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namespace MediaWiki\Watchlist;

use ApiUsageException;
use ChangeTags;
use LogPage;
use MediaWiki\CommentStore\CommentStore;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkTarget;
use MediaWiki\Permissions\Authority;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleValue;
use MediaWiki\User\Options\UserOptionsLookup;
use MediaWiki\User\TempUser\TempUserConfig;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use RecentChange;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IConnectionProvider;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IExpression;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\SelectQueryBuilder;

 * Class performing complex database queries related to WatchedItems.
 * @since 1.28
 * @file
 * @ingroup Watchlist
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
class WatchedItemQueryService {

    public const DIR_OLDER = 'older';
    public const DIR_NEWER = 'newer';

    public const INCLUDE_FLAGS = 'flags';
    public const INCLUDE_USER = 'user';
    public const INCLUDE_USER_ID = 'userid';
    public const INCLUDE_COMMENT = 'comment';
    public const INCLUDE_PATROL_INFO = 'patrol';
    public const INCLUDE_AUTOPATROL_INFO = 'autopatrol';
    public const INCLUDE_SIZES = 'sizes';
    public const INCLUDE_LOG_INFO = 'loginfo';
    public const INCLUDE_TAGS = 'tags';

    // FILTER_* constants are part of public API (are used in ApiQueryWatchlist and
    // ApiQueryWatchlistRaw classes) and should not be changed.
    // Changing values of those constants will result in a breaking change in the API
    public const FILTER_MINOR = 'minor';
    public const FILTER_NOT_MINOR = '!minor';
    public const FILTER_BOT = 'bot';
    public const FILTER_NOT_BOT = '!bot';
    public const FILTER_ANON = 'anon';
    public const FILTER_NOT_ANON = '!anon';
    public const FILTER_PATROLLED = 'patrolled';
    public const FILTER_NOT_PATROLLED = '!patrolled';
    public const FILTER_AUTOPATROLLED = 'autopatrolled';
    public const FILTER_NOT_AUTOPATROLLED = '!autopatrolled';
    public const FILTER_UNREAD = 'unread';
    public const FILTER_NOT_UNREAD = '!unread';
    public const FILTER_CHANGED = 'changed';
    public const FILTER_NOT_CHANGED = '!changed';

    public const SORT_ASC = 'ASC';
    public const SORT_DESC = 'DESC';

     * @var IConnectionProvider
    private $dbProvider;

    /** @var WatchedItemQueryServiceExtension[]|null */
    private $extensions = null;

    /** @var CommentStore */
    private $commentStore;

    /** @var WatchedItemStoreInterface */
    private $watchedItemStore;

    /** @var HookRunner */
    private $hookRunner;

    /** @var UserOptionsLookup */
    private $userOptionsLookup;

    /** @var TempUserConfig */
    private $tempUserConfig;

     * @var bool Correlates to $wgWatchlistExpiry feature flag.
    private $expiryEnabled;

     * @var int Max query execution time
    private $maxQueryExecutionTime;

    public function __construct(
        IConnectionProvider $dbProvider,
        CommentStore $commentStore,
        WatchedItemStoreInterface $watchedItemStore,
        HookContainer $hookContainer,
        UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup,
        TempUserConfig $tempUserConfig,
        bool $expiryEnabled = false,
        int $maxQueryExecutionTime = 0
    ) {
        $this->dbProvider = $dbProvider;
        $this->commentStore = $commentStore;
        $this->watchedItemStore = $watchedItemStore;
        $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
        $this->userOptionsLookup = $userOptionsLookup;
        $this->tempUserConfig = $tempUserConfig;
        $this->expiryEnabled = $expiryEnabled;
        $this->maxQueryExecutionTime = $maxQueryExecutionTime;

     * @return WatchedItemQueryServiceExtension[]
    private function getExtensions() {
        if ( $this->extensions === null ) {
            $this->extensions = [];
            $this->hookRunner->onWatchedItemQueryServiceExtensions( $this->extensions, $this );
        return $this->extensions;

     * @param User $user
     * @param array $options Allowed keys:
     *        'includeFields'       => string[] RecentChange fields to be included in the result,
     *                                 self::INCLUDE_* constants should be used
     *        'filters'             => string[] optional filters to narrow down resulted items
     *        'namespaceIds'        => int[] optional namespace IDs to filter by
     *                                 (defaults to all namespaces)
     *        'allRevisions'        => bool return multiple revisions of the same page if true,
     *                                 only the most recent if false (default)
     *        'rcTypes'             => int[] which types of RecentChanges to include
     *                                 (defaults to all types), allowed values: RC_EDIT, RC_NEW,
     *                                 RC_LOG, RC_EXTERNAL, RC_CATEGORIZE
     *        'onlyByUser'          => string only list changes by a specified user
     *        'notByUser'           => string do not include changes by a specified user
     *        'dir'                 => string in which direction to enumerate, accepted values:
     *                                 - DIR_OLDER list newest first
     *                                 - DIR_NEWER list oldest first
     *        'start'               => string (format accepted by wfTimestamp) requires 'dir' option,
     *                                 timestamp to start enumerating from
     *        'end'                 => string (format accepted by wfTimestamp) requires 'dir' option,
     *                                 timestamp to end enumerating
     *        'watchlistOwner'      => UserIdentity user whose watchlist items should be listed if different
     *                                 than the one specified with $user param, requires
     *                                 'watchlistOwnerToken' option
     *        'watchlistOwnerToken' => string a watchlist token used to access another user's
     *                                 watchlist, used with 'watchlistOwnerToken' option
     *        'limit'               => int maximum numbers of items to return
     *        'usedInGenerator'     => bool include only RecentChange id field required by the
     *                                 generator ('rc_cur_id' or 'rc_this_oldid') if true, or all
     *                                 id fields ('rc_cur_id', 'rc_this_oldid', 'rc_last_oldid')
     *                                 if false (default)
     * @param array|null &$startFrom Continuation value: [ string $rcTimestamp, int $rcId ]
     * @return array[] Array of pairs ( WatchedItem $watchedItem, string[] $recentChangeInfo ),
     *         where $recentChangeInfo contains the following keys:
     *         - 'rc_id',
     *         - 'rc_namespace',
     *         - 'rc_title',
     *         - 'rc_timestamp',
     *         - 'rc_type',
     *         - 'rc_deleted',
     *         Additional keys could be added by specifying the 'includeFields' option
    public function getWatchedItemsWithRecentChangeInfo(
        User $user, array $options = [], &$startFrom = null
    ) {
        $options += [
            'includeFields' => [],
            'namespaceIds' => [],
            'filters' => [],
            'allRevisions' => false,
            'usedInGenerator' => false

            !isset( $options['rcTypes'] )
                || !array_diff( $options['rcTypes'], [ RC_EDIT, RC_NEW, RC_LOG, RC_EXTERNAL, RC_CATEGORIZE ] ),
            'must be an array containing only: RC_EDIT, RC_NEW, RC_LOG, RC_EXTERNAL and/or RC_CATEGORIZE'
            !isset( $options['dir'] ) || in_array( $options['dir'], [ self::DIR_OLDER, self::DIR_NEWER ] ),
            'must be DIR_OLDER or DIR_NEWER'
            ( !isset( $options['start'] ) && !isset( $options['end'] ) && $startFrom === null )
                || isset( $options['dir'] ),
            'must be provided when providing the "start" or "end" options or the $startFrom parameter'
            !isset( $options['startFrom'] ),
            'must not be provided, use $startFrom instead'
            !isset( $startFrom ) || ( is_array( $startFrom ) && count( $startFrom ) === 2 ),
            'must be a two-element array'
        if ( array_key_exists( 'watchlistOwner', $options ) ) {
                isset( $options['watchlistOwnerToken'] ),
                'must be provided when providing watchlistOwner option'

        $db = $this->dbProvider->getReplicaDatabase();

        $tables = $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryTables( $options );
        $fields = $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryFields( $options );
        $conds = $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryConds( $db, $user, $options );
        $dbOptions = $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryDbOptions( $options );
        $joinConds = $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryJoinConds( $options );

        if ( $startFrom !== null ) {
            $conds[] = $this->getStartFromConds( $db, $options, $startFrom );

        foreach ( $this->getExtensions() as $extension ) {
                $user, $options, $db,

        $res = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->tables( $tables )
            ->fields( $fields )
            ->conds( $conds )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ )
            ->options( $dbOptions )
            ->joinConds( $joinConds )

        $limit = $dbOptions['LIMIT'] ?? INF;
        $items = [];
        $startFrom = null;
        foreach ( $res as $row ) {
            if ( --$limit <= 0 ) {
                $startFrom = [ $row->rc_timestamp, $row->rc_id ];

            $target = new TitleValue( (int)$row->rc_namespace, $row->rc_title );
            $items[] = [
                new WatchedItem(
                        $row->wl_notificationtimestamp, $user, $target
                    $row->we_expiry ?? null
                $this->getRecentChangeFieldsFromRow( $row )

        foreach ( $this->getExtensions() as $extension ) {
            $extension->modifyWatchedItemsWithRCInfo( $user, $options, $db, $items, $res, $startFrom );

        return $items;

     * For simple listing of user's watchlist items, see WatchedItemStore::getWatchedItemsForUser
     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param array $options Allowed keys:
     *        'sort'         => string optional sorting by namespace ID and title
     *                          one of the self::SORT_* constants
     *        'namespaceIds' => int[] optional namespace IDs to filter by (defaults to all namespaces)
     *        'limit'        => int maximum number of items to return
     *        'filter'       => string optional filter, one of the self::FILTER_* constants
     *        'from'         => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items starting from
     *                          those related to the link target
     *        'until'        => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items until
     *                          those related to the link target
     *        'startFrom'    => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items starting from
     *                          those related to the link target, allows to skip some link targets
     *                          specified using the form option
     * @return WatchedItem[]
    public function getWatchedItemsForUser( UserIdentity $user, array $options = [] ) {
        if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
            // TODO: should this just return an empty array or rather complain loud at this point
            // as e.g. ApiBase::getWatchlistUser does?
            return [];

        $options += [ 'namespaceIds' => [] ];

            !isset( $options['sort'] ) || in_array( $options['sort'], [ self::SORT_ASC, self::SORT_DESC ] ),
            'must be SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC'
            !isset( $options['filter'] ) || in_array(
                $options['filter'], [ self::FILTER_CHANGED, self::FILTER_NOT_CHANGED ]
            'must be FILTER_CHANGED or FILTER_NOT_CHANGED'
            ( !isset( $options['from'] ) && !isset( $options['until'] ) && !isset( $options['startFrom'] ) )
                || isset( $options['sort'] ),
            'must be provided if any of "from", "until", "startFrom" options is provided'

        $db = $this->dbProvider->getReplicaDatabase();

        $queryBuilder = $db->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->select( [ 'wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp' ] )
            ->from( 'watchlist' )
            ->caller( __METHOD__ );
        $this->addQueryCondsForWatchedItemsForUser( $db, $user, $options, $queryBuilder );
        $this->addQueryDbOptionsForWatchedItemsForUser( $options, $queryBuilder );

        if ( $this->expiryEnabled ) {
            // If expiries are enabled, join with the watchlist_expiry table and exclude expired items.
            $queryBuilder->leftJoin( 'watchlist_expiry', null, 'wl_id = we_item' )
                ->andWhere( $db->expr( 'we_expiry', '>', $db->timestamp() )->or( 'we_expiry', '=', null ) );
        $res = $queryBuilder->fetchResultSet();

        $watchedItems = [];
        foreach ( $res as $row ) {
            $target = new TitleValue( (int)$row->wl_namespace, $row->wl_title );
            // todo these could all be cached at some point?
            $watchedItems[] = new WatchedItem(
                    $row->wl_notificationtimestamp, $user, $target
                $row->we_expiry ?? null

        return $watchedItems;

    private function getRecentChangeFieldsFromRow( \stdClass $row ) {
        return array_filter(
            get_object_vars( $row ),
            static function ( $key ) {
                return str_starts_with( $key, 'rc_' );

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryTables( array $options ) {
        $tables = [ 'recentchanges', 'watchlist' ];

        if ( $this->expiryEnabled ) {
            $tables[] = 'watchlist_expiry';

        if ( !$options['allRevisions'] ) {
            $tables[] = 'page';
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_COMMENT, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $tables += $this->commentStore->getJoin( 'rc_comment' )['tables'];
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER, $options['includeFields'] ) ||
            in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER_ID, $options['includeFields'] ) ||
            in_array( self::FILTER_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ||
            in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ||
            array_key_exists( 'onlyByUser', $options ) || array_key_exists( 'notByUser', $options )
        ) {
            $tables['watchlist_actor'] = 'actor';
        return $tables;

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryFields( array $options ) {
        $fields = [

        if ( $this->expiryEnabled ) {
            $fields[] = 'we_expiry';

        $rcIdFields = [
        if ( $options['usedInGenerator'] ) {
            if ( $options['allRevisions'] ) {
                $rcIdFields = [ 'rc_this_oldid' ];
            } else {
                $rcIdFields = [ 'rc_cur_id' ];
        $fields = array_merge( $fields, $rcIdFields );

        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_FLAGS, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields = array_merge( $fields, [ 'rc_type', 'rc_minor', 'rc_bot' ] );
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields['rc_user_text'] = 'watchlist_actor.actor_name';
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER_ID, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields['rc_user'] = 'watchlist_actor.actor_user';
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_COMMENT, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields += $this->commentStore->getJoin( 'rc_comment' )['fields'];
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_PATROL_INFO, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields = array_merge( $fields, [ 'rc_patrolled', 'rc_log_type' ] );
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_SIZES, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields = array_merge( $fields, [ 'rc_old_len', 'rc_new_len' ] );
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_LOG_INFO, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $fields = array_merge( $fields, [ 'rc_logid', 'rc_log_type', 'rc_log_action', 'rc_params' ] );
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_TAGS, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            // prefixed with rc_ to include the field in getRecentChangeFieldsFromRow
            $fields['rc_tags'] = ChangeTags::makeTagSummarySubquery( 'recentchanges' );

        return $fields;

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryConds(
        IReadableDatabase $db,
        User $user,
        array $options
    ) {
        $watchlistOwnerId = $this->getWatchlistOwnerId( $user, $options );
        $conds = [ 'wl_user' => $watchlistOwnerId ];

        if ( $this->expiryEnabled ) {
            $conds[] = $db->expr( 'we_expiry', '=', null )->or( 'we_expiry', '>', $db->timestamp() );

        if ( !$options['allRevisions'] ) {
            $conds[] = $db->makeList(
                [ 'rc_this_oldid=page_latest', 'rc_type=' . RC_LOG ],

        if ( $options['namespaceIds'] ) {
            $conds['wl_namespace'] = array_map( 'intval', $options['namespaceIds'] );

        if ( array_key_exists( 'rcTypes', $options ) ) {
            $conds['rc_type'] = array_map( 'intval', $options['rcTypes'] );

        $conds = array_merge(
            $this->getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryFilterConds( $db, $user, $options )

        $conds = array_merge( $conds, $this->getStartEndConds( $db, $options ) );

        if ( !isset( $options['start'] ) && !isset( $options['end'] ) && $db->getType() === 'mysql' ) {
            // This is an index optimization for mysql
            $conds[] = $db->expr( 'rc_timestamp', '>', '' );

        $conds = array_merge( $conds, $this->getUserRelatedConds( $db, $user, $options ) );

        $deletedPageLogCond = $this->getExtraDeletedPageLogEntryRelatedCond( $db, $user );
        if ( $deletedPageLogCond ) {
            $conds[] = $deletedPageLogCond;

        return $conds;

    private function getWatchlistOwnerId( UserIdentity $user, array $options ) {
        if ( array_key_exists( 'watchlistOwner', $options ) ) {
            /** @var UserIdentity $watchlistOwner */
            $watchlistOwner = $options['watchlistOwner'];
            $ownersToken =
                $this->userOptionsLookup->getOption( $watchlistOwner, 'watchlisttoken' );
            $token = $options['watchlistOwnerToken'];
            if ( $ownersToken == '' || !hash_equals( $ownersToken, $token ) ) {
                throw ApiUsageException::newWithMessage( null, 'apierror-bad-watchlist-token', 'bad_wltoken' );
            return $watchlistOwner->getId();
        return $user->getId();

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryFilterConds(
        IReadableDatabase $dbr,
        User $user,
        array $options
    ) {
        $conds = [];

        if ( in_array( self::FILTER_MINOR, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'rc_minor != 0';
        } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_MINOR, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'rc_minor = 0';

        if ( in_array( self::FILTER_BOT, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'rc_bot != 0';
        } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_BOT, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'rc_bot = 0';

        // Treat temporary users as 'anon', to match ChangesListSpecialPage
        if ( in_array( self::FILTER_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            if ( $this->tempUserConfig->isKnown() ) {
                $conds[] = $dbr->expr( 'watchlist_actor.actor_user', '=', null )
                    ->orExpr( $this->tempUserConfig->getMatchCondition( $dbr,
                        'watchlist_actor.actor_name', IExpression::LIKE ) );
            } else {
                $conds[] = 'watchlist_actor.actor_user IS NULL';
        } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'watchlist_actor.actor_user IS NOT NULL';
            if ( $this->tempUserConfig->isKnown() ) {
                $conds[] = $this->tempUserConfig->getMatchCondition( $dbr,
                    'watchlist_actor.actor_name', IExpression::NOT_LIKE );

        if ( $user->useRCPatrol() || $user->useNPPatrol() ) {
            // TODO: not sure if this should simply ignore patrolled filters if user does not have the patrol
            // right, or maybe rather fail loud at this point, same as e.g. ApiQueryWatchlist does?
            if ( in_array( self::FILTER_PATROLLED, $options['filters'] ) ) {
                $conds[] = 'rc_patrolled != ' . RecentChange::PRC_UNPATROLLED;
            } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_PATROLLED, $options['filters'] ) ) {
                $conds['rc_patrolled'] = RecentChange::PRC_UNPATROLLED;

            if ( in_array( self::FILTER_AUTOPATROLLED, $options['filters'] ) ) {
                $conds['rc_patrolled'] = RecentChange::PRC_AUTOPATROLLED;
            } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_AUTOPATROLLED, $options['filters'] ) ) {
                $conds[] = 'rc_patrolled != ' . RecentChange::PRC_AUTOPATROLLED;

        if ( in_array( self::FILTER_UNREAD, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            $conds[] = 'rc_timestamp >= wl_notificationtimestamp';
        } elseif ( in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_UNREAD, $options['filters'] ) ) {
            // TODO: should this be changed to use Database::makeList?
            $conds[] = 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL OR rc_timestamp < wl_notificationtimestamp';

        return $conds;

    private function getStartEndConds( IReadableDatabase $db, array $options ) {
        if ( !isset( $options['start'] ) && !isset( $options['end'] ) ) {
            return [];

        $conds = [];
        if ( isset( $options['start'] ) ) {
            $after = $options['dir'] === self::DIR_OLDER ? '<=' : '>=';
            $conds[] = $db->expr( 'rc_timestamp', $after, $db->timestamp( $options['start'] ) );
        if ( isset( $options['end'] ) ) {
            $before = $options['dir'] === self::DIR_OLDER ? '>=' : '<=';
            $conds[] = $db->expr( 'rc_timestamp', $before, $db->timestamp( $options['end'] ) );

        return $conds;

    private function getUserRelatedConds( IReadableDatabase $db, Authority $user, array $options ) {
        if ( !array_key_exists( 'onlyByUser', $options ) && !array_key_exists( 'notByUser', $options ) ) {
            return [];

        $conds = [];

        if ( array_key_exists( 'onlyByUser', $options ) ) {
            $conds['watchlist_actor.actor_name'] = $options['onlyByUser'];
        } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'notByUser', $options ) ) {
            $conds[] = $db->expr( 'watchlist_actor.actor_name', '!=', $options['notByUser'] );

        // Avoid brute force searches (T19342)
        $bitmask = 0;
        if ( !$user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
            $bitmask = RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER;
        } elseif ( !$user->isAllowedAny( 'suppressrevision', 'viewsuppressed' ) ) {
            $bitmask = RevisionRecord::DELETED_USER | RevisionRecord::DELETED_RESTRICTED;
        if ( $bitmask ) {
            $conds[] = $db->bitAnd( 'rc_deleted', $bitmask ) . " != $bitmask";

        return $conds;

    private function getExtraDeletedPageLogEntryRelatedCond( IReadableDatabase $db, Authority $user ) {
        // LogPage::DELETED_ACTION hides the affected page, too. So hide those
        // entirely from the watchlist, or someone could guess the title.
        $bitmask = 0;
        if ( !$user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
            $bitmask = LogPage::DELETED_ACTION;
        } elseif ( !$user->isAllowedAny( 'suppressrevision', 'viewsuppressed' ) ) {
            $bitmask = LogPage::DELETED_ACTION | LogPage::DELETED_RESTRICTED;
        if ( $bitmask ) {
            return $db->makeList( [
                'rc_type != ' . RC_LOG,
                $db->bitAnd( 'rc_deleted', $bitmask ) . " != $bitmask",
            ], LIST_OR );
        return '';

    private function getStartFromConds( IReadableDatabase $db, array $options, array $startFrom ) {
        $op = $options['dir'] === self::DIR_OLDER ? '<=' : '>=';
        [ $rcTimestamp, $rcId ] = $startFrom;
        $rcTimestamp = $db->timestamp( $rcTimestamp );
        $rcId = (int)$rcId;
        return $db->buildComparison( $op, [
            'rc_timestamp' => $rcTimestamp,
            'rc_id' => $rcId,
        ] );

    private function addQueryCondsForWatchedItemsForUser(
        IReadableDatabase $db, UserIdentity $user, array $options, SelectQueryBuilder $queryBuilder
    ) {
        $queryBuilder->where( [ 'wl_user' => $user->getId() ] );
        if ( $options['namespaceIds'] ) {
            $queryBuilder->where( [ 'wl_namespace' => array_map( 'intval', $options['namespaceIds'] ) ] );
        if ( isset( $options['filter'] ) ) {
            $filter = $options['filter'];
            if ( $filter === self::FILTER_CHANGED ) {
                $queryBuilder->where( 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NOT NULL' );
            } else {
                $queryBuilder->where( 'wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL' );

        if ( isset( $options['from'] ) ) {
            $op = $options['sort'] === self::SORT_ASC ? '>=' : '<=';
            $queryBuilder->where( $this->getFromUntilTargetConds( $db, $options['from'], $op ) );
        if ( isset( $options['until'] ) ) {
            $op = $options['sort'] === self::SORT_ASC ? '<=' : '>=';
            $queryBuilder->where( $this->getFromUntilTargetConds( $db, $options['until'], $op ) );
        if ( isset( $options['startFrom'] ) ) {
            $op = $options['sort'] === self::SORT_ASC ? '>=' : '<=';
            $queryBuilder->where( $this->getFromUntilTargetConds( $db, $options['startFrom'], $op ) );

     * Creates a query condition part for getting only items before or after the given link target
     * (while ordering using $sort mode)
     * @param IReadableDatabase $db
     * @param LinkTarget $target
     * @param string $op comparison operator to use in the conditions
     * @return string
    private function getFromUntilTargetConds( IReadableDatabase $db, LinkTarget $target, $op ) {
        return $db->buildComparison( $op, [
            'wl_namespace' => $target->getNamespace(),
            'wl_title' => $target->getDBkey(),
        ] );

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryDbOptions( array $options ) {
        $dbOptions = [];

        if ( array_key_exists( 'dir', $options ) ) {
            $sort = $options['dir'] === self::DIR_OLDER ? ' DESC' : '';
            $dbOptions['ORDER BY'] = [ 'rc_timestamp' . $sort, 'rc_id' . $sort ];

        if ( array_key_exists( 'limit', $options ) ) {
            $dbOptions['LIMIT'] = (int)$options['limit'] + 1;
        if ( $this->maxQueryExecutionTime ) {
            $dbOptions['MAX_EXECUTION_TIME'] = $this->maxQueryExecutionTime;
        return $dbOptions;

    private function addQueryDbOptionsForWatchedItemsForUser( array $options, SelectQueryBuilder $queryBuilder ) {
        if ( array_key_exists( 'sort', $options ) ) {
            if ( count( $options['namespaceIds'] ) !== 1 ) {
                $queryBuilder->orderBy( 'wl_namespace', $options['sort'] );
            $queryBuilder->orderBy( 'wl_title', $options['sort'] );
        if ( array_key_exists( 'limit', $options ) ) {
            $queryBuilder->limit( (int)$options['limit'] );
        if ( $this->maxQueryExecutionTime ) {
            $queryBuilder->setMaxExecutionTime( $this->maxQueryExecutionTime );

    private function getWatchedItemsWithRCInfoQueryJoinConds( array $options ) {
        $joinConds = [
            'watchlist' => [ 'JOIN',

        if ( $this->expiryEnabled ) {
            $joinConds['watchlist_expiry'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'wl_id = we_item' ];

        if ( !$options['allRevisions'] ) {
            $joinConds['page'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'rc_cur_id=page_id' ];
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_COMMENT, $options['includeFields'] ) ) {
            $joinConds += $this->commentStore->getJoin( 'rc_comment' )['joins'];
        if ( in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER, $options['includeFields'] ) ||
            in_array( self::INCLUDE_USER_ID, $options['includeFields'] ) ||
            in_array( self::FILTER_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ||
            in_array( self::FILTER_NOT_ANON, $options['filters'] ) ||
            array_key_exists( 'onlyByUser', $options ) || array_key_exists( 'notByUser', $options )
        ) {
            $joinConds['watchlist_actor'] = [ 'JOIN', 'actor_id=rc_actor' ];
        return $joinConds;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.43 */
class_alias( WatchedItemQueryService::class, 'WatchedItemQueryService' );