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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for the script."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2017-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import unittest
from contextlib import suppress
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import Page, i18n
from scripts.redirect import RedirectRobot
from tests.aspects import DefaultSiteTestCase

class RedirectTestRobot(RedirectRobot):

    """RedirectRobot test class."""

    def current_page(self):
        """Patch current_page to return any page."""
        return Page(, 'Main', ns=4)

    def site(self):
        """Patch site to return a site object."""
        return pywikibot.Site()

@patch.object(Page, 'exists', new=Mock(return_value=True))
class TestGetSDTemplateNoSysop(DefaultSiteTestCase):

    """Test the get_sd_template method of the RedirectRobot class."""

    def test_with_delete_and_existing_sdtemplate(self):
        """Test with delete and existing sdtemplate."""
        options = {'delete': True, 'sdtemplate': '{{t}}'}
        bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', **options)
        self.assertEqual(bot.sdtemplate, '{{t}}')

    @patch.object(i18n, 'twhas_key', new=Mock(return_value=True))
    @patch.object(i18n, 'twtranslate', new=Mock(return_value='{{sd_title}}'))
    def test_with_delete_and_i18n_sd(self):
        """Test with delete and i18n template."""
        bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', delete=True)
        self.assertEqual(bot.sdtemplate, '{{sd_title}}')

    @patch.object(i18n, 'twhas_key', new=Mock(return_value=False))
    def test_with_delete_no_sd_no_i18n(self):
        """Test with delete and no i18n template."""
        bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', delete=True)
        with patch.object(pywikibot, 'warning') as w:
        w.assert_called_with('No speedy deletion template available.')

    def test_with_delete_and_non_existing_sdtemplate(self):
        """Test with delete and non-exisitng sdtemplate."""
        options = {'delete': True, 'sdtemplate': 'txt {{n|a}} txt'}
        bot = RedirectTestRobot('broken', **options)
        with patch.object(Page, 'exists', new=Mock(return_value=False)), \
             patch.object(pywikibot, 'warning') as w:
            self.assertIsNone(bot.sdtemplate, None)
        w.assert_called_with('No speedy deletion template "n" available.')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with suppress(SystemExit):