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# Want to contribute?

Did you know that you could be instrumental in making the WP Bootstrap NavWalker more robust? If you use and love it, why not contribute to the project?

## Contributing for Everyone!

Whether you can barely recognize a filter (or don’t know what that means) or you’ve already authored your own plugins, there are ways for you to pitch in.

### Create Bug Reports

If you find a bug, just [file a GitHub issue](https://github.com/wp-bootstrap/wp-bootstrap-navwalker/issues), that’s all. If you want to prefix the title with a “Question:”, “Bug:”, or the general area of the application, that would be helpful, but by no means mandatory. If you have write access, add the appropriate labels.

If you’re filing a bug, specific steps to reproduce are helpful. Please include the URL of the page that has the bug, along with what you expected to see and what happened instead. 

### Write and submit a patch

If you'd like to fix a bug, you can submit a Pull Request. 

#### Where to get started?

If you'd like to contribute but don't know where to get started, you can take a look at existing issues:

- ["Good First Bug"](https://github.com/wp-bootstrap/wp-bootstrap-navwalker/labels/%5BTYPE%5D%20GOOD%20FIRST%20BUG) issues are a good entry point to get familiar with the codebase.