mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck = function MWTextMatchEditCheck( /* config */ ) {
// Parent constructor
mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck.super.apply( this, arguments );
OO.inheritClass( mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck, mw.editcheck.BaseEditCheck );
mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck.static.name = 'textMatch';
mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck.static.replacers = [
// TODO: Load text replacement rules from community config
query: 'unfortunately',
message: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet( 'Use of adverbs such as "unfortunately" should usually be avoided so as to maintain an impartial tone. <a href="#">Read more</a>.' )
mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck.prototype.onDocumentChange = function ( surfaceModel ) {
const actions = [];
this.constructor.static.replacers.forEach( ( replacer ) => {
surfaceModel.getDocument().findText( replacer.query ).forEach( ( range ) => {
const fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( new ve.dm.LinearSelection( range ) );
new mw.editcheck.EditCheckAction( {
highlight: fragment,
selection: fragment,
message: replacer.message,
check: this
} )
} );
} );
return actions;
mw.editcheck.editCheckFactory.register( mw.editcheck.TextMatchEditCheck );