"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"apihelp-cirrus-config-dump-summary": "Dump of CirrusSearch configuration.",
"apihelp-cirrus-config-dump-param-prop": "Type of configuration variables to dump",
"apihelp-cirrus-config-dump-example": "Get a dump of CirrusSearch configuration.",
"apihelp-cirrus-mapping-dump-summary": "Dump of CirrusSearch mapping for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-mapping-dump-example": "Get a dump of the CirrusSearch mapping for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-settings-dump-summary": "Dump of CirrusSearch settings for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-settings-dump-example": "Get a dump of CirrusSearch settings for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-profiles-dump-summary": "Dump of CirrusSearch profiles for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-profiles-dump-example": "Get a dump of CirrusSearch profiles for this wiki.",
"apihelp-cirrus-profiles-dump-param-verbose": "Dump the profiles content",
"apihelp-query+cirrusdoc-summary": "Dump of a CirrusSearch article document from the search servers",
"apihelp-query+cirrusdoc-example": "Get a dump of a single CirrusSearch article as currently indexed into search.",
"apihelp-query+cirrusdoc-example-2": "Get a dump of CirrusSearch settings for this wiki with just the Categories that have been selected using the 'includes' parameter",
"apihelp-query+cirrusdoc-param-includes": "Define which fields should be returned by the search.",
"apihelp-query+cirrusbuilddoc-summary": "Dump of a CirrusSearch article document from the database servers",
"apihelp-query+cirrusbuilddoc-example": "Get a dump of a single CirrusSearch article generated from the database.",
"apihelp-query+cirrusbuilddoc-param-builders": "Type of data to extract",
"apihelp-query+cirrusbuilddoc-param-limiterprofile": "Profile to use when limiting the size of the document",
"apierror-cirrus-requesttoolong": "Prefix search request was longer than the maximum allowed length. ($1 > $2)",
"apihelp-query+compsuggestbuilddoc-param-method": "The scoring method to use",
"apierror-compsuggestbuilddoc-bad-method": "Unknown scoring method",
"apihelp-query+cirruscompsuggestbuilddoc-summary": "Dump of the document used by the completion suggester",
"apihelp-query+cirruscompsuggestbuilddoc-example": "Get a dump of the document used by the completion suggester",
"apihelp-query+cirruscompsuggestbuilddoc-param-method": "Provide a score method name to be used by the completion suggester",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-summary": "Reports on the correctness of a range of page ids in the search index",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-example": "Get a report on the correctness of a range of page ids in the search index",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-param-cluster": "The search cluster to check indices in",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-param-from": "Page id to start checking at",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-param-limit": "The number of page ids to check",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-param-sequenceid": "The number of times this set of page ids has been checked",
"apihelp-cirrus-check-sanity-param-rerenderfrequency": "Number of checks after which a page should be rerendered. Based off the provided sequenceid.",
"apiwarn-cirrus-ignore-revisions": "More than one revision was provided for a page. Only the most recent revision will be returned."