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Test Coverage
 * Altsys library (UI-Components) for D3 modules
 * Alternative preferences
 * @package    Altsys
 * @version    XCL 2.3.3
 * @author     Other authors gigamaster, 2020 XCL/PHP7
 * @author     Gijoe (Peak)
 * @copyright  (c) 2005-2023 Authors
 * @license    GPL v2.0

require_once __DIR__ . '/class/AltsysBreadcrumbs.class.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/gtickets.php';
include_once __DIR__ . '/include/altsys_functions.php';

// check access right (needs module_admin of this module)
if ( ! is_object( $xoopsUser ) || ! is_object( $xoopsModule ) || ! $xoopsUser->isAdmin( $xoopsModule->mid() ) ) {
    die( 'Access Denied' );

// initials
$db =& XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();
( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

// language file
altsys_include_language_file( 'mypreferences' );

$op = empty( $_GET['op'] ) ? 'showmod' : preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '', $_GET['op'] );

if ( 'showmod' == $op ) {
    $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'config' );
    $mod            = $xoopsModule->mid();
    $config         =& $config_handler->getConfigs( new Criteria( 'conf_modid', $mod ) );
    $count          = count( $config );
    if ( $count < 1 ) {
        die( 'no configs' );
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopsformloader.php';

    // Form Preferences
    $form           = new XoopsThemeForm( _MD_A_MYPREFERENCES_FORMTITLE, 'pref_form', 'index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mypreferences&op=save' );
    $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
    $module         =& $module_handler->get( $mod );

    // language
    $language = empty( $xoopsConfig['language'] ) ? 'english' : $xoopsConfig['language'];

    // load modinfo.php if necessary (when a specific constant is defined)
    if ( ! defined( '_MYMENU_CONSTANT_IN_MODINFO' ) || ! defined( _MYMENU_CONSTANT_IN_MODINFO ) ) {
        if ( file_exists( "$mydirpath/language/$language/modinfo.php" ) ) {
            // user customized language file
            include_once "$mydirpath/language/$language/modinfo.php";
        } elseif ( file_exists( "$mytrustdirpath/language/$language/modinfo.php" ) ) {
            // default language file
            include_once "$mytrustdirpath/language/$language/modinfo.php";
        } else {
            // fallback english
            include_once "$mytrustdirpath/language/english/modinfo.php";

    // if it has comments feature, include comment lang file
    if ( 1 == $module->getVar( 'hascomments' ) && ! defined( '_CM_TITLE' ) ) {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/comment.php';

    // if it has notification feature, include notification lang file
    if ( 1 == $module->getVar( 'hasnotification' ) && ! defined( '_NOT_NOTIFICATIONOPTIONS' ) ) {
        include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/language/' . $xoopsConfig['language'] . '/notification.php';

    $modname     = $module->getVar( 'name' );
    $button_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray( '' );
    // if ($module->getInfo('adminindex')) {
    //    $form->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('redirect', XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$module->getVar('dirname').'/'.$module->getInfo('adminindex')));
    // }
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
        $title_icon = ( 'encrypt' === $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_valuetype' ) ) ? '<img src="' . XOOPS_MODULE_URL . '/legacy/admin/theme/icons/textfield_key.png" alt="Encrypted">' : ''; // support XCL 2.2.3 'encrypt' of 'conf_valuetype'
        $title4tray = ( ! defined( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_desc' ) ) || '' == constant( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_desc' ) ) ) ? ( constant( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_title' ) ) . $title_icon ) : ( constant( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_title' ) ) . $title_icon . '<br><br><span style="font-weight:normal;">' . constant( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_desc' ) ) . '</span>' ); // GIJ
        $title      = ''; // GIJ
        switch ( $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_formtype' ) ) {
            case 'textarea':
                ( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
                if ( 'array' == $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_valuetype' ) ) {
                    // this is exceptional. only when value type is array need a smarter way for this
                    $ele = ( '' != $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_value' ) ) ? new XoopsFormTextArea( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $myts->htmlspecialchars( implode( '|', $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() ) ), 5, 50 ) : new XoopsFormTextArea( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), '', 5, 50 );
                } else {
                    $ele = new XoopsFormTextArea( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $myts->htmlspecialchars( $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() ), 5, 50 );
            case 'select':
            case 'radio':
                if ( 'select' == $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_formtype' ) ) {
                    $ele   = new XoopsFormSelect( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() );
                    $addBr = '';
                } else {
                    $ele   = new XoopsFormRadio( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() );
                    $addBr = '<br>';
                $options =& $config_handler->getConfigOptions( new Criteria( 'conf_id', $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_id' ) ) );
                $opcount = count( $options );
                for ( $j = 0; $j < $opcount; $j ++ ) {
                    $optval = defined( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' ) ) ? constant( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' ) ) : $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' );
                    $optkey = defined( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' ) ) ? constant( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' ) ) : $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' );
                    $ele->addOption( $optval, $optkey . $addBr );
            case 'select_multi':
            case 'checkbox':
                if ( 'select_multi' === $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_formtype' ) ) {
                    $ele   = new XoopsFormSelect( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true );
                    $addBr = '';
                } else {
                    $ele   = new XoopsFormCheckBox( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() );
                    $addBr = '<br>';
                $options =& $config_handler->getConfigOptions( new Criteria( 'conf_id', $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_id' ) ) );
                $opcount = count( $options );
                for ( $j = 0; $j < $opcount; $j ++ ) {
                    $optval = defined( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' ) ) ? constant( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' ) ) : $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_value' );
                    $optkey = defined( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' ) ) ? constant( $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' ) ) : $options[ $j ]->getVar( 'confop_name' );

                    $ele->addOption( $optval, $optkey . $addBr );
            case 'yesno':
                $ele = new XoopsFormRadioYN( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), _YES, _NO );
            case 'group':
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopslists.php';
                $ele = new XoopsFormSelectGroup( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), false, $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), 1, false );
            case 'group_multi':
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopslists.php';
                $ele = new XoopsFormSelectGroup( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), false, $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true );
            case 'group_checkbox':
                include_once __DIR__ . '/include/formcheckboxgroup.php';
                $ele = new AltsysFormCheckboxGroup( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), false, $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() );
            // RMV-NOTIFY: added 'user' and 'user_multi'
            case 'user':
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopslists.php';
                $ele = new XoopsFormSelectUser( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), false, $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), 1, false );
            case 'user_multi':
                include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/xoopslists.php';
                $ele = new XoopsFormSelectUser( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), false, $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput(), 5, true );
            case 'password':
                ( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
                $ele = new XoopsFormPassword( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), 50, 191, $myts->htmlspecialchars( $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() ) );
            case 'textbox':
                ( method_exists( 'MyTextSanitizer', 'sGetInstance' ) and $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::sGetInstance() ) || $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
                $ele = new XoopsFormText( $title, $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_name' ), 50, 191, $myts->htmlspecialchars( $config[ $i ]->getConfValueForOutput() ) );
        $hidden   = new XoopsFormHidden( 'conf_ids[]', $config[ $i ]->getVar( 'conf_id' ) );
        $ele_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray( $title4tray, '' );
        $ele_tray->addElement( $ele );
        $ele_tray->addElement( $hidden );
        $form->addElement( $ele_tray );
        unset( $ele_tray, $ele, $hidden );

    $xoopsGTicket->addTicketXoopsFormElement( $button_tray, __LINE__, 1800, 'mypreferences' );

    $button = new XoopsFormButton( '', 'button', _GO, 'submit' );
    $button_tray->addElement( $button );

    $form->addElement( $button_tray );

    // MyMenu
    $breadcrumbsObj = AltsysBreadcrumbs::getInstance();
    if ( $breadcrumbsObj->hasPaths() ) {
        $breadcrumbsObj->appendPath( XOOPS_URL . '/modules/altsys/admin/index.php?mode=admin&amp;lib=altsys&amp;page=mypreferences', _PREFERENCES );

    // Heading Title
    // Module Name
    echo "<h3>" . $module->getvar( 'name' ) . ' &nbsp; ' . _PREFERENCES . "</h3>\n";



if ( $op == 'save' ) {

    if ( ! $xoopsGTicket->check( true, 'mypreferences' ) ) {
        redirect_header( XOOPS_URL . '/', 3, $xoopsGTicket->getErrors() );
    require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';
    $xoopsTpl = new XoopsTpl();
    //HACK by domifara for new XOOPS and XCL etc.
    //old xoops
    //!TODO XCL version
    $core_type = (int) altsys_get_core_type();
    if ( $core_type <= 10 ) {
        // regenerate admin menu file
        xoops_module_write_admin_menu( xoops_module_get_admin_menu() );
    if ( ! empty( $_POST['conf_ids'] ) ) {
        $conf_ids = $_POST['conf_ids'];
    $count            = count( $conf_ids );
    $tpl_updated      = false;
    $theme_updated    = false;
    $startmod_updated = false;
    $lang_updated     = false;
    if ( $count > 0 ) {
        for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
            $config    =& $config_handler->getConfig( $conf_ids[ $i ] );
            $new_value =& $_POST[ $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) ];
            if ( is_array( $new_value ) || $new_value != $config->getVar( 'conf_value' ) ) {
                // if language has been changed
                if ( ! $lang_updated && $config->getVar( 'conf_catid' ) == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) == 'language' ) {
                    // regenerate admin menu file
                    $xoopsConfig['language'] = $_POST[ $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) ];
                    xoops_module_write_admin_menu( xoops_module_get_admin_menu() );
                    $lang_updated = true;

                // if default theme has been changed
                if ( ! $theme_updated && $config->getVar( 'conf_catid' ) == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) == 'theme_set' ) {
                    $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'member' );
                    $member_handler->updateUsersByField( 'theme', $_POST[ $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) ] );
                    $theme_updated = true;

                // if default template set has been changed
                if ( ! $tpl_updated && $config->getVar( 'conf_catid' ) == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) == 'template_set' ) {
                    // clear cached/compiled files and regenerate them if default theme has been changed
                    if ( $xoopsConfig['template_set'] != $_POST[ $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) ] ) {
                        $newtplset = $_POST[ $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) ];

                        // clear all compiled and cached files

                        // generate compiled files for the new theme
                        // block files only for now..
                        $tplfile_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'tplfile' );
                        $dtemplates      =& $tplfile_handler->find( 'default', 'block' );
                        $dcount          = count( $dtemplates );

                        // need to do this to pass to xoops_template_touch function
                        $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['template_set'] = $newtplset;


                        // generate image cache files from image binary data, save them under cache/
                        $image_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'imagesetimg' );
                        $imagefiles    =& $image_handler->getObjects( new Criteria( 'tplset_name', $newtplset ), true );
                        foreach ( array_keys( $imagefiles ) as $i ) {
                            if ( ! $fp = fopen( XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/' . $newtplset . '_' . $imagefiles[ $i ]->getVar( 'imgsetimg_file' ), 'wb' ) ) {
                                // gen
                            } else {
                                fwrite( $fp, $imagefiles[ $i ]->getVar( 'imgsetimg_body' ) );
                                fclose( $fp );
                    $tpl_updated = true;

                // add read permission for the start module to all groups
                if ( ! $startmod_updated && $new_value != '--' && $config->getVar( 'conf_catid' ) == XOOPS_CONF && $config->getVar( 'conf_name' ) == 'startpage' ) {
                    $member_handler     =& xoops_gethandler( 'member' );
                    $groups             =& $member_handler->getGroupList();
                    $moduleperm_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' );
                    $module_handler     =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' );
                    $module             =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $new_value );
                    foreach ( $groups as $groupid => $groupname ) {
                        if ( ! $moduleperm_handler->checkRight( 'module_read', $module->getVar( 'mid' ), $groupid ) ) {
                            $moduleperm_handler->addRight( 'module_read', $module->getVar( 'mid' ), $groupid );
                    $startmod_updated = true;

                $config->setConfValueForInput( $new_value );
                $config_handler->insertConfig( $config );
            unset( $new_value );

    redirect_header( 'index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mypreferences', 2, _MD_A_MYPREFERENCES_UPDATED );