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import React from 'react';

var Utils = {
     * Formatters for hits & hsp table *

    // Formats an array of two elements as "first (last)".
    format_2_tuple: function (tuple) {
        return (tuple[0] + ' (' + tuple[tuple.length - 1] + ')');

     * Returns fraction as percentage
    inPercentage: function (num, den) {
        var x = (num * 100.0 / den).toFixed(1);
        if (x % 1 == 0) {
            x = parseInt(x, 10);
            return `${x}%`;
        else {
            return `${x}%`;

     * Returns fractional representation as String.
    inFraction: function (num , den) {
        return num + '/' + den;

     * Returns given Float as String formatted to two decimal places.
    inTwoDecimal: function (num) {
        return num.toFixed(2);

     * Returns zero if num is zero. Returns two decimal representation of num
     * if num is between [1..10). Returns num in scientific notation otherwise.
    inExponential: function (num) {
        // Nothing to do if num is 0.
        if (num === 0) {
            return 0;

        // Round to two decimal places if in the rane [1..10).
        if (num >= 1 && num < 10)
            return this.inTwoDecimal(num);

        // Return numbers in the range [0..1) and [10..Inf] in
        // scientific format.
        var exp = num.toExponential(2);
        var parts = exp.split('e');
        var base  = parts[0];
        var power = parts[1];
        return <span>{base}&times;10<sup>{power}</sup></span>;

export default Utils;