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There are two multi-cluster use cases supported in CirrusSearch:

1) Multiple datacenters with one cluster per datacenter.
* Multiple datacenters act as warm spares which can be switched
  to with a configuration change
* If application servers exist in multiple datacenters they can be configured
  to query the closest search cluster.

2) Multiple clusters per datacenter, with multiple datacenters.
* Performs like 1 above, but with wikis spread across multiple elasticsearch
  clusters per dc. Generally only necessary with a large numbers of wikis
  to keep the shard count per cluster in a reasonable range (<5k).
* All datacenters must be equivalent. If wikis are spread between three clusters
  in dc1 then there must be three matching clusters in dc2. This can be faked
  by configuring multiple clusters to point to the same cluster behind the scenes
  if needed.

== Definitions

A (replica, group) pair is an individual elasticsearch cluster.

A `CirrusSearch cluster` is one or more elasticsearch clusters with matching
replica names that contain all known wikis between them. In other words the set
of (replica, group) pairs with matching replica name contains all indices
necessary for cross project/cross language/external indices search.

Code that works with the connections never needs to know about multiple cluster
groups. They only need to know that there is one elasticsearch cluster to
search against, and one or more elasticsearch clusters to write to. Queries
between clusters utilize elasticsearch cross-cluster-search from the default
search cluster.

== Minimum Required Configuration

The first piece to be configured is the list of available clusters.

* All wikis can be configured with the same list of available clusters.
* Individual elasticsearch cluster definitions are tagged with 'replica' and 'group' keys
* There must not be two definitions with the same 'replica' and 'group' values.
* Any group name that is omittied will be set to 'default'.
* Any replica name that is ommitted will be set to the array key of the definition.
* All clusters must define the same set of groups (to avoid defining assignments per CirrusSearch cluster)

$wgCirrusSearchSearchClusters = [
    'search.dc1' => [ ... ],
    // These replica/group values are implied if omitted
    'search.dc2' => [ 'replica' => 'search.dc2', 'group' => 'default', ... ],
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster = 'search.dc1';
$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = ['search.dc1', 'search.dc2']

Maintenance tasks (update mapping, reindex, etc.) must be performed per
CirrusSearch cluster. CirrusSearch maintenance scripts all take a `--cluster`
option to specify the CirrusSearch cluster to operate on. When not specified
the default search cluster is used. Informational maintenance scripts that
can not change any state may choose to emit for all clusters when `--cluster`
is not provided.

== Cross wiki search with a single group per cluster

This should "just work" with the above configuration.

== Cross wiki search with multiple groups per cluster

Searching across wikis with multiple clusters requires setting up
cross-cluster-search inside all elasticsearch clusters, and configuring
CirrusSearch with assignments for which wikis belong where.

Elasticsearch cross-cluster-search needs to be configured with names matching
the group portion of a (replica, group) pair. For simplicity the set of groups
is assumed to be the same between all CirrusSearch clusters, and thus the
configured cross-cluster-search names should be the same across all clusters.

Remote clusters should be configured with skip_unavailable enabled. In general
CirrusSearch uses cross-cluster-search for secondary information and prefers
that unavailable clusters return no results rather than failing the request.

Example elasticsearch configuration:
PUT _cluster/settings
    "persistent": {
        "search": {
            "remote": {
                "a": {
                    "seeds": ["search-a.dc1:9300"],
                    "skip_unavailable": true
                "b": {
                    "seeds": ["search-b.dc1:9301"],
                    "skip_unavailable": true
                "c": {
                    "seeds": ["search-c.dc1:9302"],
                    "skip_unavailable": true

Each wiki needs to then be assigned to a replica group. This is defined
in one of two ways. It can be a simple string assignment:
$wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup = 'a';

Or it can specify a strategy for choosing a replica group. The roundrobin type
is convenient for the typical case of assigning large numbers of wikis in a
roughly even manner.
$wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup = [
    'type' => 'roundrobin',
    'groups' => ['b', 'c'],

Initially only two types are supported, constant and roundrobin. A string
is interpreted as the constant type.

TODO: crc32 all but guarantees cross-project search goes cross-cluster. Using
the first character ordinal would mostly avoid this, but only has 26 possible values
so will distribute unevenly. The extended roundrobin implementation described below
requires a large space to subdivide and can't work with only 26 possible values.

A fully worked multi-cluster configuration might be:
// Define all available clusters. Note that array keys match
// elasticsearch config above.
$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
    'cluster_a.dc1' => [ 'replica' => 'dc1', 'group' => 'a', ... ],
    'cluster_b.dc1' => [ 'replica' => 'dc1', 'group' => 'b', ... ],
    'cluster_c.dc1' => [ 'replica' => 'dc1', 'group' => 'c', ... ],
    'cluster_a.dc2' => [ 'replica' => 'dc2', 'group' => 'a', ... ],
    'cluster_b.dc2' => [ 'replica' => 'dc2', 'group' => 'b', ... ],
    'cluster_c.dc2' => [ 'replica' => 'dc2', 'group' => 'c', ... ],
// Enable use of elasticsearch cross-cluster-search
$wgCirrusSearchCrossClusterSearch = true;
// Cirrus cluster to send read requests to
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster = 'dc1'
// Cirrus clusters to send write requests to
$wgCirrusSearchWriteCluster = ['dc1', 'dc2']
// Assignment from wikiid to search cluster
$wgCirrusSearchReplicaGroup = [
    'type' => 'roundrobin',
    'groups' => ['b', 'c']

== Special considerations for roundrobin

NOTE: This won't make it into the initial implementation, which will only support up to
2 items in a round robin.

Roundrobin has a pathological upgrade path where changing the number of groups in
the round robin shuffles wikis around the groups randomly. This can be worked around,
but it means behind the scenes roundrobin isn't quite as simple as the crc32 % n clusters implies.

Instead the groups specified by the roundrobin must be expanded such that the output space
of crc32 is divided into many partitions and an equal number of partitions is assigned
to each group.

First some assumptions

These are all equivilant:
    groups => [a, b]
    groups => [a, b, a, b]
    groups => [a, b, a, b, a, b]

When adding a third group we expand the partition list to something
divisible by N and numPartitions(N-1). Thus the configured roundrobin of:

    groups => [a, b, c]

Will first have [a, b] expanded to 6, which is divisible by 2 and 3:

    groups => [a, b, a, b, a, b]

the final partition of a and b is re-assigned to c:

    groups => [a, b, a, b, c, c]

In this way the two partition round robin is interpreted as a having 6 partitions
with 3 assigned to each of a and b, and then one partition from each is assigned
to c. This algorithm can be applied recursively to increase from 2 to 3 or 6 clusters.
Beyond 6 clusters the partition count gets a bit excessive for the naive implementation,
after which these could be pre-calculated into lookup tables?

cluster count | # roundrobin partitions | partitions per cluster
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 1
3 | 6 | 2
4 | 12 | 3
5 | 60 | 12
6 | 60 | 10
7 | 420 | 60
8 | 840 | 105
9 | 2520 | 280
10 | 2520 | 252
11 | 27720 | 2520

== Update Groups ==

Updates of a common purpose are identified by their update group. The
current update groups are:

* page - Set of clusters receiving page updates. These are the primary searchable content.
* archive - Set of clusters receiving archive index updates.
* check_sanity - Set of clusters available for Saneitizer checking
* saneitizer - Set of clusters to fix with Saneitizer
* weighted_tags - Set of clusters receiving php sourced weighted tags.

By default known clusters receive writes from all groups.  $wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters 
can be configured in two different ways to limit writes to select group of clusters.
First is a simplified method that uses the same clusters for all write operations:

$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = ['dc1'];

This simplified form expands into the following form:
$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = [
    'default' => ['dc1'],

In the expanded form we can specify any of the update groups from above
and assign specific clusters to them.
$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = [
    'default' => ['dc1', 'dc2'],
    'archive' => ['dc1'],

Note that this has no effect on most maintenance scripts. Mapping updates,
title suggester updates, and such operate on one cluster at a time and
will generally accept any cluster they are told.


== Single cluster replicas ==

There are use cases where production search may be split across multiple
cluster groups, but you want to replicate all of the wikis into a single
elasticsearch cluster as well. The WMF use case for this is to send writes to a
replica cluster available in wmf cloud. This is achieved by special casing of
CirrusSearch clusters that contain only a single group. We make the assumption
that if only a single group exists then all writes have to be sent there. As
such CirrusSearchClusterAssignments is only referenced for CirrusSearch
clusters with more than 1 group.

NOTE: Issuing multi wiki search queries to a cluster defined this way is
unsupported and probably broken.

In this example the third definition takes the default replica value of
'cloud', and group value of 'default':
$wgCirrusSearchClusters = [
    'cluster_a.dc1' => [ 'replica' => 'dc1', 'group' => 'a', [ 'host' => 'a.dc1' ] ],
    'cluster_b.dc1' => [ 'replica' => 'dc1', 'group' => 'b', [ 'host' => 'b.dc1' ] ],
    'cloud' => [ [ 'host' => 'cloud.dc1' ] ],
$wgCirrusSearchDefaultCluster = 'dc1';
$wgCirrusSearchWriteClusters = ['dc1', 'cloud'];
$wgCirrusSearchClusterAssignments = [
        'type' => 'roundrobin',
        'groups' => ['a', 'b'],