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namespace WPGraphQL\Data\Connection;

use GraphQL\Deferred;
use GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation;
use GraphQL\Error\UserError;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use WPGraphQL\AppContext;
use WPGraphQL\Model\Post;

 * Class AbstractConnectionResolver
 * Individual Connection Resolvers should extend this to make returning data in proper shape for Relay-compliant connections easier, ensure data is passed through consistent filters, etc.
 * @package WPGraphQL\Data\Connection
 * The template type `TQueryClass` is used by static analysis tools to correctly typehint the query class used by the Connection Resolver.
 * Classes that extend `AbstractConnectionResolver` should add `@extends @extends \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver<\MY_QUERY_CLASS>` to the class dockblock to get proper hinting.
 * E.g. `@extends \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver<\WP_Term_Query>`
 * @template TQueryClass
abstract class AbstractConnectionResolver {
     * The source from the field calling the connection.
     * @var \WPGraphQL\Model\Model|mixed[]|mixed
    protected $source;

     * The args input before it is filtered and prepared by the constructor.
     * @var array<string,mixed>
    protected $unfiltered_args;

     * The args input on the field calling the connection.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_args`.
     * @var ?array<string,mixed>
    protected $args;

     * The AppContext for the GraphQL Request
     * @var \WPGraphQL\AppContext
    protected $context;

     * The ResolveInfo for the GraphQL Request
     * @var \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo
    protected $info;

     * The query args used to query for data to resolve the connection.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_query_args`.
     * @var ?array<string,mixed>
    protected $query_args;

     * Whether the connection resolver should execute.
     * If `false`, the connection resolve will short-circuit and return an empty array.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_pre_should_execute` and `graphql_connection_should_execute`.
     * @var ?bool
    protected $should_execute;

     * The loader name.
     * Defaults to `loader_name()` and filterable by `graphql_connection_loader_name`.
     * @var ?string
    protected $loader_name;

     * The loader the resolver is configured to use.
     * @var ?\WPGraphQL\Data\Loader\AbstractDataLoader
    protected $loader;

     * Whether the connection is a one to one connection. Default false.
     * @var bool
    public $one_to_one = false;

     * The class name of the query to instantiate. Set to `null` if the Connection Resolver does not rely on a query class to fetch data.
     * Examples `WP_Query`, `WP_Comment_Query`, `WC_Query`, `/My/Namespaced/CustomQuery`, etc.
     * @var ?class-string<TQueryClass>
    protected $query_class;

     * The instantiated query array/object used to fetch the data.
     * Examples:
     *   return new WP_Query( $this->get_query_args() );
     *   return new WP_Comment_Query( $this->get_query_args() );
     *   return new WP_Term_Query( $this->get_query_args() );
     * Whatever it is will be passed through filters so that fields throughout
     * have context from what was queried and can make adjustments as needed, such
     * as exposing `totalCount` in pageInfo, etc.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_pre_get_query` and `graphql_connection_query`.
     * @var ?TQueryClass
    protected $query;

     * @var mixed[]
     * @deprecated 1.26.0 This is an artifact and is unused. It will be removed in a future release.
    protected $items;

     * The IDs returned from the query.
     * The IDs are sliced to confirm with the pagination args, and overfetched by one.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_ids`.
     * @var int[]|string[]|null
    protected $ids;

     * The nodes (usually GraphQL models) returned from the query.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_nodes`.
     * @var \WPGraphQL\Model\Model[]|mixed[]|null
    protected $nodes;

     * The edges for the connection.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_edges`.
     * @var ?array<string,mixed>[]
    protected $edges;

     * The page info for the connection.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_page_info`.
     * @var ?array<string,mixed>
    protected $page_info;

     * The query amount to return for the connection.
     * @var ?int
    protected $query_amount;

     * ConnectionResolver constructor.
     * @param mixed                                $source  Source passed down from the resolve tree
     * @param array<string,mixed>                  $args    Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.
     * @param \WPGraphQL\AppContext                $context The app context that gets passed down the resolve tree.
     * @param \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info    Info about fields passed down the resolve tree.
    public function __construct( $source, array $args, AppContext $context, ResolveInfo $info ) {
        // Set the source (the root object), context, resolveInfo, and unfiltered args for the resolver.
        $this->source          = $source;
        $this->unfiltered_args = $args;
        $this->context         = $context;
        $this->info            = $info;

         * @todo This exists for b/c, where extenders may be directly accessing `$this->args` in ::get_loader() or even `::get_args()`.
         * We can call it later in the lifecycle once that's no longer the case.
        $this->args = $this->get_args();

        // Pre-check if the connection should execute so we can skip expensive logic if we already know it shouldn't execute.
        if ( ! $this->get_pre_should_execute( $this->source, $this->unfiltered_args, $this->context, $this->info ) ) {
            $this->should_execute = false;

        // Get the loader for the Connection.
        $this->loader = $this->get_loader();

         * Filters the GraphQL args before they are used in get_query_args().
         * @todo We reinstantate this here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_args().
         * @param array<string,mixed>                                   $args                The GraphQL args passed to the resolver.
         * @param \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver $connection_resolver Instance of the ConnectionResolver.
         * @param array<string,mixed>                                   $unfiltered_args     Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.
         * @since 1.11.0
        $this->args = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_args', $this->args, $this, $this->get_unfiltered_args() );

        // Get the query amount for the connection.
        $this->query_amount = $this->get_query_amount();

         * Filters the query args before they are used in the query.
         *  @todo We reinstantate this here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_query_args().
         * @param array<string,mixed>                                   $query_args          The query args to be used with the executable query to get data.
         * @param \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver $connection_resolver Instance of the ConnectionResolver
         * @param array<string,mixed>                                   $unfiltered_args     Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.
        $this->query_args = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_query_args', $this->get_query_args(), $this, $this->get_unfiltered_args() );

        // Get the query class for the connection.
        $this->query_class = $this->get_query_class();

        // The rest of the class properties are set when `$this->get_connection()` is called.

     * ====================
     * Required/Abstract Methods
     * These methods must be implemented or overloaded in the extending class.
     * The reason not all methods are abstract is to prevent backwards compatibility issues.
     * ====================

     * The name of the loader to use for this connection.
     * Filterable by `graphql_connection_loader_name`.
     * @todo This is protected for backwards compatibility, but should be abstract and implemented by the child classes.
    protected function loader_name(): string {
        return '';

     * Prepares the query args used to fetch the data for the connection.
     * This accepts the GraphQL args and maps them to a format that can be read by our query class.
     * For example, if the ConnectionResolver uses WP_Query to fetch the data, this should return $args for use in `new WP_Query( $args );`
     * @todo This is protected for backwards compatibility, but should be abstract and implemented by the child classes.
     * @param array<string,mixed> $args The GraphQL input args passed to the connection.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation If the method is not implemented.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    protected function prepare_query_args( array $args ): array {
        throw new InvariantViolation(
                // translators: %s is the name of the connection resolver class.
                esc_html__( 'Class %s does not implement a valid method `prepare_query_args()`.', 'wp-graphql' ),

     * Return an array of ids from the query
     * Each Query class in WP and potential datasource handles this differently,
     * so each connection resolver should handle getting the items into a uniform array of items.
     * @todo: This is not an abstract function to prevent backwards compatibility issues, so it instead throws an exception.
     * Classes that extend AbstractConnectionResolver should
     * override this method instead of ::get_ids().
     * @since 1.9.0
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation If child class forgot to implement this.
     * @return int[]|string[] the array of IDs.
    public function get_ids_from_query() {
        throw new InvariantViolation(
                // translators: %s is the name of the connection resolver class.
                esc_html__( 'Class %s does not implement a valid method `get_ids_from_query()`.', 'wp-graphql' ),
     * Determine whether or not the the offset is valid, i.e the item corresponding to the offset exists.
     * Offset is equivalent to WordPress ID (e.g post_id, term_id). So this is equivalent to checking if the WordPress object exists for the given ID.
     * @param mixed $offset The offset to validate. Typically a WordPress Database ID
     * @return bool
    abstract public function is_valid_offset( $offset );

     * ====================
     * The following methods handle the underlying behavior of the connection, and are intended to be overloaded by the child class.
     * These methods are wrapped in getters which apply the filters and set the properties of the class instance.
     * ====================

     * Used to determine whether the connection query should be executed. This is useful for short-circuiting the connection resolver before executing the query.
     * When `pre_should_excecute()` returns false, that's a sign the Resolver shouldn't execute the query. Otherwise, the more expensive logic logic in `should_execute()` will run later in the lifecycle.
     * @param mixed                                $source  Source passed down from the resolve tree
     * @param array<string,mixed>                  $args    Array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query.
     * @param \WPGraphQL\AppContext                $context The app context that gets passed down the resolve tree.
     * @param \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info    Info about fields passed down the resolve tree.
    protected function pre_should_execute( $source, array $args, AppContext $context, ResolveInfo $info ): bool {
        $should_execute = true;

         * If the source is a Post and the ID is empty (i.e. if the user doesn't have permissions to view the source), we should not execute the query.
         * @todo This can probably be abstracted to check if _any_ source is private, and not just `PostObject` models.
        if ( $source instanceof Post && empty( $source->ID ) ) {
            $should_execute = false;

        return $should_execute;

     * Prepares the GraphQL args for use by the connection.
     * Useful for modifying the $args before they are passed to $this->get_query_args().
     * @param array<string,mixed> $args The GraphQL input args to prepare.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    protected function prepare_args( array $args ): array {
        return $args;

     * The maximum number of items that should be returned by the query.
     * This is filtered by `graphql_connection_max_query_amount` in ::get_query_amount().
    protected function max_query_amount(): int {
        return 100;

     * The default query class to use for the connection.
     * Should return null if the resolver does not use a query class to fetch the data.
     * @return ?class-string<TQueryClass>
    protected function query_class(): ?string {
        return null;

     * Validates the query class. Will be ignored if the Connection Resolver does not use a query class.
     * By default this checks if the query class has a `query()` method. If the query class requires the `query()` method to be named something else (e.g. $query_class->get_results()` ) this method should be overloaded.
     * @param string $query_class The query class to validate.
    protected function is_valid_query_class( string $query_class ): bool {
        return method_exists( $query_class, 'query' );

     * Executes the query and returns the results.
     * Usually, the returned value is an instantiated `$query_class` (e.g. `WP_Query`), but it can be any collection of data. The `get_ids_from_query()` method will be used to extract the IDs from the returned value.
     * If the resolver does not rely on a query class, this should be overloaded to return the data directly.
     * @param array<string,mixed> $query_args The query args to use to query the data.
     * @return TQueryClass
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation If the query class is not valid.
    protected function query( array $query_args ) {
        // If there is no query class, we need the child class to overload this method.
        $query_class = $this->get_query_class();

        if ( empty( $query_class ) ) {
            throw new InvariantViolation(
                    // translators: %s is the name of the connection resolver class.
                    esc_html__( 'The %s class does not rely on a query class. Please define a `query()` method to return the data directly.', 'wp-graphql' ),

        return new $query_class( $query_args );

     * Determine whether or not the query should execute.
     * Return true to exeucte, return false to prevent execution.
     * Various criteria can be used to determine whether a Connection Query should be executed.
     * For example, if a user is requesting revisions of a Post, and the user doesn't have permission to edit the post, they don't have permission to view the revisions, and therefore we can prevent the query to fetch revisions from executing in the first place.
     * Runs only if `pre_should_execute()` returns true.
     * @todo This is public for b/c but it should be protected.
     * @return bool
    public function should_execute() {
        return true;

     * Returns the offset for a given cursor.
     * Connections that use a string-based offset should override this method.
     * @param ?string $cursor The cursor to convert to an offset.
     * @return int|mixed
    public function get_offset_for_cursor( string $cursor = null ) { // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionDeclarations.RemovedImplicitlyNullableParam.Deprecated -- This is a breaking change to fix.
        $offset = false;

        // We avoid using ArrayConnection::cursorToOffset() because it assumes an `int` offset.
        if ( ! empty( $cursor ) ) {
            $offset = substr( base64_decode( $cursor ), strlen( 'arrayconnection:' ) );

         * We assume a numeric $offset is an integer ID.
         * If it isn't this method should be overridden by the child class.
        return is_numeric( $offset ) ? absint( $offset ) : $offset;

     * Validates Model.
     * If model isn't a class with a `fields` member, this function with have be overridden in
     * the Connection class.
     * @param \WPGraphQL\Model\Model|mixed $model The model being validated.
     * @return bool
    protected function is_valid_model( $model ) {
        return isset( $model->fields ) && ! empty( $model->fields );

     * ====================
     * Public Getters
     * These methods are used to get the properties of the class instance.
     * You shouldn't need to overload these, but if you do, take care to ensure that the overloaded method applies the same filters and sets the same properties as the methods here.
     * ====================

     * Returns the source of the connection
     * @return mixed
    public function get_source() {
        return $this->source;

     * Returns the AppContext of the connection.
    public function get_context(): AppContext {
        return $this->context;

     * Returns the ResolveInfo of the connection.
    public function get_info(): ResolveInfo {
        return $this->info;

     * Returns the loader name.
     * If $loader_name is not initialized, this plugin will initialize it.
     * @return string
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation
    public function get_loader_name() {
        // Only initialize the loader_name property once.
        if ( ! isset( $this->loader_name ) ) {
            $name = $this->loader_name();

            // This is a b/c check because `loader_name()` is not abstract.
            if ( empty( $name ) ) {
                throw new InvariantViolation(
                        // translators: %s is the name of the connection resolver class.
                        esc_html__( 'Class %s does not implement a valid method `loader_name()`.', 'wp-graphql' ),
                        esc_html( static::class )

             * Filters the loader name.
             * This is the name of the registered DataLoader that will be used to load the data for the connection.
             * @param string $loader_name The name of the loader.
             * @param self   $resolver    The AbstractConnectionResolver instance.
            $name = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_loader_name', $name, $this );

            // Bail if the loader name is invalid.
            if ( empty( $name ) || ! is_string( $name ) ) {
                throw new InvariantViolation( esc_html__( 'The Connection Resolver needs to define a loader name', 'wp-graphql' ) );

            $this->loader_name = $name;

        return $this->loader_name;

     * Returns the $args passed to the connection, before any modifications.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    public function get_unfiltered_args(): array {
        return $this->unfiltered_args;

     * Returns the $args passed to the connection.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    public function get_args(): array {
        if ( ! isset( $this->args ) ) {
            $this->args = $this->prepare_args( $this->get_unfiltered_args() );

        return $this->args;

     * Returns the amount of items to query from the database.
     * The amount is calculated as the the max between what was requested and what is defined as the $max_query_amount to ensure that queries don't exceed unwanted limits when querying data.
     * If the amount requested is greater than the max query amount, a debug message will be included in the GraphQL response.
     * @return int
    public function get_query_amount() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->query_amount ) ) {
             * Filter the maximum number of posts per page that should be queried. This prevents queries from being exceedingly resource intensive.
             * The default is 100 - unless overloaded by ::max_query_amount() in the child class.
             * @param int                                  $max_posts  the maximum number of posts per page.
             * @param mixed                                $source     source passed down from the resolve tree
             * @param array<string,mixed>                  $args       array of arguments input in the field as part of the GraphQL query
             * @param \WPGraphQL\AppContext                $context    Object containing app context that gets passed down the resolve tree
             * @param \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info       Info about fields passed down the resolve tree
             * @since 0.0.6
            $max_query_amount = (int) apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_max_query_amount', $this->max_query_amount(), $this->source, $this->get_args(), $this->context, $this->info );

            // We don't want the requested amount to be lower than 0.
            $requested_query_amount = (int) max(
                 * This filter allows to modify the number of nodes the connection should return.
                 * @param int                        $amount   the requested amount
                 * @param self $resolver Instance of the connection resolver class
                apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_amount_requested', $this->get_amount_requested(), $this )

            if ( $requested_query_amount > $max_query_amount ) {
                    sprintf( 'The number of items requested by the connection (%s) exceeds the max query amount. Only the first %s items will be returned.', $requested_query_amount, $max_query_amount ),
                    [ 'connection' => static::class ]

            $this->query_amount = (int) min( $max_query_amount, $requested_query_amount );

        return $this->query_amount;

     * Gets the query args used by the connection to fetch the data.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    public function get_query_args() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->query_args ) ) {
            // We pass $this->get_args() to ensure we're using the filtered args.
            $this->query_args = $this->prepare_query_args( $this->get_args() );

        return $this->query_args;

     * Gets the query class to be instantiated by the `query()` method.
     * If null, the `query()` method will be overloaded to return the data.
     * @return ?class-string<TQueryClass>
    public function get_query_class(): ?string {
        if ( ! isset( $this->query_class ) ) {
            $default_query_class = $this->query_class();

            // Attempt to get the query class from the context.
            $context = $this->get_context();

            $query_class = ! empty( $context->queryClass ) ? $context->queryClass : $default_query_class;

             * Filters the `$query_class` that will be used to execute the query.
             * This is useful for replacing the default query (e.g `WP_Query` ) with a custom one (E.g. `WP_Term_Query` or WooCommerce's `WC_Query`).
             * @param ?class-string<TQueryClass> $query_class The query class to be used with the executable query to get data. `null` if the AbstractConnectionResolver does not use a query class.
             * @param self        $resolver    Instance of the AbstractConnectionResolver
            $this->query_class = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_query_class', $query_class, $this );

        return $this->query_class;

     * Returns whether the connection should execute.
     * If conditions are met that should prevent the execution, we can bail from resolving early, before the query is executed.
    public function get_should_execute(): bool {
        // If `pre_should_execute()` or other logic has yet to run, we should run the full `should_execute()` logic.
        if ( ! isset( $this->should_execute ) ) {
            $this->should_execute = $this->should_execute();

        return $this->should_execute;

     * Gets the results of the executed query.
     * @return TQueryClass
    public function get_query() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->query ) ) {
             * When this filter returns anything but null, it will be used as the resolved query, and the default query execution will be skipped.
             * @param null $query               The query to return. Return null to use the default query execution.
             * @param self $resolver The connection resolver instance.
            $query = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_pre_get_query', null, $this );

            if ( null === $query ) {

                // Validates the query class before it is used in the query() method.

                $query = $this->query( $this->get_query_args() );

            $this->query = $query;

        return $this->query;

     * Returns an array of IDs for the connection.
     * These IDs have been fetched from the query with all the query args applied,
     * then sliced (overfetching by 1) by pagination args.
     * @return int[]|string[]
    public function get_ids() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->ids ) ) {
            $this->ids = $this->prepare_ids();

        return $this->ids;

     * Get the nodes from the query.
     * @uses AbstractConnectionResolver::get_ids_for_nodes()
     * @return array<int|string,mixed|\WPGraphQL\Model\Model|null>
    public function get_nodes() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->nodes ) ) {
            $this->nodes = $this->prepare_nodes();

        return $this->nodes;

     * Get the edges from the nodes.
     * @return array<string,mixed>[]
    public function get_edges() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->edges ) ) {
            $this->edges = $this->prepare_edges( $this->get_nodes() );

        return $this->edges;

     * Returns pageInfo for the connection
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    public function get_page_info() {
        if ( ! isset( $this->page_info ) ) {
            $page_info = $this->prepare_page_info();

             * Filter the pageInfo that is returned to the connection.
             * This filter allows for additional fields to be filtered into the pageInfo
             * of a connection, such as "totalCount", etc, because the filter has enough
             * context of the query, args, request, etc to be able to calcuate and return
             * that information.
             * example:
             * You would want to register a "total" field to the PageInfo type, then filter
             * the pageInfo to return the total for the query, something to this tune:
             * add_filter( 'graphql_connection_page_info', function( $page_info, $connection ) {
             *   $page_info['total'] = null;
             *   if ( $connection->query instanceof WP_Query ) {
             *      if ( isset( $connection->query->found_posts ) {
             *          $page_info['total'] = (int) $connection->query->found_posts;
             *      }
             *   }
             *   return $page_info;
             * });
            $this->page_info = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_page_info', $page_info, $this );

        return $this->page_info;

     * ===============================
     * Public setters
     * These are used to directly modify the instance properties from outside the class.
     * ===============================

     * Given a key and value, this sets a query_arg which will modify the query_args used by ::get_query();
     * @param string $key   The key of the query arg to set
     * @param mixed  $value The value of the query arg to set
     * @return static
    public function set_query_arg( $key, $value ) {
        $this->query_args[ $key ] = $value;

        return $this;

     * Overloads the query_class which will be used to instantiate the query.
     * @param class-string<TQueryClass> $query_class The class to use for the query. If empty, this will reset to the default query class.
     * @return static
    public function set_query_class( string $query_class ) {
        $this->query_class = $query_class ?: $this->query_class();

        return $this;

     * Whether the connection should resolve as a one-to-one connection.
     * @return static
    public function one_to_one() {
        $this->one_to_one = true;

        return $this;

     * Gets whether or not the query should execute, BEFORE any data is fetched or altered, filtered by 'graphql_connection_pre_should_execute'.
     * @param mixed                                $source  The source that's passed down the GraphQL queries.
     * @param array<string,mixed>                  $args    The inputArgs on the field.
     * @param \WPGraphQL\AppContext                $context The AppContext passed down the GraphQL tree.
     * @param \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info    The ResolveInfo passed down the GraphQL tree.
    protected function get_pre_should_execute( $source, array $args, AppContext $context, ResolveInfo $info ): bool {
        $should_execute = $this->pre_should_execute( $source, $args, $context, $info );

         * Filters whether or not the query should execute, BEFORE any data is fetched or altered.
         * This is evaluated based solely on the values passed to the constructor, before any data is fetched or altered, and is useful for shortcircuiting the Connection Resolver before any heavy logic is executed.
         * For more in-depth checks, use the `graphql_connection_should_execute` filter instead.
         * @param bool                                 $should_execute Whether or not the query should execute.
         * @param mixed                                $source         The source that's passed down the GraphQL queries.
         * @param array                                $args           The inputArgs on the field.
         * @param \WPGraphQL\AppContext                $context        The AppContext passed down the GraphQL tree.
         * @param \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo $info           The ResolveInfo passed down the GraphQL tree.
        return apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_pre_should_execute', $should_execute, $source, $args, $context, $info );

     * Returns the loader.
     * If $loader is not initialized, this method will initialize it.
     * @return \WPGraphQL\Data\Loader\AbstractDataLoader
    protected function get_loader() {
        // If the loader isn't set, set it.
        if ( ! isset( $this->loader ) ) {
            $name = $this->get_loader_name();

            $this->loader = $this->context->get_loader( $name );

        return $this->loader;

     * Returns the amount of items requested from the connection.
     * @return int
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\UserError If the `first` or `last` args are used together.
    public function get_amount_requested() {
         * Filters the default query amount for a connection, if no `first` or `last` GraphQL argument is supplied.
         * @param int  $amount_requested The default query amount for a connection.
         * @param self $resolver         Instance of the Connection Resolver.
        $amount_requested = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_default_query_amount', 10, $this );

        // @todo This should use  ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

         * If both first & last are used in the input args, throw an exception.
        if ( ! empty( $args['first'] ) && ! empty( $args['last'] ) ) {
            throw new UserError( esc_html__( 'The `first` and `last` connection args cannot be used together. For forward pagination, use `first` & `after`. For backward pagination, use `last` & `before`.', 'wp-graphql' ) );

         * Get the key to use for the query amount.
         * We avoid a ternary here for unit testing.
        $args_key = ! empty( $args['first'] ) && is_int( $args['first'] ) ? 'first' : null;
        if ( null === $args_key ) {
            $args_key = ! empty( $args['last'] ) && is_int( $args['last'] ) ? 'last' : null;

         * If the key is set, and is a positive integer, use it for the $amount_requested
         * but if it's set to anything that isn't a positive integer, throw an exception
        if ( null !== $args_key && isset( $args[ $args_key ] ) ) {
            if ( 0 > $args[ $args_key ] ) {
                throw new UserError(
                        // translators: %s: The name of the arg that was invalid
                        esc_html__( '%s must be a positive integer.', 'wp-graphql' ),
                        esc_html( $args_key )

            $amount_requested = $args[ $args_key ];

        return (int) $amount_requested;

     * =====================
     * Resolver lifecycle methods
     * These methods are used internally by the class to resolve the connection. They rarely should be overloaded by the child class, but if you do, make sure to preserve any WordPress hooks included in the parent method.
     * =====================

     * Get the connection to return to the Connection Resolver
     * @return \GraphQL\Deferred
    public function get_connection() {

         * Return a Deferred function to load all buffered nodes before
         * returning the connection.
        return new Deferred(
            function () {
                // @todo This should use ::get_ids() when b/c is not a concern.
                $ids = $this->ids;

                if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
                    // Load the ids.
                    $this->get_loader()->load_many( $ids );

                 * Set the items. These are the "nodes" that make up the connection.
                 * Filters the nodes in the connection
                 * @todo We reinstantate this here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_nodes().
                 * @param \WPGraphQL\Model\Model[]|mixed[]|null $nodes   The nodes in the connection
                 * @param self                                 $resolver Instance of the Connection Resolver
                $this->nodes = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_nodes', $this->get_nodes(), $this );

                 * Filters the edges in the connection.
                 * @todo We reinstantate this here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_edges().
                 * @param array<string,mixed> $edges    The edges in the connection
                 * @param self                $resolver Instance of the Connection Resolver
                $this->edges = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_edges', $this->get_edges(), $this );

                // @todo: we should also shortcircuit fetching/populating the actual nodes/edges if we only need one result.
                if ( true === $this->one_to_one ) {
                    // For one to one connections, return the first edge.
                    $first_edge_key = array_key_first( $this->edges );
                    $connection     = isset( $first_edge_key ) && ! empty( $this->edges[ $first_edge_key ] ) ? $this->edges[ $first_edge_key ] : null;
                } else {
                    // For plural connections (default) return edges/nodes/pageInfo
                    $connection = [
                        'nodes'    => $this->nodes,
                        'edges'    => $this->edges,
                        'pageInfo' => $this->get_page_info(),

                 * Filter the connection. In some cases, connections will want to provide
                 * additional information other than edges, nodes, and pageInfo
                 * This filter allows additional fields to be returned to the connection resolver
                 * @param ?array<string,mixed> $connection The connection data being returned. A single edge or null if the connection is one-to-one.
                 * @param self                 $resolver   The instance of the connection resolver
                return apply_filters( 'graphql_connection', $connection, $this );

     * Execute the resolver query and get the data for the connection
     * @return int[]|string[]
    public function execute_and_get_ids() {
         * If should_execute is explicitly set to false already, we can prevent execution quickly.
         * If it's not, we need to call the should_execute() method to execute any situational logic to determine if the connection query should execute.
        $should_execute = false === $this->should_execute ? false : $this->should_execute();

         * Check if the connection should execute. If conditions are met that should prevent
         * the execution, we can bail from resolving early, before the query is executed.
         * Filter whether the connection should execute.
         * @param bool                       $should_execute      Whether the connection should execute
         * @param \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver $connection_resolver Instance of the Connection Resolver
        $this->should_execute = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_should_execute', $should_execute, $this );

        if ( false === $this->should_execute ) {
            return [];

         * Set the query for the resolver, for use as reference in filters, etc
         * Filter the query. For core data, the query is typically an instance of:
         *   WP_Query
         *   WP_Comment_Query
         *   WP_User_Query
         *   WP_Term_Query
         *   ...
         * But in some cases, the actual mechanism for querying data should be overridden. For
         * example, perhaps you're using ElasticSearch or Solr (hypothetical) and want to offload
         * the query to that instead of a native WP_Query class. You could override this with a
         * query to that datasource instead.
         *  @todo We reinstantate this here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_query_args().
         * @param mixed                      $query               Instance of the Query for the resolver
         * @param \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver $connection_resolver Instance of the Connection Resolver
        $this->query = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_query', $this->get_query(), $this );

         * Filter the connection IDs
         * @todo We filter the IDs here for b/c. Once that is not a concern, we should relocate this filter to ::get_ids().
         * @param int[]|string[]                                        $ids                 Array of IDs this connection will be resolving
         * @param \WPGraphQL\Data\Connection\AbstractConnectionResolver $connection_resolver Instance of the Connection Resolver
        $this->ids = apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_ids', $this->get_ids(), $this );

        if ( empty( $this->ids ) ) {
            return [];

         * Buffer the IDs for deferred resolution
        $this->get_loader()->buffer( $this->ids );

        return $this->ids;

     * Validates the $query_class set on the resolver.
     * This runs before the query is executed to ensure that the query class is valid.
     * @throws \GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation If the query class is invalid.
    protected function validate_query_class(): void {
        $default_query_class = $this->query_class();
        $query_class         = $this->get_query_class();

        // If the default query class is null, then the resolver should not use a query class.
        if ( null === $default_query_class ) {
            // If the query class is null, then we're good.
            if ( null === $query_class ) {

            throw new InvariantViolation(
                    // translators: %1$s: The name of the class that should not use a query class. %2$s: The name of the query class that is set by the resolver.
                    esc_html__( 'Class %1$s should not use a query class, but is attempting to use the %2$s query class.', 'wp-graphql' ),
                    esc_html( $query_class )

        // If there's no query class set, throw an error.
        if ( null === $query_class ) {
            throw new InvariantViolation(
                    // translators: %s: The connection resolver class name.
                    esc_html__( '%s requires a query class, but no query class is set.', 'wp-graphql' ),

        // If the class is invalid, throw an error.
        if ( ! class_exists( $query_class ) ) {
            throw new InvariantViolation(
                    // translators: %s: The name of the query class that is set by the resolver.
                    esc_html__( 'The query class %s does not exist.', 'wp-graphql' ),
                    esc_html( $query_class )

        // If the class is not compatible with our AbstractConnectionResolver::query() method, throw an error.
        if ( ! $this->is_valid_query_class( $query_class ) ) {
            throw new InvariantViolation(
                    // translators: %1$s: The name of the query class that is set by the resolver. %2$s: The name of the resolver class.
                    esc_html__( 'The query class %1$s is not compatible with %2$s.', 'wp-graphql' ),
                    esc_html( $this->query_class ?? 'unknown-class' ),

     * Returns an array slice of IDs, per the Relay Cursor Connection spec.
     * The resulting array should be overfetched by 1.
     * @see https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm#sec-Pagination-algorithm
     * @param int[]|string[] $ids The array of IDs from the query to slice, ordered as expected by the GraphQL query.
     * @since 1.9.0
     * @return int[]|string[]
    public function apply_cursors_to_ids( array $ids ) {
        if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
            return [];

        // @todo This should use ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

        // First we slice the array from the front.
        if ( ! empty( $args['after'] ) ) {
            $offset = $this->get_offset_for_cursor( $args['after'] );
            $index  = $this->get_array_index_for_offset( $offset, $ids );

            if ( false !== $index ) {
                // We want to start with the first id after the index.
                $ids = array_slice( $ids, $index + 1, null, true );

        // Then we slice the array from the back.
        if ( ! empty( $args['before'] ) ) {
            $offset = $this->get_offset_for_cursor( $args['before'] );
            $index  = $this->get_array_index_for_offset( $offset, $ids );

            if ( false !== $index ) {
                // Because array indexes start at 0, we can overfetch without adding 1 to $index.
                $ids = array_slice( $ids, 0, $index, true );

        return $ids;

     * Gets the array index for the given offset.
     * @param int|string|false $offset The cursor pagination offset.
     * @param int[]|string[]   $ids    The array of ids from the query.
     * @return int|false $index The array index of the offset.
    public function get_array_index_for_offset( $offset, $ids ) {
        if ( false === $offset ) {
            return false;

        // We use array_values() to ensure we're getting a positional index, and not a key.
        return array_search( $offset, array_values( $ids ), true );

     * Prepares the nodes for the connection.
     * @used-by self::get_nodes()
     * @return array<int|string,mixed|\WPGraphQL\Model\Model|null>
    protected function prepare_nodes(): array {
        $nodes = [];

        // These are already sliced and ordered, we're just populating node data.
        $ids = $this->get_ids_for_nodes();

        foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
            $model = $this->get_node_by_id( $id );
            if ( true === $this->get_is_valid_model( $model ) ) {
                $nodes[ $id ] = $model;

        return $nodes;

     * Prepares the IDs for the connection.
     * @used-by self::get_ids()
     * @return int[]|string[]
    protected function prepare_ids(): array {
        $ids = $this->get_ids_from_query();

        return $this->apply_cursors_to_ids( $ids );

     * Gets the IDs for the currently-paginated slice of nodes.
     * We slice the array to match the amount of items that was asked for, as we over-fetched by 1 item to calculate pageInfo.
     * @used-by AbstractConnectionResolver::get_nodes()
     * @return int[]|string[]
    public function get_ids_for_nodes() {
        // @todo This should use ::get_ids() and get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $ids = $this->ids;

        if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
            return [];

        $args = $this->args;

        // If we're going backwards then our overfetched ID is at the front.
        if ( ! empty( $args['last'] ) && count( $ids ) > absint( $args['last'] ) ) {
            return array_slice( $ids, count( $ids ) - absint( $args['last'] ), $this->get_query_amount(), true );

        // If we're going forwards, our overfetched ID is at the back.
        return array_slice( $ids, 0, $this->get_query_amount(), true );

     * Given an ID, return the model for the entity or null
     * @param int|string|mixed $id The ID to identify the object by. Could be a database ID or an in-memory ID (like post_type name)
     * @return mixed|\WPGraphQL\Model\Model|null
    public function get_node_by_id( $id ) {
        return $this->get_loader()->load( $id );

     * Gets whether or not the model is valid.
     * @param mixed $model The model being validated.
    protected function get_is_valid_model( $model ): bool {
        $is_valid = $this->is_valid_model( $model );

         * Filters whether or not the model is valid.
         * This is useful when the dataloader is overridden and uses a different model than expected by default.
         * @param bool  $is_valid Whether or not the model is valid.
         * @param mixed $model    The model being validated
         * @param self  $resolver The connection resolver instance
        return apply_filters( 'graphql_connection_is_valid_model', $is_valid, $model, $this );

     * Prepares the edges for the connection.
     * @used-by self::get_edges()
     * @param array<int|string,mixed|\WPGraphQL\Model\Model|null> $nodes The nodes for the connection.
     * @return array<string,mixed>[]
    protected function prepare_edges( array $nodes ): array {
        // Bail early if there are no nodes.
        if ( empty( $nodes ) ) {
            return [];

        // The nodes are already ordered, sliced, and populated. What's left is to populate the edge data for each one.
        $edges = [];
        foreach ( $nodes as $id => $node ) {
            $edge = $this->prepare_edge( $id, $node );

             * Filter the edge within the connection.
             * @param array<string,mixed> $edge     The edge within the connection
             * @param self                $resolver Instance of the connection resolver class
            $edge = apply_filters(

            $edges[] = $edge;

        return $edges;

     * Prepares a single edge for the connection.
     * @used-by self::prepare_edges()
     * @param int|string                        $id   The ID of the node.
     * @param mixed|\WPGraphQL\Model\Model|null $node The node for the edge.
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    protected function prepare_edge( $id, $node ): array {
        return [
            'cursor'     => $this->get_cursor_for_node( $id ),
            'node'       => $node,
            'source'     => $this->get_source(),
            'connection' => $this,

     * Given an ID, a cursor is returned.
     * @param int|string $id The ID to get the cursor for.
     * @return string
    protected function get_cursor_for_node( $id ) {
        return base64_encode( 'arrayconnection:' . (string) $id );

     * Prepares the page info for the connection.
     * @used-by self::get_page_info()
     * @return array<string,mixed>
    protected function prepare_page_info(): array {
        return [
            'startCursor'     => $this->get_start_cursor(),
            'endCursor'       => $this->get_end_cursor(),
            'hasNextPage'     => $this->has_next_page(),
            'hasPreviousPage' => $this->has_previous_page(),

     * Determine the start cursor from the connection
     * @return mixed|string|null
    public function get_start_cursor() {
        $first_edge = $this->edges && ! empty( $this->edges ) ? $this->edges[0] : null;

        return isset( $first_edge['cursor'] ) ? $first_edge['cursor'] : null;

     * Determine the end cursor from the connection
     * @return mixed|string|null
    public function get_end_cursor() {
        $last_edge = ! empty( $this->edges ) ? $this->edges[ count( $this->edges ) - 1 ] : null;

        return isset( $last_edge['cursor'] ) ? $last_edge['cursor'] : null;

     * Gets the offset for the `after` cursor.
     * @return int|string|null
    public function get_after_offset() {
        // @todo This should use ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

        if ( ! empty( $args['after'] ) ) {
            return $this->get_offset_for_cursor( $args['after'] );

        return null;

     * Gets the offset for the `before` cursor.
     * @return int|string|null
    public function get_before_offset() {
        // @todo This should use ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

        if ( ! empty( $args['before'] ) ) {
            return $this->get_offset_for_cursor( $args['before'] );

        return null;

     * Whether there is a next page in the connection.
     * If there are more "items" than were asked for in the "first" argument or if there are more "items" after the "before" argument, has_next_page() will be set to true.
     * @return bool
    public function has_next_page() {
        // @todo This should use ::get_ids() and ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

        if ( ! empty( $args['first'] ) ) {
            $ids = $this->ids;

            return ! empty( $ids ) && count( $ids ) > $this->get_query_amount();

        $before_offset = $this->get_before_offset();

        if ( $before_offset ) {
            return $this->is_valid_offset( $before_offset );

        return false;

     * Whether there is a previous page in the connection.
     * If there are more "items" than were asked for in the "last" argument or if there are more "items" before the "after" argument, has_previous_page() will be set to true.
     * @return bool
    public function has_previous_page() {
        // @todo This should use ::get_ids() and ::get_args() when b/c is not a concern.
        $args = $this->args;

        if ( ! empty( $args['last'] ) ) {
            $ids = $this->ids;

            return ! empty( $ids ) && count( $ids ) > $this->get_query_amount();

        $after_offset = $this->get_after_offset();
        if ( $after_offset ) {
            return $this->is_valid_offset( $after_offset );

        return false;

     * These methods are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

     * Returns the $args passed to the connection
     * @deprecated Deprecated since v1.11.0 in favor of $this->get_args();
     * @return array<string,mixed>
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function getArgs(): array {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.11.0', static::class . '::get_args()' );
        return $this->get_args();

     * @param string $key   The key of the query arg to set
     * @param mixed  $value The value of the query arg to set
     * @return static
     * @deprecated 0.3.0
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function setQueryArg( $key, $value ) {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '0.3.0', static::class . '::set_query_arg()' );

        return $this->set_query_arg( $key, $value );

     * Get_offset
     * This returns the offset to be used in the $query_args based on the $args passed to the
     * GraphQL query.
     * @deprecated 1.9.0
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
     * @return int|mixed
    public function get_offset() {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.9.0', static::class . '::get_offset_for_cursor()' );

        // Using shorthand since this is for deprecated code.
        $cursor = $this->args['after'] ?? null;
        $cursor = $cursor ?: ( $this->args['before'] ?? null );

        return $this->get_offset_for_cursor( $cursor );

     * Returns the source of the connection.
     * @deprecated 1.24.0 in favor of $this->get_source().
     * @return mixed
    public function getSource() {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', static::class . '::get_source()' );

        return $this->get_source();

     * Returns the AppContext of the connection.
     * @deprecated 1.24.0 in favor of $this->get_context().
    public function getContext(): AppContext {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', static::class . '::get_context()' );

        return $this->get_context();

     * Returns the ResolveInfo of the connection.
     * @deprecated 1.24.0 in favor of $this->get_info().
    public function getInfo(): ResolveInfo {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', static::class . '::get_info()' );

        return $this->get_info();

     * Returns whether the connection should execute.
     * @deprecated 1.24.0 in favor of $this->get_should_execute().
    public function getShouldExecute(): bool {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', static::class . '::should_execute()' );

        return $this->get_should_execute();

     * Returns the loader.
     * @deprecated 1.24.0 in favor of $this->get_loader().
     * @return \WPGraphQL\Data\Loader\AbstractDataLoader
    protected function getLoader() {
        _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', static::class . '::get_loader()' );

        return $this->get_loader();