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2 days
Test Coverage
import React, { createRef } from "react";
import _ from "underscore";

import Utils from "./utils";
import * as Helpers from "./visualisation_helpers";

var HSPComponents = {};

 * Alignment viewer.
export default class HSP extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.hsp = props.hsp;
    this.hspRef = createRef();

  domID() {
    return (
      "Query_" +
      this.props.query.number +
      "_hit_" +
      this.props.hit.number +
      "_" +

  hitDOM_ID() {
    return "Query_" + this.props.query.number + "_hit_" + this.props.hit.number;

  // Renders pretty formatted alignment.
  render() {
    return (
        <p className="pre-reset hsp-stats">
          {this.props.showHSPNumbers &&
            `${Helpers.toLetters(this.hsp.number)}. `}
          {this.hspStats().map((s, i) => (
            <span key={i}>{s}</span>

  componentDidMount() {
    HSPComponents[this.domID()] = this;

  draw() {
    var charWidth = this.props.getCharacterWidth();
    var containerWidth = $(this.hspRef.current).width();
    this.chars = Math.floor((containerWidth - 4) / charWidth);

  // See Query.shouldComponentUpdate. The same applies for hsp.
  shouldComponentUpdate() {
    return !this.props.hsp;

   * Returns an array of span elements or plain strings (React automatically
   * adds span tag around strings). This array is passed as it is to JSX to be
   * rendered just above the pairwise alignment (see render method).
   * We cannot return a string from this method otherwise we wouldn't be able
   * to use JSX elements to format text (like, superscript).
  hspStats() {
    // An array to hold text or span elements that make up the line.
    let line = [];

    // Bit score and total score.
      `Score: ${Utils.inTwoDecimal(this.hsp.bit_score)} (${this.hsp.score}), `

    // E value
    line.push("E value: ");
    line.push(", ");

    // Identity
      `Identity: ${Utils.inFraction(
      )} (${Utils.inPercentage(this.hsp.identity, this.hsp.length)}), `,

    // Positives (for protein alignment).
    if (
      this.props.algorithm === "blastp" ||
      this.props.algorithm === "blastx" ||
      this.props.algorithm === "tblastn" ||
      this.props.algorithm === "tblastx"
    ) {
        `Positives: ${Utils.inFraction(
        )} (${Utils.inPercentage(this.hsp.positives, this.hsp.length)}), `

    // Gaps
      `Gaps: ${Utils.inFraction(
      )} (${Utils.inPercentage(this.hsp.gaps, this.hsp.length)})`

    // Query coverage
    //line.push(`Query coverage: ${this.hsp.qcovhsp}%, `)

    switch (this.props.algorithm) {
      case "tblastx":
          `, Frame: ${Utils.inFraction(this.hsp.qframe, this.hsp.sframe)}`
      case "blastn":
          `, Strand: ${this.hsp.qframe > 0 ? "+" : "-"} / ${
            this.hsp.sframe > 0 ? "+" : "-"
      case "blastx":
        line.push(`, Query Frame: ${this.hsp.qframe}`);
      case "tblastn":
        line.push(`, Hit Frame: ${this.hsp.sframe}`);

    return line;

   * Returns array of pre tags containing the three query, middle, and subject
   * lines that together comprise one 'rendered line' of HSP.
  hspLines() {
    // Space reserved for showing coordinates
    var width = this.width();

    // Number of residues we can draw per line is the total number of
    // characters we can have in a line minus space required to show left
    // and right coordinates minus 10 characters reserved for displaying
    // the words Query, Subject and three blank spaces per line.
    var chars = this.chars - 2 * width - 10;

    // Number of lines of pairwise-alignment (i.e., each line consists of 3
    // lines). We draw as many pre tags.
    var lines = Math.ceil(this.hsp.length / chars);

    var pp = [];
    var nqseq = this.nqseq();
    var nsseq = this.nsseq();
    for (let i = 1; i <= lines; i++) {
      let seq_start_index = chars * (i - 1);
      let seq_stop_index = seq_start_index + chars;

      let lqstart = nqseq;
      let lqseq = this.hsp.qseq.slice(seq_start_index, seq_stop_index);
      let lqend =
        nqseq +
        (lqseq.length - lqseq.split("-").length) *
          this.qframe_unit() *
      nqseq = lqend + this.qframe_unit() * this.qframe_sign();

      let lmseq = this.hsp.midline.slice(seq_start_index, seq_stop_index);

      let lsstart = nsseq;
      let lsseq = this.hsp.sseq.slice(seq_start_index, seq_stop_index);
      let lsend =
        nsseq +
        (lsseq.length - lsseq.split("-").length) *
          this.sframe_unit() *
      nsseq = lsend + this.sframe_unit() * this.sframe_sign();

        <pre key={this.hsp.number + "," + i} className="pre-reset hsp-lines">
          <span className="hsp-coords">
            {`Query   ${this.formatCoords(lqstart, width)} `}
          <span className="hsp-coords">{` ${lqend}`}</span>
          <br />
          <span className="hsp-coords">
            {`${this.formatCoords("", width + 8)} `}
          <br />
          <span className="hsp-coords">
            {`Subject ${this.formatCoords(lsstart, width)} `}
          <span className="hsp-coords">{` ${lsend}`}</span>
          <br />

    return pp;

  // Width of the coordinate part of hsp lines. Essentially the length of
  // the largest coordinate.
  width() {
    return _.max(
        [this.hsp.qstart, this.hsp.qend, this.hsp.sstart, this.hsp.send],
        (n) => {
          return n.toString().length;

  // Alignment start coordinate for query sequence.
  // This will be qstart or qend depending on the direction in which the
  // (translated) query sequence aligned.
  nqseq() {
    switch (this.props.algorithm) {
      case "blastp":
      case "blastx":
      case "tblastn":
      case "tblastx":
        return this.hsp.qframe >= 0 ? this.hsp.qstart : this.hsp.qend;
      case "blastn":
        // BLASTN is a bit weird in that, no matter which direction the query
        // sequence aligned in, qstart is taken as alignment start coordinate
        // for query.
        return this.hsp.qstart;

  // Alignment start coordinate for subject sequence.
  // This will be sstart or send depending on the direction in which the
  // (translated) subject sequence aligned.
  nsseq() {
    switch (this.props.algorithm) {
      case "blastp":
      case "blastx":
      case "tblastn":
      case "tblastx":
        return this.hsp.sframe >= 0 ? this.hsp.sstart : this.hsp.send;
      case "blastn":
        // BLASTN is a bit weird in that, no matter which direction the
        // subject sequence aligned in, sstart is taken as alignment
        // start coordinate for subject.
        return this.hsp.sstart;

  // Jump in query coordinate.
  // Roughly,
  //   qend = qstart + n * qframe_unit
  // This will be 1 or 3 depending on whether the query sequence was
  // translated or not.
  qframe_unit() {
    switch (this.props.algorithm) {
      case "blastp":
      case "blastn":
      case "tblastn":
        return 1;
      case "blastx":
      // _Translated_ nucleotide query against protein database.
      case "tblastx":
        // _Translated_ nucleotide query against translated
        // nucleotide database.
        return 3;

  // Jump in subject coordinate.
  // Roughly,
  //   send = sstart + n * sframe_unit
  // This will be 1 or 3 depending on whether the subject sequence was
  // translated or not.
  sframe_unit() {
    switch (this.props.algorithm) {
      case "blastp":
      case "blastx":
      case "blastn":
        return 1;
      case "tblastn":
        // Protein query against _translated_ nucleotide database.
        return 3;
      case "tblastx":
        // Translated nucleotide query against _translated_
        // nucleotide database.
        return 3;

  // If we should add or subtract qframe_unit from qstart to arrive at qend.
  // Roughly,
  //   qend = qstart + (qframe_sign) * n * qframe_unit
  // This will be +1 or -1, depending on the direction in which the
  // (translated) query sequence aligned.
  qframe_sign() {
    return this.hsp.qframe >= 0 ? 1 : -1;

  // If we should add or subtract sframe_unit from sstart to arrive at send.
  // Roughly,
  //   send = sstart + (sframe_sign) * n * sframe_unit
  // This will be +1 or -1, depending on the direction in which the
  // (translated) subject sequence aligned.
  sframe_sign() {
    return this.hsp.sframe >= 0 ? 1 : -1;

   * Pad given coord with ' ' till its length == width. Returns undefined if
   * width is not supplied.
  formatCoords(coord, width) {
    if (width) {
      let padding = width - coord.toString().length;
      return Array(padding + 1)
        .join(" ")

  spanCoords(text) {
    return <span className="hsp-coords">{text}</span>;

// Redraw if window resized.
  _.debounce(function () {
    _.each(HSPComponents, (comp) => {
  }, 100)