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import d3 from 'd3';
import _ from 'underscore';
import Grapher from 'grapher';
import * as Helpers from './visualisation_helpers';

 * Renders Kablammo visualization
 * JSON received from server side is modified as JSON expected by kablammo's
 * graph.js.  All the relevant information including a SVG container where
 * visual needs to be rendered, is delegated to graph.js. graph.js renders
 * kablammo visualization and has all event handlers for events performed on
 * the visual.
 * Event handlers related to downloading and viewing of alignments and images
 * have been extracted from grapher.js and interface.js and directly included
 * here.

class Graph {
    static canCollapse() {
        return true;

    static name() {
        return 'Graphical overview of aligning region(s)';

    static className() {
        return 'kablammo';

    static graphId(props) {
        return 'kablammo_'+props.query.number+'_'+props.hit.number;

    static dataName(props) {
        return 'Kablammo-'+props.query.id+'-'+props.hit.id;

    constructor($svgContainer, props) {
        this._zoom_scale_by = 1.4;
        this._padding_x = 12;
        this._padding_y = 50;

        this._canvas_height = $svgContainer.height();
        this._canvas_width = $svgContainer.width();

        this._results = Helpers.get_seq_type(props.algorithm);
        this._query_id = props.query.id;
        this._subject_id = props.hit.id;
        this._query_length = props.query.length;
        this._subject_length = props.hit.length;
        this._show_numbers = props.showHSPCrumbs;
        // this._hsps = this.toKablammo(props.hit.hsps, props.query);
        this._hsps = props.hit.hsps;
        this._maxBitScore = props.query.hits[0].hsps[0].bit_score;

        this.svgContainer_d3 = d3.select($svgContainer[0]);
        this._svg = {};

        this._svg.jq = $(this._svg.raw);

        this._scales = this._create_scales();
        this.use_complement_coords = false;
        this._axis_ticks = 10;


    bindHoverHandler ($svgContainer) {
        // Raise polygon on hover.
            function () {
                var $g = $(this).parent();

    _initiate() {
        this._svg.d3 =
          this.svgContainer_d3.insert('svg', ':first-child')
              .attr('height', this._canvas_height)
              .attr('width', this._canvas_width);
        this._svg.raw = this._svg.d3[0][0];

    _rotate_axis_labels(text, text_anchor, dx, dy) {
        text.style('text-anchor', text_anchor)
            .attr('x', dx)
            .attr('y', dy)
        // When axis orientation is "bottom", d3 automataically applies a 0.71em
        // dy offset to labels. As Inkscape does not seem to properly interpret
        // such values, force them to be zero. When calling this function, then,
        // you must compensate by adding 0.71em worth of offset to the dy value
        // you provide.
            .attr('dx', 0)
            .attr('dy', 0)
            .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)');

    _create_axis(scale, orientation, height, text_anchor, dx, dy, seq_type) {
        var formatter = Helpers.tick_formatter(scale, seq_type);
        var tvalues = scale.ticks();
        var axis = d3.svg.axis()

        var container = this._svg.d3.append('g')
            .attr('class', 'axis')
            .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')
        this._rotate_axis_labels(container.selectAll('text'), text_anchor, dx, dy);
        return container;

    _is_domain_within_orig(original_domain, new_domain) {
        return original_domain[0] <= new_domain[0] && original_domain[1] >= new_domain[1];

    _zoom_scale(scale, original_domain, zoom_from, scale_by) {
        var l = scale.domain()[0];
        var r = scale.domain()[1];

        l = zoom_from - (zoom_from - l) / scale_by;
        r = zoom_from + (r - zoom_from) / scale_by;

        l = Math.round(l);
        r = Math.round(r);
        if(r - l < this._axis_ticks)

        var new_domain = [l, r];
        if(this._is_domain_within_orig(original_domain, new_domain))

    _pan_scale(existing_scale, original_domain, delta) {
        var scale = (existing_scale.domain()[1] - existing_scale.domain()[0]) / (existing_scale.range()[1] - existing_scale.range()[0]);
        var scaled_delta = -delta * scale;

        var domain = existing_scale.domain();
        var l = domain[0] + scaled_delta;
        var r = domain[1] + scaled_delta;
        var new_domain = [l, r];

        if(this._is_domain_within_orig(original_domain, new_domain))

    _render_polygons() {
        var self = this;

        // Remove all existing child elements.

        this._polygons = this._svg.d3.selectAll('polygon')

            .attr('class', 'hit')
            .attr('fill', function(hsp) {
                return self.determine_colour(hsp.bit_score / self._maxBitScore);
            }).attr('points', function(hsp) {
                // We create query_x_points such that the 0th element will *always* be
                // on the left of the 1st element, regardless of whether the axis is
                // drawn normally (i.e., ltr) or reversed (i.e., rtl). We do the same
                // for subject_x_points. As our parsing code guarantees start < end, we
                // decide on this ordering based on the reading frame, because it
                // determines whether our axis will be reversed or not.
                var query_x_points = [self._scales.query.scale(hsp.qstart), self._scales.query.scale(hsp.qend)];
                var subject_x_points = [self._scales.subject.scale(hsp.sstart), self._scales.subject.scale(hsp.send)];

                // Axis will be rendered with 5' end on right and 3' end on left, so we
                // must reverse the order of vertices for the polygon we will render to
                // prevent the polygon from "crossing over" itself.
                if(!self.use_complement_coords) {
                    if(hsp.qframe < 0)
                    if(hsp.sframe < 0)

                var points = [
                    [query_x_points[0],   self._scales.query.height   + 1],
                    [subject_x_points[0], self._scales.subject.height - 1],
                    [subject_x_points[1], self._scales.subject.height - 1],
                    [query_x_points[1],   self._scales.query.height   + 1],

                return points.map(function(point) {
                    return point[0] + ',' + point[1];
                }).join(' ');

        if (self._show_numbers) {
                .attr('x', function(hsp) {
                    var query_x_points = [self._scales.query.scale(hsp.qstart), self._scales.query.scale(hsp.qend)];
                    var subject_x_points = [self._scales.subject.scale(hsp.sstart), self._scales.subject.scale(hsp.send)];
                    var middle1 = (query_x_points[0] + subject_x_points[0]) * 0.5;
                    var middle2 = (query_x_points[1] + subject_x_points[1]) * 0.5;
                    return (middle2 + middle1) * 0.5;
                .attr('y', function(hsp) {
                    var a = self._scales.query.height;
                    var b = self._scales.subject.height;
                    var middle = ( b - a ) / 2;
                    return a + middle + 2; // for font-height 10px
                .text(function(hsp) {
                    return Helpers.toLetters(hsp.number);


    _overlaps(s1, e1, s2, e2) {
        return Math.min(e1, e2) > Math.max(s1, s2);

    _rects_overlap(rect1, rect2, padding) {
        padding = padding || 0;

        return this._overlaps(
            rect1.left - padding,
            rect1.right + padding,
        ) && this._overlaps(
            rect1.top - padding,
            rect1.bottom + padding,

    _render_axes() {
        var query_axis = this._create_axis(this._scales.query.scale,   'top',
            this._scales.query.height,   'start', '9px', '2px',
        var subject_axis = this._create_axis(this._scales.subject.scale, 'bottom',
            this._scales.subject.height, 'end',   '-11px',  '3px',

    _render_graph() {

    _find_nearest_scale(point) {
        var nearest = null;
        var smallest_distance = Number.MAX_VALUE;

        var self = this;
        Object.keys(this._scales).forEach(function(scale_name) {
            var scale        = self._scales[scale_name].scale;
            var scale_height = self._scales[scale_name].height;

            var delta = Math.abs(scale_height - point[1]);
            if(delta < smallest_distance) {
                nearest = scale;
                smallest_distance = delta;

        return nearest;

    _create_scales() {
        var query_range   = [this._padding_x, this._canvas_width - this._padding_x];
        var subject_range = [this._padding_x, this._canvas_width - this._padding_x];

        // If we wish to show the HSPs relative to the original (input or DB)
        // sequence rather than its complement (i.e., use_complement_coords = false),
        // even when the HSPs lie on the complement, then we must display the axis
        // with its 5' end on the right and 3' end on the left. In this case, you can
        // imagine the invisible complementary strand (with its 5' end on left and 3'
        // end on right) floating above the rendered original strand, with the hits
        // actually falling on the complementary strand.
        // If we show the HSPs relative to the complementary strand (i.e.,
        // use_complement_coords = true), then we *always* wish to show the axis with
        // its 5' end on the left and 3' end on the right.
        // Regardless of whether this value is true or falase, the rendered polygons
        // will be precisely the same (meaning down to the pixel -- they will be
        // *identical*). Only the direction of the axis, and the coordinates of
        // points falling along it, change.
        if(!this.use_complement_coords) {
            if(this._hsps[0].qframe < 0)
            if(this._hsps[0].sframe < 0)

        var query_scale = d3.scale.linear()
            .domain([1, this._query_length])
        var subject_scale = d3.scale.linear()
            .domain([1, this._subject_length])
        query_scale.original_domain = query_scale.domain();
        subject_scale.original_domain = subject_scale.domain();

        var query_height = this._padding_y;
        var subject_height = this._canvas_height - this._padding_y;

        var scales = {
            subject: { height: subject_height, scale: subject_scale },
            query:   { height: query_height,   scale: query_scale   },
        return scales;

    _rgba_to_rgb(rgba, matte_rgb) {
        // Algorithm taken from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2049362/1691611.
        var normalize = function (colour) {
            return colour.map(function (channel) { return channel / 255; });

        var denormalize = function (colour) {
            return colour.map(function (channel) { return Math.round(Math.min(255, channel * 255)); });

        var norm = normalize(rgba.slice(0, 3));
        matte_rgb = normalize(matte_rgb);
        var alpha = rgba[3] / 255;

        var rgb = [
            (alpha * norm[0]) + (1 - alpha) * matte_rgb[0],
            (alpha * norm[1]) + (1 - alpha) * matte_rgb[1],
            (alpha * norm[2]) + (1 - alpha) * matte_rgb[2],

        return denormalize(rgb);

   * Determines colour of a hsp based on normalized bit-score.
   * Taken from grapher.js
    determine_colour(level) {
        var graph_colour = { r: 199, g: 79, b: 20 };
        var matte_colour = { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 };
        var min_opacity = 0.3;
        var opacity = ((1 - min_opacity) * level) + min_opacity;
        var rgb = this._rgba_to_rgb([
            255 * opacity
        ], [
        return 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')';

var Kablammo = Grapher(Graph);
export default Kablammo;