The older value will have expired by now and thus treated as non-existing,
        //    which means we wouldn't even "see" it here.
        $indexReached = is_array( $data ) ? $data[self::FLD_WRITE_INDEX] : null;
        if ( $this->waitForPosIndex > 0 ) {
            if ( $indexReached >= $this->waitForPosIndex ) {
                $this->logger->debug( 'expected and found position index {cpPosIndex}', [
                    'cpPosIndex' => $this->waitForPosIndex,
                ] + $this->clientLogInfo );
            } else {
                $this->logger->warning( 'expected but failed to find position index {cpPosIndex}', [
                    'cpPosIndex' => $this->waitForPosIndex,
                    'indexReached' => $indexReached,
                    'exception' => new \RuntimeException(),
                ] + $this->clientLogInfo );
        } else {
            if ( $indexReached ) {
                $this->logger->debug( 'found position data with index {indexReached}', [
                    'indexReached' => $indexReached
                ] + $this->clientLogInfo );

     * Merge the new replication positions with the currently stored ones (highest wins)
     * @param array<string,mixed>|false $storedValue Current replication position data
     * @param array<string,DBPrimaryPos> $shutdownPositions New replication positions
     * @param array<string,float> $shutdownTimestamps New DB post-commit shutdown timestamps
     * @param int|null &$clientPosIndex New position write index
     * @return array<string,mixed> Combined replication position data
    protected function mergePositions(
        array $shutdownPositions,
        array $shutdownTimestamps,
        ?int &$clientPosIndex = null
    ) {
        /** @var array<string,DBPrimaryPos> $mergedPositions */
        $mergedPositions = $storedValue[self::FLD_POSITIONS] ?? [];
        // Use the newest positions for each DB primary
        foreach ( $shutdownPositions as $masterName => $pos ) {
            if (
                !isset( $mergedPositions[$masterName] ) ||
                !( $mergedPositions[$masterName] instanceof DBPrimaryPos ) ||
                $pos->asOfTime() > $mergedPositions[$masterName]->asOfTime()
            ) {
                $mergedPositions[$masterName] = $pos;

        /** @var array<string,float> $mergedTimestamps */
        $mergedTimestamps = $storedValue[self::FLD_TIMESTAMPS] ?? [];
        // Use the newest touch timestamp for each DB primary
        foreach ( $shutdownTimestamps as $cluster => $timestamp ) {
            if (
                !isset( $mergedTimestamps[$cluster] ) ||
                $timestamp > $mergedTimestamps[$cluster]
            ) {
                $mergedTimestamps[$cluster] = $timestamp;

        $clientPosIndex = ( $storedValue[self::FLD_WRITE_INDEX] ?? 0 ) + 1;

        return [
            self::FLD_POSITIONS => $mergedPositions,
            self::FLD_TIMESTAMPS => $mergedTimestamps,
            self::FLD_WRITE_INDEX => $clientPosIndex

     * @internal For testing only
     * @return float UNIX timestamp
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    protected function getCurrentTime() {
        if ( $this->wallClockOverride ) {
            return $this->wallClockOverride;

        $clockTime = (float)time(); // call this first
        // microtime() can severely drift from time() and the microtime() value of other threads.
        // Instead of seeing the current time as being in the past, use the value of time().
        return max( microtime( true ), $clockTime );

     * @internal For testing only
     * @param float|null &$time Mock UNIX timestamp
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function setMockTime( &$time ) {
        $this->wallClockOverride =& $time;

    private function marshalPositions( array $positions ) {
        foreach ( $positions[ self::FLD_POSITIONS ] as $key => $pos ) {
            $positions[ self::FLD_POSITIONS ][ $key ] = $pos->toArray();

        return $positions;

     * @param array|false $positions
     * @return array|false
    private function unmarshalPositions( $positions ) {
        if ( !$positions ) {
            return $positions;

        foreach ( $positions[ self::FLD_POSITIONS ] as $key => $pos ) {
            $class = $pos[ '_type_' ];
            $positions[ self::FLD_POSITIONS ][ $key ] = $class::newFromArray( $pos );

        return $positions;

     * Build a string conveying the client and write index of the chronology protector data
     * @param int $writeIndex
     * @param int $time UNIX timestamp; can be used to detect stale cookies (T190082)
     * @param string $clientId Client ID hash from ILBFactory::shutdown()
     * @return string Value to use for "cpPosIndex" cookie
     * @since 1.32 in LBFactory, moved to CP in 1.41
    public static function makeCookieValueFromCPIndex(
        int $writeIndex,
        int $time,
        string $clientId
    ) {
        // Format is "<write index>@<write timestamp>#<client ID hash>"
        return "{$writeIndex}@{$time}#{$clientId}";

     * Parse a string conveying the client and write index of the chronology protector data
     * @param string|null $value Value of "cpPosIndex" cookie
     * @param int $minTimestamp Lowest UNIX timestamp that a non-expired value can have
     * @return array (index: int or null, clientId: string or null)
     * @since 1.32 in LBFactory, moved to CP in 1.41
    public static function getCPInfoFromCookieValue( ?string $value, int $minTimestamp ) {
        static $placeholder = [ 'index' => null, 'clientId' => null ];

        if ( $value === null ) {
            return $placeholder; // not set

        // Format is "<write index>@<write timestamp>#<client ID hash>"
        if ( !preg_match( '/^(\d+)@(\d+)#([0-9a-f]{32})$/', $value, $m ) ) {
            return $placeholder; // invalid

        $index = (int)$m[1];
        if ( $index <= 0 ) {
            return $placeholder; // invalid
        } elseif ( isset( $m[2] ) && $m[2] !== '' && (int)$m[2] < $minTimestamp ) {
            return $placeholder; // expired

        $clientId = ( isset( $m[3] ) && $m[3] !== '' ) ? $m[3] : null;

        return [ 'index' => $index, 'clientId' => $clientId ];