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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": []
    "cirrussearch-desc": "Elasticsearch-powered search for MediaWiki",
    "cirrussearch-backend-error": "We could not complete your search due to a temporary problem. Please try again later.",
    "cirrussearch-parse-error": "Query was not understood. Please make it simpler. The query was logged to improve the search system.",
    "cirrussearch-too-busy-error": "Search is currently too busy. Please try again later.",
    "cirrussearch-regex-empty-expression": "$1 expects a non-empty regular expression.",
    "cirrussearch-regex-syntax-error": "Regular expression syntax error at $2: $1",
    "cirrussearch-regex-too-busy-error": "Too many regular expression searches currently running. Please try again later.",
    "cirrussearch-regex-too-complex-error": "Regular expression is too complex. Learn more about simplifying it [ here].",
    "cirrussearch-now-using": "This wiki is using a new search engine. ([ Learn more])",
    "cirrussearch-boost-templates": " #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre>\n# If a page contains one of these templates then its search score is multiplied by the configured percentage.\n# Changes to this take effect immediately.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * Every non-blank line is the exact template name to boost, namespace, case and everything, followed by a \"|\" character followed by a number followed by a \"%\" character.\n# Examples of good lines:\n# Template:Good|150%\n# Template:Very Very Good|300%\n# Template:Bad|50%\n# Examples of non-working lines:\n# Template:Foo|150.234234% # no decimal points allowed!\n# Foo|150% # technically works, but for transclusions of the Foo page from the main namespace\n# You can test configuration changes by performing a query prefixed with boost-templates:\"XX\" where XX is all of the templates you want to boost separated by spaces instead of line breaks.\n# Queries that specify boost-templates:\"XX\" ignore the contents of this field.\n #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->",
    "cirrussearch-pref-label": "New search",
    "cirrussearch-pref-desc": "Try our new search which supports a greater number of languages, provides more up-to-date results, and can even find text inside of templates.",
    "cirrussearch-give-feedback": "Give us your feedback",
    "cirrussearch-morelikethis-settings": " #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre>\n# This message lets you configure the settings of the \"more like this\" feature.\n# Changes to this take effect immediately.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * Every non-blank line is the setting name followed by a \":\" character followed by the setting value\n# The settings are:\n#   * min_doc_freq (integer): Minimum number of documents (per shard) that need a term for it to be considered.\n#   * max_doc_freq (integer): Maximum number of documents (per shard) that have a term for it to be considered.\n#                   High frequency terms are generally \"stop words\".\n#   * max_query_terms (integer): Maximum number of terms to be considered. This value is limited to $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisMaxQueryTermsLimit (100).\n#   * min_term_freq (integer): Minimum number of times the term appears in the input to doc to be considered. For small fields (title) this value should be 1.\n#   * minimum_should_match (percentage -100% to 100%, or integer number of terms): The percentage of terms to match on. Defaults to 30%.\n#   * min_word_len (integer): Minimal length of a term to be considered. Defaults to 0.\n#   * max_word_len (integer): The maximum word length above which words will be ignored. Defaults to unbounded (0).\n#   * fields (comma-separated list of values): These are the fields to use. Allowed fields are title, text, auxiliary_text, opening_text, headings.\n# Examples of good lines:\n# min_doc_freq:2\n# max_doc_freq:20000\n# max_query_terms:25\n# min_term_freq:2\n# minimum_should_match:30%\n# min_word_len:2\n# max_word_len:40\n# fields:text,opening_text\n# </pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->",
    "cirrussearch-didyoumean-settings": "  #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre>\n# This message lets you configure the settings of the \"Did you mean\" suggestions.\n# See also\n# Changes to this take effect immediately.\n# The syntax is as follows:\n#   * Everything from a \"#\" character to the end of the line is a comment.\n#   * Every non-blank line is the setting name followed by a \":\" character followed by the setting value\n# The settings are :\n#   * max_errors (integer): the maximum number of terms that will be considered misspelled in order to be corrected. 1 or 2.\n#   * confidence (float): The confidence level defines a factor applied to the input phrase's score, which is used as a threshold for other suggestion candidates. Only candidates that score higher than the threshold will be included in the result. For instance, a confidence level of 1.0 will only return suggestions that score higher than the input phrase. If set to 0.0, the best candidate will be returned.\n#   * min_doc_freq (float 0 to 1): The minimal threshold in number of documents a suggestion should appear in.\n#                   High frequency terms are generally \"stop words\".\n#   * max_term_freq (float 0 to 1): The maximum threshold in number of documents in which a term can exist in order to be included.\n#   * prefix_length (integer): The minimal number of prefix characters that must match a term in order to be a suggestion.\n#   * suggest_mode (missing, popular, always): The suggest mode controls the way suggestions are included.\n# Examples of good lines:\n# max_errors:2\n# confidence:2.0\n# max_term_freq:0.5\n# min_doc_freq:0.01\n# prefix_length:2\n# suggest_mode:always\n#\n# </pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->",
    "cirrussearch-query-too-long": "Search request is longer than the maximum allowed length. (Actual: $1; allowed: $2)",
    "cirrussearch-query-too-long-with-exemptions": "Search request is longer than the maximum allowed length. (Actual: $1, allowed: $2, not counting $3)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict": "Strict profile with few punctuation characters removed but diacritics and stress marks are kept.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic": "Classic prefix, few punctuation characters and some diacritics removed.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal": "Few punctuation characters, some diacritics and stopwords removed.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-subphrases": "Few punctuation characters, some diacritics and stopwords removed. It will match also subphrases (can be subphrases or subpages depending on internal wiki configuration).",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy": "Similar to normal with typo correction (two typos supported).",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fast-fuzzy": "Experimental fuzzy profile (may be removed at any time)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases": "Similar to normal with typo correction (two typos supported). It will match also subphrases (can be subphrases or subpages depending on internal wiki configuration).",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic": "Ranking based on the number of incoming links, some templates, page language and recency (templates/language/recency may not be activated on this wiki).",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic-noboostlinks": "Ranking based on some templates, page language and recency when activated on this wiki.",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-empty": "Ranking based solely on query dependent features (for debug only).",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks-pv": "Weighted sum based on incoming links and weekly pageviews",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks": "Weighted sum based on incoming links",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-pv": "Ranking based primarily on page views",
    "cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-inclinks": "Ranking based primarily on incoming link counts",
    "prefs-completion": "Search completion",
    "cirrussearch-pref-completion-section-desc": "Completion suggester",
    "cirrussearch-pref-completion-profile-help": "Set the behavior for autocomplete (search-as-you-type) suggestions.\n\nThe [ completion suggester] is an algorithm for search suggestions with better typo correction and search relevance. Prefix search is the legacy search-as-you-type suggestion algorithm.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-name": "Default (recommended)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-pref-desc": "Corrects up to two typos. Removes redirects that are very similar to the main title.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases-pref-name": "Subphrase matching (recommended for longer page titles)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-fuzzy-subphrases-pref-desc": "Corrects up to two typos. Resolves close redirects. Matches subphrase in titles.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-name": "Strict mode (advanced)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-strict-pref-desc": "No typo correction. No accent folding. Strict matching.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-pref-name": "Redirect mode (advanced)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-pref-desc": "No typo correction. Resolves close redirects.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-subphrases-pref-name": "Redirect mode with subphrase matching (advanced)",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-normal-subphrases-pref-desc": "No typo correction. Resolves close redirects. Matches subphrase in titles.",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-name": "Classic prefix search",
    "cirrussearch-completion-profile-classic-pref-desc": "No typo correction. Matches the beginning of titles.",
    "cirrussearch-timed-out": "The search timed out, so only partial results are available.",
    "cirrussearch-regex-timed-out": "The regex search timed out, so only partial results are available. Try simplifying your regular expression to get complete results.",
    "cirrussearch-file-numeric-feature-not-a-number": "The search term '$1' requires numeric values, but '$2' was provided.",
    "cirrusesarch-file-numeric-feature-multi-argument-w-sign": "The search term '$1' doesn't allow providing multiple arguments and a sign with '$2'.",
    "cirrussearch-feature-not-available": "The search keyword '$1' is not enabled on this wiki.",
    "cirrussearch-feature-too-many-conditions": "Too many conditions provided to '$1', truncating to $2.",
    "cirrussearch-feature-deepcat-endpoint": "$wgCirrusSearchCategoryEndpoint should be set to a valid SPARQL endpoint to use deep category search.",
    "cirrussearch-feature-deepcat-exception": "Deep category search SPARQL query failed",
    "cirrussearch-feature-deepcat-timeout": "Deep category search timed out. Most likely the category has too many subcategories",
    "cirrussearch-feature-deepcat-toomany": "Deep category query returned too many categories",
    "cirrussearch-feature-deepcat-invalid-title": "The provided category is invalid.",
    "cirrussearch-feature-pageid-invalid-id": "Invalid page {{PLURAL:$2|ID|IDs}}: $1",
    "cirrussearch-incategory-feature-no-valid-categories": "No valid categories provided to '$1'.",
    "cirrussearch-mlt-feature-no-valid-titles": "No valid titles provided to '$1'.",
    "cirrussearch-mlt-not-configured": "The '$1' feature is misconfigured. Ask an admin to fix $wgCirrusSearchMoreLikeThisFields",
    "cirrussearch-explore-similar-related-none": "No related pages available",
    "cirrussearch-article-words": "Words in all content pages",
    "cirrussearch-keyword-prefix-ns-mismatch": "The namespace found in the search term <code>prefix:</code> is not compatible with the namespaces requested. You can fix it by prefixing your query with <code>all:</code>.",
    "cirrussearch-autoselect-profile": "Let the search engine decide on the best profile to use.",
    "cirrussearch-offset-too-large": "Could not retrieve results. Up to $1 search results are supported, but results starting at $2 were requested.",
    "cirrussearch-offset-not-allowed-with-random-sort": "Ignoring request to paginate randomly sorted results.",
    "cirrussearch-articletopic-invalid-topic": "Unrecognized topic {{PLURAL:$2|name|names}} for the <kbd>articletopic:</kbd> keyword: $1",
    "cirrussearch-inlanguage-deprecate-comma": "Using a comma as a separator for the inlanguage keyword is deprecated. Please use | (pipe) to separate languages."