namespace CirrusSearch\Query;
use CirrusSearch\CrossSearchStrategy;
use CirrusSearch\Parser\AST\KeywordFeatureNode;
use CirrusSearch\Search\SearchContext;
use CirrusSearch\SearchConfig;
use CirrusSearch\WarningCollector;
* Definition of a search keyword.
* This interface is being actively refactored, the initial behavior is to do all the
* work in the function apply( SearchContext $context, $term ).
* The aim is to clearly separate the parsing logic from the query building logic.
* - AST generation and parsing: must be idempotent and depend as little as possible on
* configuration variables. Output of the parsing will be KeywordFeatureNode.
* - CrossSearchStrategy evaluation
* - Expansion: for keyword needing to fetch external resources.
* - Query building
* The parsing behavior can be defined using the following methods:
* - getKeywordPrefixes()
* - allowEmptyValue()
* - hasValue()
* - greedy()
* - queryHeader()
* - getValueDelimiters()
* - parseValue()
* The keyword can define its CrossSearchStrategy to decide whether or not a query
* using this keyword can be applied to external wikis indices.
* For keywords that need to fetch data from external resource the method
* expand( KeywordFeatureNode $node, SearchConfig $config, WarningCollector $warningCollector )
* can be used. Its return value will be made in a context available during query building.
* A keyword must not directly implement this interface but extends SimpleKeywordFeature.
* NOTE: since this interface is being refactored it's highly recommended to use and implement
* the dedicated method in the old all-in-one apply strategy (This "apply" strategy will be removed).
* @see SimpleKeywordFeature
* @see CrossSearchStrategy
* @see KeywordFeatureNode
interface KeywordFeature {
* List of keyword strings this implementation consumes
* @return string[]
public function getKeywordPrefixes();
* Whether this keyword allows empty value.
* @return bool true to allow the keyword to appear in an empty form
public function allowEmptyValue();
* Whether this keyword can have a value
* @return bool
public function hasValue();
* Whether this keyword is greedy consuming the rest of the string.
* NOTE: do not use, greedy keywords will eventually be removed in the future
* @return bool
public function greedy();
* Whether this keyword can appear only at the beginning of the query
* (excluding spaces)
* @return bool
public function queryHeader();
* Determine the name of the feature being set in SearchContext::addSyntaxUsed
* Defaults to $key
* @param string $key
* @param string $valueDelimiter the delimiter used to wrap the value
* @return string
* '"' when parsing keyword:"test"
* '' when parsing keyword:test
public function getFeatureName( $key, $valueDelimiter );
* List of value delimiters supported (must be an array of single byte char)
* @return string[][] list of delimiters options
public function getValueDelimiters();
* Parse the value of the keyword.
* NOTE: this function called prior to creating the node in the AST.
* It is not allowed to call external resources here (db, elastic, others).
* The data known by this method should only be the value contained in the user query string
* and maybe few config vars for sanity check purposes.
* @param string $key The keyword
* @param string $value The value attached to the keyword with quotes stripped and escaped
* quotes un-escaped.
* @param string $quotedValue The original value in the search string, including quotes if used
* @param string $valueDelimiter the delimiter char used to wrap the keyword value ('"' in intitle:"test")
* @param string $suffix the optional suffix used after the value ('i' in insource:/regex/i)
* @param WarningCollector $warningCollector
* @return array|null|false an array kept containing the information parsed,
* null when nothing is to be kept
* false when the value is refused (only allowed for keywords that allows empty value)
* @see self::allowEmptyValue
public function parseValue( $key, $value, $quotedValue, $valueDelimiter, $suffix, WarningCollector $warningCollector );
* Get support strategy for cross searching
* @param KeywordFeatureNode $node
* @return CrossSearchStrategy
public function getCrossSearchStrategy( KeywordFeatureNode $node );
* Expand the keyword potentially accessing external resources.
* Keywords that need to access the DB or any other external resources
* should implement this method.
* NOTE: this method will be called on every external wikis the search
* request will be made to.
* @param KeywordFeatureNode $node
* @param SearchConfig $config
* @param WarningCollector $warningCollector
* @return array a state containing the data the keyword fetched from an external resource
* The format of this array is only known by the keyword implementation and is stored in
* the query building context.
public function expand( KeywordFeatureNode $node, SearchConfig $config, WarningCollector $warningCollector );
* Checks $term for usage of the feature, and applies necessary filters,
* rescores, etc. to the provided $context. The returned $term will be
* passed on to other keyword features, and eventually to an elasticsearch
* QueryString query.
* @param SearchContext $context
* @param string $term The input search query
* @return string The remaining search query after processing
public function apply( SearchContext $context, $term );