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use PayWithAmazon\PaymentsClientInterface as PwaClientInterface;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use SmashPig\Core\Context;
use SmashPig\Core\PaymentError;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\ErrorCode;
use SmashPig\PaymentData\FinalStatus;

 * Wikimedia Foundation
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * Uses Login and Pay with Amazon widgets and a fork of the associated
 * SDK to charge donors.
 * See
 * and
class AmazonAdapter extends GatewayAdapter {

    const GATEWAY_NAME = 'Amazon';
    const IDENTIFIER = 'amazon';
    const GLOBAL_PREFIX = 'wgAmazonGateway';

     * @var PwaClientInterface
    protected $client;

     * FIXME: return_value_map should handle non-numeric return values
     * @var string[]
    protected $capture_status_map = [
        'Completed' => FinalStatus::COMPLETE,
        'Pending' => FinalStatus::PENDING,
        'Declined' => FinalStatus::FAILED,

     * When an authorization or capture is declined, some reason codes indicate
     * a situation where the donor can retry later or try a different card
     * @var string[]
    protected $retry_reasons = [

    protected $pending_reasons = [

    public function __construct( $options = [] ) {
        parent::__construct( $options );

        if ( $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'payment_method' ) == null ) {
                [ 'payment_method' => 'amazon' ]
        // Provide our logger instance to the SmashPig payments-client parameters.
        // Dang, this is still really ugly.
            [ 'payments-client' =>
                [ 'constructor-parameters' =>
                    [ 0 => [ 'logger' => $this->logger ] ]

    protected function defineAccountInfo() {
        // We use account_config instead
        $this->accountInfo = [];

    protected function defineOrderIDMeta() {
        $this->order_id_meta = [
            'generate' => true,
            'ct_id' => true,

    protected function defineErrorMap() {

        $differentCard = function () {
            $otherWays = $this->localizeGlobal( 'OtherWaysURL' );
            return WmfFramework::formatMessage(
                $this->getGlobal( 'ProblemsEmail' )
        // Donor needs to select a different card.
        $this->error_map['InvalidPaymentMethod'] = $differentCard;

    protected function defineTransactions() {
        $this->transactions = [];

     * Note that the Amazon adapter is somewhat unique in that it uses a third
     * party SDK to make all processor API calls.  Since we're never calling
     * do_transaction and friends, we synthesize a PaymentTransactionResponse
     * to hold any errors returned from the SDK.
     * @return PaymentResult
    public function doPayment() {
        $this->client = $this->getPwaClient();

        $this->transaction_response = new PaymentTransactionResponse();

        try {
            if ( $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped( 'recurring' ) === '1' ) {
                $this->authorizeAndCapturePayment( true );
            } else {
                $this->authorizeAndCapturePayment( false );
        } catch ( ResponseProcessingException $ex ) {
            $this->handleErrors( $ex, $this->transaction_response );


        return PaymentResult::fromResults(

     * Gets a Pay with Amazon client or facsimile thereof
     * @return PwaClientInterface
    protected function getPwaClient() {
        return Context::get()->getProviderConfiguration()->object( 'payments-client' );

     * Wraps calls to Amazon SDK client with timing and error handling.
     * Yes, dynamic calls are slower, but these are all web service calls in
     * the first place.
     * @param string $functionName
     * @param array $parameters
     * @throws ResponseProcessingException on call failure or error code
     * @return array Results of the SDK client call
    protected function callPwaClient( $functionName, $parameters ) {
        $callMe = [ $this->client, $functionName ];
        try {
            $this->profiler->getStopwatch( $functionName, true );
            $result = call_user_func( $callMe, $parameters )->toArray();
                'Response: ' . print_r( $result, true )
        } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
            $this->logger->error( 'SDK client call failed: ' . $ex->getMessage() );
            $email = $this->getGlobal( 'ProblemsEmail' );
            $donorMessage = WmfFramework::formatMessage( 'donate_interface-processing-error', $email );
            $this->transaction_response->setCommunicationStatus( false );
            throw new ResponseProcessingException( $donorMessage, ErrorCode::NO_RESPONSE );
        $this->transaction_response->setCommunicationStatus( true );
        $this->checkErrors( $result );
        return $result;

    protected function addDonorDetails( $donorDetails ) {
        $this->addRequestData( [
            'email' => $donorDetails['Email'],
            'full_name' => $donorDetails['Name'],
        ] );
        // Stash their info in pending queue and logs to fill in data for
        // audit and IPN messages
        $details = $this->getQueueDonationMessage();
        $this->logger->info( 'Got info for Amazon donation: ' . json_encode( $details ) );

     * Once the order reference or billing agreement is finalized, we can
     * authorize a payment against it and capture the funds.  We combine both
     * steps in a single authorize call.  If the authorization is successful,
     * we can check on the capture status.  TODO: determine if capture status
     * check is really needed.  According to our tech contact, Amazon guarantees
     * that the capture will eventually succeed if the authorization succeeds.
     * @param bool $recurring whether the payment is recurring
     * @throws ResponseProcessingException
    protected function authorizeAndCapturePayment( $recurring = false ) {
        if ( $recurring ) {
            $authDetails = $this->authorizeOnBillingAgreement();
        } else {
            $authDetails = $this->authorizeOnOrderReference();

        if ( $authDetails['AuthorizationStatus']['State'] === 'Declined' ) {
            throw new ResponseProcessingException(
                WmfFramework::formatMessage( 'php-response-declined' ), // php- ??

        // Our authorize call created both an authorization and a capture object
        // The authorization's ID is in $authDetail['AmazonAuthorizationId']
        // IdList has identifiers for related objects, in this case the capture
        $captureId = $authDetails['IdList']['member'];
        // Use capture ID as gateway_txn_id, since we need that for refunds
        $this->addResponseData( [ 'gateway_txn_id' => $captureId ] );

        $this->logger->info( "Getting details of capture $captureId" );
        $captureResponse = $this->callPwaClient( 'getCaptureDetails', [
            'amazon_capture_id' => $captureId,
        ] );

        $captureDetails = $captureResponse['GetCaptureDetailsResult']['CaptureDetails'];
        $captureState = $captureDetails['CaptureStatus']['State'];
        $this->transaction_response->setTxnMessage( $captureState );

        $this->finalizeInternalStatus( $this->capture_status_map[$captureState] );

     * Amazon's widget has made calls to create an order reference object and
     * has provided us the ID.  We make one API call to set amount, currency,
     * and our note and local reference ID.  A second call confirms that the
     * details are valid and moves it out of draft state.  Once it is out of
     * draft state, we can retrieve the donor's name and email address with a
     * third API call.
    protected function confirmOrderReference() {
        $orderReferenceId = $this->getData_Staged( 'order_reference_id' );

        $this->setOrderReferenceDetailsIfUnset( $orderReferenceId );

        $this->logger->info( "Confirming order $orderReferenceId" );
        $this->callPwaClient( 'confirmOrderReference', [
            'amazon_order_reference_id' => $orderReferenceId,
        ] );

        // TODO: either check the status, or skip this call when we already have
        // donor details
        $this->logger->info( "Getting details of order $orderReferenceId" );
        $getDetailsResult = $this->callPwaClient( 'getOrderReferenceDetails', [
            'amazon_order_reference_id' => $orderReferenceId,
        ] );


     * Set the order reference details if they haven't been set yet.  Track
     * which ones have been set in session.
     * @param string $orderReferenceId
    protected function setOrderReferenceDetailsIfUnset( $orderReferenceId ) {
        if ( $this->session_getData( 'order_refs', $orderReferenceId ) ) {
        $this->logger->info( "Setting details for order $orderReferenceId" );
        $this->callPwaClient( 'setOrderReferenceDetails', [
            'amazon_order_reference_id' => $orderReferenceId,
            'amount' => $this->getData_Staged( 'amount' ),
            'currency_code' => $this->getData_Staged( 'currency' ),
            'seller_note' => WmfFramework::formatMessage( 'donate_interface-donation-description' ),
            'seller_order_id' => $this->getData_Staged( 'order_id' ),
        ] );
        $orderRefs = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( 'order_refs' );
        $orderRefs[$orderReferenceId] = true;
        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'order_refs', $orderRefs );

    protected function authorizeOnOrderReference() {
        $orderReferenceId = $this->getData_Staged( 'order_reference_id' );

        $this->logger->info( "Authorizing and capturing payment on order $orderReferenceId" );
        $authResponse = $this->callPwaClient( 'authorize', [
            'amazon_order_reference_id' => $orderReferenceId,
            'authorization_amount' => $this->getData_Staged( 'amount' ),
            'currency_code' => $this->getData_Staged( 'currency' ),
            'capture_now' => true, // combine authorize and capture steps
            'authorization_reference_id' => $this->getData_Staged( 'order_id' ),
            'transaction_timeout' => 0, // authorize synchronously
            // Could set 'SoftDescriptor' to control what appears on CC statement (16 char max, prepended with AMZ*)
            // Use the seller_authorization_note to simulate an error in the sandbox
            // See
            // 'seller_authorization_note' => '{"SandboxSimulation": {"State":"Declined", "ReasonCode":"TransactionTimedOut"}}',
            // 'seller_authorization_note' => '{"SandboxSimulation": {"State":"Declined", "ReasonCode":"InvalidPaymentMethod"}}',
        ] );
        return $authResponse['AuthorizeResult']['AuthorizationDetails'];

    protected function confirmBillingAgreement() {
        $billingAgreementId = $this->getData_Staged( 'subscr_id' );
        $this->setBillingAgreementDetailsIfUnset( $billingAgreementId );

        $this->logger->info( "Confirming billing agreement $billingAgreementId" );
        $this->callPwaClient( 'confirmBillingAgreement', [
            'amazon_billing_agreement_id' => $billingAgreementId,
        ] );

        $this->logger->info( "Getting details of billing agreement $billingAgreementId" );
        $getDetailsResult = $this->callPwaClient( 'getBillingAgreementDetails', [
            'amazon_billing_agreement_id' => $billingAgreementId,
        ] );


    protected function setBillingAgreementDetailsIfUnset( $billingAgreementId ) {
        if ( $this->session_getData( 'billing_agreements', $billingAgreementId ) ) {
        $this->logger->info( "Setting details for billing agreement $billingAgreementId" );
        $this->callPwaClient( 'setBillingAgreementDetails', [
            'amazon_billing_agreement_id' => $billingAgreementId,
            'seller_note' => WmfFramework::formatMessage( 'donate_interface-monthly-donation-description' ),
            'seller_billing_agreement_id' => $this->getData_Staged( 'order_id' ),
        ] );
        $billingAgreements = WmfFramework::getSessionValue( 'billing_agreements' );
        $billingAgreements[$billingAgreementId] = true;
        WmfFramework::setSessionValue( 'billing_agreements', $billingAgreements );

    protected function authorizeOnBillingAgreement() {
        $billingAgreementId = $this->getData_Staged( 'subscr_id' );

        $this->logger->info( "Authorizing and capturing payment on billing agreement $billingAgreementId" );
        $authResponse = $this->callPwaClient( 'authorizeOnBillingAgreement', [
            'amazon_billing_agreement_id' => $billingAgreementId,
            'authorization_amount' => $this->getData_Staged( 'amount' ),
            'currency_code' => $this->getData_Staged( 'currency' ),
            'capture_now' => true, // combine authorize and capture steps
            'authorization_reference_id' => $this->getData_Staged( 'order_id' ),
            'seller_order_id' => $this->getData_Staged( 'order_id' ),
            'seller_note' => WmfFramework::formatMessage( 'donate_interface-monthly-donation-description' ),
            'transaction_timeout' => 0, // authorize synchronously
            // 'seller_authorization_note' => '{"SandboxSimulation": {"State":"Declined", "ReasonCode":"InvalidPaymentMethod"}}',
        ] );
        return $authResponse['AuthorizeOnBillingAgreementResult']['AuthorizationDetails'];

     * Replace decimal point with a dash to comply with Amazon's restrictions on
     * seller reference ID format.
     * @inheritDoc
    public function generateOrderID( $dataObj = null ) {
        $dotted = parent::generateOrderID( $dataObj );
        return str_replace( '.', '-', $dotted );

     * @throws ResponseProcessingException if response contains an error
     * @param array $response
    protected static function checkErrors( $response ) {
        if ( !empty( $response['Error'] ) ) {
            throw new ResponseProcessingException(

     * Override default behavior
     * @return array
    public function getAvailableSubmethods() {
        return [];

     * FIXME: this synthesized 'TransactionResponse' is increasingly silly
     * @param ResponseProcessingException $exception
     * @param PaymentTransactionResponse $resultData
    public function handleErrors( $exception, $resultData ) {
        $errorCode = $exception->getErrorCode();
        if ( in_array( $errorCode, $this->pending_reasons ) ) {
            // These reason codes mean the donation is in limbo. We can't
            // do anything more about it right now, but donor services might
            // push it through manually later.
                "Setting final status to pending on decline reason $errorCode"
            $this->finalizeInternalStatus( FinalStatus::PENDING );
        $resultData->addError( new PaymentError(
        ) );
        if ( !in_array( $errorCode, $this->retry_reasons ) ) {
            // Fail on anything we don't recognize as retry-able.  For example:
            // These two may show up if we start doing asynchronous authorization
            // 'AmazonClosed',
            // 'AmazonRejected',
            // For synchronous authorization, timeouts usually indicate that the
            // donor's account is under scrutiny, so letting them choose a different
            // card would likely just time out again
            // 'TransactionTimedOut',
            // These seem potentially fraudy - let's pay attention to them
            $this->logger->error( 'Heinous status returned from Amazon: ' . $errorCode );
            $this->finalizeInternalStatus( FinalStatus::FAILED );
