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Test Coverage
 * VisualEditor extension hooks
 * @file
 * @ingroup Extensions
 * @copyright 2011-2020 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
 * @license MIT

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\VisualEditor;

use Article;
use Config;
use DeferredUpdates;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use Html;
use HTMLForm;
use IContextSource;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Actions\ActionEntryPoint;
use MediaWiki\Auth\Hook\UserLoggedInHook;
use MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ChangeTagsListActiveHook;
use MediaWiki\ChangeTags\Hook\ListDefinedTagsHook;
use MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\DifferenceEngineViewHeaderHook;
use MediaWiki\Diff\Hook\TextSlotDiffRendererTablePrefixHook;
use MediaWiki\EditPage\EditPage;
use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforeInitializeHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\CustomEditorHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\EditPage__showEditForm_fieldsHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\MakeGlobalVariablesScriptHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\OutputPageBodyAttributesHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserTestGlobalsHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\RecentChange_saveHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinEditSectionLinksHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\SkinTemplateNavigation__UniversalHook;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\GetPreferencesHook;
use MediaWiki\Preferences\Hook\PreferencesFormPreSaveHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Hook\ResourceLoaderGetConfigVarsHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\Hook\ResourceLoaderRegisterModulesHook;
use MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\ResourceLoader;
use MediaWiki\SpecialPage\Hook\RedirectSpecialArticleRedirectParamsHook;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget;
use OOUI\ButtonWidget;
use OutputPage;
use RecentChange;
use RequestContext;
use Skin;
use SkinTemplate;
use SpecialPage;
use TextSlotDiffRenderer;
use User;
use WebRequest;

 * @phpcs:disable MediaWiki.NamingConventions.LowerCamelFunctionsName.FunctionName
class Hooks implements

    // Known parameters that VE does not handle
    // TODO: Other params too?
    // Known-good parameters: edit, veaction, section, oldid, lintid, preload, preloadparams, editintro
    // Partially-good: preloadtitle (source-mode only)
    private const UNSUPPORTED_EDIT_PARAMS = [
        // Only for WTE. This parameter is not supported right now, and NWE has a very different design
        // for previews, so we might not want to support this at all.

    private const TAGS = [
        // Edit check
        // No longer in active use:

     * Initialise the 'VisualEditorAvailableNamespaces' setting, and add content
     * namespaces to it. This will run after LocalSettings.php is processed.
     * Also ensure Parsoid extension is loaded when necessary.
    public static function onRegistration() {
        global $wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces, $wgContentNamespaces;

        foreach ( $wgContentNamespaces as $contentNamespace ) {
            if ( !isset( $wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces[$contentNamespace] ) ) {
                $wgVisualEditorAvailableNamespaces[$contentNamespace] = true;

     * Adds VisualEditor JS to the output.
     * This is attached to the MediaWiki 'BeforePageDisplay' hook.
     * @param OutputPage $output The page view.
     * @param Skin $skin The skin that's going to build the UI.
    public function onBeforePageDisplay( $output, $skin ): void {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $hookRunner = new VisualEditorHookRunner( $services->getHookContainer() );
        if ( !$hookRunner->onVisualEditorBeforeEditor( $output, $skin ) ) {
            $output->addJsConfigVars( 'wgVisualEditorDisabledByHook', true );
        if ( !(
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) &&
            $services->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' )
        ) ) {
            $output->addModules( [
            ] );
            $output->addModuleStyles( [ 'ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript' ] );
        if (
            $services->getUserOptionsLookup()->getOption( $skin->getUser(), 'visualeditor-collab' ) ||
            // Joining a collab session
            $output->getRequest()->getVal( 'collabSession' )
        ) {
            $output->addModules( 'ext.visualEditor.collab' );

        // add scroll offset js variable to output
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $skinsToolbarScrollOffset = $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorSkinToolbarScrollOffset' );
        $toolbarScrollOffset = 0;
        $skinName = $skin->getSkinName();
        if ( isset( $skinsToolbarScrollOffset[$skinName] ) ) {
            $toolbarScrollOffset = $skinsToolbarScrollOffset[$skinName];
        // T220158: Don't add this unless it's non-default
        // TODO: Move this to packageFiles as it's not relevant to the HTML request.
        if ( $toolbarScrollOffset !== 0 ) {
            $output->addJsConfigVars( 'wgVisualEditorToolbarScrollOffset', $toolbarScrollOffset );

            $veConfig->get( 'EditSubmitButtonLabelPublish' )

        // Don't index VE edit pages (T319124)
        if ( $output->getRequest()->getVal( 'veaction' ) ) {
            $output->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );

     * @internal For internal use in extension.json only.
     * @return array
    public static function getDataForDesktopArticleTargetInitModule() {
        return [
            'unsupportedEditParams' => self::UNSUPPORTED_EDIT_PARAMS,

     * Load modules required for a diff page
     * @param OutputPage $output Output page
    private function loadDiffModules( OutputPage $output ) {
        $output->addModuleStyles( [
        ] );
        $output->addModules( 'ext.visualEditor.diffPage.init' );

    /** @inheritDoc */
    public function onDifferenceEngineViewHeader( $differenceEngine ) {
        // T344596: Must load this module unconditionally. The TextSlotDiffRendererTablePrefix hook
        // below doesn't run when the diff is e.g. a log entry with no change to the content.
        $this->loadDiffModules( $differenceEngine->getContext()->getOutput() );

     * Handler for the DifferenceEngineViewHeader hook, to add visual diffs code as configured
     * @param TextSlotDiffRenderer $textSlotDiffRenderer
     * @param IContextSource $context
     * @param string[] &$parts
     * @return void
    public function onTextSlotDiffRendererTablePrefix(
        TextSlotDiffRenderer $textSlotDiffRenderer,
        IContextSource $context,
        array &$parts
    ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()
            ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $output = $context->getOutput();

        // Return early if not viewing a diff of an allowed type.
        if ( !ApiVisualEditor::isAllowedContentType( $veConfig, $textSlotDiffRenderer->getContentModel() )
            || $output->getActionName() !== 'view'
        ) {

        $parts['50_ve-init-mw-diffPage-diffMode'] = '<div class="ve-init-mw-diffPage-diffMode">' .
            // Will be replaced by a ButtonSelectWidget in JS
            new ButtonGroupWidget( [
                'items' => [
                    new ButtonWidget( [
                        'data' => 'visual',
                        'icon' => 'eye',
                        'disabled' => true,
                        'label' => $output->msg( 'visualeditor-savedialog-review-visual' )->plain()
                    ] ),
                    new ButtonWidget( [
                        'data' => 'source',
                        'icon' => 'wikiText',
                        'active' => true,
                        'label' => $output->msg( 'visualeditor-savedialog-review-wikitext' )->plain()
                    ] )
            ] ) .

        // onDifferenceEngineViewHeader may not run, so load modules here as well for styling (T361775)
        $this->loadDiffModules( $output );

     * Detect incompatible browsers which we can't expect to load VE
     * @param WebRequest $req The web request to check the details of
     * @param Config $config VE config object
     * @return bool The User Agent is unsupported
    private static function isUAUnsupported( WebRequest $req, $config ) {
        if ( $req->getVal( 'vesupported' ) ) {
            return false;
        $unsupportedList = $config->get( 'VisualEditorBrowserUnsupportedList' );
        $ua = strtolower( $req->getHeader( 'User-Agent' ) );
        foreach ( $unsupportedList as $uaSubstr => $rules ) {
            if ( !strpos( $ua, $uaSubstr . '/' ) ) {
            if ( !is_array( $rules ) ) {
                return true;

            $matches = [];
            $ret = preg_match( '/' . $uaSubstr . '\/([0-9\.]*) ?/i', $ua, $matches );
            if ( $ret !== 1 ) {
            $version = $matches[1];
            foreach ( $rules as $rule ) {
                [ $op, $matchVersion ] = $rule;
                if (
                    ( $op === '<' && $version < $matchVersion ) ||
                    ( $op === '>' && $version > $matchVersion ) ||
                    ( $op === '<=' && $version <= $matchVersion ) ||
                    ( $op === '>=' && $version >= $matchVersion )
                ) {
                    return true;

        return false;

     * @param Title $title
     * @param User $user
     * @param WebRequest $req
     * @return bool
    private static function isSupportedEditPage( Title $title, User $user, WebRequest $req ) {
        if (
            $req->getVal( 'action' ) !== 'edit' ||
            !MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager()->quickUserCan( 'edit', $user, $title )
        ) {
            return false;

        foreach ( self::UNSUPPORTED_EDIT_PARAMS as $param ) {
            if ( $req->getVal( $param ) !== null ) {
                return false;

        switch ( self::getEditPageEditor( $user, $req ) ) {
            case 'visualeditor':
                return self::isVisualAvailable( $title, $req, $user ) ||
                    self::isWikitextAvailable( $title, $user );
            case 'wikitext':
                return self::isWikitextAvailable( $title, $user );

     * @param User $user
     * @return bool
    private static function enabledForUser( $user ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
        $isBeta = $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableBetaFeature' );

        return ( $isBeta ?
            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-enable' ) :
            !$userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' ) ) &&
            !$userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-autodisable' );

     * @param Title $title
     * @param WebRequest $req
     * @param User $user
     * @return bool
    private static function isVisualAvailable( $title, $req, $user ) {
        $veConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()
            ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );

        return (
            // If forced by the URL parameter, skip the namespace check (T221892) and preference check
            ( $req->getVal( 'veaction' ) === 'edit' || (
                // Only in enabled namespaces
                ApiVisualEditor::isAllowedNamespace( $veConfig, $title->getNamespace() ) &&

                // Enabled per user preferences
                self::enabledForUser( $user )
            ) ) &&
            // Only for pages with a supported content model
            ApiVisualEditor::isAllowedContentType( $veConfig, $title->getContentModel() )

     * @param Title $title
     * @param User $user
     * @return bool
    private static function isWikitextAvailable( $title, $user ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
        return $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-newwikitext' ) &&
            $title->getContentModel() === 'wikitext';

     * @param UserIdentity $user
     * @param string $key
     * @param string $value
    private static function deferredSetUserOption( UserIdentity $user, string $key, string $value ) {
        DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( static function () use ( $user, $key, $value ) {
            $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
            if ( $services->getReadOnlyMode()->isReadOnly() ) {
            $userOptionsManager = $services->getUserOptionsManager();
            $userOptionsManager->setOption( $user, $key, $value );
            $userOptionsManager->saveOptions( $user );
        } );

     * Decide whether to bother showing the wikitext editor at all.
     * If not, we expect the VE initialisation JS to activate.
     * @param Article $article The article being viewed.
     * @param User $user The user-specific settings.
     * @return bool Whether to show the wikitext editor or not.
    public function onCustomEditor( $article, $user ) {
        $req = $article->getContext()->getRequest();
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );

        if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) ) {
            // If mobilefrontend is involved it can make its own decisions about this
            $mobFrontContext = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' );
            if ( $mobFrontContext->shouldDisplayMobileView() ) {
                return true;

        if (
            !self::enabledForUser( $user ) ||
            self::isUAUnsupported( $req, $veConfig )
        ) {
            return true;

        $title = $article->getTitle();

        if ( $req->getVal( 'venoscript' ) ) {
            $req->response()->setCookie( 'VEE', 'wikitext', 0, [ 'prefix' => '' ] );
            if ( $user->isNamed() ) {
                self::deferredSetUserOption( $user, 'visualeditor-editor', 'wikitext' );
            return true;

        if ( self::isSupportedEditPage( $title, $user, $req ) ) {
            $params = $req->getValues();
            $params['venoscript'] = '1';
            $url = wfScript() . '?' . wfArrayToCgi( $params );

            $out = $article->getContext()->getOutput();
            $titleMsg = $title->exists() ? 'editing' : 'creating';
            $out->setPageTitleMsg( wfMessage( $titleMsg, $title->getPrefixedText() ) );
            $out->showPendingTakeover( $url, 'visualeditor-toload', wfExpandUrl( $url ) );

            $out->setRevisionId( $req->getInt( 'oldid', $article->getRevIdFetched() ) );
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param User $user
     * @param WebRequest $req
     * @return string 'wikitext' or 'visual'
    private static function getEditPageEditor( User $user, WebRequest $req ) {
        $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()
            ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        if ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorDisableForAnons' ) && !$user->isRegistered() ) {
            return 'wikitext';
        $isRedLink = $req->getBool( 'redlink' );
        // On dual-edit-tab wikis, the edit page must mean the user wants wikitext,
        // unless following a redlink
        if ( !$config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) && !$isRedLink ) {
            return 'wikitext';
        return self::getPreferredEditor( $user, $req, !$isRedLink );

     * @param User $user
     * @param WebRequest $req
     * @param bool $useWikitextInMultiTab
     * @return string 'wikitext' or 'visual'
    public static function getPreferredEditor(
        User $user, WebRequest $req, $useWikitextInMultiTab = false
    ) {
        // VisualEditor shouldn't even call this method when it's disabled, but it is a public API for
        // other extensions (e.g. DiscussionTools), and the editor preferences might have surprising
        // values if the user has tried VisualEditor in the past and then disabled it. (T257234)
        if ( !self::enabledForUser( $user ) ) {
            return 'wikitext';

        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();

        switch ( $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) ) {
            case 'prefer-ve':
                return 'visualeditor';
            case 'prefer-wt':
                return 'wikitext';
            case 'multi-tab':
                // May have got here by switching from VE
                // TODO: Make such an action explicitly request wikitext
                // so we can use getLastEditor here instead.
                return $useWikitextInMultiTab ?
                    'wikitext' :
                    self::getLastEditor( $user, $req );
            case 'remember-last':
                return self::getLastEditor( $user, $req );

     * @param User $user
     * @param WebRequest $req
     * @return string
    private static function getLastEditor( User $user, WebRequest $req ) {
        // This logic matches getLastEditor in:
        // modules/ve-mw/init/targets/
        $editor = $req->getCookie( 'VEE', '' );
        // Set editor to user's preference or site's default (ignore the cookie) if …
        if (
            // … user is logged in,
            $user->isNamed() ||
            // … no cookie is set, or
            !$editor ||
            // value is invalid.
            !( $editor === 'visualeditor' || $editor === 'wikitext' )
        ) {
            $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
            $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
            $editor = $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-editor' );
        return $editor;

     * Changes the Edit tab and adds the VisualEditor tab.
     * This is attached to the MediaWiki 'SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal' hook.
     * @param SkinTemplate $skin The skin template on which the UI is built.
     * @param array &$links Navigation links.
    public function onSkinTemplateNavigation__Universal( $skin, &$links ): void {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
        $config = $services->getConfigFactory()
            ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );

        self::onSkinTemplateNavigationSpecialPage( $skin, $links );

        if (
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) &&
            $services->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' )->shouldDisplayMobileView()
        ) {

        // Exit if there's no edit link for whatever reason (e.g. protected page)
        if ( !isset( $links['views']['edit'] ) ) {

        $hookRunner = new VisualEditorHookRunner( $services->getHookContainer() );
        if ( !$hookRunner->onVisualEditorBeforeEditor( $skin->getOutput(), $skin ) ) {

        $user = $skin->getUser();
        if (
            $config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) &&
            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'prefer-wt'
        ) {

        if (
            $config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) &&
            wfTimestampNow() < $config->get( 'VisualEditorSingleEditTabSwitchTimeEnd' ) &&
            $user->isNamed() &&
            self::enabledForUser( $user ) &&
            !$userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-hidetabdialog' ) &&
            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'remember-last'
        ) {
            // Check if the user has made any edits before the SET switch time
            $dbr = $services->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
            $revExists = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
                ->from( 'revision' )
                ->field( '1' )
                ->where( [
                    'rev_actor' => $user->getActorId(),
                    $dbr->expr( 'rev_timestamp', '<', $dbr->timestamp(
                        $config->get( 'VisualEditorSingleEditTabSwitchTime' )
                    ) )
                ] )
                ->caller( __METHOD__ )
            if ( $revExists ) {
                $links['views']['edit']['class'] .= ' visualeditor-showtabdialog';

        // Exit if the user doesn't have VE enabled
        if (
            !self::enabledForUser( $user ) ||
            // T253941: This option does not actually disable the editor, only leaves the tabs/links unchanged
            ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorDisableForAnons' ) && !$user->isRegistered() )
        ) {

        $title = $skin->getRelevantTitle();
        // Don't exit if this page isn't VE-enabled, since we should still
        // change "Edit" to "Edit source".
        $isAvailable = self::isVisualAvailable( $title, $skin->getRequest(), $user );

        $tabMessages = $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' );
        // Rebuild the $links['views'] array and inject the VisualEditor tab before or after
        // the edit tab as appropriate. We have to rebuild the array because PHP doesn't allow
        // us to splice into the middle of an associative array.
        $newViews = [];
        $wikiPageFactory = $services->getWikiPageFactory();
        $isRemote = !$wikiPageFactory->newFromTitle( $title )->isLocal();

        $skinHasEditIcons = in_array(
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->getAttribute( 'VisualEditorIconSkins' )

        foreach ( $links['views'] as $action => $data ) {
            if ( $action === 'edit' ) {
                // Build the VisualEditor tab
                $existing = $title->exists() || (
                    $title->inNamespace( NS_MEDIAWIKI ) &&
                    $title->getDefaultMessageText() !== false
                $action = $existing ? 'edit' : 'create';
                $veParams = $skin->editUrlOptions();
                // Remove action=edit
                unset( $veParams['action'] );
                // Set veaction=edit
                $veParams['veaction'] = 'edit';
                $veTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action];
                $veTabText = $veTabMessage === null ? $data['text'] :
                    $skin->msg( $veTabMessage )->text();
                if ( $isRemote ) {
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * tooltip-ca-ve-edit-local
                    // * tooltip-ca-ve-create-local
                    // The following messages can be generated upstream:
                    // * accesskey-ca-ve-edit-local
                    // * accesskey-ca-ve-create-local
                    $veTooltip = 'ca-ve-' . $action . '-local';
                } else {
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * tooltip-ca-ve-edit
                    // * tooltip-ca-ve-create
                    // The following messages can be generated upstream:
                    // * accesskey-ca-ve-edit
                    // * accesskey-ca-ve-create
                    $veTooltip = 'ca-ve-' . $action;
                $veTab = [
                    'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $veParams ),
                    'text' => $veTabText,
                    'single-id' => $veTooltip,
                    'primary' => true,
                    'icon' => $skinHasEditIcons ? 'edit' : null,
                    'class' => '',

                // Alter the edit tab
                $editTab = $data;
                if ( $isRemote ) {
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * visualeditor-ca-editlocaldescriptionsource
                    // * visualeditor-ca-createlocaldescriptionsource
                    $editTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action . 'localdescriptionsource'];
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * tooltip-ca-editsource-local
                    // * tooltip-ca-createsource-local
                    // The following messages can be generated upstream:
                    // * accesskey-ca-editsource-local
                    // * accesskey-ca-createsource-local
                    $editTabTooltip = 'ca-' . $action . 'source-local';
                } else {
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * visualeditor-ca-editsource
                    // * visualeditor-ca-createsource
                    $editTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action . 'source'];
                    // The following messages can be used here:
                    // * tooltip-ca-editsource
                    // * tooltip-ca-createsource
                    // The following messages can be generated upstream:
                    // * accesskey-ca-editsource
                    // * accesskey-ca-createsource
                    $editTabTooltip = 'ca-' . $action . 'source';

                if ( $editTabMessage !== null ) {
                    $editTab['text'] = $skin->msg( $editTabMessage )->text();
                    $editTab['single-id'] = $editTabTooltip;

                $editor = self::getLastEditor( $user, $skin->getRequest() );
                if (
                    $isAvailable &&
                    $config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) &&
                        $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'prefer-ve' ||
                            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'remember-last' &&
                            $editor === 'visualeditor'
                ) {
                    $editTab['text'] = $veTabText;
                    $newViews['edit'] = $editTab;
                } elseif (
                    $isAvailable &&
                        !$config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) ||
                        $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'multi-tab'
                ) {
                    // Change icon
                    $editTab['icon'] = $skinHasEditIcons ? 'wikiText' : null;
                    // Inject the VE tab before or after the edit tab
                    if ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ) === 'before' ) {
                        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset
                        $editTab['class'] .= ' collapsible';
                        $newViews['ve-edit'] = $veTab;
                        $newViews['edit'] = $editTab;
                    } else {
                        $veTab['class'] .= ' collapsible';
                        $newViews['edit'] = $editTab;
                        $newViews['ve-edit'] = $veTab;
                } elseif (
                    !$config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) ||
                    !$isAvailable ||
                    $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'multi-tab' ||
                        $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'remember-last' &&
                        $editor === 'wikitext'
                ) {
                    // Don't add ve-edit, but do update the edit tab (e.g. "Edit source").
                    $newViews['edit'] = $editTab;
                } else {
                    // This should not happen.
            } else {
                // Just pass through
                $newViews[$action] = $data;
        $links['views'] = $newViews;

     * @param SkinTemplate $skin The skin template on which the UI is built.
     * @param array &$links Navigation links.
    private static function onSkinTemplateNavigationSpecialPage( SkinTemplate $skin, array &$links ) {
        $title = $skin->getTitle();
        if ( !$title || !$title->isSpecialPage() ) {
        [ $special, $subPage ] = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSpecialPageFactory()
            ->resolveAlias( $title->getDBkey() );
        if ( $special !== 'CollabPad' ) {
        $links['namespaces']['special']['text'] = $skin->msg( 'collabpad' )->text();
        $subPageTitle = Title::newFromText( $subPage );
        if ( $subPageTitle ) {
            $links['namespaces']['special']['href'] = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $special )->getLocalURL();
            $links['namespaces']['special']['class'] = '';

            $links['namespaces']['pad']['text'] = $subPageTitle->getPrefixedText();
            $links['namespaces']['pad']['href'] = '';
            $links['namespaces']['pad']['class'] = 'selected';

     * Called when the normal wikitext editor is shown.
     * Inserts a 'veswitched' hidden field if requested by the client
     * @param EditPage $editPage The edit page view.
     * @param OutputPage $output The page view.
    public function onEditPage__showEditForm_fields( $editPage, $output ) {
        $request = $output->getRequest();
        if ( $request->getBool( 'veswitched' ) ) {
            $output->addHTML( Html::hidden( 'veswitched', '1' ) );

     * Called when an edit is saved
     * Adds 'visualeditor-switched' tag to the edit if requested
     * Adds whatever tags from static::TAGS are present in the vetags parameter
     * @param RecentChange $rc The new RC entry.
    public function onRecentChange_Save( $rc ) {
        $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
        if ( $request->getBool( 'veswitched' ) && $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ) ) {
            $rc->addTags( 'visualeditor-switched' );

        $tags = explode( ',', $request->getVal( 'vetags' ) ?? '' );
        $tags = array_values( array_intersect( $tags, static::TAGS ) );
        if ( $tags ) {
            $rc->addTags( $tags );

     * Changes the section edit links to add a VE edit link.
     * This is attached to the MediaWiki 'SkinEditSectionLinks' hook.
     * @param Skin $skin Skin being used to render the UI
     * @param Title $title Title being used for request
     * @param string $section The name of the section being pointed to.
     * @param string $tooltip The default tooltip.
     * @param array &$result All link detail arrays.
     * @phan-param array{editsection:array{text:string,targetTitle:Title,attribs:array,query:array}} $result
     * @param Language $lang The user interface language.
    public function onSkinEditSectionLinks( $skin, $title, $section,
        $tooltip, &$result, $lang
    ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
        $config = $services->getConfigFactory()
            ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );

        // Exit if we're in parserTests
        if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wgVisualEditorInParserTests' ] ) ) {

        if (
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) &&
            $services->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' )->shouldDisplayMobileView()
        ) {

        $user = $skin->getUser();
        // Exit if the user doesn't have VE enabled
        if (
            !self::enabledForUser( $user ) ||
            // T253941: This option does not actually disable the editor, only leaves the tabs/links unchanged
            ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorDisableForAnons' ) && !$user->isRegistered() )
        ) {

        // Exit if we're on a foreign file description page
        if (
            $title->inNamespace( NS_FILE ) &&
            !$services->getWikiPageFactory()->newFromTitle( $title )->isLocal()
        ) {

        $editor = self::getLastEditor( $user, $skin->getRequest() );
        if (
            !$config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) ||
            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'multi-tab' ||
                $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) === 'remember-last' &&
                $editor === 'wikitext'
        ) {
            // Don't add ve-edit, but do update the edit tab (e.g. "Edit source").
            $tabMessages = $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' );
            // The following messages can be used here:
            // * visualeditor-ca-editsource-section
            $sourceEditSection = $tabMessages['editsectionsource'];
            $result['editsection']['text'] = $skin->msg( $sourceEditSection )->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
            // The following messages can be used here:
            // * visualeditor-ca-editsource-section-hint
            $sourceEditSectionHint = $tabMessages['editsectionsourcehint'];
            $result['editsection']['attribs']['title'] = $skin->msg( $sourceEditSectionHint )
                ->plaintextParams( $tooltip )
                ->inLanguage( $lang )->text();

        // Exit if we're using the single edit tab.
        if (
            $config->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) &&
            $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-tabs' ) !== 'multi-tab'
        ) {

        $skinHasEditIcons = in_array(
            ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->getAttribute( 'VisualEditorIconSkins' )

        // add VE edit section in VE available namespaces
        if ( self::isVisualAvailable( $title, $skin->getRequest(), $user ) ) {
            // The following messages can be used here:
            // * editsection
            $veEditSection = $tabMessages['editsection'];
            // The following messages can be used here:
            // * editsectionhint
            $veEditSectionHint = $tabMessages['editsectionhint'];

            $attribs = $result['editsection']['attribs'];
            $attribs['class'] = ( $attribs['class'] ?? '' ) . ' mw-editsection-visualeditor';
            $attribs['title'] = $skin->msg( $veEditSectionHint )
                ->plaintextParams( $tooltip )
                ->inLanguage( $lang )->text();

            $veLink = [
                'text' => $skin->msg( $veEditSection )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(),
                'icon' => $skinHasEditIcons ? 'edit' : null,
                'targetTitle' => $title,
                'attribs' => $attribs,
                'query' => [ 'veaction' => 'edit', 'section' => $section ],
                'options' => [ 'noclasses', 'known' ]
            // Change icon
            $result['editsection']['icon'] = $skinHasEditIcons ? 'wikiText' : null;

            $result['veeditsection'] = $veLink;
            if ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ) === 'before' ) {
                krsort( $result );
                // TODO: This will probably cause weird ordering if any other extensions added something
                // already.
                // ... wfArrayInsertBefore?

     * @param OutputPage $out
     * @param Skin $sk
     * @param string[] &$bodyAttrs
    public function onOutputPageBodyAttributes( $out, $sk, &$bodyAttrs ): void {
        $specialTitle = $sk->getTitle();

        // HACK: Replace classes generated by Skin::getPageClasses as if an article title
        // was passed in, instead of a special page.
        if ( $specialTitle && $specialTitle->isSpecial( 'CollabPad' ) ) {
            $articleTitle = Title::newFromText( 'DummyPage' );

            $specialClasses = $sk->getPageClasses( $specialTitle );
            $articleClasses = $sk->getPageClasses( $articleTitle );

            $bodyAttrs['class'] = str_replace( $specialClasses, $articleClasses, $bodyAttrs['class'] );

     * Handler for the GetPreferences hook, to add and hide user preferences as configured
     * @param User $user
     * @param array &$preferences Their preferences object
    public function onGetPreferences( $user, &$preferences ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $userOptionsLookup = $services->getUserOptionsLookup();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $isBeta = $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableBetaFeature' );

        // Use the old preference keys to avoid having to migrate data for now.
        // (One day we might write and run a maintenance script to update the
        // entries in the database and make this unnecessary.) (T344762)
        if ( $isBeta ) {
            $preferences['visualeditor-enable'] = [
                'type' => 'toggle',
                'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-visualeditor',
                'section' => 'editing/editor',
        } else {
            $preferences['visualeditor-betatempdisable'] = [
                'invert' => true,
                'type' => 'toggle',
                'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-visualeditor',
                'section' => 'editing/editor',
                'default' => $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' ) ||
                    $userOptionsLookup->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-autodisable' )

        if ( $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableWikitext' ) ) {
            $preferences['visualeditor-newwikitext'] = [
                'type' => 'toggle',
                'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-enable',
                'help-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-help',
                'section' => 'editing/editor'

        // Config option for Single Edit Tab
        if (
            $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ) &&
            self::enabledForUser( $user )
        ) {
            $preferences['visualeditor-tabs'] = [
                'type' => 'select',
                'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-tabs',
                'section' => 'editing/editor',
                'options-messages' => [
                    'visualeditor-preference-tabs-remember-last' => 'remember-last',
                    'visualeditor-preference-tabs-prefer-ve' => 'prefer-ve',
                    'visualeditor-preference-tabs-prefer-wt' => 'prefer-wt',
                    'visualeditor-preference-tabs-multi-tab' => 'multi-tab'

        $api = [ 'type' => 'api' ];
        // The "autodisable" preference records whether the user has explicitly opted out of VE.
        // This is saved even when VE is off by default, which allows changing it to be on by default
        // without affecting the users who opted out. There's also a maintenance script to silently
        // opt-out existing users en masse before changing the default, thus only affecting new users.
        // (This option is no longer set to 'true' anywhere, but we can still encounter old true
        // values until they are migrated: T344760.)
        $preferences['visualeditor-autodisable'] = $api;
        // The diff mode is persisted for each editor mode separately,
        // e.g. use visual diffs for visual mode only.
        $preferences['visualeditor-diffmode-source'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-diffmode-visual'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-diffmode-historical'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-editor'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-hidebetawelcome'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-hidetabdialog'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-hidesourceswitchpopup'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-hidevisualswitchpopup'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-hideusered'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-diacritic'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-findText'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-replaceText'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-regex'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-matchCase'] = $api;
        $preferences['visualeditor-findAndReplace-word'] = $api;

     * Implements the PreferencesFormPreSave hook, to remove the 'autodisable' flag
     * when the user it was set on explicitly enables VE.
     * @param array $data User-submitted data
     * @param HTMLForm $form A ContextSource
     * @param User $user User with new preferences already set
     * @param bool &$result Success or failure
     * @param array $oldUserOptions
    public function onPreferencesFormPreSave( $data, $form, $user, &$result, $oldUserOptions ) {
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $userOptionsManager = $services->getUserOptionsManager();
        $isBeta = $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableBetaFeature' );

        // The "autodisable" preference records whether the user has explicitly opted out of VE
        // while it was in beta (which would otherwise not be saved, since it's the same as default).

        if (
            // When the user enables VE, clear the preference.
            $userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-autodisable' ) &&
            ( $isBeta ?
                $userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-enable' ) :
                !$userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' ) )
        ) {
            $userOptionsManager->setOption( $user, 'visualeditor-autodisable', false );

     * @param array &$tags
    public function onChangeTagsListActive( &$tags ) {
        $this->onListDefinedTags( $tags );

     * Implements the ListDefinedTags and ChangeTagsListActive hooks, to
     * populate core Special:Tags with the change tags in use by VisualEditor.
     * @param array &$tags Available change tags.
    public function onListDefinedTags( &$tags ) {
        $tags = array_merge( $tags, static::TAGS );

     * Adds extra variables to the page config.
     * @param array &$vars Global variables object
     * @param OutputPage $out The page view.
    public function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, $out ): void {
        $pageLanguage = ApiVisualEditor::getPageLanguage( $out->getTitle() );
        $converter = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageConverterFactory()
            ->getLanguageConverter( $pageLanguage );

        $fallbacks = $converter->getVariantFallbacks( $converter->getPreferredVariant() );

        $vars['wgVisualEditor'] = [
            'pageLanguageCode' => $pageLanguage->getHtmlCode(),
            'pageLanguageDir' => $pageLanguage->getDir(),
            'pageVariantFallbacks' => $fallbacks,

     * Adds extra variables to the global config
     * @param array &$vars Global variables object
     * @param string $skin
     * @param Config $config
    public function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( array &$vars, $skin, Config $config ): void {
        $coreConfig = RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig();
        $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
        $veConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' );
        $extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance();
        $availableNamespaces = ApiVisualEditor::getAvailableNamespaceIds( $veConfig );
        $availableContentModels = array_filter(
                $extensionRegistry->getAttribute( 'VisualEditorAvailableContentModels' ),
                $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorAvailableContentModels' )

        $namespacesWithSubpages = $coreConfig->get( 'NamespacesWithSubpages' );
        // Export as a list of namespaces where subpages are enabled instead of an object
        // mapping namespaces to if subpages are enabled or not, so filter out disabled
        // namespaces and then just use the keys. See T291729.
        $namespacesWithSubpages = array_filter( $namespacesWithSubpages );
        $namespacesWithSubpagesEnabled = array_keys( $namespacesWithSubpages );
        // $wgNamespacesWithSubpages can include namespaces that don't exist, no need
        // to include those in the JavaScript data. See T291727.
        // Run this filtering after the filter for subpages being enabled, to reduce
        // the number of calls needed to namespace info.
        $nsInfo = $services->getNamespaceInfo();
        $namespacesWithSubpagesEnabled = array_values( array_filter(
            [ $nsInfo, 'exists' ]
        ) );

        $defaultSortPrefix = $services->getMagicWordFactory()->get( 'defaultsort' )->getSynonym( 0 );
        // Sanitize trailing colon. /languages/messages/*.php are not consistent but the
        // presence or absence of a trailing colon in the message makes no difference.
        $defaultSortPrefix = preg_replace( '/:$/', '', $defaultSortPrefix );

        $vars['wgVisualEditorConfig'] = [
            'usePageImages' => $extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'PageImages' ),
            'usePageDescriptions' => $extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'WikibaseClient' ),
            'isBeta' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableBetaFeature' ),
            'disableForAnons' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorDisableForAnons' ),
            'preloadModules' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorPreloadModules' ),
            'namespaces' => $availableNamespaces,
            'contentModels' => $availableContentModels,
            'pluginModules' => array_merge(
                $extensionRegistry->getAttribute( 'VisualEditorPluginModules' ),
                // @todo deprecate the global setting
                $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorPluginModules' )
            'thumbLimits' => $coreConfig->get( 'ThumbLimits' ),
            'galleryOptions' => $coreConfig->get( 'GalleryOptions' ),
            'unsupportedList' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorBrowserUnsupportedList' ),
            'tabPosition' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ),
            'tabMessages' => array_filter( $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' ) ),
            'singleEditTab' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorUseSingleEditTab' ),
            'enableVisualSectionEditing' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableVisualSectionEditing' ),
            'showBetaWelcome' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorShowBetaWelcome' ),
            'allowExternalLinkPaste' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorAllowExternalLinkPaste' ),
            'enableHelpCompletion' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableHelpCompletion' ),
            'enableTocWidget' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableTocWidget' ),
            'enableWikitext' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableWikitext' ),
            'useChangeTagging' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorUseChangeTagging' ),
            'editCheckTagging' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEditCheckTagging' ),
            'editCheck' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEditCheck' ),
            'editCheckABTest' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEditCheckABTest' ),
            'namespacesWithSubpages' => $namespacesWithSubpagesEnabled,
            'specialBooksources' => urldecode( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Booksources' )->getPrefixedURL() ),
            'rebaserUrl' => $coreConfig->get( 'VisualEditorRebaserURL' ),
            'feedbackApiUrl' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorFeedbackAPIURL' ),
            'feedbackTitle' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorFeedbackTitle' ),
            'sourceFeedbackTitle' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorSourceFeedbackTitle' ),
            // TODO: Remove when all usages in .js files are removed
            'transclusionDialogNewSidebar' => true,
            'cirrusSearchLookup' => $extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'CirrusSearch' ),
            'defaultSortPrefix' => $defaultSortPrefix,

     * Conditionally register the and jquery.i18n modules, in case they've already
     * been registered by the UniversalLanguageSelector extension or the TemplateData extension.
     * @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader Client-side code and assets to be loaded.
    public function onResourceLoaderRegisterModules( ResourceLoader $resourceLoader ): void {
        $veResourceTemplate = [
            'localBasePath' => dirname( __DIR__ ),
            'remoteExtPath' => 'VisualEditor',

        // Only register VisualEditor core's local version of if it hasn't been
        // installed locally already (presumably, by the UniversalLanguageSelector extension).
        if ( !$resourceLoader->isModuleRegistered( '' ) ) {
            $resourceLoader->register( [
                '' => $veResourceTemplate + [
                    'scripts' => [
                ] ] );

     * Ensures that we know whether we're running inside a parser test.
     * @param array &$settings The settings with which MediaWiki is being run.
    public function onParserTestGlobals( &$settings ) {
        $settings['wgVisualEditorInParserTests'] = true;

     * @param array &$redirectParams Parameters preserved on special page redirects
     *   to wiki pages
    public function onRedirectSpecialArticleRedirectParams( &$redirectParams ) {
        $redirectParams[] = 'veaction';

     * If the user has specified that they want to edit the page with VE, suppress any redirect.
     * @param Title $title Title being used for request
     * @param Article|null $article The page being viewed.
     * @param OutputPage $output The page view.
     * @param User $user The user-specific settings.
     * @param WebRequest $request
     * @param ActionEntryPoint $mediaWiki Helper class.
    public function onBeforeInitialize(
        $title, $article, $output, $user, $request, $mediaWiki
    ) {
        if ( $request->getVal( 'veaction' ) ) {
            $request->setVal( 'redirect', 'no' );

     * On login, if user has a VEE cookie, set their preference equal to it.
     * @param User $user The user-specific settings.
    public function onUserLoggedIn( $user ) {
        $cookie = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie( 'VEE', '' );
        if ( $user->isNamed() && ( $cookie === 'visualeditor' || $cookie === 'wikitext' ) ) {
            self::deferredSetUserOption( $user, 'visualeditor-editor', $cookie );