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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\Http\Telemetry;
use MediaWiki\Logger\Spi;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use Wikimedia\Stats\StatsFactory;

 * Factory for cache objects as configured in the ObjectCaches setting.
 * The word "cache" has two main dictionary meanings, and both
 * are used in this factory class. They are:
 *    - a) Cache (the computer science definition).
 *         A place to store copies or computations on existing data for
 *         higher access speeds.
 *    - b) Storage.
 *         A place to store lightweight data that is not canonically
 *         stored anywhere else (e.g. a "hoard" of objects).
 *  Primary entry points:
 *  - ObjectCacheFactory::getLocalServerInstance( $fallbackType )
 *    Purpose: Memory cache for very hot keys.
 *    Stored only on the individual web server (typically APC or APCu for web requests,
 *    and EmptyBagOStuff in CLI mode).
 *    Not replicated to the other servers.
 * - ObjectCacheFactory::getLocalClusterInstance()
 *    Purpose: Memory storage for per-cluster coordination and tracking.
 *    A typical use case would be a rate limit counter or cache regeneration mutex.
 *    Stored centrally within the local data-center. Not replicated to other DCs.
 *    Configured by $wgMainCacheType.
 *  - ObjectCacheFactory::getInstance( $cacheType )
 *    Purpose: Special cases (like tiered memory/disk caches).
 *    Get a specific cache type by key in $wgObjectCaches.
 *  All the above BagOStuff cache instances have their makeKey()
 *  method scoped to the *current* wiki ID. Use makeGlobalKey() to avoid this scoping
 *  when using keys that need to be shared amongst wikis.
 * @ingroup Cache
 * @since 1.42
class ObjectCacheFactory {
     * @internal For use by ServiceWiring.php
     * @var array
    public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [

    private ServiceOptions $options;
    private StatsFactory $stats;
    private Spi $logger;
    /** @var BagOStuff[] */
    private $instances = [];
    private string $domainId;
    /** @var callable */
    private $dbLoadBalancerFactory;
     * @internal ObjectCacheTest only
     * @var string
    public static $localServerCacheClass;

    public function __construct(
        ServiceOptions $options,
        StatsFactory $stats,
        Spi $loggerSpi,
        callable $dbLoadBalancerFactory,
        string $domainId
    ) {
        $options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS );
        $this->options = $options;
        $this->stats = $stats;
        $this->logger = $loggerSpi;
        $this->dbLoadBalancerFactory = $dbLoadBalancerFactory;
        $this->domainId = $domainId;

     * Get the default keyspace for this wiki.
     * This is either the value of the MainConfigNames::CachePrefix setting
     * or (if the former is unset) the MainConfigNames::DBname setting, with
     * MainConfigNames::DBprefix (if defined).
     * @return string
    private function getDefaultKeyspace(): string {
        $cachePrefix = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::CachePrefix );
        if ( is_string( $cachePrefix ) && $cachePrefix !== '' ) {
            return $cachePrefix;

        return $this->domainId;

     * Create a new cache object of the specified type.
     * @param string|int $id A key in $wgObjectCaches.
     * @return BagOStuff
    private function newFromId( $id ): BagOStuff {
        if ( $id === CACHE_ANYTHING ) {
            $id = $this->getAnythingId();

        if ( !isset( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ObjectCaches )[$id] ) ) {
            // Always recognize these
            if ( $id === CACHE_NONE ) {
                return new EmptyBagOStuff();
            } elseif ( $id === CACHE_HASH ) {
                return new HashBagOStuff();
            } elseif ( $id === CACHE_ACCEL ) {
                return self::makeLocalServerCache( $this->getDefaultKeyspace() );

            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid object cache type \"$id\" requested. " .
                "It is not present in \$wgObjectCaches." );

        return $this->newFromParams( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ObjectCaches )[$id] );

     * Get a cached instance of the specified type of cache object.
     * @param string|int $id A key in $wgObjectCaches.
     * @return BagOStuff
    public function getInstance( $id ): BagOStuff {
        if ( !isset( $this->instances[$id] ) ) {
            $this->instances[$id] = $this->newFromId( $id );

        return $this->instances[$id];

     * Create a new cache object from parameters specification supplied.
     * @internal Using this method directly outside of MediaWiki core
     *   is discouraged. Use getInstance() instead and supply the ID
     *   of the cache instance to be looked up.
     * @param array $params Must have 'factory' or 'class' property.
     *  - factory: Callback passed $params that returns BagOStuff.
     *  - class: BagOStuff subclass constructed with $params.
     *  - loggroup: Alias to set 'logger' key with LoggerFactory group.
     *  - .. Other parameters passed to factory or class.
     * @return BagOStuff
    public function newFromParams( array $params ): BagOStuff {
        $logger = $this->logger->getLogger( $params['loggroup'] ?? 'objectcache' );
        // Apply default parameters and resolve the logger instance
        $params += [
            'logger' => $logger,
            'keyspace' => $this->getDefaultKeyspace(),
            'asyncHandler' => [ DeferredUpdates::class, 'addCallableUpdate' ],
            'reportDupes' => true,
            'stats' => $this->stats,

        if ( isset( $params['factory'] ) ) {
            $args = $params['args'] ?? [ $params ];

            return call_user_func( $params['factory'], ...$args );

        if ( !isset( $params['class'] ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'No "factory" nor "class" provided; got "' . print_r( $params, true ) . '"'

        $class = $params['class'];

        // Normalization and DI for SqlBagOStuff
        if ( is_a( $class, SqlBagOStuff::class, true ) ) {
            $this->prepareSqlBagOStuffFromParams( $params );

        // Normalization and DI for MemcachedBagOStuff
        if ( is_subclass_of( $class, MemcachedBagOStuff::class ) ) {
            $this->prepareMemcachedBagOStuffFromParams( $params );

        // Normalization and DI for MultiWriteBagOStuff
        if ( is_a( $class, MultiWriteBagOStuff::class, true ) ) {
            $this->prepareMultiWriteBagOStuffFromParams( $params );
        if ( is_a( $class, RESTBagOStuff::class, true ) ) {
            $this->prepareRESTBagOStuffFromParams( $params );

        return new $class( $params );

    private function prepareSqlBagOStuffFromParams( array &$params ): void {
        if ( isset( $params['globalKeyLB'] ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                'globalKeyLB in $wgObjectCaches is no longer supported' );
        if ( isset( $params['server'] ) && !isset( $params['servers'] ) ) {
            $params['servers'] = [ $params['server'] ];
            unset( $params['server'] );
        if ( isset( $params['servers'] ) ) {
            // In the past it was not required to set 'dbDirectory' in $wgObjectCaches
            foreach ( $params['servers'] as &$server ) {
                if ( $server['type'] === 'sqlite' && !isset( $server['dbDirectory'] ) ) {
                    $server['dbDirectory'] = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SQLiteDataDir );
        } elseif ( isset( $params['cluster'] ) ) {
            $cluster = $params['cluster'];
            $dbLbFactory = $this->dbLoadBalancerFactory;
            $params['loadBalancerCallback'] = static function () use ( $cluster, $dbLbFactory ) {
                return $dbLbFactory()->getExternalLB( $cluster );
            $params += [ 'dbDomain' => false ];
        } else {
            $dbLbFactory = $this->dbLoadBalancerFactory;
            $params['loadBalancerCallback'] = static function () use ( $dbLbFactory ) {
                return $dbLbFactory()->getMainLb();
            $params += [ 'dbDomain' => false ];
        $params += [ 'writeBatchSize' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::UpdateRowsPerQuery ) ];

    private function prepareMemcachedBagOStuffFromParams( array &$params ): void {
        $params += [
            'servers' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MemCachedServers ),
            'persistent' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MemCachedPersistent ),
            'timeout' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MemCachedTimeout ),

    private function prepareMultiWriteBagOStuffFromParams( array &$params ): void {
        // Phan warns about foreach with non-array because it
        // thinks any key can be Closure|IBufferingStatsdDataFactory
        '@phan-var array{caches:array[]} $params';
        foreach ( $params['caches'] ?? [] as $i => $cacheInfo ) {
            // Ensure logger, keyspace, asyncHandler, etc are injected just as if
            // one of these was configured without MultiWriteBagOStuff.
            $params['caches'][$i] = $this->newFromParams( $cacheInfo );

    private function prepareRESTBagOStuffFromParams( array &$params ): void {
        $params['telemetry'] = Telemetry::getInstance();

     * Factory function for CACHE_ACCEL (referenced from configuration)
     * This will look for any APC or APCu style server-local cache.
     * A fallback cache can be specified if none is found.
     *     // Direct calls
     *     ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance( $fallbackType );
     *     // From $wgObjectCaches via newFromParams()
     *     ObjectCache::getLocalServerInstance( [ 'fallback' => $fallbackType ] );
     * @param int|string|array $fallback Fallback cache or parameter map with 'fallback'
     * @return BagOStuff
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function getLocalServerInstance( $fallback = CACHE_NONE ): BagOStuff {
        $cache = $this->getInstance( CACHE_ACCEL );
        if ( $cache instanceof EmptyBagOStuff ) {
            if ( is_array( $fallback ) ) {
                $fallback = $fallback['fallback'] ?? CACHE_NONE;
            $cache = $this->getInstance( $fallback );

        return $cache;

     * Clear all the cached instances.
    public function clear(): void {
        $this->instances = [];

     * Get the class which will be used for the local server cache
     * @return string
    private static function getLocalServerCacheClass() {
        if ( self::$localServerCacheClass !== null ) {
            return self::$localServerCacheClass;
        if ( function_exists( 'apcu_fetch' ) ) {
            // Make sure the APCu methods actually store anything
            if ( PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' || ini_get( 'apc.enable_cli' ) ) {
                return APCUBagOStuff::class;

        } elseif ( function_exists( 'wincache_ucache_get' ) ) {
            return WinCacheBagOStuff::class;

        return EmptyBagOStuff::class;

     * Get the ID that will be used for CACHE_ANYTHING
     * @internal
     * @return string|int
    public function getAnythingId() {
        $candidates = [
            $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MainCacheType ),
            $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MessageCacheType ),
            $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ParserCacheType )
        foreach ( $candidates as $candidate ) {
            if ( $candidate === CACHE_ACCEL ) {
                // CACHE_ACCEL might default to nothing if no APCu
                // See includes/ServiceWiring.php
                $class = self::getLocalServerCacheClass();
                if ( $class !== EmptyBagOStuff::class ) {
                    return $candidate;
            } elseif ( $candidate !== CACHE_NONE && $candidate !== CACHE_ANYTHING ) {
                return $candidate;

        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();

        if ( $services->isServiceDisabled( 'DBLoadBalancer' ) ) {
            // The DBLoadBalancer service is disabled, so we can't use the database!
            $candidate = CACHE_NONE;
        } elseif ( $services->isStorageDisabled() ) {
            // Storage services are disabled because MediaWikiServices::disableStorage()
            // was called. This is typically the case during installation.
            $candidate = CACHE_NONE;
        } else {
            $candidate = CACHE_DB;
        return $candidate;

     * Create a new BagOStuff instance for local-server caching.
     * Only use this if you explicitly require the creation of
     * a fresh instance. Whenever possible, use or inject the object
     * from MediaWikiServices::getLocalServerObjectCache() instead.
     * NOTE: This method is called very early via Setup.php by ExtensionRegistry,
     * and thus must remain fairly standalone so as to not cause initialization
     * of the MediaWikiServices singleton.
     * @internal For use by ServiceWiring and ExtensionRegistry. There are use
     *    cases whereby we want to build up local server cache without service
     *    wiring available.
     * @since 1.43, previously on ObjectCache.php since 1.35
     * @param string $keyspace
     * @return BagOStuff
    public static function makeLocalServerCache( string $keyspace ) {
        $params = [
            'reportDupes' => false,
            // Even simple caches must use a keyspace (T247562)
            'keyspace' => $keyspace,
        $class = self::getLocalServerCacheClass();
        return new $class( $params );

     * Determine whether a config ID would access the database
     * @internal For use by ServiceWiring.php
     * @param string|int $id A key in $wgObjectCaches
     * @return bool
    public function isDatabaseId( $id ) {
        // NOTE: Sanity check if $id is set to CACHE_ANYTHING and
        // everything is going through service wiring. CACHE_ANYTHING
        // would default to CACHE_DB, let's handle that early for cases
        // where all cache configs are set to CACHE_ANYTHING (T362686).
        if ( $id === CACHE_ANYTHING ) {
            $id = $this->getAnythingId();
            return $this->isDatabaseId( $id );

        if ( !isset( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ObjectCaches )[$id] ) ) {
            return false;
        $cache = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ObjectCaches )[$id];
        if ( ( $cache['class'] ?? '' ) === SqlBagOStuff::class ) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Get the main cluster-local cache object.
     * @since 1.43, previously on ObjectCache.php since 1.27
     * @return BagOStuff
    public function getLocalClusterInstance() {
        return $this->getInstance(
            $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MainCacheType )